Dokumentasion ti plantilia
Dagiti plantilia ti
Panagdakamat nga Estilo 1
((Cite arXiv))preprenta ti arXiv
((Cite AV media))midia ti audio ken bisual
((Cite AV media notes))dagiti panangilinia a nota ti midia ti AV
((Cite bioRxiv))preprenta ti bioRxiv
((Cite book))liblibro ken dagiti kapitulo
((Cite citeseerx))pappapel ti CiteSeerX
((Cite conference))pappapel ti komperensia
((Cite encyclopedia))dagiti naurnos a koleksion
((Cite episode))dagiti episoda ti radio wenno TV
((Cite interview))dagiti entrebista
((Cite journal))dagiti akademiko a warnakan
((Cite magazine))magmagasina, perperiodikal
((Cite mailing list))dagiti listaan ti publiko a panagibuson
((Cite map))mapmapa
((Cite news))ar-artikulo ti damdamag
((Cite newsgroup))online a grupgrupo ti damdamag
((Cite podcast))dagiti podcast
((Cite press release))dagiti pablaak ti warnakan
((Cite report))dagiti reporta
((Cite serial))dagiti serial ti audio wenno video
((Cite sign))dagiti senial, dagiti plake
((Cite speech))dagiti bitla
((Cite ssrn))pappapel ti SSRN
((Cite techreport))dagiti teknikal a reporta
((Cite thesis))dagiti tesis
((Cite web))dagiti taudan ti web a saan a sinakupan babaen dita ngato

Daytoy a plantilia ti Panagdakamat nga Estilo 1 ket inus-usar a panagpartuat kadagiti panagdakamat para kadagiti artikulo ti magasin ken dagiti pablaak ti damdamag. Para kadagiti artikulo iti warnakan ti akademiko, usaren ti ((cite journal)).

Agkopia ti usaren a blanko a bersion. Amin a nagnagan ti parametro ket nasken a bassit a letra (adda met dagiti pangyababaan, a kas ti |isbn= ket addan kadagiti dakkel a letra parbo a nagan a kas ti |ISBN=, a mabalin a maawat a mausar). Usaren ti karakter a "|" (pipa) iti nagbaetan ti tunggal maysa a parametro. Ikkaten amin a parametro a saan a maus-usar tapno maliklikan dagiti wara iti pagurnosan a tawa. Adda met dagiti wadan a mabalin a mangiraman ti agdama a petsa. No saan nga agdama ti petsa, purgaen ti panid.

Dagiti kaaduan a maus-usar a parametro iti pormat a horisontal

Tapno madakat ti artikulo ti magasin nga agraman iti napammadayawan a mannurat

((cite magazine |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |access-date=))

Tapno madakamat ti artikulo tmagasin nga agraman iti saan a napammadayawan a mannurat

((cite magazine |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title= |url= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |date= |access-date=))

Tapno madakamat ti maysa nga online a magasin naiyarkibon

((cite magazine |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |url-status= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date=))

Tapno madakamat ti artikulo ti magasin a naisurat iti gangganaet a pagsasao

((cite magazine |last= |first= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |language= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |access-date=))

Tapno madakamat ti maysa a naiyarkibo, dua a mannurat, artikulo ti magasin ti gangganaet a pagsasao a naipbalaak manen a kas PDF iti maysa a pakaammo ti agregasion a serbisio a nasken ti suskrision

((cite magazine |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |url-status= |format= |language= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |quote=))

