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Standardization efforts

((Imported from User:M) I'd like to become involved with any standardization efforts on wikipedia. If you know of any, please leave me a note on my talk page. If there is no major effort, I would like to start one, pending interest in the subject.

There are various problems with many display elements (e.g. boxes, or anywhere that color/html is used):

Interested parties: If you are interested in this subject, please leave your timestamped signature under mine:

More AlMac Comments

Top Down Approach

Wikipedia:WikiProject Community


AlMac 29 June 2005 03:06 (UTC)

Examples of the Problems

As I encounter Wiki pages that illustrate the kind of problem that this project is all about, I will provide links. I had encountered quite a few before I was invited to join this project.


here I go in a different direction ... there are times that Graphics on Steroids really help GUI

I don't think this has much to do with usability :) –MT 7 July 2005 23:32 (UTC)

Growing Expertise

AlMac/Growing Expertise is another of my ideas. It might be aplied to what educational path might we suggest to a student of Usability to become thoroughly knowledgeable in it? AlMac 6 July 2005 18:33 (UTC)

have a look at [2] and [3], but especially [4]. Wikipedia itself doesn't aim to teach, it's more of a referance. –MT 7 July 2005 03:38 (UTC)


Concepts which AlMac thinks belong in the Wikipedia, if not already here, that have relevance to this Project:

Major updates AlMac 30 June 2005 08:02 (UTC)

Search Engine-Friendly

As I noodle around WikiP, I sometimes encounter topics that MAY be related to this project, but I may not understand the big picture well enough as yet.

AlMac 2 July 2005 05:11 (UTC)


Similar Projects

I have some AlMac observations about possible similar interests between this project and some others that I have encountered while noodling around Wiki. AlMac 4 July 2005 18:56 (UTC)

Cross Browser

See this Wiki Books grievance. Person expects to find a certain look and feel, and is lost without it. AlMac 14:35, 15 July 2005 (UTC)

Structure Alternatives

What is missing from this list?


Usage Statistics

There may already be such a page and I not yet encountered it. Based on where most Wiki users are in the world, in careers, etc. there will be times of day and week with much more heavy access than others, and when practical for us, we would like to know which of the times of day that are convenient for us to access the Wiki might coincide with the least volume of other Internet users, so as to minimize problems with apparent lockups or slow access.


Due to growth in malware, many people turn off ability of their PCs to take advantage of all the features of graphics & links that are available.

Other people love to use fancy features.

There's a potential conflict there in which one group of users at risk of being discouraged from participating in a community that has lots of the other kind of user.

Some people turn off cookies, are on older versions of Operating Systems, have slower bandwith, have turned off various features.

Some of this is due to bad experiences.

What percentage of Internet users are like this? AlMac suspects the # greater than people with actual disabilities.

Slow Bandwidth

Smaller communities, rural areas, are sometimes slow to get what passes for high speed Internet service. I (AlMac) live in a city of about 1/2 million people. It was only 2 years ago that we got what passes for high speed internet. Previously I was on a dial up modem in which the phone line to my residence was 300 baud which explains why my 56k modem (56,000 baud) was experiencing poor performance. Many other Internet users are in the kind of boat that I was in 2 years ago. Try to access a site with fancy graphics and it just locks up the PC.

A couple years ago I visited some friends over Christmas. They were on a slow dialup using Windows 3.0 on hardware that had got to be 10 years old or more. I asked why not take advantage of the under $ 1 k PCs out there. Several reasons, it is a matter of family priorities.

They have a big family, and serving the needs of the family most important. Computer access is part of that, but a small part for them. More important is outdoor activities (stay healthy, socialized), participate in public library.

I also suspect part of the reason is where they are on economic spectrum. Postal worker, part time Minister, Nurse. Gotta be long hours, not much $ to show for it.

It was only a few years ago that 1/3 US population did not have a computer in the home.

I came across this discussion [7] at about # 44 on the Help Desk and thought there was relevance to this project.

