This is a report generated automatically by COIBot. If your username/IP appears here, COIBot has picked up an edit you have made for one of the following reasons: The IP you are using is close to the IP of the link that is added; The pagename that you have been editing has considerable overlap with your username; The link you are adding has a considerable overlap with your username; A link you were adding has been reported to e.g. Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam, Wikipedia:Conflict of interest/Noticeboard or on a blacklist request; A link you were adding has previously been added by someone whose username is very similar to the domain being added resulting in automonitoring. The reason your username/IP is in these reports can be found in the record (see also User:COIBot#Interpretation). Your appearance here does not mean you have a conflict of interest with adding a link or editing the page, or that you were spamming. It may very well be accidental overlap, a good link that was picked up by the bot accidentally, or a good link which is nonetheless under investigation of the wikiprojects Wikipedia:Conflict of interest/Noticeboard or Wikipedia:WikiProject Spam . For more information on the working of the bot, see the user page of COIBot. For further questions, notify COIBot's maintainer, Dirk Beetstra, or ask on the Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam.
  1. 23:30:04, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Wrad (contribs; 3/144) scores 50% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 30%) on calculated overlap Wrad <-> Red (Red - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  2. 23:31:32, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Cranwell gnome (contribs; 2/2) scores 61.53% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 61.5%) on calculated overlap Cranwell gnome <-> Cranwell (Cranwell - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  3. 23:31:41, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Wrad (contribs; 4/145) scores 50% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 30%) on calculated overlap Wrad <-> Red (Red - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  4. 23:37:34, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Stephaunelite (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Stephaunelite <-> Stephaun elite (Stephaun elite - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  5. 23:39:41, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:CAPRA1 (contribs; 1/1) scores 83.33% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 83.3%) on calculated overlap CAPRA1 <-> C.A.P.R.A. (C.A.P.R.A. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  6. 23:40:11, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Stephaunelite (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Stephaunelite <-> Stephaun elite (Stephaun elite - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  7. 23:42:33, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Everettclinic (contribs; 2/7) scores 100% (U->P) & 81.25% (P->U) (ratio: 81.2%) on calculated overlap Everettclinic <-> The Everett Clinic (The Everett Clinic - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  8. 23:43:51, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Nielsen1 (contribs; 1/13) scores 78.75% (U->P) & 35% (P->U) (ratio: 27.5%) on calculated overlap Nielsen1 <-> Harald Herborg Nielsen (Harald Herborg Nielsen - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  9. 23:45:59, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Roxyrama (contribs; 1/6) scores 59.11% (U->P) & 52.54% (P->U) (ratio: 31%) on calculated overlap Roxyrama <-> Roxy Music (Roxy Music - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  10. 23:46:03, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Nielsen1 (contribs; 2/14) scores 78.75% (U->P) & 35% (P->U) (ratio: 27.5%) on calculated overlap Nielsen1 <-> Harald Herborg Nielsen (Harald Herborg Nielsen - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  11. 23:46:03, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 1/1) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  12. 23:47:49, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Joannarutkowska (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Joannarutkowska <-> Joanna Rutkowska (Joanna Rutkowska - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  13. 23:48:07, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:I hate Bidoof (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 73.33% (P->U) (ratio: 73.3%) on calculated overlap I hate Bidoof <-> I hate bidoof club (I hate bidoof club - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  14. 23:48:21, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Wrad (contribs; 5/146) scores 50% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 30%) on calculated overlap Wrad <-> Red (Red - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  15. 23:48:25, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 2/2) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  16. 23:49:54, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 3/3) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  17. 23:50:06, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Joannarutkowska (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Joannarutkowska <-> Joanna Rutkowska (Joanna Rutkowska - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  18. 23:58:11, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Lordbj (contribs; 1/1) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 44.44% (P->U) (ratio: 29.6%) on calculated overlap Lordbj <-> Overlord X (Overlord X - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  19. 23:59:32, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Styles For Less (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Styles For Less <-> Styles For Less (Styles For Less - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  20. 00:01:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 1/6) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  21. 00:03:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Frogbloggernation (contribs; 1/1) scores 47.05% (U->P) & 79.35% (P->U) (ratio: 37.3%) on calculated overlap Frogbloggernation <-> The frog blog (The frog blog - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  22. 00:05:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 2/7) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  23. 00:06:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 3/8) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  24. 00:08:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 4/9) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  25. 00:10:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 5/10) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  26. 00:10:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 6/11) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  27. 00:11:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 7/12) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  28. 00:11:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 8/13) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  29. 00:12:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 9/14) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  30. 00:12:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 10/15) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  31. 00:13:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 11/16) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  32. 00:13:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Umpleby (contribs; 1/21) scores 100% (U->P) & 53.84% (P->U) (ratio: 53.8%) on calculated overlap Umpleby <-> Stuart Umpleby (Stuart Umpleby - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  33. 00:14:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 12/17) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  34. 00:14:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 13/18) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  35. 00:14:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 14/19) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  36. 00:14:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 15/20) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  37. 00:15:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 16/21) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  38. 00:15:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 17/22) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  39. 00:16:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 18/23) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  40. 00:17:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 19/24) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  41. 00:18:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 20/25) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  42. 00:18:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 21/26) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  43. 00:19:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 22/27) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  44. 00:20:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 23/28) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  45. 00:20:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 24/29) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  46. 00:23:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 25/30) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  47. 00:26:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 26/31) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  48. 00:28:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LessThanClippers (contribs; 1/6) scores 54.55% (U->P) & 72.13% (P->U) (ratio: 39.3%) on calculated overlap LessThanClippers <-> Less Than Jake (Less Than Jake - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  49. 00:28:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 27/32) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  50. 00:29:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Raamin (contribs; 1/6) scores 54.3% (U->P) & 46.54% (P->U) (ratio: 25.2%) on calculated overlap Raamin <-> Britain (Britain - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  51. 00:29:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 4/4) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  52. 00:29:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 28/33) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  53. 00:30:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 29/34) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  54. 00:30:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 30/35) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  55. 00:30:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 31/36) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  56. 00:31:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 32/37) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  57. 00:31:45, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 33/38) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  58. 00:32:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 34/39) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  59. 00:32:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 35/40) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  60. 00:33:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Scorpionfangs (contribs; 1/27) scores 55.81% (U->P) & 51.13% (P->U) (ratio: 28.5%) on calculated overlap Scorpionfangs <-> Scorpio (astrology) (Scorpio (astrology) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  61. 00:33:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 36/41) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  62. 00:34:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 37/42) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  63. 