Agasmang ti napno a parametro iti pormat a horisontal
((cite magazine |last1= |first1= |author-link1= |last2= |first2= |author-link2= |last3= |first3= |author-link3= |last4= |first4= |author-link4= |last5= |first5= |author-link5= |display-authors= |author-mask= |name-list-style= |date= |year= |orig-year= |editor1-last= |editor1-first= |editor1-link= |editor2-last= |editor2-first= |editor2-link= |editor3-last= |editor3-first= |editor3-link= |editor4-last= |editor4-first= |editor4-link= |editor5-last= |editor5-first= |editor5-link= |display-editors= |others= |title= |script-title= |trans-title= |url= |url-access= |url-status= |format= |department= |magazine= |type= |series= |language= |edition= |location= |publisher= |publication-date= |volume= |issue= |page= |pages= |at= |no-pp= |arxiv= |asin= |bibcode= |doi= |doi-broken-date= |isbn= |issn= |jfm= |jstor= |lccn= |mr= |oclc= |ol= |osti= |pmc= |pmid= |rfc= |ssrn= |zbl= |id= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |registration= |lay-url= |lay-source= |lay-date= |quote= |postscript= |ref=))
Dagiti kaaduan a maus-usar a parametro iti pormat a bertikal
Tapno madakamat ti artikulo ti magasin nga agraman iti napammadayawan a mannurat
<pre style="margin:0px; border:none;">
((cite magazine
| last        = 
| first       = 
| date        = 
| title       = 
| url         = 
| magazine    = 
| location    = 
| publisher   = 
| access-date =
Tapno madakamat ti artikulo ti magasin nga agraman iti saan a napammadayawan a mannurat
((cite magazine
| author      = <!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> 
| title       = 
| url         = 
| magazine    = 
| location    = 
| publisher   = 
| date        = 
| access-date = 
Tapno madakamat ti online a magasin a naiyarkibon
((cite magazine
| last         = 
| first        = 
| date         = 
| title        = 
| url          = 
| url-status   = 
| magazine     = 
| location     = 
| publisher    = 
| archive-url  = 
| archive-date = 
| access-date  = 
Tapno madakamat ti artikulo ti magasin a naisurat iti gangganaet a pagsasao
((cite magazine
| last        = 
| first       = 
| date        = 
| title       = 
| trans-title = 
| url         = 
| language    = 
| magazine    = 
| location    = 
| publisher   = 
| access-date = 
Tapno madakamat ti maysa a naiyarkibo, dua a mannurat, artikulo ti magasin ti gangganaet a pagsasao a naipbalaak manen a kas PDF iti maysa a pakaammo ti agregasion a serbisio a nasken ti suskrision
((cite magazine
| last1        = 
| first1       = 
| last2        = 
| first2       = 
| date         = 
| title        = 
| trans-title  = 
| url          = 
| url-status   = 
| format       = 
| language     = 
| magazine     = 
| location     = 
| publisher    = 
| archive-url  = 
| archive-date = 
| access-date  = 
| via          = 
| quote        = 
Agasmang ti napno a parametro iti pormat a bertikal
Listaan ti bertikal Dagiti nasken Ababa a pakaammo / dagiti nota
((cite magazine
| last1                 = 
| first1                = 
| author-link1          = 
| last2                 = 
| first2                = 
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| last3                 = 
| first3                = 
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| first4                = 
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| last5                 = 
| first5                = 
| author-link5          = 
| display-authors       = 
| author-mask           = 
| name-list-style       =
| date                  = 
| year                  = 
| orig-year             = 
| editor1-last          = 
| editor1-first         = 
| editor1-link          = 
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| editor4-first         = 
| editor4-link          = 
| editor5-last          = 
| editor5-first         = 
| editor5-link          = 
| display-editors       = 
| others                = 
| title                 = 
| script-title          = 
| trans-title           = 
| url                   = 
| url-access            = 
| url-status            = 
| format                = 
| department            = 
| magazine              = 
| type                  = 
| series                = 
| language              = 
| edition               = 
| location              = 
| publisher             = 
| publication-date      = 
| volume                = 
| issue                 = 
| page                  = 
| pages                 = 
| at                    = 
| no-pp                 = 
| arxiv                 = 
| asin                  = 
| bibcode               = 
| doi                   = 
| doi-broken-date       = 
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| jfm                   = 
| jstor                 = 
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| ol                    = 
| osti                  = 
| pmc                   = 
| pmid                  = 
| rfc                   = 
| ssrn                  = 
| zbl                   = 
| id                    = 
| archive-url           = 
| archive-date          = 
| access-date           = 
| via                   = 
| registration          = 
| lay-url               = 
| lay-source            = 
| lay-date              = 
| quote                 = 
| postscript            = 
| ref                   =
 title wenno script-title
 title wenno script-title

Dagiti pagarigan

[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti parametro

[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti naiyumok a parametro ket agkamkammatalek kadagiti nagannak a parametroda:

Iti nakalistaan dagiti parbo a nagan, maysa laeng kadagiti parametro ti mabalin a maipalawag; no adu kadagiti parametro ti parbo a nagan ti maipalawag, maysanto laeng iti maiparang.

Babaen ti kasisigud, dagiti agasmang dagiti pagikabilan ket napatinggaan iti tuldek (.).

