Pagina pro discussion concernente mi editiones in Wikipedia in Interlingua. Clicca super “Modificar iste pagina” e insere vostre commentos. Respecta per favor lo scribite per alteres.

Ubi poner questiones technic?

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Salute, io ama le nove aspecto. Sape tu ubi es le correcte loco pro demandar questiones technic o general? Io ha plure! Usator:Jmb

Io non lo sape, de facto. Il es Jay Bowks (ILVI) qui ha initiate iste wiki, tu pote tentar inviar le un message. Il anque ha le pagina Wikipedia:Reportos de disfunctiones ubi tu pote lassar messages super cosas que non functiona ben. — Martijn


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Salve McDutchie,

Nos nunc ha un mailing-list in interlingua pro parlar del subjectos de wikipedia, io te invita a inscriber te hic:

JoSoares 20:45 jan 8, 2004 (UTC)

Bellissimo! Io me ha inscribite. Io nota que alcun texto in le pagina de inscription non es ancora traducite del italiano. Tamben, "mailing-list" pote traducer se per "lista de distribution" o "de diffusion", e "password" es "contrasigno". – Martijn 21:03 jan 8, 2004 (UTC)


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Salut! Mantene tu laboras bon! Equalmente , certo io va meliorar mi nivello de interlingua. Si ille vos place, adjuta me in mi obras de lingua macaroni (articulos de un mixtion de interlingua, espaniol e ingles o interlingua mal grado). Sed ecce necessita multo articulos!--Jondel 00:16, 2 februario 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Non sapeva que tu sia McDutchie! Itaque tu es Martinj McDutchie? Gratias per tus consilios de grammatica. De tote modo, continua tu laboras bon!--Jondel 02:57, 2 februario 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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Hi. Do you can welcome me (using a template)? Just a esthetical topic. Sorry for my poor english. --Slade 20:47, 3 maio 2006 (UTC)[responder]

OK. Benvenite alora :-)
Martijn 18:14, 26 maio 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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Io ha nominate tu pro le posto de administrator hic. -- Dissident (Discussion) 17:46, 26 maio 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Multe gratias! -- Martijn 18:10, 26 maio 2006 (UTC)[responder]
Jondel etiam vole devenir administrator. Forsan tu pote emitter un opinion super lo. -- Dissident (Discussion) 22:02, 26 maio 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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Beste Martijn, zie Wikipedia:Administratores#Bureaucrat. Zou je mij willen steunen bureaucraat te worden op Op dit moment zitten we zonder actieve bureaucraat. Groetjes, Jcb 21:00, 5 junio 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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Beste Martijn, ik heb een verzoek op meta achtergelaten om jou moderator te maken. Zolang we geen actieve bureaucraat hebben moeten de stewards dit voor ons doen. Groetjes, Jcb 22:16, 9 junio 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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Salute, McDutchie, io me gaude de ser hic e salutar te anque hic. Gratias pro tu message a me hic, qui es un nove usator e redactor futur (sperabilemente diligente... :-) ) de Wikipedia.


Multo belle frontispicio

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Car McDutchie,

Le nove Frontispicio es multo belle

Josu Lavin


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Salute McDutchie,

Sci tu como crear un template pro le taxonomia? Actualmente, io crea un tabula per cata pagina biologic (como in orangutan e banana), sed iste methoda non me sembla un methoda bon. Gratias!

--vaftrudner 11:19, 30 junio 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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le parolas pro le pecia de chacos in espaniol, italiano, e francese es "alfil", "alfiere" (insignia), e "fou" (buffon) respectivemente e totes es derivate del arabe "alfil" (le elephante). -- Dissident (Discussion) 09:40, 3 julio 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Le etymologia de "fou" que tu da es del original senso e non es del pecia de chacos. Iste es generalmente acceptate esser un corruption de "alfil". Si tu pote trovar contrari evidentia, io audira lo de bon voluntate. Quanto a tu secunde puncto, applicar notiones subjective in le etymologia de parolas de interlingua como "comprensibilitate" sin objective mesuras deberea esser reducite al minimo. Io opina que "episcopo" es nimis anglocentric e indige plus significante appoio que portugese. -- Dissident (Discussion) 12:42, 3 julio 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Latino moderne