00:35:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 38/43) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  64. 00:35:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 39/44) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  65. 00:35:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 40/45) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  66. 00:35:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 41/46) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  67. 00:36:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 42/47) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  68. 00:36:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RealTaken (contribs; 43/48) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> RealTaken Games (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  69. 00:43:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  70. 00:50:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  71. 00:53:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Pskovian (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Pskovian <-> Pskov (Pskov - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  72. 00:53:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  73. 01:00:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Icetfan (contribs; 1/15) scores 57.14% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 57.1%) on calculated overlap Icetfan <-> Ice T (Ice T - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  74. 01:03:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 1/9) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  75. 01:03:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 1/2) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  76. 01:04:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 2/10) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  77. 01:04:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 2/3) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  78. 01:05:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 3/11) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  79. 01:06:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 3/4) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  80. 01:06:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 4/5) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  81. 01:06:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 4/12) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  82. 01:08:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 5/13) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  83. 01:08:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 5/6) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  84. 01:09:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 6/14) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  85. 01:09:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 6/7) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  86. 01:10:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 7/8) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  87. 01:10:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 8/9) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  88. 01:11:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 9/10) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  89. 01:11:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 7/15) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  90. 01:11:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 10/11) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  91. 01:12:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 2/5) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  92. 01:13:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 8/16) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  93. 01:13:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Topchefrocks1290 (contribs; 11/12) scores 43.75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 43.7%) on calculated overlap Topchefrocks1290 <-> Top Chef (Top Chef - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  94. 01:13:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 3/6) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  95. 01:13:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 4/7) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  96. 01:14:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 5/8) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  97. 01:14:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  98. 01:15:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Marylandstater (contribs; 9/17) scores 83.57% (U->P) & 36.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.7%) on calculated overlap Marylandstater <-> Current members of the Maryland State Senate (Current members of the Maryland State Senate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  99. 01:18:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Viator slovenicus (contribs; 1/33) scores 50% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 39.3%) on calculated overlap Viator slovenicus <-> Slovenia (Slovenia - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  100. 01:19:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 1/3) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  101. 23:57:47, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Aboutmovies - user talk:Aboutmovies (contribs; 1/11) Monitored link - - rule: \bsptimes\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Pascotimes <->; diff) (Keeley Dorsey - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  102. 23:58:45, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:JayKeaton - user talk:JayKeaton (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \baetv\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (IP user ( in testrange ( = ; diff) (Kings of South Beach - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  103. 23:58:46, Fri Jan 04, 2008 - user:Garfman - user talk:Garfman (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \btimeout\.com - reason: Link is blacklisted on Shadowbot (rule added by Beetstra). (The Antidote (Morcheeba album) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  104. 00:06:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:FacePlantCentral - User talk:FacePlantCentral (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap FacePlantCentral <-> (FPC - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  105. 00:08:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:MishaPan - user talk:MishaPan (contribs; 1/18) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Christian burial - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  106. 00:35:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris 42 - user talk:Chris 42 (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bautoexpress\.co\.uk - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Nissan March - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  107. 00:40:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/3) Monitored link - - rule: \brangefindermag\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rangefinder <->; diff) (Freeman Patterson - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  108. 00:54:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Water1313 - user talk:Water1313 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \badvanceweb\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (IP user ( in testrange ( = ; diff) (Aquatic therapy - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  109. 00:55:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Matthew hk - user talk:Matthew hk (contribs; 1/10) Monitored link - - rule: \bnacional - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Nacional.records <-> nacional; diff) (Club Nacional de Football - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  110. 01:08:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Matthew hk - user talk:Matthew hk (contribs; 2/11) Monitored link - - rule: \bnacional - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Nacional.records <-> nacional; diff) (Pablo Caballero - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  111. 01:09:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Alvr - User talk:Alvr (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 57.14% (L->U) (ratio: 57.1%) on calculated overlap Alvr <-> (House of Fabergé - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  112. 01:11:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tutwo0000 - user talk:Tutwo0000 (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: high spam risk link, earn money by creating pages on this site and llinking to it (Vidya Balan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  113. 01:13:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris 42 - user talk:Chris 42 (contribs; 2/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bautoexpress\.co\.uk - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Nissan March - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  114. 01:15:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Alvr - User talk:Alvr (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 57.14% (L->U) (ratio: 57.1%) on calculated overlap Alvr <-> (House of Fabergé - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  115. 01:24:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Matthew hk - user talk:Matthew hk (contribs; 3/12) Monitored link - - rule: \bnacional - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Nacional.records <-> nacional; diff) (Mauricio Victorino - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  116. 01:31:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/4) Monitored link - - rule: \brangefindermag\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rangefinder <->; diff) (Greg Gorman - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  117. 01:36:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ghanadar galpa - user talk:Ghanadar galpa (contribs; 1/7) Monitored link - - rule: \bexpressindia\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ExpressION12 <->; diff) (Communist Party of India (Marxist) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  118. 01:39:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:GuessStables - User talk:GuessStables (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap GuessStables <-> (Tennessee Walker - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  119. 01:46:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/5) Monitored link - - rule: \brangefindermag\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rangefinder <->; diff) (Andreas Gursky - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  120. 01:55:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bantisocialbehaviour\.eu - reason: automonitor: coi? link addition (Saint Johns Park West - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  121. 01:58:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris 42 - user talk:Chris 42 (contribs; 2/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bautoexpress\.co\.uk - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Nissan March - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  122. 01:58:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cowbellcity45 - user talk:Cowbellcity45 (contribs; 1/5) Monitored link -,4902 - rule: \btinymixtapes\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap tinymixtapes ->; Mangle -> tinymixtapes (); ; diff) (Person Pitch - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  123. 02:02:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Daniel dj87 - user talk:Daniel dj87 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bclarin\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ca in <->; diff) (High School Musical 2 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  124. 