Daytoy a plantilia ket mangisengngat ti metadata ti COinS iti maiparuar a HTML, daytoy ket mangpalubos iti sopwer a panagtaripato ti reperensia a mangala ti bibliograpiko a metadata. Kitaen ti: Wikipedia:COinS. Kas sapasap nga alagaden, maysa laeng a banag ti datos iti tunggal maysa a parametro. Saan a mangiraman ti panangipalawag wenno sabali a teksto:

Ti panagusar kadagiti plantilia iti uneg ti plantilia ti dakamat, ket kadawyan a saan a maisingasing gapu ta adu kadagitoy a plantilia ket manginayon ti adu a HTML wenno CSS a maiparangto iti metadata. Dagiti pay, entidad ti HTML, kas pagarigan ti &nbsp;, &ndash;, kdpy, ket nasken a saan a mausar kadagiti parametro a mangpataud iti metadata.

Ti metadata ti COinS ket mapartuat kadagitoy a parametro

[urnosen ti taudan]

Nota: Daytoy a tabla ti metadata ket maiparang kadagiti amin a plantilia ti Estilo ti Dakamat 1. Saan a masuportaran dagitoy a parametro kadagiti tunggal maysa a plantilia ti CS1. Sumagmamano kadagitoy a parametro ket ekslusibo, sumagmamano ket dagiti parbo a nagan ti sabali a parametro, ken sumagmamano ket makasapul kadagiti sabali a parametro tapno mabalin nga adda. Pangngaasi a kitaen ti dokumentasion ti tunggal maysa a plantilia para iti napno a listaan dagiti masuportaran a parametro, dagiti parbo a naganda, ken dagiti agtalek kaniada.


[urnosen ti taudan]
Dagiti nasukatanen a parametro ti CS1/CS2
Nasukatanen a parametro Sukatan iti Petsa
awan ti agdama a nasukatan

Dagiti kaudian a naikkat a parametro ti CS1/CS2
Naikkat a parametro Sukatan iti Petsa
|authorfirst= |author-first= Oktubre 2020
|authorfirstn= |author-firstn= Oktubre 2020
|authornfirst= |authorn-first= Oktubre 2020
|authorgiven= |author-given= Oktubre 2020
|authorgivenn= |author-givenn= Oktubre 2020
|authorngiven= |authorn-given= Oktubre 2020
|authorlast= |author-last= Oktubre 2020
|authorlastn= |author-lastn= Oktubre 2020
|authornlast= |authorn-last= Oktubre 2020
|authormask= |author-mask= Enero 2021
|authormaskn= |author-maskn= Enero 2021
|authornmask= |authorn-mask= Enero 2021
|authorsurname= |author-surname= Oktubre 2020
|authorsurnamen= |author-surnamen= Oktubre 2020
|authornsurname= |authorn-surname= Oktubre 2020
|booktitle= |book-title= Mayo 2021
|chapterurl= |chapter-url= Mayo 2021
|conferenceurl= |conference-url= Abril 2021
|contributionurl= |contribution-url= Abril 2021
|deadurl=yes |url-status=dead Septiembre 2019
|dead-url=yes |url-status=dead Septiembre 2019
|displayauthors= |display-authors= Enero 2021
|displayeditors= |display-editors= Oktubre 2020
|doi-broken= |doi-broken-date= Oktubre 2020
|doi-inactive-date= |doi-broken-date= Oktubre 2020
|editorfirst= |editor-first= Oktubre 2020
|editorfirstn= |editor-firstn= Oktubre 2020
|editornfirst= |editorn-first= Oktubre 2020
|editorgiven= |editor-given= Oktubre 2020
|editorgivenn= |editor-givenn= Oktubre 2020
|editorngiven= |editorn-given= Oktubre 2020
|editorlast= |editor-last= Oktubre 2020
|editorlastn= |editor-lastn= Oktubre 2020
|editornlast= |editorn-last= Oktubre 2020
|editorlink= |editor-link= Enero 2021
|editorlinkn= |editor-linkn= Enero 2021
|editornlink= |editorn-link= Enero 2021
|editors= |editor= (one editor) or |editorn= (more than one editor) or |veditors= (for Vancouver style editors). Consider splitting |editorn= into |editor-firstn= and |editor-lastn=, if possible. Consider |editor-maskn=, if annotation is required. Enero 2021
|editorsurname= |editor-surname= Oktubre 2020
|editorsurnamen= |editor-surnamen= Oktubre 2020
|editornsurname= |editorn-surname= Oktubre 2020
|editormask= |editor-mask= Oktubre 2020
|editormaskn= |editor-maskn= Oktubre 2020
|editornmask= |editorn-mask= Oktubre 2020
|embargo= |pmc-embargo-date= Oktubre 2020
|episodelink= |episode-link= Mayo 2021
|event-format= (delete) Enero 2021
|eventurl= (delete) Enero 2021
|event-url= (delete) Enero 2021
|ignoreisbnerror= |isbn=((<isbn>)) Oktubre 2020
|ignore-isbn-error= |isbn=((<isbn>)) Enero 2021
|interviewerlink= |interviewer-link= Oktubre 2020
|interviewerlinkn= |interviewer-linkn= Oktubre 2020
|interviewernlink= |interviewern-link= Oktubre 2020
|interviewermask= |interviewer-mask= Oktubre 2020
|interviewermaskn= |interviewer-maskn= Oktubre 2020
|interviewernmask= |interviewern-mask= Oktubre 2020
|last-author-amp= |name-list-style=amp Enero 2021
|lastauthoramp= |name-list-style=amp Enero 2021
|laydate= |lay-date= Abril 2021
|laysource= |lay-source= Abril 2021
|layurl= |lay-url= Abril 2021
|mailinglist= |mailing-list= Mayo 2021
|mapurl= |map-url= Mayo 2021
|name-list-format= |name-list-style= Abril 2021
|nocat= |no-tracking= Enero 2021
|no-cat= |no-tracking= Oktubre 2020
|nopp= |no-pp= Mayo 2021
|notracking= |no-tracking= Oktubre 2020
|publicationdate= |publication-date= Mayo 2021
|publicationplace= |publication-place= Mayo 2021
|registration= |url-access=registration Enero 2020
|sectionurl= |section-url= Abril 2021
|serieslink= |series-link= Mayo 2021
|seriesno= |series-number= Abril 2021
|seriesnumber= |series-number= Enero 2021
|series-separator= (delete) Oktubre 2020
|subjectlink= |subject-link= Enero 2021
|subjectlinkn= |subject-linkn= Enero 2021
|subjectnlink= |subjectn-link= Enero 2021
|subscription= |url-access=subscription Enero 2020
|timecaption= |time-caption= Abril 2021
|titlelink= |title-link= Abril 2021
|transcripturl= |transcript-url= Mayo 2021