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Gratias pro vostre responsa a mi comencio de debato sure le secunde lingua de tote le locutores neo-latin. Io mesme debutat per le interlingua classic, ma in este tempo me fu totalmente impossibile obtener le plus minime subsidio del organisationes del U.E. (o oltre) al promotion de vostre lingua. E quando io ha decidite suprimer le vocabulos antique non clar (cf. "nimis", "iste", "indige"... in le paragrafo supra), simplificar le formas e fonetisar le ortografia, nos ha recepte in breve tempo plus que 7 000 euros de diverse auxilios : assi se vee esso qui place lo plus (o, plus exacto, esso qui se comprende lo plus e sen estudio). Un puncto comun, nonobstante, al interlingua e a su dialecto pro le 900 miliones de neo-latinos : le jornalistas de nivel national non se interessa a nostre lingua(s). De la, le anonimato in-que nos deve ancora viver... facto qui satisface plenmente le anglese e su servientes docile. Ma io resta al disposition del interlinguistas (averte) pro qualcunque colaboration inter nos...


Please note that this article Latino moderne has been erased from fr:, because it was not notable. Its author is trying to use Wikipedia to promote his language. Regards


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Salute McDutchie! Gratias per tu message de benvenita. Julian Mendez 14:43, 12 novembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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I've just noticed the translation you have performed on my personal page. What a nice gesture! I was planning on trying to do it, but you made my job easy. :-) Thanks -- Robin des Bois ♘ ➳ ✉ 01:11, 23 novembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]


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Vidente le nomines del articulos in altere wikipedias (anglese, italiano e portugese), io constata que il ha sufficiente supporto pro "kernel" como parola del interlingua. -- Dissident (Discussion) 00:26, 13 decembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Bon anno nove

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Salute Martijn. Bon anno nove 2007. Cordialmente, Julian Mendez 19:02, 30 decembre 2006 (UTC)[responder]

Deletion rapide

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Salute Martijn! Mi excusas, io facera lo. Cordialmente, Julian Mendez 23:02, 6 januario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


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Salute Martijn! Gratias pro le patrono de benvenite - patrono ben fabricate! Tu sape si es utile a crear nove patronos sin permission? Io volerea crear nove unes noves pro cosas geographic e renova renovar unes [les; alcunes] que ja existe. Notscott 23:32, 7 januario 2007 (UTC) [Corrigite per Martijn 10:01, 10 januario 2007 (UTC)][responder]


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Salute McDutchie

Si e mi contributiones

Gratias Adailton 15:09, 15 januario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


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Salute McDutchie, Quando io face un 'requesta de deletion rapide' con Patrono:Eliminar, il ha un persona specific que les elimina, o alcun administrator? Il ha un methodo melior? Notscott 02:23, 12 februario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


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Salute, McDutchie! Mi nomine es André Oliva. Io parla espaniol, ma io es apprendente Interlingua, gratias al sito de le Union Mundial Pro Interlingua in Internet. Io sape que io ha multe errores quando scribe in Interlingua, ma io creava le articulo Geometria. Quando vos revideva le articulo, illo esseva in stato embryonic. Ora, iste articulo es plus grande. Pote vos revider novemente le articulo? Multe gratias. --André Oliva 00:20, 21 februario 2007 (UTC)[responder]


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File:Interlingual Barnstar.png
Thanks for translating my user page! Jon Harald Søby 16:52, 12 martio 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Category:Systems on English Wikipedia

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Thank you for your contribution to the systems category. Please note that for en:Category:Systems on the English Wikipedia, there is currently a Call for Deletion. If you would like to contribute to the discussion, you would be very welcome. In particular, if you would like to save this category, please add a Keep entry with your "signature" using "~~~~". Please do this soon if possible since the discussion period is very short. Thank you for your interest if you can contribute. Regards, Jonathan Bowen 18:52, 13 april 2007 (UTC)[responder]

Un video in Interlingua

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Salute! Io creava un video del un del .ogg files que vos creava in 2007 e le poneva a YouTube. Io spera que vos lo amara:

Io intende crear files pro YouTube del alteres anque. Io pensa que vostre pronunciation es multo bon e servi ben pro monstrar le pronunciation ideal del lingua.

Mithridates 16:16, 14 junio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Revision linguistic

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Gratias pro le revision linguistic de WP:5P, WP:VF, WP:NONES, ((benvenite)) e alteres! —André. 17:43, 14 julio 2008 (UTC)[responder]

Que pensa tu de isto nove portal de cursos?