02:02:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Daniel dj87 - user talk:Daniel dj87 (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bclarin\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ca in <->; diff) (High School Musical 2 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  125. 02:03:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zache - user talk:Zache (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bforbes\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Cesco <->; diff) (Kathy Sierra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  126. 01:19:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:PrimeHunter (contribs; 1/74) scores 63.54% (U->P) & 63.54% (P->U) (ratio: 40.3%) on calculated overlap PrimeHunter <-> Prime number (Prime number - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  127. 01:21:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 2/4) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  128. 01:22:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 5/5) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  129. 01:23:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 3/5) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  130. 01:27:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:JimWae (contribs; 1/69) scores 48.33% (U->P) & 65.25% (P->U) (ratio: 31.5%) on calculated overlap JimWae <-> Time (Time - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  131. 01:29:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Daphnerosen (contribs; 1/27) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Daphnerosen <-> Daphne Rosen (Daphne Rosen - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  132. 01:31:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Alison (contribs; 1/65) scores 62.37% (U->P) & 46.2% (P->U) (ratio: 28.8%) on calculated overlap Alison <-> California (California - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  133. 01:33:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 6/6) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  134. 01:36:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gaah2000 (contribs; 1/1) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Gaah2000 <-> GAAH (GAAH - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  135. 01:37:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 7/7) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  136. 01:37:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kobratd (contribs; 1/1) scores 55.71% (U->P) & 78% (P->U) (ratio: 43.4%) on calculated overlap Kobratd <-> Borat (Borat - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  137. 01:38:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kobratd (contribs; 2/2) scores 55.71% (U->P) & 78% (P->U) (ratio: 43.4%) on calculated overlap Kobratd <-> Borat (Borat - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  138. 01:40:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tomas e (contribs; 1/16) scores 79.65% (U->P) & 39.99% (P->U) (ratio: 31.8%) on calculated overlap Tomas e <-> Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  139. 01:41:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Darbaki (contribs; 1/61) scores 100% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Darbaki <-> Youssef Darbaki (Youssef Darbaki - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  140. 01:43:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 7/8) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  141. 01:43:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tomas e (contribs; 2/17) scores 79.65% (U->P) & 39.99% (P->U) (ratio: 31.8%) on calculated overlap Tomas e <-> Thomas Jefferson (Thomas Jefferson - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  142. 01:47:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 8/9) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  143. 01:49:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Caribbean H.Q. (contribs; 1/18) scores 81.81% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 81.8%) on calculated overlap Caribbean H.Q. <-> Caribbean (Caribbean - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  144. 01:53:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 8/10) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  145. 01:54:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lilshaun28 (contribs; 1/1) scores 56.56% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 28.2%) on calculated overlap Lilshaun28 <-> Shaun Cairo (Shaun Cairo - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  146. 02:02:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mwbseiso (contribs; 1/35) scores 77.62% (U->P) & 49.28% (P->U) (ratio: 38.2%) on calculated overlap Mwbseiso <-> Musallam Bseiso (Musallam Bseiso - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  147. 02:04:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 1/1) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  148. 02:10:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NorCalHistory (contribs; 1/2) scores 67.01% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 31.2%) on calculated overlap NorCalHistory <-> History of Alaska (History of Alaska - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  149. 02:12:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NorCalHistory (contribs; 2/3) scores 67.01% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 31.2%) on calculated overlap NorCalHistory <-> History of Alaska (History of Alaska - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  150. 02:14:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NorCalHistory (contribs; 3/4) scores 67.01% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 31.2%) on calculated overlap NorCalHistory <-> History of Alaska (History of Alaska - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  151. 02:15:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 2/2) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  152. 02:15:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Manipuri (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 32% (P->U) (ratio: 32%) on calculated overlap Manipuri <-> Bisnupriya Manipuri Society (Bisnupriya Manipuri Society - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  153. 02:15:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 3/3) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  154. 02:19:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 4/4) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  155. 02:21:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Franciscus Antheunis (contribs; 1/1) scores 67.21% (U->P) & 85.13% (P->U) (ratio: 57.2%) on calculated overlap Franciscus Antheunis <-> Franciscus Henri (Franciscus Henri - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  156. 02:23:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 2/6) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  157. 02:23:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Franciscus Antheunis (contribs; 2/2) scores 67.21% (U->P) & 85.13% (P->U) (ratio: 57.2%) on calculated overlap Franciscus Antheunis <-> Franciscus Henri (Franciscus Henri - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  158. 02:32:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lau Kar-Yung (contribs; 1/11) scores 88.18% (U->P) & 80.83% (P->U) (ratio: 71.2%) on calculated overlap Lau Kar-Yung <-> Lau Kar-leung (Lau Kar-leung - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  159. 02:33:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:TwPx (contribs; 1/7) scores 76.95% (U->P) & 34.54% (P->U) (ratio: 26.5%) on calculated overlap TwPx <-> Twin paradox (Twin paradox - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  160. 02:40:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DanWooten (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DanWooten <-> Dan wooten (Dan wooten - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  161. 02:42:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DanWooten (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DanWooten <-> Dan wooten (Dan wooten - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  162. 02:44:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DanWooten (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DanWooten <-> Dan wooten (Dan wooten - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  163. 02:45:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 1/9) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  164. 02:46:45, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 2/10) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  165. 02:51:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 2/7) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  166. 02:52:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 3/11) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  167. 02:54:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 1/11) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  168. 02:56:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 2/12) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> Ailsa Craig Engines (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  169. 02:59:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 4/12) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  170. 03:00:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Profroush (contribs; 5/13) scores 63.65% (U->P) & 57.29% (P->U) (ratio: 36.4%) on calculated overlap Profroush <-> Jason Roush (Jason Roush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  171. 03:06:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Vertigoproductions04 (contribs; 1/1) scores 81% (U->P) & 72% (P->U) (ratio: 58.3%) on calculated overlap Vertigoproductions04 <-> Vertigo theatre productions (Vertigo theatre productions - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  172. 03:06:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:TwPx (contribs; 2/8) scores 76.95% (U->P) & 34.54% (P->U) (ratio: 26.5%) on calculated overlap TwPx <-> Twin paradox (Twin paradox - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  173. 03:07:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Vertigoproductions04 (contribs; 2/2) scores 81% (U->P) & 72% (P->U) (ratio: 58.3%) on calculated overlap Vertigoproductions04 <-> Vertigo theatre productions (Vertigo theatre productions - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  174. 03:15:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Vertigoproductions04 (contribs; 3/3) scores 81% (U->P) & 72% (P->U) (ratio: 58.3%) on calculated overlap Vertigoproductions04 <-> Vertigo theatre productions (Vertigo theatre productions - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  175. 03:18:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lt. Armstrong (contribs; 1/1) scores 81.81% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 49%) on calculated overlap Lt. Armstrong <-> Brian A. Armstrong (Brian A. Armstrong - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  176. 02:12:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bmalamutedealaska\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to pt:MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist (diff - ) (Alaskan Malamute - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  177. 02:23:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dlae - user talk:Dlae (contribs; 1/18) Monitored link - - rule: \braiders\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Raider nation pro <->; diff) (National Football League lore - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  178. 02:24:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 3/6) Monitored link - - rule: \brangefindermag\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rangefinder <->; diff) (Walter Iooss - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  179. 02:24:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Matthew hk - user talk:Matthew hk (contribs; 2/13) Monitored link - - rule: \bfifa\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ffahm <->; diff) (1999 FIFA World Youth Championship squads - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  180. 