[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti mannurat

[urnosen ti taudan]

Para iti aproksimado a tawen, pasarunuan iti "c. ", lkasla daytoy: |date=c. 1900.

Para iti awanan iti petsa, wenno "di napetsado", usaren ti |date=n.d.
Automatiko a panagpormat ti petsa: Dagiti plantilia ti Panagdakamat nga Estilo 1 ken 2, a mairaman daytoy a plantilia, ket automatiko nga agiparang kadagiti petsa kadagiti amin a parametro ti petsa (kas ti |date=, |publication-date=, |access-date=, |archive-date=, kdpy.) malaksid iti |orig-date= iti estilo nga inaganan babaen ti plantilia ti ((use dmy dates)) wenno ((use mdy dates)) ti artikulo. Kitaen ti dokumentasion dagita a plantilia para kadagiti salay.
  1. ^ Dagiti petsa ti pannakaipablaak kadagiti reperensia iti kaunegan ti maysa nga artikulo ket naskenda nga addaan iti agpapada a pormat. Daytoy ket mabalin a sabali a pormat manipud kadagiti mausar para kadagiti archive ken access date. Kiaten ti MOS:DATEUNIFY.

Dagiti editor

[urnosen ti taudan]
  • editor-link: titulo ti adda nga artikulo ti Wikipedia a maipanggep ti editor—saan a ti website ti editor'; saan nga isilpo a kas wiki. Dagiti parbo a nagan: editor1-link.
  • WENNO: para kadagiti adu nga editor, usaren ti editor-link1 aginggana iti editor-linkn (parbo a nagan editorn-link).

Dagiti titulo nga aglaon kadagiti naisangayan a karakter ket maiparang ken saanda a husto a maisilpo malaksid no maikodigo dagita a karakter.
newline [ ] |
space &#91; &#93; ((!)) (kaykayat)
((bracket|teksto)) &#124; wenno ((pipe))))
  • Kas pagarigan, imbes nga iti title='name' a maiparang kadagiti adu a pagbasabasa nga agraman kadagiti marka ti insasao a manglikmut daytoy a kas '''name''', usaren ti |title=&thinsp;'name'&thinsp;, a maiparang a kas " 'name' ".
  • title-link: Titlulo ti adda nga artikulo ti Wikipedia a mangipanggep iti taudan a nainaganan iti title – saan nga usaren ti adres ti web; saan nga isilpo a kas wiki. Parbo a nagan: titlelink.