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Car Martijn,

Io ha create un portal de cursos de interlingua e io sape que tu cognosce le vocabulario scientific e pro computatores in interlingua. Pote tu adjutar con ideas? Pote tu adjutar con un revision? Plus importante es que isto portal de cursos es utile pro novicios. Nos pote crear un comunitate forte. Que pensa tu? -- Gratias, Architengi 21:02, 9 martio 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Gramatica in romaniano

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Salute, Martin (McDutchie)

Io es gaude de trovar que tu pensa de crear un articulo super le lingua romaniano? Io pote adjutar te con isto projecto. Isto es un exemplo de gramatica in lingua romanian:

Person Infinitivo Presente Pasato Futuro
Regula infinitivo presente haber(conj) + participio va(conj) + infinitivo
Eu/Io a dansa dansez am dansat voi dansa
Tu dansezi ai dansat vei dansa
El/Ea danseaza a dansat va dansa
Noi dansam am dansat vom dansa
Voi dansati ati dansat veti dansa
Ei/Ele danseaza au dansat vor dansa
Person Infinitivo Presente Pasato Futuro
Regula infinitivo presente haber(conj) + participio va(conj) + infinitivo
Eu/Io a canta cant am cantat voi canta
Tu canti ai cantat vei canta
El/Ea canta a cantat va canta
Noi cantam am cantat vom canta
Voi cantati ati cantat veti canta
Ei/Ele canta au cantat vor canta
Person Infinitivo Presente Pasato Futuro
Regula infinitivo presente haber(conj) + participio va(conj) + infinitivo
Eu/Io a auzi aud am auzit voi auzi
Tu auzi ai auzit vei auzi
El/Ea aude a auzit va auzi
Noi auzim am auzit vom auzi
Voi auziti ati auzit veti auzi
Ei/Ele aud au auzit vor auzi

Si isto es utile a te, pro favor scribe a me.

Gratias, Mushi 20:56, 23 novembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Thank you for your kind welcome! Mushi 19:45, 26 novembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]


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Thank you for your answer I also made some comments :) Mushi 18:45, 27 novembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Derivar parolas basate in un mesme radice

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Inspired by your comment, I created a table for romanian words and their root:

"Lor origine, composition e connexiones familial ha essite obscurate: il generalmente non es possibile derivar un parola regularmente del altere como in interlingua
'integr-e', 'dis-integr-ar', 'integr-itate', 're-integr-abile', etc.
– totes basate in un mesme radice.

This is the table I came up with. What is your opinion, is this useful in any way? Can something like this fit in the [[Lingua romanian]] article, or can we have something like this for interlingua article as well (of course with the interlingua words instead of romanian words)? Do we have an article '''Interlingua-English comparison''' where we can underline the fact that in Interlingua the words are derived but in English "il generalmente non es possibile derivar un parola del altere como in interlingua"? :-)

Lng Substantivo Infinitivo Participio Subst. derivate Maestro del action Habilitate de action Habilitate de action repetative Infinitivo opposite
IA integr-e integr-ar integr-ate integr-itate integr-ator integr-abile re-integr-abile dis-integr-ar
EN integer to integr-ate integr-ated integr-itate integr-ator integr-abile re-integr-abile to des-integr-ate
RO intreg a integr-a integr-at integr-itate integr-ator integr-abil re-integr-abil a dez-integr-a
RO aspirare a aspira aspir-at aspir-atie aspir-ator aspir-abil re-aspir-abil a dez-aspir-a
RO loc a locu-i locu-it loc-atie locu-itor locu-ibil re-locu-ibil a dez-locui
RO cant/cantec a cant-a cant-at cant-are cant-ator cant-abil re-cant-abil a dez-canta
RO vizita a vizit-a vizit-at vizit-are vizit-ator vizit-abil re-vizit-abil a dez-vizita
RO construire a constru-i constru-it constru-ctie constru-ctor constru-ibil re-constru-ibil a demola (dezconstrui)
RO fapt a face fac-ut fac-ere fac-ator fac-ubil re-fac-ubil a des-face
RO profesare a profes-a profes-at profes-are profes-or profes-abil re-profes-abil a dez-profesa
RO imbracaminte a imbrac-a imbrac-at imbrac-are imbrac-ator imbrac-abil re-imbrac-abil a dez-braca
RO fabrica a fabric-a fabric-at fabric-atie fabric-ator fabric-abil re-fabric-abil a dez-fabrica
RO inspirare a inspir-a inspir-at inspir-atie inspir-ator inspir-abil re-inspir-abil a dez-inspira

Please let me know what do you think. :) Mushi 00:32, 4 decembre 2009 (UTC)[responder]

Santiago ruiz

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Salute McDutchie

Que le sembla Santiago ruiz ?

