
Regular userboxes

What to type What it creates
((User:Liam987/user likes userboxes))
This user likes userboxes.
((User:Liam987/user likes userboxes|yellow|green|border size=3|love))
This user loves userboxes.
((User:Liam987/user hates userboxes|yellow|italic))
This user hates userboxes.

Earth userbox



This user used to live on Earth, but didn't like it much, so he left.



This user used to live on Earth, but didn't like it much, so he left.

Barcelona userbox

Code Result
This user lives in Barcelona, Spain, and so can contribute with a high degree of accuracy to Barcelona-related articles.



This user thinks that Barcelona is a great city!

Stub userbox

Stub userbox

((User:Liam987/stub)) Note: Place this at the bottom of the page. Your username will be shown in the following, not mine. Adding|type=2 to the transclusion will change article about [your username] to [your username]-related article.