02:26:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jerry - user talk:Jerry (contribs; 1/7) Monitored link - - rule: \bwikipatents\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Bocce - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  181. 02:31:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NoCal100 - user talk:NoCal100 (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bkatemulgrewonline\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Kmonline <->; diff) (Kate Mulgrew - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  182. 02:31:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 4/7) Monitored link - - rule: \brangefindermag\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rangefinder <->; diff) (Jane Bown - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  183. 02:44:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bscamdex\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Scamdex <->; diff) (Advance fee fraud - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  184. 02:44:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Daphnerosen - User talk:Daphnerosen (contribs; 1/28) scores 61.17% (U->L) & 51.2% (L->U) (ratio: 31.3%) on calculated overlap Daphnerosen <-> (Daphne Rosen - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  185. 02:44:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Sandcounty - User talk:Sandcounty (contribs; 1/19) scores 100% (U->L) & 76.92% (L->U) (ratio: 76.9%) on calculated overlap Sandcounty <-> (Sand county foundation - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  186. 02:45:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bscamdex\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Scamdex <->; diff) (Advance fee fraud - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  187. 02:46:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Nicolas Anelka - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  188. 02:46:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Edittman - user talk:Edittman (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: internetnews\.com - reason: wt:wpspam jupitermedia corporation (jupiterimages) (Booz Allen Hamilton - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  189. 02:48:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bottomliner - user talk:Bottomliner (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bthisislondon\.co\.uk - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Dchlondon <->; diff) (Rhydian Roberts - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  190. 02:50:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 3/8) Monitored link - - rule: \brangefindermag\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rangefinder <->; diff) (Diane Arbus - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  191. 02:57:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Everettclinic - User talk:Everettclinic (contribs; 1/8) scores 100% (U->L) & 81.25% (L->U) (ratio: 81.2%) on calculated overlap Everettclinic <-> (The Everett Clinic - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  192. 03:16:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ghanadar galpa - user talk:Ghanadar galpa (contribs; 1/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bexpressindia\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ExpressION12 <->; diff) (Communist Party of India (Marxist) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  193. 03:24:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link -,0,6858668.story - rule: \bbaltimoresun\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap The G.H.O.S.T. in Baltimore <->; diff) (Maryland Terrapins football - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  194. 03:29:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lucasbfr - user talk:Lucasbfr (contribs; 1/8) Monitored link - www.gamasutra - rule: \bgamasut - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Atamasama <-> gamasut; diff) (Warcraft (series) - diff - COIBot UserReport - gamasutra: Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  195. 03:30:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:William Fuld - User talk:William Fuld (contribs; 1/9) scores 100% (U->L) & 78.57% (L->U) (ratio: 78.5%) on calculated overlap William Fuld <-> (Elijah Bond - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  196. 03:34:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zedla - user talk:Zedla (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Thomas Paine - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  197. 03:48:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Barek - user talk:Barek (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bcruisecritic\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Seabourn Cruise Line - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  198. 03:49:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bsinoppostasi\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Sinoppostasi <->; diff) (Sinop Airport - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  199. 03:55:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Matthew hk - user talk:Matthew hk (contribs; 1/14) Monitored link - - rule: \bfifa\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ffahm <->; diff) (Bruno Fernandes (born 1978) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  200. 03:55:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:RealTaken - User talk:RealTaken (contribs; 1/49) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  201. 03:55:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:RealTaken - User talk:RealTaken (contribs; 2/50) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  202. 03:19:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Vertigoproductions04 (contribs; 4/4) scores 81% (U->P) & 72% (P->U) (ratio: 58.3%) on calculated overlap Vertigoproductions04 <-> Vertigo theatre productions (Vertigo theatre productions - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  203. 03:23:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 3/8) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  204. 03:30:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Benkav (contribs; 1/1) scores 72.9% (U->P) & 37.5% (P->U) (ratio: 27.3%) on calculated overlap Benkav <-> Ben James Kavanagh (Ben James Kavanagh - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  205. 03:30:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 1/10) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  206. 03:31:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Benkav (contribs; 2/2) scores 72.9% (U->P) & 37.5% (P->U) (ratio: 27.3%) on calculated overlap Benkav <-> Ben James Kavanagh (Ben James Kavanagh - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  207. 03:32:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 2/11) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  208. 03:32:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sunquanliangxiuhao (contribs; 1/1) scores 38.88% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 38.8%) on calculated overlap Sunquanliangxiuhao <-> Sun Quan (Sun Quan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  209. 03:34:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 3/12) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  210. 03:34:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 4/13) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  211. 03:36:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samchoiiscool (contribs; 1/1) scores 53.84% (U->P) & 54.72% (P->U) (ratio: 29.4%) on calculated overlap Samchoiiscool <-> Choi Sam (Choi Sam - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  212. 03:38:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:GoTruexJr (contribs; 1/1) scores 61.2% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 30.6%) on calculated overlap GoTruexJr <-> Martin Truex, Jr. (Martin Truex, Jr. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  213. 03:38:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 5/14) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  214. 03:41:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 6/15) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  215. 03:42:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 7/16) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  216. 03:42:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 8/17) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  217. 03:43:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 9/18) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  218. 03:44:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 10/19) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  219. 03:48:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 1/5) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  220. 03:48:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 2/6) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  221. 03:48:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:LordMaahes (contribs; 3/7) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap LordMaahes <-> Maahes (Maahes - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  222. 03:49:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:AriaZuk (contribs; 1/2) scores 69.77% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 32.5%) on calculated overlap AriaZuk <-> Arianna Zukerman (Arianna Zukerman - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  223. 03:56:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mikeroyce1 (contribs; 1/1) scores 90% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 90%) on calculated overlap Mikeroyce1 <-> Mike Royce (Mike Royce - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  224. 03:57:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hadoukenbellamy (contribs; 1/1) scores 53.75% (U->P) & 57.59% (P->U) (ratio: 30.9%) on calculated overlap Hadoukenbellamy <-> Matthew Bellamy (Matthew Bellamy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  225. 03:58:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Alphonse Gurl (contribs; 1/1) scores 72.74% (U->P) & 67.14% (P->U) (ratio: 48.8%) on calculated overlap Alphonse Gurl <-> Alphonse Elric (Alphonse Elric - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  226. 03:59:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Reino Helismaa (contribs; 6/7) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Reino Helismaa <-> Reino Helismaa (Reino Helismaa - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  227. 04:07:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:James Folkston (contribs; 1/1) scores 59.92% (U->P) & 45.55% (P->U) (ratio: 27.2%) on calculated overlap James Folkston <-> Robert Colby Folkston (Robert Colby Folkston - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  228. 04:08:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 2/9) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  229. 04:09:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:James Folkston (contribs; 2/2) scores 59.92% (U->P) & 45.55% (P->U) (ratio: 27.2%) on calculated overlap James Folkston <-> Robert Colby Folkston (Robert Colby Folkston - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  230. 04:10:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 3/10) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  231. 04:12:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 4/11) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  232. 04:14:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 5/12) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  233. 04:15:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 6/13) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  234. 04:20:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 7/14) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  235. 