Dagiti URL ket nasken a mangrugi iti nasuportaran a panggep ti URI. Ti http:// ken https:// ket suportaranto amin dagiti pagbasabasa; nupay kasta, ti ftp://, gopher://, irc://, ircs://, mailto: ken news: ket makasapulto ti plug-in wenno akin-ruar a panangipakat ken kadawyan a liklikan daytoy. Ti panagsangaili a nagnagan ti IPv6 ket agdama a saan a masuportaran.
No dagiti URL kadagiti parametro ti plantilia ti dakamat ket aglaon kadagiti naisangayan a karakter, dagitoy ket saanto a husto a maiparang ken maisilpo. Dagita a karakter ket nasken a porsiento a maikodigo. Kas pagarigan, ti baetan ket nasken a masukatan babaen ti %20. Ti mangikodigo ti URL, sukatan dagiti sumaganad a karakter iti:
sp " ' < > [ ] { | }
%20 %22 %27 %3c %3e %5b %5d %7b %7c %7d
Dagiti agmaymaysa a tuldek ket saan a nasken a maikodigo; nupay kasta, dagiti adu a saan a maikodigo ket maiwaswasto a kas italiko wenno napuskol a panangimarka. Dagiti agmaymaysa a nakulot a pangrikep ket saan a nasken a maikodigo; nupay kasta, ti paris a saan a maikodigo ket maiwaswasto a kas doble a pangrikep para iti panangilak-am ti plantilia.
  1. ^ a b Ti Accessdate ken archivedate kadagiti reperensia ket nasken a saan nga agpada dagiti pormat – iti pormat nga inus-usar kadagiti petsa ti panangipablaak, wenno TTTT-BB-AA.

No maisaad, ti work daytoy ket baliwanna ti pannakaporma dagiti parametro:
Ti title ket di italiko ken marikpan kadagiti insasao.
Ti chapter ket italiko ken di marikpan kadagiti insasao.
Ti location ken publisher ket marikpan kadagiti parentesis.
Ti page ken pages ket di mangipakita ti p. wenno pp.
Ti edition ket saan a maiparang.


[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti lokasion ti taudan

[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti panangilasin

[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagitoy a panangilasin ket agpartuat kadagiti silpo ken naidesinio a mangawat ti agmaymaysa a pateg. Ti panagusar ti adu a pateg wenno sabali a teksto ket mangdadel ti silpo ken/wenno mangimbalido ti panangilasin. Iti sapasap, dagiti parametro ket naskenda mangiraman laeng ti karuay a parte ti panangilasin, kas ti rfc=822 wenno pmc=345678.

Kadagiti karkarna unay a kaso, dagiti umiso a panangilasin (f.e., kas pudno a naiprenta kadagiti pablaak) saan a suroten dagiti naipalawag a pagalagadan a pormatda wenno usaren dagiti saan nga agkomporma a checksum, a kadawyan nga agpataud a mangipakita iti maysa a mensahe ti biddut. Saan a baliwan isuda tapno maipada iti maysa a sabali a checksum. Tapno mapasardeng ti mensahe ti biddut, adda dagiti sumagmamano a panangilasin (|doi=, |eissn=, |isbn=, |issn=, ken |sbn=) a mangsuporta iti maysa nga espesial nga accept-this-as-written markup a mabalin a maipakat tapno mabaldado ti pammasingked ti biddut (kas ti |<param>=((<value>))). No ti parikut ket bassit laeng a tipograpiko a biddut iti taudan ti maikatlo a partido, simpaen ti pateg ti panangilasin imbes a tuonan ti mensahe ti biddut.

Para kadagiti sumagmamano a panangilasin, mabalin a mainaganan ti kasasaad ti panagserrek babaen ti panagusar ti maitunos a parametro ti |<param>-access=.

Para iti ((cite journal)), adda dagiti sumagmamano a panangilasin (ti manginagan kadagiti libre a rekurso) nga automatikonto a maisilpo iti titulo no saan a mausar ti |url= ken |title-link= a a manginagan ti maysa a sabali a puntaan a silpo. Daytoy a panagkukua ket mabalin a tuonan babaen ti maysa kadagiti bilang dagiti espesial a nangruna a balikas para iti |title-link= tapno manual a mapili ti maysa a naisangayan a taudan (|title-link=pmc wenno |title-link=doi) para iti automatiko a panangisilpo wenno ti mangbaldado daytoy a langa (|title-link=none).

