I am in no way related to user Digwuren nor know him outside of Wikipedia. Please note, that me and Digwuren share most likely same ISP, the biggest ISP in Estonia. If that is the case, then we are both on dynamic IP's. I also occasionally edit from work, which has a different IP, but same provider. Digwuren is not my sockpuppet, but I do follow his edits, as he searches for new Estonia-related articles and edits them. As for same time - we are in same country and same timezone, so edits at the same time are highly likely. As for incredibly silly accusation on "both voted keep on Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Soviet occupation denialism" - that is right, everyone who voted keep there are my sockpuppets. Everybody who voted delete are Ghirla's sockpuppets.
I think it is rather clear when comparing my IP and edit history to his - if there are two my edits from one IP and inbetween them another edit from Digwuren from a different IP, then he cannot be my sockpuppet, as I have no control over my dynamic IP - I get what is given during cable modem reboot (which I haven't done for a week or so). If that is acceptable to Digwuren, then I am willing to have my & his IP-history to be shown here, as I have nothing to hide. DLX 05:24, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
My ISP is Starman, not Elion, and even though I get dynamic addresses, they change relativey infrequently. The likely finding is apparently mistaken. Digwuren 06:02, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I created an account shortly after becoming active on Bronze Soldier of Tallinn in late April, and this activisation was largely due to the events, not anything on Wikipedia. While I have developed quite a respect for DLX in the past few weeks, I didn't know him when I registered, and I do not know him outside Wikipedia. Digwuren 06:17, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
To make this simpler - this is me (ie, DLX) at home, using IE (that means I am not logged in). This is a dynamic IP, but should always resolve to include .rpl. - 88-196-136-253-dsl.rpl.estpak.ee which comes from county Raplamaa. I will give my work IP in few hours when I get there - today is one day in a week when I go late. 06:05, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I am typically in Tartu, save for a few exceptions, and addresses I get resolve into <*.trt.*>; for example, right now, I am at <ip199.cab27.trt.starman.ee>. Digwuren 06:17, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
And this is DLX at work - takes me about 50 min to commute, more today because Emperor of Japan, Akihito is here today and streets are closed. This IP should always resolve to 88-196-48-66-dsl.est.estpak.ee. 07:53, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I had a quick look at this two gentlemens (?) history, and if they are the same person, they would sucessfully edit different articles, covering different topics, at the very same minute this morning. But, of course, one might never know what the Estonians are up to... ;) --Camptown 13:39, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Isn't the conspiracy obvious? After this checkuser signified ((likely)), the puppeteer panicked and in one fell swoop shoved a bunch of pre-written changes into Wikipedia using bots to man both accounts, precisely in the hope that you would notice and think they must be from separate humans. (If you look carefully, you might notice that some of the changes involved reverting vandalism created only seconds earlier. A less careful person might conclude that they couldn't have been pre-written, but do not let that mislead you -- after all, the vandalist acts themselves could have been prewritten. Or perhaps, the bots were just programmed to revert vandalism every now and then. After all, we Estonians are known for our prowess with automation.) Even the fact that I am not troubled by the Akihito visit supports this theory. Sure, I claim it is because I live in another town, but in reality it is because bots do not need streets for transportation.
And now, to complete the plot, here I am, a lowly puppet, discussing the whole thing so openly for plausible deniability. :-) Digwuren 01:23, 25 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Unfortunately, you do not appear to have checkuser access and so are not privy to the information used to generate the "likely" result above. --Selket Talk 18:01, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Weird... both of those IP's cannot access en.wikipedia.org anymore - while there is nothing in the block log. Rebooted modem, another IP - and can access WP just fine. DLX 18:12, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

DLX and all of those are baltic-nationalists that should be blocked. They start Edit Wars and vandalize articles by inserting false information. The only way to stop their wandalizing is to brake the 3RR (because 4 people vandalizing have 12 reverts, while one fighting against Vandalism is only 3 reverts). Anyway, i always thought that those few are one. They talk the same, use the same false sources. Even if they are different people, only for that that the 3d doeth what the previous two were blocked for is not OK. M.V.E.i. 19:12, 24 May 2007 (UTC)

M.V.E.i., please back up your accusations with some evidence (I've only asked for that around 10 times now when you've accused me) or stop. DLX 22:56, 24 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]
I have given you and your friends around 10 links that show that you're a liar, there still there in my talk page you know. See, again you use Denial, it's really not healthy, ignoring what you don't wanna see won't bring you far would it. M.V.E.i.
No, these links show nothing like you claim - which you would know, if you'd read them. However, if you accuse me of vandalism again without giving any substantial proof, I am going to report you for incivility and stalking. I am tired of your word-mangling, racism and insults. DLX 15:06, 25 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Comment This case is without merit, the evidence presented is insufficient, I voted keep on Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Soviet occupation denialism, does that mean I am a sock puppet too? DLX and Digwuren are seen to be conversing here [1]. If there was sock puppetry here, it would indicate a split personality. Martintg 08:15, 27 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]

You underestimate the delusion power of a conspiratorial mind. After all, if I am a sockpuppet, why couldn't I participate in an entirely fictional prescripted discussion with my puppeteer, just so as to make it look like there's no puppetry going on?
Of course, it's absurd, but my years-long interest in psychoceramics has taught me that some people believe *anything*, as long as it provides them an excuse to maintain some obscure fixation.
But this is only a prelude. The main kabuki act is yet to begin, see Wikipedia:Requests for checkuser/Case/Digwuren. Digwuren 08:59, 27 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]