Based on the Wikipedia:Miscellany_for_deletion/Archived_debates with non Portals discussions removed. The archiving bot seems to miss some discussions, but none have been intentionally omitted. Newer dates may have additional discussions added to them as archiving happens. Date is of the nomination, not the close, so yet to be closed discussions are not here. Archiving foes not note multiple portal discussions, so please adjust if you find one not noted.

Updated with everything archived to April 9. These discussions started prior to April 1 remain to be closed. Once closed they need to be added in the correct spots.

  1. Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Nudity
  2. Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Adele
  3. Wikipedia:Miscellany for deletion/Portal:Sexual fetishism


  1. Portal:Nashville Predators 3 portals
  2. University of X at Y many pages
  3. Random Small City Portals bundle
  4. Fruit Portals 5 pages

April 8, 2019


April 7, 2019


April 3, 2019


April 2, 2019


April 1, 2019


March 30, 2019


March 29, 2019


March 28, 2019


March 27, 2019


March 26, 2019


March 25, 2019


March 24, 2019


March 23, 2019


March 22, 2019


March 21, 2019


March 20, 2019


March 19, 2019


March 18, 2019


March 17, 2019


March 16, 2019


March 15, 2019


March 12, 2019


March 11, 2019


March 10, 2019


March 9, 2019


March 8, 2019


March 4, 2019


March 3, 2019


March 2, 2019


March 1, 2019


February 27, 2019


February 26, 2019


February 24, 2019