I just had a visitation to PC Hell and found it neccessary to go to Norton Symantec How do you Fix this and that (My Live Update is locking up in Illegal operations and now I am told my PC of many years is in active mode) so I get to print this page & how the heck do I print it (well control P did the trick, but it would have been nice had that factoid been in plain sight). AlMac 30 June 2005 09:03 (UTC)

Older folks


AlMac 28 June 2005 23:26 (UTC)

Some Esoteric Resources


AlMac 29 June 2005 00:59 (UTC)


Different kinds of blindness mean different kinds of problem solving.

Total Blindness

Here is someone who must be using either some Brail method of communicating with the computer, and / or voice.

Forget about them being able to use a mouse.

What they need are keyboard short cuts to accomplish what sighted people use to point and click at places on the screen.

Low Vision

Consider a person who has to use a magnifying glass to read. This is also a high proportion of the elderly.

To an extent a person can mess with settings on their PC to help with this process. Now I (AlMac) knew such a person who had a program to take data from computer screen and blow it up so that where most people see say 100 characters across the screen and 20-30 lines of text per screen, he was looking at perhaps 8 words on 1 screen.

I have no idea what the statistics are on how prevalent this scenario is. My friend was not blind, but he was legally blind, which means could not get a driver's license for one thing.

Color Blindness

There are different degrees and combinations. I think the most common is red green, where red and green are identical, so standardization of traffic lights is really critical for them.

Elsewhere I had a comment about Toolbox. A possibility (I not know how much hassle to set it up, compared to other software priorities)

  1. Click on Toolbox Color review option
    1. Be told # of colors on this page, and relative volume each.
    2. Do a check box ... let's assume a potential user has this or that disability ... how would this page appear to them?

AlMac 29 June 2005 03:33 (UTC)

There's mention of color in the Guide to writing better articles but the statement is incomplete with respect to my point about color contrast. Ideally text should be dark against a light background. A lot of the color, that I see used at Wiki, has a dark background that obscures the text. This might be one place to address this in summary. AlMac 8 July 2005 13:36 (UTC)

Can't Keyboard

Think folks in wheel chair or worse ... those where their hands shake. How do they communicate with their computer?

Some use voice.

How do such users interconnect with web sites when they can't use a mouse or the keyboard? Well some web sites are just too hostile to such people.

For what percentage of the population is this a problem justifying efforts to make web sites friendly to them?

Consider the death rate in recent military conflicts. Take that number and multiply by 20. That gives an estimate of how many people from that war, are in some way disabled physically, let alone people disabled from traffic accidents and other causes.

There's also an issue with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Certain kinds of computer usage can increase risk of developing problems that make access using keyboard or mouse inadvisable.

The Cyber responsibility is to identify what these e-health hazards are and advise people thru Ergonomics articles how to avoid falling into certain traps. But there are vast numbers of people who have fallen into this trap, cannot get out, and now are blocked from access to most web sites. AlMac 29 June 2005 03:33 (UTC)

Common Mistakes

Wiki is already pretty good in avoiding common mistakes of other web sites, but some volunteers can be oblivious to the issues.

There are articles on common mistakes of web design, which wd could have links to. AlMac 29 June 2005 03:33 (UTC)


AlMac 29 June 2005 03:05 (UTC)


A few places I mention the concept of maximizing benefit of our limited resources when there is a big task

How do we find statistics on the populations?


Is some content inappropriate for children below some age thresh hold? Do what about that?

Aside from the topic of the material content perhaps being inappropriate, there is the reading level. Is it aimed at graduates of secondary school for example?

Simple English Wikipedia is there. Quinobi

Statistics on Disabilities

More Resources and References

Periodic additions AlMac 30 June 2005 08:17 (UTC)


Keep in mind the difference between usability and accessibility, though they are obviously closely related. - Omegatron June 29, 2005 18:15 (UTC)

Thanks AlMac 30 June 2005 08:18 (UTC)