The 10,000 Challenge is an editing challenge, aimin tae redd up the wiki an the quality o the airticles. The aim is simple: mak, redd up or impruive ony airticle on the wiki in 2021. Iss isnae a haurd deidline, an the projeck will conteena until it is duin.

In order tae coont, the airticles maun meet the follaein requirements:

There is nae set topic fur airticles that can be includit. Mendin a Scotched airticle will be includit as weel, coontin as redd up.


[eedit soorce]

Tae jyn the challenge, scrieve yer name ablo. Feel free tae specify a topic ye'll be wirkin on as weel.

  1. CiphriusKane (tauk) 02:46, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[Replie]
  2. Cobra! (tauk) 23:07, 30 December 2020 (UTC)[Replie]
  3. weeSven (tauk) 05:40, 16 Januar 2021 (UTC)[Replie]
  4. Corsicanwarrah (tauk) 11:56, 28 Januar 2021 (UTC)[Replie]
    adding info from to animal stubs and hiding this info as notes. Replacing some nouns with the Scots equivalent (e.g. dog -> dug, fox -> tod, hare -> maukin, etc.), "large" with "muckle" where reference to physical size is clear, and replacing "also" with "forby", "an aw" and "as weel" (paying attention to grammar). Good Scots speakers can feel free to fully translate the notes. (As a non-Scots speaker, do I count?)


[eedit soorce]
  1. Pat Douthwaite - CiphriusKane (tauk) 09:05, 3 Januar 2021 (UTC)[Replie]
  2. Esther Inglis - CiphriusKane (tauk) 09:05, 3 Januar 2021 (UTC)[Replie]
  3. White draigon - Cobra! (tauk) 23:55, 18 Januar 2021 (UTC)[Replie]
  4. Jim Mather - Cobra! (tauk) 11:37, 30 Januar 2021 (UTC)[Replie]
  5. James Mackenzie (actor) - CiphriusKane (tauk) 13:32, 14 Mairch 2021 (UTC)[Replie]