04:32:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:MrChickenNuggets (contribs; 1/1) scores 83.81% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 66%) on calculated overlap MrChickenNuggets <-> Chicken McNuggets (Chicken McNuggets - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  236. 04:33:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mexico ford (contribs; 7/15) scores 59.9% (U->P) & 44.86% (P->U) (ratio: 26.8%) on calculated overlap Mexico ford <-> Mexico City Metro (Mexico City Metro - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  237. 04:34:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:The Real J-Witt (contribs; 1/1) scores 46.15% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 46.1%) on calculated overlap The Real J-Witt <-> J-Witt (J-Witt - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  238. 04:36:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:MrChickenNuggets (contribs; 2/2) scores 83.81% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 66%) on calculated overlap MrChickenNuggets <-> Chicken McNuggets (Chicken McNuggets - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  239. 04:47:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Oeropium (contribs; 1/3) scores 37.5% (U->P) & 90% (P->U) (ratio: 33.7%) on calculated overlap Oeropium <-> EPI (EPI - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  240. 04:48:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Talmanes (contribs; 1/1) scores 51.97% (U->P) & 51.97% (P->U) (ratio: 27%) on calculated overlap Talmanes <-> Baldness (Baldness - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  241. 04:55:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bcolomby (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 66.66% (P->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Bcolomby <-> Bobby Colomby (Bobby Colomby - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  242. 04:56:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bellasonny (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Bellasonny <-> Bellasonny (Bellasonny - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  243. 04:57:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bcolomby (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 66.66% (P->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Bcolomby <-> Bobby Colomby (Bobby Colomby - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  244. 04:59:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bcolomby (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 66.66% (P->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Bcolomby <-> Bobby Colomby (Bobby Colomby - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  245. 05:04:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bellasonny (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Bellasonny <-> Bellasonny (Bellasonny - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  246. 05:04:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rohindir (contribs; 1/1) scores 50% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 40%) on calculated overlap Rohindir <-> Hindu (Hindu - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  247. 05:10:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:EscapeTheFateLove56 (contribs; 1/1) scores 68.42% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 68.4%) on calculated overlap EscapeTheFateLove56 <-> Escape the Fate (Escape the Fate - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  248. 05:14:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RobertLunaIII (contribs; 1/8) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 59.84% (P->U) (ratio: 30.3%) on calculated overlap RobertLunaIII <-> Robert Duvall (Robert Duvall - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  249. 05:14:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jon P Anderson (contribs; 1/7) scores 91.66% (U->P) & 64.7% (P->U) (ratio: 59.3%) on calculated overlap Jon P Anderson <-> Jon Anderson (runner) (Jon Anderson (runner) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  250. 05:14:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tomwiehl (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 55.55% (P->U) (ratio: 34.7%) on calculated overlap Tomwiehl <-> Evan wiehl (Evan wiehl - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  251. 05:15:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jon P Anderson (contribs; 2/8) scores 91.66% (U->P) & 64.7% (P->U) (ratio: 59.3%) on calculated overlap Jon P Anderson <-> Jon Anderson (runner) (Jon Anderson (runner) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  252. 03:59:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:RealTaken - User talk:RealTaken (contribs; 3/51) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  253. 04:03:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Nbarth - user talk:Nbarth (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: spam (Oak Island - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  254. 04:06:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:KarmaLoop - user talk:KarmaLoop (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bhiphopdx\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Hiphophead88 <->; diff) (American Gangster (album) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  255. 04:07:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Barefact - user talk:Barefact (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bgumilevica\.kulichki\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Gumilevica <->; diff (Kangly - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  256. 04:07:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Selecciones de la Vida - user talk:Selecciones de la Vida (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bfifa\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ffahm <->; diff) (Chile national under-20 football team - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  257. 04:07:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Selecciones de la Vida - user talk:Selecciones de la Vida (contribs; 2/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bfifa\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ffahm <->; diff) (Chile national under-20 football team - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  258. 04:18:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Varuag doos - user talk:Varuag doos (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bpunjab2000\.com - reason: automonitor link $url after report to $page (Bhangra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  259. 04:22:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:RealTaken - User talk:RealTaken (contribs; 4/52) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  260. 04:25:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:RealTaken - User talk:RealTaken (contribs; 5/53) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  261. 04:42:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:RealTaken - User talk:RealTaken (contribs; 6/54) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap RealTaken <-> (RealTaken Games - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  262. 04:44:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ant - user talk:Ant (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Sword of Sorcery - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  263. 04:47:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Liontigerbear2 - user talk:Liontigerbear2 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bcanada\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Canadian Paul <->; diff) (Whistler-Blackcomb - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  264. 04:53:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bcanada\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Canadian Paul <->; diff) (David Suzuki - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  265. 04:56:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Pepper6181 - user talk:Pepper6181 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brootsweb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rootsjockey <->; diff) (Tennessee State Route 79 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  266. 04:59:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Ailsacraigengines - User talk:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 1/13) scores 100% (U->L) & 80.95% (L->U) (ratio: 80.9%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  267. 05:02:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chicagofacts - User talk:Chicagofacts (contribs; 1/2) scores 68.17% (U->L) & 55.41% (L->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Chicagofacts <-> (Latin Kings - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  268. 05:02:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Graham Wellington - user talk:Graham Wellington (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Douglas Rushkoff - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  269. 05:05:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Reddi - user talk:Reddi (contribs; 1/12) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Metaphysical necessity - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  270. 05:11:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bcanada\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Canadian Paul <->; diff) (David Suzuki - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  271. 05:12:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chineseyoyoworld - User talk:Chineseyoyoworld (contribs; 1/5) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Chineseyoyoworld <-> (James Clerk Maxwell - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  272. 05:14:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:SorryGuy - user talk:SorryGuy (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bphilly\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Chilliam <->; diff) (No Country for Old Men (film) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  273. 05:15:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DoubleBlue - user talk:DoubleBlue (contribs; 1/14) Monitored link - - rule: \bcanada\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Canadian Paul <->; diff) (George White (football player) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  274. 05:15:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chineseyoyoworld - User talk:Chineseyoyoworld (contribs; 2/6) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Chineseyoyoworld <-> (Siteswap - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  275. 05:17:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \borthodoxwiki\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Gr.orthodox <->; diff) (Isis - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  276. 05:17:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chineseyoyoworld - User talk:Chineseyoyoworld (contribs; 3/7) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Chineseyoyoworld <-> (Cascade (juggling) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  277. 05:19:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chineseyoyoworld - User talk:Chineseyoyoworld (contribs; 4/8) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Chineseyoyoworld <-> (Fountain (juggling) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  278. 05:21:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chineseyoyoworld - User talk:Chineseyoyoworld (contribs; 5/9) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Chineseyoyoworld <-> (Circus - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  279. 05:22:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Gene93k - User talk:Gene93k (contribs; 1/3) scores 57.14% (U->L) & 44.44% (L->U) (ratio: 25.3%) on calculated overlap Gene93k <-> genevacit (Geneva High School (Alabama) - diff - COIBot UserReport - genevacit: Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  280. 