Gratias Adailton msg 20:00, 4 april 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Requestas de elimination rapide

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Salute Martijn

Mi intendimento es que le administrator debe verificar le historia del articulo ante deler le articulo, perque mesmo usator experiente pote committer equivoc. Ma, per su demanda, altete (altiente?) mie monobook.

Gratias Adailton msg 09:23, 20 maio 2010 (UTC)[responder]

Salute Martijn!

Le articulo de Zamenhof forsan e excellente ma io dubita si il es apte haber un tal articulo sur le pagina initial. Isto probabilemente fortifica le impression que interlingua es un forma de esperanto lo que nos troppo sovente debe denegar. Torrente

Felice die de interlingua

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Salute Martijn!

Felice die de interlingua!

Io spera que nos pote incontrar nos personalmente in le futuro (non distante).

Amicalmente, --Julian (disc.) 09:48, 15 januario 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Scribi a te in Facebook

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Hello Martijn, Pedi a te amicos in facebook.Te ave legido la meva solisittata?.Scusati qi io srivo in dialecto (DEIS),se entende no?.Salutis--Neosofista 13:47, 13 augusto 2011 (UTC)[responder]


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Please, could you help me here? I don't speak Interlingua and there's nobody else writing here. --Chabi 05:45, 13 septembre 2011 (UTC)[responder]

Article translation/collaboration request

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Hi McDutchie, how are you? Mate, I am trying to find an editor/s who can help by translating User:Russavia/Polandball into Interlingua. I was wondering if we could make a trade?

If you could translate that article into Interlingua for me, I would be happy to upload approximately 50 aviation photos to Commons from amongst the 200,000 I have permission to upload. I have uploaded a number of photos to give you a brief idea of what I can upload, and I am keeping a gallery at User:Russavia of photos uploaded.

Would you be interested in such a collaborative "trade"? Do let me know, either by responding here, or on my talk page, or by emailing me. Cheers, Russavia (discussion) 14:14, 9 augusto 2012 (UTC)[responder]

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Hello McDutchie, would you mind translating the article on this wiki, if allowed here? (It should have enough reliable sources, I hope.) --Nemo bis (discussion) 21:15, 30 april 2013 (UTC)[responder]

Hjalmar Söderberg

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Salute McDutchie

Please check editing in Hjalmar Söderberg. I undid the edition by assuming vandalism, but not sure.

Thanks 20:07, 13 decembre 2013 (UTC)[responder]

Gratias. Io cognosce le autor de iste modification. Il non tractava de vandalismo, ma de un referentia al traduction in interlingua de iste libro. Io lo ha re-inserite in forma de un nota al pede. – Martijn (discussion) 07:12, 10 januario 2014 (UTC)[responder]

Salute McDutchie

Please check editing Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. I ask for page protection (temporary) to prevent further vandalism.

Amicalmente 15:43, 27 junio 2014 (UTC)[responder]

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Hi. Can you please Patrono:Link GA the same say ou deleted Link FA so that we finish the task? Thanks, Magioladitis (discussion) 13:46, 22 april 2015 (UTC)[responder]

OK, done. – 00:25, 25 april 2015 (UTC)

Range Block

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Hi. Could you explain why you made a large number of ip range blocks? There is a bit 'too much this measure could backfire given the high number of blocked ip. Also it would be better to open a discussion to decide what to do instead proceed independently? Thanks and regards. --Samuele2002 (discussion) 17:47, 17 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]

It's the only way to keep Tobias Conradi's "anonymous" vandalism out; he uses an ISP with dynamically assigned addresses so they will change each time he reconnects, which he can (and does) trivially use to circumvent a single-IP ban. I verified with whois that these ranges all belong to the same ISP which he uses. Note that these IPs are not blocked for editing from registered accounts.
Regarding your second question, the behaviour exhibited by these IPs is consistent with Tobias Conradi and he started harassing me on Facebook under his own name in response to my attempts to undo some of the damage he was doing, so my identification of him is positive. He was blocked globally and forever in November 2015, and the global community has asked everyone to help enforce his ban. The community discussion you ask for has well and truly taken place, on a global Wikimedia Foundation level. – Martijn (discussion) 18:08, 17 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]

