Rank Username Characters added Active days
1 SoAuthentic 73100 48
2 Kcahlber 41520 18
3 Gsrogers 40530 29
4 Clairestum 37484 15
5 Hathornt 29076 19
6 Legin-gross-drawkcab 16876 7
"Course leaderboard" accounts for all edits made to the article namespace. This section is updated twice a week. See also the main leaderboard for all students participating in the Public Policy Initiative.

Course description


Wikipedia and Public Policy is a course offered through the Undergraduate Public Affairs program at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. Students will explore Public Policy issues and how Wikipedia can be used as a tool and resource. In addition, students will research the history and economic impact of Wikipedia and social media while understanding how Wikipedia has changed how we learn, work, and communicate. Students will also refine their presentation, collaboration, and research skills.

Assignment overview


Students will write three short papers accompanied by a 5-minute powerpoint presentation. In addition, students will collaboratively work on a public policy Wikipedia article as their final project.

Assignment Timeline
Assignment Task Due Date Requirements Points
  • Research the history of social media
  • Write a two-page paper on public policy issues surrounding electronic privacy rights
  • Prepare a five-minute presentation of your paper using Power Point
  • Propose a public policy issue that you will work on during the semester
September 17
  • Paper must have a minimum of three sources
  • Follow writing guidelines in this syllabus
  • Create a stub
#2 October 1
  • Follow writing guidelines
  • Use Wiki footnotes style and reference (see WP:CITE)
  • Find an article on a similar topic.
  • Send your TA a link to the discussion page by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m.
October 5
  • Click on the “View History” tab to see who contributed to that article.
  • Go to their Discussion page and leave a request to review your article.
  • Link your article to other article(s) where you’re topic is mentioned.
  • Conduct a Wikipedia search of existing public policy topics and identify information that is inaccurate, not cited correctly or missing.
  • Paper
  • Presentation
October 29
  • Submit a minimum of three findings
  • Final project will consist of a topic that must be agreed upon through class consensus.
  • Students can determine how to divide the workload
December 10
  • Number of sources will be dependent upon number of students involved.
  • Participation
  • Class Involvement
  • Individual Wiki Submittals
  • Grade will be based on quality of research and writing


Date Activities Date Activities
September 3
  • Class Objectives (Project Page)
  • TAs and Campus Ambassador
  • Five Pillars (Zionist article)
  • History of social media and Wikipedia
  • What Wikipedia is and is Not
  • User Accounts/sandbox/basic editing/stubs/proposals/Wiki support
  • Assessment system/Anatomy of an Article
October 8
  • SU Wiki
  • Research/writing updates
  • Additional proposed policy topics
  • Wikipedia community players
  • Onondaga County Wiki
September 10 No Class October 15
  • Panel: Why Wiki?
  • Formatting and Images
September 17
  • Discussion of Anatomy of an Article and moving forward
  • Wiki Culture
  • Presentations of Electronic Privacy Rights
  • Stub Presentations (Helpful Wikipedians)
  • Annie/Sage (Skype)
October 22
  • Policy research updates
  • Instant feedback
  • Rollout to Wiki Community
  • Playing nice
  • Engaging the Community
  • Watch List
  • Project pages
September 24
  • Intellectual Property
  • Economics of Social Media
  • Peer review
  • Select an online mentor
October 29
  • Wiki Community Response Discussion
  • Continuation or start of new policy topic
October 1
  • Writing the Wiki Way: Granularity/Contributions
  • Neutral Point of View and Verifiability
November 5 TBA





Here is a list of the students enrolled in our class this semester. Beside each student's name is the article/article's they are currently working on. Our students are always seeking reviews and assessment of their articles in effort to reach higher classes, so please take a look at the pages and leave feedback.

Note: Students, please alert one of these Online Ambassadors if you are ready for a review of your article and have not gotten a review yet. -- Ssilvers (talk) 16:33, 12 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Class Sites
