Correct : Zamalek, Atterton, Brockwell, Viartis, Dr June, Hytfr, Sammy 77, Oxford Don, Japanese historian, Railton, God Allmighty,, Anti Christ. There are dozens more you've missed.

Incorrect : MoniqueRN, Johnson MD

It looks like the neurosis over who might or might not be me has already caused a bit of collateral damage. I don't have a clue who MoniqueRN is. Only added to Amygdala as far as I can see. I've never even been to Amygdala ! I know "Johnson MD", but am not Johnson MD. So it appears that some of the trolls are using concern about me as an excuse to claim that anyone they don't agree with is a Sock Puppet and so should be removed.

--General Tojo and his Sock Puppets 18:27, 3 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Yes let's all believe every word you say. --PaulWicks 08:38, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The truth's hard to take isn't it Wimpy. It was you that first claimed that MoniqueRN was me. How embarrassing, making an entirely false claim about somebody solely because she disagreed with you, getting her banned, and then finding out that she wasn't even me ! --The General Tojo 09:42, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually that wasn't me. --PaulWicks 13:39, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Oh yeah Wimpy, let's all believe every word you say. Guilty until proven guilty I say. --General Tojo and his SockPuppets 18:39, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Actually, you are utterly predictable. If perhaps you could abstain for that predictable behaviour (e.g. wikistalking, offensive comments) and show you can be reasonable... JFW | T@lk 22:39, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If somebody treats me well I treat them very well. If somebody treats me badly I treat them very badly. The PD novices and their supporters obviously want me out of the way because my far superior knowledge of Parkinson's Disease nullifies their need and obvious desire to impose their ignorance of Parkinson's Disease on everybody. Unfortunately for them they are quickly finding out that I am unbeatable. And I know it wasn't Wimpy, MoniqueRN was your mistake. --GeneralTojo 22:50, 4 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

If your knowledge of Parkinson's is far more superior than everyone else, then why don't you write up a paper and get it published in some peer-reviewed medical journal? Go ahead and prove everyone on Wikipedia and in the wider medical community wrong. Far more productive than waging a one-man war against us lowly counter-vandals on Wikipedia. --  Netsnipe  (Talk)  13:58, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I have written over twenty volumes on medical biochemistry. All of it has already been arranged for international publication. What I have otherwise written has already been translated in to seven languages and has been published in over 150 countries. So what you're suggesting is that I instead publish some piddly little paper ! Ninety nine per cent of them never even get read. They're just something to pad out people's CVs. In the meantime I'm happy to discuss any alteration to the Parkinson's Disease page. Unfortunately, nobody else is. As for warring. It wasn't me that started it. I jusat do a far bettr job of it than others do. If it continues I will ensure that it getsmuch worse. --General Tojo 3 15:13, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

On the other hand, I'm not sure if some of the edits that you've made here or the language that you have used have been similarly as scholarly or G-rated. Andrew73 15:17, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

You haven't cited one instance. A conclusion without evidence is a useless conclusion. I don't abide by rules and conventions anyway. Facts, logic, fairness, justice, consistency. These are what I care about. --General Tojo 3 15:29, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Where do I begin? How about this as an example, [1] by Bio Doc, a likely sock puppet of yours. Not exactly the language I would use speaking to the Queen. Andrew73 15:56, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Only a "likely" sock puppet of mine ! I honestly stated the facts. I'd speak exactly the same way to the Queen. Her job shouldn't exist anyway. --General Tojo 4 16:34, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

By continuing to engage this puppetmaster in conversation we are only perpetuating his involvement in wikipedia and inflating his self importance by discussing him all over the shop. I say we just knuckle down on the parkinson's article, carry out the chore of blocking his puppets, and wait till he goes away. Is there really any point in talking to this guy? We've all got better things to be getting on with. Bye bye Keith. --PaulWicks 17:27, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It will all be interminably reverted Wimpy - every single part of it. Check out the page in a year's time. You won't see a single trace of what you wasted so much time, effort and discussion on. --General Tojo 4 17:30, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

It won't just be what you add to Parkinson's Disease. Everything you have added to every page will be reversed. I've already started - far more subtly than usual. --General Tojo 4 18:07, 5 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]