Saan a nasken a naganan ti maysa nga URL iti maysa a silpo a kapada iti maysa a silpo a pinataud pay babaen ti maysa a panangilasin. Ti parametro ti |url= (wenno |title-link=) ket mabalinton a mausar para iti panangited iti dagus a nauneg a silpo iti maitunos a dokumento wenno iti maysa a napalaka a silpo iti maysa a rekurso a saan koma met a mabalin a nalawag a maserrekan.

Nasken ti suskrision wenno rehistrasion

[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti dakamat kadagiti online a taudan a makasapul ti rehistrasion wenno maysa a suskrision ket maawat iti Wikipedia kas nadokumentuaan iti Pannakapatalged § Panagserrek kadagiti taudan. Kas maysa panagdayaw kadagiti agbasbasa ken dagiti sabali nga editor, nasken koma dagiti editor a mangibaga kadagiti restriksion iti panagserrek iti material a naipaay babaen dagiti akinruar a silpo a nairaman iti maysa a dakamat. Dagitoy nga agpang ket mangipalawag kadagiti kammasapulan wenno dagiti pannakalapped a mainaig iti panagserrek ken panagkita ti nadakamat a material; saan dagitoy a naikeddeng a mangibaga ti abilidad a mangusar manen, wenno ti kasasaad ti karbengan ti kopia, ti material, gapu ta ti kasasaad ket saan a maitunos kadagiti tunton ti panagpatalged kadagiti artikulos.

Four access levels can be used:

Gapu ta adda met dagiti masansan a nadumaduma nga akinruar a silpo nga agraman kadagiti nadumaduma nga agpang ti panagserrek iti isu met laeng a dakamat, ti tunggal maysa a pateg ket maigupit iti maysa a naisangayan nga akinruar a silpo.

Panangipakita ti panagserrek para kadagiti parametro nga agtengtengel iti url
[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti online ataudan a naisilpo babaen ti |url=, |article-url=, |chapter-url=, |contribution-url=, |entry-url=, |map-url=, ken |section-url= ket maipagpagarupda a nawaya a mabasa.[1] No saanda a nawaya a mabasa, nasken a markaan dagiti editor dagita a taudan iti maipada a parametro ti access-indicator tapno ti maysa a maitunos a simbolo ket mairaman iti maiparang a dakamat. Gapu ta dagiti taudan nga isilpo babaen dagitoy a parametro nga agtengtengngel ti url ket maipagarupda a nawaya mabasa, saanda koma a mamarkaan a kas free.

Dagiti parametro ti panagtengngel ti URL ken panangibaga ti panagserrek
URL Panagserrek Dagiti maipalubos a nangruna a balikas
|url= |url-access= registration Nasken ti nawaya a rehistrasion
limited Nawaya a panagserrek suheto iti limitado a panagpadas, kadawyan a masapul ti suskrision
subscription Nasken ti mabayadan a suskrision
|article-url= |article-url-access=
|chapter-url= |chapter-url-access=
|contribution-url= |contribution-url-access=
|entry-url= |entry-url-access=
|map-url= |map-url-access=
|section-url= |section-url-access=
  1. ^ Daytoy a tarabay ket saan a manglapped iti panangisilpo kadagiti website a maus-usar a kas dagiti taudan tapno maikaited iti linaon kadagiti artikulo.

Kas pagarigan, daytoy ket mangdakamat iti maysa a panid ti web a nasken ti rehistrasion ngen saan a suskrision:

((cite web |url= |url-access=registration |date=2021-04-15 |title=Nifty example data))

a maiparang a kas:

"Nifty example data". 2021-04-15.
Panangipakita ti panagserrek para kadagiti nanaganan a panangilasin
[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti silpo nga isengngat babaen dagiti nanaganan a panangilaasin ket maipagarupda nga adda iti likudan ti maysa a paywall wenno lapped ti rehistrasion – dagiti mailaksid ket nailista dita baba. No isuda ket nawaya a mabasa, nasken a markaan dagiti editor dagita a taudan iti maipada a parametro ti access-indicator tapno ti maysa a maitunos a simbolo ket mairaman iti maiparang a dakamat. No dagiti taudan nga isilpo babaen dagitoy a parametro ti nanaganan a panangilaasin ket maipagarupda nga agawit iti maysa napno a teksto ti nawaya a mabasa (kas pagarigan gapu ta dagitoy ket abstrakto laeng a serbisio), saanda koma marmarkaan a kas limited, registration, wenno subscription.

