Bilabial trill
IPA number121
Entity (decimal)ʙ
Unicode (hex)U+0299


The voiced bilabial trill is a consonant. It is used in some spoken languages. The letter for this sound in the International Phonetic Alphabet is ⟨ʙ⟩. The X-SAMPA symbol for this sound is B\.

In many of the languages that contain the voiced bilabial trill, it only occurs as part of a prenasalised bilabial stop with trilled release, [mbʙ]. This developed historically from a prenasalized stop before a relatively high back vowel, such as [mbu]. In such instances, these sounds are usually still limited to the environment of a following [u].


Features of the bilabial trill:


Language Word IPA Meaning Notes
Kele[1] [ᵐʙulim] 'face'
Kom [ʙ̥ɨmɨ] 'to believe'
Pirahã kaoáíbogi [kàò̯áí̯ʙòˈɡì] 'evil spirit' allophone of /b/ before /o/
Titan[1] [ᵐʙutukei] 'wooden plate'
Ubykh[1] [t͡ʙ̥aχəbza] 'Ubykh language' allophone of /tʷ/.See Ubykh phonology.
Unua[2] [ᵐʙue] 'pig'
Wari’ [t͡ʙ̥ot͡ʙ̥oweʔ] 'chicken'


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ladefoged, Peter (2005). Vowels and Consonants (Second ed.). Blackwell. p. 165. ISBN 9781405124591.
  2. Dimock, Laura (2005). "The Bilabial Trill in Unua" (PDF). Wellington Working Papers in Linguistics. 17: 19. ISSN 1170-1978. Retrieved 21 Nov 2011.