this is in its early planning phase. Any comments or suggestions are welcome at Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/Contests in the 100,000 Challenge section.

Know somebody who might be interested in contributing? Alert them, and ask them to invite others!

The 100,000 Challenge for Women
From November 2017. A Women in Red vehicle to get Wikipedia to 20% + biographies for women....

A vehicle to get WikiProject Women in Red to 20% + women biographies, and a ton of existing articles improved at the same time.

Launching in the summer? 2017 will be a new 100,000 article Challenge for Women on wikipedia long term, based on the original Wikipedia:The 10,000 Challenge. The principal aim is to use it as a motivational vehicle to enchance biography article creations and improvements and enable Women in Red to reach 20% women biographies vs 80% men in the encylopedia. Current estimates cite between 50,000 and 70,000 new articles will be needed, keeping in mind male biography creation and growth, to reach 20% women, we're currently at 17.15%. It is estimated that with the current rate of growth it will take 8 or 9 years to reach that target naturally. Through the challenge and contests we're aiming to reach 20% within two years, 75,000 new women articles. At the same time, we're aiming to reach 25,000 article destubs and improvements. Two challenges will be run side by side as part of the overall goal.

Due to ambitious goal, contests will be the main fuel injectors to make reaching the target practical, and will need to be run at least once a quarter.


  • As the 100,000 Challenge isn't a contest, but an ongoing editathon, rules are relaxed on creation and expansion minimum requirements. Stubs are acceptable, but the idea though is not to generate masses of short stubs or record every minor technical fix to an article but to produce noticeable improvements in content/sourcing or half decent new article creations. Try to make new entries minimum 500 characters of readable prose, something which has some substantial sourced facts which are useful for the reader and doesn't need cleaning up. Fleshier stubs/decent new starter-B class articles with clean and consistent prose and sourcing is what we should be aiming for.
  • Create or improve an article, and add it to either the new articles or improvements section. Credit yourself and give a small summary, such as "new stub" or "article created by" for new entries, and "article expansion by", "Destubbing by", "cleanup by", "source improvement by" etc for improved articles. If you've contributed it as part of a certain editathon, feel free to add an additional note.
  • Try to ensure that new entries or articles improved don't have any unpleasant tags or citation requirements in them. Make sure that the article issues are sorted out and the tags removed before listing.
  • If you've produced a Good Article on a women, please embolden your entries and add the GA icon at the beginning to mark quality.
  • Though we're primarily aiming for women biography creation and improvement, we'll accept a new article or improvement on any woman-related article, whether it's an institution, an award, or a general overview article etc.



Though The 100,000 Challenge is an ongoing permanent editathon to get English wikipedia to 20% + women biographies and a ton of existing stubs improved, reaching 100,000 is no small feat. To be able to achieve it within two years, we will need to run contests, perhaps 4 major ones each year, one a quarter. The World Contest for Women will be the real big one, but keeping in mind that we're a general encyclopedia, running some regional ones like the Africa Destubathon to benefit not only women I think is advisable, and might bring us new editors to writing women articles anyway. The contests are intended as fuel to drive the contest, and also compliment the other existing Challenges for different world regions at the same time. Though we use the word Contest, it's something of an evil word on wikipedia, as writing an encyclopedia shouldn't be a contest. Think of it as a friendly super editathon with rewards for the hardest working editors. An editathon which also warmly welcomes editors who don't want to win prizes or "compete", but contribute independently because they want to see us reach 20% women bios.

  • The World Contest (later 2017) - a world contest covering 195 countries, devoted purely to women biographies and topics
  • The North American Destubathon, a general topic improvement contest like the Africa Destubathon, with prize lots for each state and province of the US and Canada, and larger prizes for tackling and creating women biographies. Like the Africa contest, we would allow new creations for women bios only.



Sign up here if you'd like to contribute to the Challenge and be a part of achieving something extraordinary for women on wikipedia by helping get us to over 20% biographies long term:

  1. Dr. Blofeld 18:55, 12 December 2016 (UTC), I'm also interested in devising and running contests which will make reaching this goal practical in two years.[reply]
  2. Ipigott (talk) 10:55, 27 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

New articles


Let's aim for 75,000 new articles on women by the end of December 2018, which should comfortably get us past 20% and on the road to 25%! You can find lists of missing articles by nationality here. List your entries with a # and credit yourself and add a flag at the start to mark which nationality the woman is.

  1. New article here, add flag at beginning and then, new stub/article by xxx

Destubbed articles


Let's aim for 25,000 article improvements on women, destubs, source improvements/cleanup/Good Articles etc by the end of December 2018.

  1. Improved article here, add flag at beginning and then, destubbing/article improvement/cleanuip etc by xxx