Dagiti parametro ti nanaganan a panangilasin ken panangibaga ti panagserrek
Panangilasin Panagserrek Dagiti maipalubos a nangruna a balikas
|bibcode= |bibcode-access= free Nawaya a maserrekan
|doi= |doi-access=
|hdl= |hdl-access=
|jstor= |jstor-access=
|ol= |ol-access=
|osti= |osti-access=
|s2cid= |s2cid-access=

Adda met dagiti sumagmamano a nanagana a panangilasin a kankanayon a nawaya a mabasa. Para kadagita a nanaganan a panangilasin awan dagita parametro ti panangibaga ti panagserrek; ti agpang ti panagserrek ket automatiko nga ibaga babaen ti plantilia. Dagitoy a nanaganan a panangilasin ket:

Para iti naembargo a pmc a mabalinto a magun-od iti kasakbayan, kitaen ti pmc-embargo-date.

Dagiti pagpilian a panangiparang

[urnosen ti taudan]

Dagiti nota

[urnosen ti taudan]

Urayno mabalin nga agparang a redundante ti mangiraman kadagiti adu nga id para kadagiti artikulo, naserbi daytoy para kadagiti adu nga editor nga addaan laeng iti panagserrek iti naisangayan a rekurso. No maysa laeng nga ID ti mairaman, nasken koma nga usaren ti DOI, gapu ta daytoy ti unibersal nga alagaden a kinaykayat dagiti propesinal a pagipablaakan. Ti pananginagan ti silpo a kas DOI, PMID kdpy. ket kankanayon a kinaykayat iti panangiraman daytoy a kas parametro ti url, gapu ta maaramid a nalawlawag a ti silpo ket husto ken natalinaay, ngem saan a nasken a nawaya a maserrekan.

Kitaen pay

[urnosen ti taudan]
Datos ti plantilia
Daytoy ti dokumentasion ti TemplateData para iti daytoy plantilia nga inus-usar babaen ti VisualEditor ken dagiti dadduma pay a ramit.

TemplateData para iti Cite magazine

Daytoy a plantilia ket pormatenna ti dakamat iti maysa nga artikulo iti maysa a magasin, nga agusar iti naited a pakaammo iti taudan (kas ti nagan ti magasin, mannurat, titulo, pablaak, URL) ken dagiti nadumaduma a pagpilian ti panagpormat.

Dagiti parametro ti plantilia[Agtaripato iti TemplateData]

Last namelast author author1 authors last1

The surname of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

First namefirst first1

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

Author linkauthor-link author-link1 author1-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author; can suffix with a numeral to add additional authors

Last name 2last2 author2

The surname of the second author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link2'.

First name 2first2

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second author; don't wikilink.

Author link 2author-link2 author2-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second author.

Last name 3last3 author3

The surname of the third author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link3'.

First name 3first3

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third author; don't wikilink.

Author link 3author-link3 author3-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third author.

Last name 4last4 author4

The surname of the fourth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link4'.

First name 4first4

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth author; don't wikilink.

Author link 4author-link4 author4-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth author.

Last name 5last5 author5

The surname of the fifth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link5'.

First name 5first5

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth author; don't wikilink.

Author link 5author-link5 author5-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Last name 6last6 author6

The surname of the sixth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link6'.

First name 6first6

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth author; don't wikilink.

Author link 6author-link6 author6-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth author.

Last name 7last7 author7

The surname of the seventh author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link7'.

First name 7first7

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh author; don't wikilink.

Author link 7author-link7 author7-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh author.

Last name 8last8 author8

The surname of the eighth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link8'.

First name 8first8

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth author; don't wikilink.

Author link 8author-link8 author8-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth author.

Last name 9last9 author9

The surname of the ninth author; don't wikilink, use 'author-link9'. If nine authors are defined, then only eight will show and 'et al.' will show in place of the last author.

First name 9first9

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth author; don't wikilink.

Author link 9author-link9 author9-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth author.

Display authorsdisplay-authors

number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used;

Author maskauthor-mask

Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, 'with' instead

Name list stylename-list-style

Set to 'amp' or 'and' to change the separator between the last two names of the name list to ' & ' or ' and ', respectively. Set to 'vanc' to display name lists in Vancouver style.

Source datedate

Full date of the source; do not wikilink

Year of publicationyear

Year of the source being referenced; use 'date' instead, if month or season is also known

Original yearorig-year

Original year of publication; provide specifics

Editor last nameeditor-last editor1-last

The surname of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-last', 'editor'

Editor first nameeditor-first editor1-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor-link'; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-first'

Editor linkeditor-link

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor; can suffix with a numeral to add additional editors; alias of 'editor1-link'

Editor last name 2editor2-last editor2

The surname of the second editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor2-link'.