05:22:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chineseyoyoworld - User talk:Chineseyoyoworld (contribs; 6/10) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Chineseyoyoworld <-> (Circus skills - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  281. 05:28:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:SasukeV1 - user talk:SasukeV1 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bpetitiononline\.com - reason: this site should hardly ever be used on wikipedia anyway (per WP:SOAPBOX) (rule added by Beetstra_) (Resident Evil 5 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  282. 05:35:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bacmilan\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Forzamilan <->; diff) (Alexandre Pato - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  283. 05:40:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sladen - user talk:Sladen (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bec\.europa\.eu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Europaeer11 <->; diff) (Carlson Wagonlit - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  284. 05:42:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Elkman - user talk:Elkman (contribs; 1/6) Monitored link - - rule: \basu\.edu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Asurite <->; diff) (Navajo Bridge - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  285. 05:48:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Ailsacraigengines - User talk:Ailsacraigengines (contribs; 2/14) scores 100% (U->L) & 80.95% (L->U) (ratio: 80.9%) on calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <-> (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  286. 05:49:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Artrageoussbk - User talk:Artrageoussbk (contribs; 1/1) scores 76.92% (U->L) & 71.42% (L->U) (ratio: 54.9%) on calculated overlap Artrageoussbk <-> (Contra dance - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  287. 05:56:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hbdragon88 - user talk:Hbdragon88 (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: link is blacklisted on shadowbot (Bernhoff Dahl - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  288. 06:01:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  289. 06:08:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zedla - user talk:Zedla (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  290. 06:12:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  291. 06:14:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jj137 - user talk:Jj137 (contribs; 1/15) Monitored link - - rule: \btomgreen\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? link addition (Tom Green - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  292. 06:16:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 3/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  293. 06:16:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 4/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  294. 06:18:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 5/5) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  295. 06:18:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 6/6) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  296. 06:18:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Anupam - user talk:Anupam (contribs; 1/19) Monitored link - - rule: \bowu\.edu - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Owuadmit <->; diff) (Ohio Wesleyan University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  297. 06:18:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Anupam - user talk:Anupam (contribs; 2/20) Monitored link - - rule: \bowu\.edu - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Owuadmit <->; diff) (Ohio Wesleyan University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  298. 06:18:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Anupam - user talk:Anupam (contribs; 3/21) Monitored link - - rule: \bowu\.edu - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Owuadmit <->; diff) (Ohio Wesleyan University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  299. 06:24:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jllm06 - user talk:Jllm06 (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \barmeniapedia\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Vahe Armenia <->; diff) (List of natural history museums - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  300. 06:24:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jllm06 - user talk:Jllm06 (contribs; 2/5) Monitored link - - rule: \barmeniapedia\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Vahe Armenia <->; diff) (List of natural history museums - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  301. 06:24:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 7/7) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  302. 06:24:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 8/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  303. 06:26:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Spick And Span - user talk:Spick And Span (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: highschool\.org - reason: high school spam (rule added by Beetstra_public) (Earls High School - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  304. 06:29:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lindsey8417 - user talk:Lindsey8417 (contribs; 1/13) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam unt libraries digital collections (Mule - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  305. 06:32:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Itryu - user talk:Itryu (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Amber Room - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  306. 06:36:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Arnuldlayne - user talk:Arnuldlayne (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bgoliath\.ecnext\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap deaksarm - DaKa; -> deaksarm (WT:WPSPAM Serious Adsense Spamming); diff) (St. Charles North High School - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  307. 06:38:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 9/9) Monitored link - - rule: \bagnihotrausa\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Agnihotrausa <->; diff) (Agnihotra - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  308. 05:19:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tomwiehl (contribs; 2/2) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 55.55% (P->U) (ratio: 34.7%) on calculated overlap Tomwiehl <-> Evan wiehl (Evan wiehl - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  309. 05:34:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Peco1994toshiba (contribs; 1/2) scores 26.66% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 26.6%) on calculated overlap Peco1994toshiba <-> Peco (Peco - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  310. 05:35:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Peco1994toshiba (contribs; 2/3) scores 26.66% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 26.6%) on calculated overlap Peco1994toshiba <-> Peco (Peco - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  311. 05:39:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jossi (contribs; 1/16) scores 60% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 36%) on calculated overlap Jossi <-> Cross (Cross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  312. 05:49:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rhcalder (contribs; 1/1) scores 75% (U->P) & 66.66% (P->U) (ratio: 49.9%) on calculated overlap Rhcalder <-> Calderón (Calderón - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  313. 05:58:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CSvBibra (contribs; 1/130) scores 72.62% (U->P) & 72.62% (P->U) (ratio: 52.7%) on calculated overlap CSvBibra <-> Von Bibra (Von Bibra - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  314. 06:00:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Thaberkorn (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 76.92% (P->U) (ratio: 76.9%) on calculated overlap Thaberkorn <-> Todd Haberkorn (Todd Haberkorn - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  315. 06:02:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kentuckyboyb (contribs; 1/1) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 51.34% (P->U) (ratio: 34.2%) on calculated overlap Kentuckyboyb <-> Bellevue, Kentucky (Bellevue, Kentucky - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  316. 06:04:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lamrinz (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Lamrinz <-> Lamrinz (Lamrinz - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  317. 06:05:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Daisyeagan (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Daisyeagan <-> Daisy Eagan (Daisy Eagan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  318. 06:07:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CSvBibra (contribs; 2/131) scores 72.62% (U->P) & 72.62% (P->U) (ratio: 52.7%) on calculated overlap CSvBibra <-> Von Bibra (Von Bibra - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  319. 06:10:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Thaberkorn (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 76.92% (P->U) (ratio: 76.9%) on calculated overlap Thaberkorn <-> Todd Haberkorn (Todd Haberkorn - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  320. 06:11:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CAPRA1 (contribs; 1/2) scores 83.33% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 83.3%) on calculated overlap CAPRA1 <-> C.A.P.R.A. (C.A.P.R.A. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  321. 06:11:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CAPRA1 (contribs; 2/3) scores 83.33% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 83.3%) on calculated overlap CAPRA1 <-> C.A.P.R.A. (C.A.P.R.A. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  322. 06:12:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Thaberkorn (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 76.92% (P->U) (ratio: 76.9%) on calculated overlap Thaberkorn <-> Todd Haberkorn (Todd Haberkorn - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  323. 06:14:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Exampl (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Exampl <-> Exampl (Exampl - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  324. 06:18:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Exampl (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Exampl <-> Exampl (Exampl - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  325. 06:19:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Exampl (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Exampl <-> Exampl (Exampl - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  326. 06:20:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Exampl (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Exampl <-> Exampl (Exampl - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  327. 06:27:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CorrexCal (contribs; 1/3) scores 33.33% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 33.3%) on calculated overlap CorrexCal <-> Cal (Cal - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  328. 06:27:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zacobek (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Zacobek <-> Zacobek (Zacobek - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  329. 06:36:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wakedream (contribs; 1/11) scores 55.55% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 55.5%) on calculated overlap Wakedream <-> Dream (Dream - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  330. 06:43:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 1/1) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  331. 