Kintra names

[eedit soorce]

We seem tae hae a bit o an ill-thocht throuither wi kintras that ends in -a an -ia in English.

Wi Schuilin an maist readin haein bein duin in staundart English for the bygane twa hundert year or mair its nae wunner that the Scots forms o kintra names is bein tint. Fae whit we can find in the leeteratur we micht can mak rules bi analogy that we can follae, unless we ken better e.g. Austria > Austrick

We seem tae be uisin -ae for the hintmaist vouel for thir, aiblins analogous tae the hintmaist vouel in windae wi its sindry soondins. see an aw. Wi the ithers ablo that ends wi -ia that ablins disna haud.

Thir aw seems tae suggest that the hintmaist vouel is juist /i/ or /ɪ/ written aither -y or -ie. Seein that nane o thir is adjectives or adverbs thare's nae threap tae haud wi -y sae mebbes juist uise -ie in thir.

At the meenit we hae:

Ither kintras endin -a shoud by chynged tae -ae bi analogy, aiblins kintras endin -o an aw lik Maroccae Ither kintras endin -ia shoud by chynged tae -ie bi analogy lik Serbia tae Serbie.

Whit daes fowk think? Gin its aw richt A s' rake throu awthing an chynge kintra names tae follae thon. Jimmy 13:14, 7 Februar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]

A think that maks sence, tho A'm no a linguist. It seems that aa the leids a ken hae some sort o pattern behind the name o kintras, whaur the parts o the name means kintra or laund, an it seems logical to assume that gin the kintras we ken the names o gie us this pattern then that is the ane we shuid follae. Tho gin there is a Scots name then we shuid be canny tae uise that syne we dinae want tae mak neologisms gin we dinnae hae tae.
(Aside: A hae bin thinkin an we cuid relly dae wi an infobox for kintras, houaniver a dinnae ken hou tae mak ane. Cuid a bodie point us in the richt direction o an airticle tellin us hou tae, or gin ye hae the time an the skill mak it.) Scroggie 16:05, 7 Februar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]

Hou monie fowk actually ken thir kintras bi thae names an no by hou they're cryed in Inglis? I fer ane hae aye said "India", fer ensample. No tryin tae pick a fecht, juist speirin. Gin we wale tae folloae leiterature ower "ordinar speak", than we micht bear in mind that o auld we cryed Sweden "Swadrik" (I dinnae hae a referance on me the nou, but see Dunbar's "Ane littel part of the Droichis part of the playe"). - Faussname Aliasson

Aye well thon's a guid point an aa, but we dae hae the problem that Scots is disappearin an we are tryin tae stop an incourage the leid. Sae we sometimes hae tae uise auld farrant names, houaniver it's important tae set up a redirect fae the Inglish names for things like thon. That's no tae say that we shuid uise auld farrant anes when we dinnae hae tae, but if we dinnae sometimes then we end up wi juist Scotched Inglish an no the pure Scots leid. Scroggie 23:19, 8 Februar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]
It's a thorny problem that aw endeavours in a minority leid (thaim that were aince majority leids) will hae tae face up til.
There's nocht wrang wi uisin a leeterar register in a leeterar endeavour like an encyclopedia, an ane o the pynts o this kin o ettle is sae that words like "Austrick" dinna get tint. Sae A wad say that gin there's a attestit leeterar name for a kintra we shuidna be blate tae uise it.
A like the idea o raigularisin thae kin o endins tae aw kintras but that's mibbe owersteppin the boonds o whit we shuid be daein here...? Mendor 17:22, 9 Februar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]
Mony fowk nou cries mony things by thair English names acause that's whit they're learnt things is cried. Onybody that taks an interest in things sic as birdwatchin or fishin will gang tae a shop for tae coff a guide beuk, the chances is they winna find ane that's in Scots, an unless there's fowk aboot that kens whit thae beasties is cried in Scots they'll likely niver find oot. Sae mair an mair fowk juist uises the English names. Same wi tred terms an siclike acause aw trainin an teachin materials is in English an unless some auld body says itherwice the Scots names juist gets tint. This wiki is a guid inlat for tae lat fowk ken whit things is cried in Scots. A jalouse its been muckle the same wi kintra names. Names like 'Amerikie', 'Australie', 'Indie', an for that maiter the 'Indies', haes hauden on langer acause mony Scots-speakin fowk will hae raison tae talk aboot thir kintras wi haein freends an faimily that micht hae flittit tae sicna places. A jalouse that sicna name endins is juist pairt o the tradeetional Scots phonology an we shoud uise them. Ithergates we'll hae some kintra names follaein a Scots phonological paitern an ithers the English ane. We hae tae caw canny tho an shoud mebbes haud wi whit's kent frae Modren Scots (1700-) tho the chances o findin leeteratur shawin us whit thir micht be is likely wantin. Aw that bides is analogy, mebbes wi some juistification in aulder leeterature (whaur?), the leid didna aw o a suddent chynge in 1700, it juist becam mair an mair influenced by English, especially awthing that wis learnt fae beuks. 23:03, 9 Februar 2008 (UTC)[Replie]