The Simple News
The Simple News

Hello again for another exciting QandA column! This time I interview Shapiros10! Let's see how he gets on...

  1. Hello Shapiros10, let's just start off with asking who you are, where you are from, and what you do (work wise/school):
    • Hello, I'm Sam, from Connecticut, and I'm still in school.
  2. What got you involved in editing Wikipedia?
    • It was a rainy Saturday at the end of 2007, and I saw a band I liked had an upcoming album that was a redlink.
  3. Is there anything you are particularly proud of doing in Wikipedia?
    • Reverting vandalism, tagging for QDs and making lots of minor corrections to music-related articles.
  4. Anything you don't like?
    • My user talk namespace count is a little too high for my liking, I'm a bit chatty. :)
  5. What are your future ambitions for WP?
    • To serve the 'Pedia the best I can.

Look out for other QandA interviews in the future! If you want to take part, message me on my talk page!

Kennedy (talk) 20:46, 18 December 2008 (UTC)[reply]