Oversight or suppression refer to hiding revisions, user names in edit histories and logs, or portions of individual log entries. This access is available to oversighters (those in the 'oversight' or 'stewards' user groups). Oversighted data can only be viewed and restored by oversighters.

The meta description is at m:oversight.

The requirement is 70-80% support and 25-30 editors supporting.

This page is where the community is made known of a candidates intent (or purpose) to run for the election. There is no voting yet, this will be done on another page, at a later time.


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NonvocalScream (talkchangese-mailblocksprotectionsdeletionsmovesright changes)


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Candidate Statement: I would like to volunteer with Simple Wikipedia in this way. I believe that I am trustworthy enough to not reveal any nonpublic information, as evidenced by my membership with the foundation otrs. I am also a member of the administrators group here on Simple Wikipedia, thus evidenced my local trust here. I am above the age of 18, and am listed on the foundation identity noticeboard. I understand the oversight policy and will not act outside that policy. I am available mostly for the answering of oversight requests, so I am active in that regard. NonvocalScream (talk) 17:52, 26 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Q: What experience do you have in identification-restricted roles? How would you decide whether something should be oversighted, as supposed to deleted? MC8 (b · t) 17:55, Sunday July 26 2009 (UTC)

A:I currently approve comments for the Wikimedia Blog as an identification restricted role. IP addresses of posters are logged there, so these can not be disclosed. Also, information can be oversighted when:
  • Non public personal info has been posted, where the subject did not make that info available;
  • Potential libel, where the WMF attorney requested there removal, or when the subject asks, and the case is clear... and there is no editorial reason to keep;
  • When the WMF attorney asks us to remove copyright violations.
  • The rest can be deleted in accordance with local policy and practice.
Best, NonvocalScream (talk) 18:07, 26 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Q In light of your recent declaration of a wikibreak, do you still intend to pursue this role? –Juliancolton | Talk 04:13, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A Work has me for about 48 hours... Hopefully shorter. This won't be a long break, but I won't be available for that time. NonvocalScream (talk) 04:16, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Alright, thanks for the explanation. –Juliancolton | Talk 04:58, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Barras (talkchangese-mailblocksprotectionsdeletionsmovesright changes)


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Candidate Statement: Hi! I'm Barras, and I've been an administrator on the Simple English Wikipedia for close to four months. I’m a very active user here on simple. My main work here on simple is to help with vandal fighting, because this is very easy. I have requested several oversight actions here on simple, which were done by a steward. I’ve also got some experience in what needs an oversight action and what not, because I have requested on the German Wikipedia several oversight actions and talked to one of the oversighters, who explained some things to me.

Even though I am not a native speaker of English, I try to do my best and help with article creations and on proposals for very good articles and proposals for good articles. I’ve already written five good articles. I try to help in all areas of this wiki. I participate in discussions and voice my opinion there, even if my English is sometimes not the best.

I know that I am a person with some different points of view and disagree often with other users.

Well, I think I would be a good choice for an oversighter because I am often around on-wiki and also available on IRC. The extra tools would be very helpful for me, because I often help with the recent changes. With the tool I could handle edits which need oversight action very quickly.

If I get elected by our community, I would post my e-mail address on my userpage, to be available (and not only per Wikipedia-mail) to all users.

Further more, I’ve no problems to identify myself to the Wikimedia Foundation.

I hope I can be trusted with the tools. If not, it isn’t the end of the world for me. Regardless of whether or not I am elected, how I help on this wiki will not change.

Thank you for your time! Best --Barras (talk) 18:13, 26 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Q: What experience do you have that would make you a stand-out candidate for this role? The Rambling Man (talk) 18:14, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A: Like I mentioned in my self-nom. I requested several oversight actions for this wiki and did this also on dewiki. I also talked to one of the de oversighted, who explained me a few cases. The request oversight action by me on this wiki were all done. I talked also to the stewards about why my request should be done. I think I have now a good understanding, about what needs to be oversighted and what not. Of course, I have not direct experience with this tools, but I am sure I am familar with the oversight policy on meta. I hope I answered you question. Best Barras (talk) 18:19, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Q: How important do you think oversight is to preserve user's privacy? (ie: if a person was concerned info on their workplace was displayed and connected to their id? and were anxious to delete this) Bubblycanuck (talk) 18:23, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A: Internet is a very unsecurity place for personal information. The work place of an user is a personal information. If there is a content like ie: "Barras works at xxx" and I've never said this, so it should be oversighted. If this information is public available (ie: per a google search), so it shouldn't be oversighted, but it can be deleted. This would be per our meta oversight policy. Either if I think such informations should be oversighted, even if they can be found on a google search. But this would be against policy. This means, it is a case to case decision. If the posted information in the public available, it should not be oversighted. If the information is not available, if should be oversighted. I hope you understand my anwser. Barras (talk) 18:36, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Djsasso (talkchangese-mailblocksprotectionsdeletionsmovesright changes)