Editor first name 2editor2-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the second editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 2editor2-link editor-link2

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the second editor.

Editor last name 3editor3-last editor3

The surname of the third editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor3-link'.

Editor first name 3editor3-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 3editor3-link editor-link3

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third editor.

Editor last name 4editor4-last editor4

The surname of the fourth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor4-link'.

Editor first name 4editor4-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 4editor4-link editor-link4

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth editor.

Editor last name 5editor5-last editor5

The surname of the fifth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor5-link'.

Editor first name 5editor5-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 5editor5-link editor-link5

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fifth editor.

Editor last name 6editor6-last editor6

The surname of the sixth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor6-link'.

Editor first name 6editor6-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 6editor6-link editor-link6

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth editor.

Editor last name 7editor7-last editor7

The surname of the seventh editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor7-link'.

Editor first name 7editor7-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 7editor7-link editor-link7

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh editor.

Editor last name 8editor8-last editor8

The surname of the eighth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor8-link'.

Editor first name 8editor8-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 8editor8-link editor-link8

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth editor.

Editor last name 9editor9-last editor9

The surname of the ninth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor9-link'.

Editor first name 9editor9-first

Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth editor; don't wikilink.

Editor link 9editor9-link editor-link9

Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth editor.


Used to record other contributions to the work, such as 'Illustrated by John Smith' or 'Translated by John Smith'


The title of the article; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or url may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in quotes.

Script titlescript-title

For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Japanese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:...

Translated titletrans-title

An English language title, if the source cited is in a foreign language; 'language' is recommended


The URL of the online location where the text of the publication can be found

URL statusurl-status

If set to 'live', the title display is adjusted; useful for when the URL is archived preemptively but still live


Format of the work referred to by 'url' ('url' is required when using 'format'); examples: PDF, DOC, XLS; do not specify HTML


Department within the periodical


Name of the source magazine; may be wikilinked; displays in italics


The chapter heading of the source


Additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case


The language in which the source is written, if not English; use the full language name; do not use icons or templates


When the publication has more than one edition; for example: '2nd', 'Revised' etc.; suffixed with ' ed.'

Location of publicationlocation

Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place'


Name of the publisher; displays after title

Place of publicationpublication-place

Publication place shows after title; if 'place' or 'location' are also given, they are displayed before the title prefixed with 'written at'

Publication datepublication-date

Date of publication when different from the date the work was written; do not wikilink


For one publication published in several volumes


Issue identifier when the source is part of a series that is published periodically


Page in the source that supports the content; displays after 'p.'


Pages in the source that support the content (not an indication of the number of pages in the source; displays after 'pp.'


May be used instead of 'page' or 'pages' where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient

No ppno-pp

Set to 'y' to suppress the 'p.' or 'pp.' display with 'page' or 'pages' when inappropriate (such as 'Front cover')

arXiv identifierarxiv

An identifier for arXive electronic preprints of scientific papers


Amazon Standard Identification Number; 10 characters

ASIN TLDasin-tld

ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US


Bibliographic Reference Code (REFCODE); 19 characters


Digital Object Identifier; begins with '10.'

DOI broken datedoi-broken-date

The date that the DOI was determined to be broken


International Standard Book Number; use the 13-digit ISBN where possible


International Standard Serial Number; 8 characters; may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen

jfm codejfm

Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik classification code


JSTOR identifier


Library of Congress Control Number


Mathematical Reviews identifier


Online Computer Library Center number


Open Library identifier


Office of Scientific and Technical Information identifier


PubMed Center article number


PubMed Unique Identifier


Request for Comments number


Social Science Research Network


Zentralblatt MATH journal identifier


A unique identifier used where none of the specialized ones are applicable

Archive URLarchive-url

The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if or in case the URL becomes unavailable; requires 'archivedate'

Archive datearchive-date

Date when the original URL was archived; do not wikilink

URL access dateaccess-date

The full date when the original URL was accessed; do not wikilink

Lay URLlay-url

URL link to a non-technical summary or review of the source; alias of 'laysummary'

Lay sourcelay-source

Name of the source of the laysummary; displays in italics, preceded by an en dash

Lay datelay-date

Date of the summary; displays in parentheses


Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; needs to include terminating punctuation


The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined; to suppress use reserved keyword 'none'


An anchor identifier; can be made the target of wikilinks to full references; special value 'harv' generates an anchor suitable for the harv and sfn templates
