Some questions / clarification needed?

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The policy allows global rollbackers to use rollback „provided they abide by our rules“ while it does not allow stewards to use their permissions if they do not hold a local right.

I used to be a global rollbacker, but the flag got removed due to being redundant to my new steward permissions [1]. Does that mean I'm no longer allowed to use rollback on simplewiki? For that purpose en:Wikipedia:Global rights policy specifically mentions that stewards are allowed to use rollback.

What about „passive“ permissions? I used to be a global abuse filter helper, granting me the ability to see private filters. The policy doesn't mention this user group, but now that this permission is included in my steward permissions, am I no longer allowed to look at private filters / private filter logs at simplewiki due to not having the necessary local permissions?

Similarly I noticed that en:Wikipedia:Global rights policy mentions the use of Special:Undelete to view deleted revisions while carrying out steward duties (e.g. while checking if a global lock request at meta:SRG is valid), which seems to be forbidden at simplewiki, if we take „Any steward who does not hold a local right may not use their steward rights...“ literally?

Pinging @Vermont as a simplewiki Steward, perhaps you can answer some of my questions? :) Best regards --Johannnes89 (talk) 09:56, 1 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The policy was mostly written in 2011 and not really updated since so likely could use some updating for permissions that are newer than this was written. But the general spirit of the policy is that if there is a local user that can do said action a Steward should not do it except in the circumstances mentioned in the policy such as heavy vandalism. That being said I don't think anyone would bat an eye if a steward used rollback on this wiki. But to be on the safe side I will grant you rollback anyway as you are clearly a trusted user. As for things like checking on global lock requests I don't think there is an issue with that. As mentioned when this was written I believe it was at a time when it was really only things like blocking or deleting pages that were thought about and the community did not want stewards to come and do those actions if there were admins around. I don't think the more passive things that have come around since have ever been considered but I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do them as they are part of performing an action us local admins cannot do (ie global locking etc) -Djsasso (talk) 12:30, 22 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for your answer (and for granting me rollback)! I already assumed this policy mainly had admins actions like block/delete/protect in mind (my homewiki also doesn't want Stewards to use these), especially as the use of „passive“ permissions (e.g. viewing private abuse filter logs or deleted revisions while fighting spambots) cannot be tracked anyway, but nevertheless wanted to make sure the use of such passive permissions is fine with your community. Have a nice day :) --Johannnes89 (talk) 13:48, 22 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]