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Candidate Statement: I have a long track record of using tools in an appropriate manner here and on en. I believe I can help support the wiki in this manner as I am used to dealing with sensitive information on a daily basis through my occupation which deals with highly confidential product information at times. I am 18, and will identify myself to the WMF should this succeed. I am available a large chunk of the day so am able to respond quickly to requests. -Djsasso (talk) 14:04, 27 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Q:Okay, I'll ask the first question then will I? What makes you think you are a good candidate for this position? What is your experience on-wiki and why should we vote support for you? Kennedy (talk • changes). 20:45, 31 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A: It's hard to have on-wiki experience for this specific position as there isn't really much equivalent to it. The closest would be vandal reverting of which I obviously do when I see it. I have been known to do a "poor mans oversight" from time to time where I hide the offending edit using the delete and restore method. I have been an admin here for a number of months and a little over a year and a half on en. So it I think that shows I don't abuse tools because I have a wide open track record that anyone can see. I have never been in any drama concerning my use or non-use of tools. As for why you can support me? Because I have common sense. I know what is oversightable and I know how to not disclose confidential information. And that is really the most important part of this particular flag. -Djsasso (talk) 22:14, 31 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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EVula (talkchangese-mailblocksprotectionsdeletionsmovesright changes)


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Candidate Statement: I've been an administrator here for only a couple of months, but I've been an administrator on the English Wikipedia for more than two and a half years. More importantly, I've had Oversight access on en.wiki for more than five months, handling mailing list requests quickly and efficiently due to my day job, which has me by my email pretty much all day. I've already verified my identity with the WMF.[1] I'd like to bring my Oversight experience over to this project as well. EVula // talk // // 16:23, 27 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Q: You have various roles on various Wikis, as you've stated. Would you be able to commit enough time to this particular Wikipedia if you were made OS here as well? The Rambling Man (talk) 16:48, 27 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A: Because I'm by my email all day, I can jump on individual reports as they come in (assuming there's a mailing list, similar to the list for en.wiki, or if someone emails me directly) and am usually idling on AIM all day, so I can address oversightable items even if I'm not "checking" the project regularly (ie: looking at my watchlist or RC). Even when I'm less-than-active on enwiki, I still try to take care of Oversight requests if I get to them in time. EVula // talk // // 17:01, 27 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Peterdownunder (talkchangese-mailblocksprotectionsdeletionsmovesright changes)


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Candidate Statement: I have been working on this wiki for over a year. I have been an administrator for quite a while. I have written a lot of articles, expanded lots of stubs, added lots of pictures, simplified lots of articles and fixed lots of categories (over 6000 total edits). My goal is to make this a really good encyclopedia. As one of the older people involved in the project I think I have the maturity and wisdom (I hope I do!) to be a very responsible Oversighter. --Peterdownunder (talk) 12:28, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]


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Q: You say you think you'd be a "very responsible Oversighter". Can you explain why? I understand you're good with articles, categories etc, but Oversight is very, very different. What relevant experience do you have? The Rambling Man (talk) 12:41, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A: I have relevant experience in several of the key areas of oversight. Firstly protecting the privacy of individuals. In part of my current job I have to deal with special needs students. This gives me access to quite detailed confidential reports and assessments. There are strict privacy laws operating in Australia which control how such info is stored, who and when people can have access to it. For example, sometimes I have to provide information as part of a court hearing, and this requires me to remove the names on reports or other identifying information, where they are not relevant to the case. I am able to understand and comply with this privacy legislation on a daily basis. I believe that the SEWP needs to be vigilant in order to protect a person's privacy and take I this matter very seriously.

Secondly on removing libellous information. I have deleted this several times in my role as an administrator when I have found it. In order to keep the wiki community running smoothly there is no place for this kind of material. It needs to be deleted promptly as it does the wiki no credit and only harms its reputation to leave it in place. It is very important for a credible encyclopedia to have a neutral style, so I believe in quickly removing anything that can be seen to have lack a neutral POV and/or makes critical and unsubstantiated claims about anyone. I am happy to take legal or other advice about such material, and the community could expect both considered and decisive action from me.

Thirdly on copyright. I take copyright very seriously as people may remember from my arguments in the recent debate about allowing fair-use images not supported by the Wikimedia commons. I am a published author who has written several books on naval history, Australian political history, and music. Copies of these are included in the National Library of Australia's collection. I have also written a number of plays and musicals. I take my copyright very seriously and would not hesitate to take action if my rights were being infringed. As part of my current job, I am responsible for school music programs across about 25% of regional Victoria (Australia). This means I have had proper training in copyright law so that I am able to advise teachers on their legal obligations under the copyright laws. Copyright is an issue that has to be dealt with, and not to be avoided or ignored. I have been keeping a close watch on the current debate on the Wikimedia commons about fair use of reproduced images of art works held in art galleries. I don't see any place for copyright violations on this wikipedia and would not hesitate to remove them as soon as possible Peterdownunder (talk) 08:31, 31 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Q what do you feel is the main quality one should have to deal with "oversight" requests ? 17:37, 30 July 2009 (UTC) Bubblycanuck (talk) 17:37, 30 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]

A The main quality a person needs to do this job is to be able to remain calm and rational, carefully consider the evidence, and then take prompt and decisive action. I believe that I have these qualities. As well, I am able to work together with other editors, and have done so on several projects. I need to be available - the SEWP is my main wiki, I do add images to the Wikimedia Commons, and sometimes have edited on the Simple English Wiktionary, but I am usually editing here most days of the week. I can be reached quickly by email or on IRC. Peterdownunder (talk) 08:31, 31 July 2009 (UTC)[reply]