06:44:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 2/2) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  332. 06:45:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 3/3) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  333. 06:46:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 4/4) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  334. 06:49:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 5/5) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  335. 06:49:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Xenonice (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Xenonice <-> Xenon (Xenon - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  336. 06:51:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 6/6) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  337. 06:51:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 7/7) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  338. 06:53:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 8/8) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  339. 06:54:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:JimWae (contribs; 1/70) scores 48.33% (U->P) & 65.25% (P->U) (ratio: 31.5%) on calculated overlap JimWae <-> Time (Time - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  340. 06:57:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 9/9) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  341. 06:58:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zacobek (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Zacobek <-> Zacobek (Zacobek - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  342. 06:59:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 10/10) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  343. 07:00:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Blacwiki (contribs; 1/1) scores 72.62% (U->P) & 64.55% (P->U) (ratio: 46.8%) on calculated overlap Blacwiki <-> Blacworks (Blacworks - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  344. 07:01:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 11/11) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  345. 07:01:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Blacwiki (contribs; 2/2) scores 72.62% (U->P) & 64.55% (P->U) (ratio: 46.8%) on calculated overlap Blacwiki <-> Blacworks (Blacworks - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  346. 07:03:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 12/12) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  347. 07:03:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ssagar007 (contribs; 1/1) scores 55.55% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 55.5%) on calculated overlap Ssagar007 <-> Sagar (Sagar - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  348. 07:07:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sandlerfan 80282 (contribs; 1/1) scores 46.66% (U->P) & 69.6% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Sandlerfan 80282 <-> Adam Sandler (Adam Sandler - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  349. 07:07:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sandlerfan 80282 (contribs; 2/2) scores 46.66% (U->P) & 69.6% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Sandlerfan 80282 <-> Adam Sandler (Adam Sandler - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  350. 07:07:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sandlerfan 80282 (contribs; 3/3) scores 46.66% (U->P) & 69.6% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Sandlerfan 80282 <-> Adam Sandler (Adam Sandler - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  351. 07:08:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Phalanux (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Phalanux <-> Phalanux (Phalanux - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  352. 07:09:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Blacwiki (contribs; 3/3) scores 72.62% (U->P) & 64.55% (P->U) (ratio: 46.8%) on calculated overlap Blacwiki <-> Blacworks (Blacworks - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  353. 07:10:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sol the Hedgehog (contribs; 1/1) scores 74.05% (U->P) & 47.4% (P->U) (ratio: 35%) on calculated overlap Sol the Hedgehog <-> Sonic the Hedgehog (comic series) (Sonic the Hedgehog (comic series) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  354. 07:11:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Xenonice (contribs; 2/2) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Xenonice <-> Xenon (Xenon - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  355. 07:11:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 13/13) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  356. 07:15:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 14/14) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  357. 07:18:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Brainchild2 (contribs; 1/1) scores 90.9% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 90.9%) on calculated overlap Brainchild2 <-> Brainchild (Brainchild - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  358. 07:20:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 1/1) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  359. 07:20:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Swalenta (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 61.53% (P->U) (ratio: 61.5%) on calculated overlap Swalenta <-> Steven walenta (Steven walenta - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  360. 07:20:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rfederer (contribs; 1/6) scores 100% (U->P) & 66.66% (P->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Rfederer <-> Roger Federer (Roger Federer - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  361. 07:23:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 2/2) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  362. 07:24:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 3/3) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  363. 07:24:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 4/4) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  364. 07:26:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Badagnani (contribs; 1/30) scores 44.44% (U->P) & 64.8% (P->U) (ratio: 28.7%) on calculated overlap Badagnani <-> Adhan (Adhan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  365. 07:26:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 5/5) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  366. 07:29:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 6/6) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  367. 07:30:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 7/7) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  368. 07:32:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 8/8) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  369. 07:35:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NuckGhostriderTPB (contribs; 9/9) scores 63.11% (U->P) & 63.11% (P->U) (ratio: 39.8%) on calculated overlap NuckGhostriderTPB <-> Fernie Ghostriders (Fernie Ghostriders - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  370. 07:50:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sshaider (contribs; 1/1) scores 86.25% (U->P) & 53.07% (P->U) (ratio: 45.7%) on calculated overlap Sshaider <-> Sheryar Haider (Sheryar Haider - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  371. 08:18:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sully17 (contribs; 1/1) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 71.4%) on calculated overlap Sully17 <-> Sully (Sully - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  372. 08:18:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sully17 (contribs; 2/2) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 71.4%) on calculated overlap Sully17 <-> Sully (Sully - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  373. 08:26:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sully17 (contribs; 3/3) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 71.4%) on calculated overlap Sully17 <-> Sully (Sully - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  374. 08:26:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sully17 (contribs; 4/4) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 71.4%) on calculated overlap Sully17 <-> Sully (Sully - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  375. 08:27:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Nemomelody (contribs; 1/1) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Nemomelody <-> Melody (Melody - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  376. 08:28:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ssunshine (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 69.23% (P->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Ssunshine <-> Susie Sunshine (Susie Sunshine - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  377. 08:30:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ssunshine (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 69.23% (P->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Ssunshine <-> Susie Sunshine (Susie Sunshine - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  378. 08:30:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:RussBot (contribs; 1/82) scores 62.99% (U->P) & 48.1% (P->U) (ratio: 30.2%) on calculated overlap RussBot <-> Aaron Russo (Aaron Russo - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  379. 08:31:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ssunshine (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 69.23% (P->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Ssunshine <-> Susie Sunshine (Susie Sunshine - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  380. 08:31:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ssunshine (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 69.23% (P->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Ssunshine <-> Susie Sunshine (Susie Sunshine - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  381. 08:42:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Robert M. Blevins (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Robert M. Blevins <-> Robert M. Blevins (Robert M. Blevins - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  382. 08:49:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 1/15) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  383. 07:51:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Why sigh, cutie pie? - user talk:Why sigh, cutie pie? (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bassociatedcontent\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Panties - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  384. 07:52:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Why sigh, cutie pie? - user talk:Why sigh, cutie pie? (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bassociatedcontent\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Panties - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  385. 07:53:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Papiinmiamifl - User talk:Papiinmiamifl (contribs; 1/4) scores 100% (U->L) & 56.52% (L->U) (ratio: 56.5%) on calculated overlap Papiinmiamifl <-> (Marco Banderas - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  386. 07:53:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Papiinmiamifl - user talk:Papiinmiamifl (contribs; 2/5) Monitored link - - rule: xxx\.com - reason: generally spam (rule added by Beetstra) (Marco Banderas - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  387. 07:53:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Quintote - user talk:Quintote (contribs; 1/12) Monitored link - - rule: \bthephoenix\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Phoenixintern <->; diff) (The Doors - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  388. 