And why can IP that is not blocked write at Usator:Samuele2002 but not Usator:FritzVonHomburg? And why is the Taverna blocked for ALL IPs? And where is the vandalism? 18:28, 17 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Oh look, another Telefonica Germany IP address. Hi again Tobias Conradi. The vandalism you left here contains messages identical to the ones you addressed to me under your own name in Facebook. Looks like another range block is needed. You have been banned globally on all Wikipedias since November 2015. Your participation here is not welcome. GO AWAY.Martijn (discussion) 19:45, 17 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Look Ip guy, your behaviour is very brusque. All communities 'need' and mutual trust and respect to function. Administrators have the right to block and many of you were blocked not surprisingly. I mentioned I was lenient compared to other admins. I'm sure if you do the same thing in a different wiki the reaction would be the same, no different. Your protest are excessive aimed at forcing the issue. You keep forcing the issue and they/we/I are just going to respond in kind. Kindly work with us not against us.--Jondel (discussion) 19:13, 17 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Conradi edita nunc como (Telefonica Germany GmbH) Ille systmaticament disface tu modificationes recente.—Tortoise0308 (discussion) 18:28, 26 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Gratias pro le alerta! – Martijn (discussion) 18:35, 26 april 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Conradi edita nunc como Vide Taverna—Tortoise0308 (discussion) 18:18, 30 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Gratias! Blocate e revertite. – Martijn (discussion) 18:24, 30 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Contributiones e correctiones

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Pardona me o McDutchie si il vos place pro mi faltas in interlingua. Nonobstante io te exprimo gratias pro tuo correctiones e contributiones cum patrones et alteras recente. --Jondel (discussion) 02:46, 15 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Request for undeletion

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Please restore the article on the Disney film Beauty and the Beast which exists at en:Beauty and the Beast (1991 film), a stub can be created using the old content. 21:33, 24 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Facite. – Martijn (discussion) 21:42, 24 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

The article should probably be renamed Beauty and the Beast (film de 1991) like the original article, because en:Beauty and the Beast is about the en:fairly tale. 22:46, 24 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]

Io non pensa que isto es necessari; le conto de fees haberea un titulo in interlingua, non in anglese. – Martijn (discussion) 22:58, 24 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]
There is also a 2017 film, plus a few others, such as the 1946 film. Also, last year Usator:Julius Tominius (a sockpuppet of Usator:Tobias Conradi) moved Charlotte's Web to Charlotte's Web (libro), even though most Wikipedia have the novel as the primary topic of the article. Finally, there's the fact that the article Happy Tree Friends looks like spam. 07:03, 29 maio 2017 (UTC)[responder]
Could you expand Liv and Maddie and Charlotte's Web based on this edit and this edit? Better yet, Liv and Maddie could be based on this edit in English and Charlotte's Web could be based on this edit. Or maybe merge the two articles? After all, the Dutch versions of these articles are smaller than the English ones. Could you expand them in Dutch too perhaps? 2602:306:83A9:3D00:80A0:A1A8:F6A6:BBBA 11:48, 1 junio 2017 (UTC)[responder]


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Hello! I'm an user of Portuguese Wikipedia, and I'd like to make a quick deletion of my User page in this Wiki. Could you help me? What template should I use? Blamed (discussion) 20:58, 6 octobre 2017 (UTC)[responder]

OK Iste requesta suffice. Io ha delite tu pagina de usator. - Martijn (discussion) 21:22, 6 octobre 2017 (UTC)[responder]


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Holla. Io ha tentate crear un articulo, ma un error a dicer que mi edition habeva pauc parolas ha me impedite. Io voleva saper quante parolas al minime es necessari per evitar iste error e/o si le facto de mi conto non ha essite confirmate ha alcun cosa con iste problema. Gratias. — Le precedente commento non signate esseva addite per Matheuslollidc (discussion) a 07:59, 12 april 2018‎ (UTC)[responder]

Io ha inserite mi responsa in tu pagina de discussion. Amicalmente – Martijn (discussion) 13:18, 12 april 2018 (UTC)[responder]

2019 Brazil wildfires

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Hello again McDutchie, how are you going?

Since last year you had the nice gesture to help with the translation of the Communicato sur le Museo National, you would want to help with this new crises? As you may know, is happening several wildfires in Brazil and South America and today we started an article on that. You want/have time to (at least start) translate the article 2019 Brazil wildfires into ia/nl? Thanks, Erick Soares3 (discussion) 19:50, 22 augusto 2019 (UTC)[responder]

How we will see unregistered users

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You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:15, 4 januario 2022 (UTC)

Articulo eminente

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Io ha proposte iste articulo como un articulo eminente. An tu poterea per favor votar pro illo? --Caro de Segeda (discussion) 16:22, 18 april 2023 (UTC)[responder]