07:57:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jkstark - user talk:Jkstark (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bindiaglitz\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Indiatoday <->; diff) (Chiranjeevi - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  389. 08:01:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Weatherman Tyler - User talk:Weatherman Tyler (contribs; 1/1) scores 46.37% (U->L) & 69.06% (L->U) (ratio: 32%) on calculated overlap Weatherman Tyler <-> (Bristol, Connecticut - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  390. 08:04:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Weatherman Tyler - User talk:Weatherman Tyler (contribs; 2/2) scores 46.37% (U->L) & 69.06% (L->U) (ratio: 32%) on calculated overlap Weatherman Tyler <-> (Bristol, Connecticut - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  391. 08:06:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:LonewackoDotCom - User talk:LonewackoDotCom (contribs; 1/1) scores 80% (U->L) & 100% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap LonewackoDotCom <-> (RedState - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  392. 08:06:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:LonewackoDotCom - User talk:LonewackoDotCom (contribs; 2/2) scores 80% (U->L) & 100% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap LonewackoDotCom <-> (RedState - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  393. 08:07:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bscifipedia\.scifi\.com - reason: automonitor: coi? link addition (Madeline Smith - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  394. 08:09:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bscifipedia\.scifi\.com - reason: automonitor: coi? link addition (Madeline Smith - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  395. 08:10:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DJ Bungi - user talk:DJ Bungi (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \barsenal\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ARSNL <->; diff) (Boro Primorac - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  396. 08:10:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bshaware\.com\b - reason: Link is blacklisted on Shadowbot (rule added by Versageek). (Random password generator - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  397. 08:12:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DJ Bungi - user talk:DJ Bungi (contribs; 2/3) Monitored link - - rule: \barsenal\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ARSNL <->; diff) (Boro Primorac - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  398. 08:15:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Unidyne - user talk:Unidyne (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \btoonopedia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Gordo (comic strip) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  399. 08:28:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mgreason - user talk:Mgreason (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bnetglimse\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Emmitt Smith - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  400. 08:35:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Manchesterbeat - User talk:Manchesterbeat (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 82.35% (L->U) (ratio: 82.3%) on calculated overlap Manchesterbeat <-> (Music of the United Kingdom (1950s and 60s) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  401. 08:37:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \beverettclinic\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Everettclinic <->; diff) (The Everett Clinic - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  402. 08:43:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Thecrossofforgiveness - User talk:Thecrossofforgiveness (contribs; 1/4) scores 100% (U->L) & 87.5% (L->U) (ratio: 87.5%) on calculated overlap Thecrossofforgiveness <-> (Cross - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  403. 08:44:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Richardshusr - user talk:Richardshusr (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Arianism - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  404. 08:48:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ww2censor - user talk:Ww2censor (contribs; 1/5) Monitored link - - rule: \bmlb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Web comic <->; diff) (Kazuo Matsui - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  405. 08:48:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ww2censor - user talk:Ww2censor (contribs; 2/6) Monitored link - - rule: \bmlb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Web comic <->; diff) (Kazuo Matsui - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  406. 08:49:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Berberry - user talk:Berberry (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: referrer= - reason: Link is blacklisted on Shadowbot (rule added by Shadow42). (U.S. Route 90 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  407. 08:54:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Bible - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  408. 08:52:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 2/16) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  409. 08:53:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 3/17) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  410. 08:53:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Berland (contribs; 1/73) scores 42.85% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 25.7%) on calculated overlap Berland <-> Sylan (Sylan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  411. 08:54:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NAHID (contribs; 1/12) scores 60% (U->P) & 42.85% (P->U) (ratio: 25.7%) on calculated overlap NAHID <-> Lahinch (Lahinch - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  412. 09:01:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 4/18) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  413. 09:02:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 5/19) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  414. 09:03:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chris funk bass (contribs; 6/20) scores 50.69% (U->P) & 54.92% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Chris funk bass <-> Chris Frangou (Chris Frangou - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  415. 09:03:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mani1 (contribs; 1/9) scores 54% (U->P) & 48.75% (P->U) (ratio: 26.3%) on calculated overlap Mani1 <-> HIPERMAN (HIPERMAN - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  416. 09:08:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Saultine (contribs; 1/1) scores 70.87% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 35.4%) on calculated overlap Saultine <-> Saltine cracker (Saltine cracker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  417. 09:16:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jlcraven (contribs; 1/1) scores 75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Jlcraven <-> Craven (Craven - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  418. 09:16:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Saibaba4u (contribs; 1/1) scores 77.77% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 36.2%) on calculated overlap Saibaba4u <-> Sai Baba of Shirdi (Sai Baba of Shirdi - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  419. 09:19:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Saibaba4u (contribs; 2/2) scores 77.77% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 36.2%) on calculated overlap Saibaba4u <-> Sai Baba of Shirdi (Sai Baba of Shirdi - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  420. 09:20:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Shreveport Aftershock (contribs; 1/1) scores 51.93% (U->P) & 51.93% (P->U) (ratio: 26.9%) on calculated overlap Shreveport Aftershock <-> Shreveport, Louisiana (Shreveport, Louisiana - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  421. 09:22:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Saibaba4u (contribs; 3/3) scores 77.77% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 36.2%) on calculated overlap Saibaba4u <-> Sai Baba of Shirdi (Sai Baba of Shirdi - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  422. 09:29:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Quinn Mintrup (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Quinn Mintrup <-> Quinn Mintrup (Quinn Mintrup - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  423. 09:37:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gorinse (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Gorinse <-> Gorinse (Gorinse - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  424. 09:41:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:YoungConservative (contribs; 1/1) scores 61.87% (U->P) & 48.1% (P->U) (ratio: 29.7%) on calculated overlap YoungConservative <-> Youth Conservative Party of Canada (Youth Conservative Party of Canada - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  425. 09:42:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Stingers fan (contribs; 1/1) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 72.7%) on calculated overlap Stingers fan <-> Stingers (Stingers - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  426. 09:43:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:YoungConservative (contribs; 2/2) scores 61.87% (U->P) & 48.1% (P->U) (ratio: 29.7%) on calculated overlap YoungConservative <-> Youth Conservative Party of Canada (Youth Conservative Party of Canada - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  427. 09:47:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gorinse (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Gorinse <-> Gorinse (Gorinse - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  428. 09:50:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Super Knuckles (contribs; 1/41) scores 59.47% (U->P) & 44.44% (P->U) (ratio: 26.4%) on calculated overlap Super Knuckles <-> Knuckles the Echidna (Knuckles the Echidna - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  429. 09:51:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Stingers fan (contribs; 2/2) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 72.7%) on calculated overlap Stingers fan <-> Stingers (Stingers - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  430. 09:51:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:YoungConservative (contribs; 3/3) scores 61.87% (U->P) & 48.1% (P->U) (ratio: 29.7%) on calculated overlap YoungConservative <-> Youth Conservative Party of Canada (Youth Conservative Party of Canada - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  431. 09:52:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:YoungConservative (contribs; 4/4) scores 61.87% (U->P) & 48.1% (P->U) (ratio: 29.7%) on calculated overlap YoungConservative <-> Youth Conservative Party of Canada (Youth Conservative Party of Canada - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  432. 09:58:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:ZyklonBillyGraham (contribs; 1/1) scores 64.7% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 64.7%) on calculated overlap ZyklonBillyGraham <-> Billy Graham (Billy Graham - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  433. 09:19:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Crloyd - user talk:Crloyd (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brootsweb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rootsjockey <->; diff) (Milam County, Texas - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  434. 09:20:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Inetpup - user talk:Inetpup (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bairodyssey\.net - reason: automonitor: coi? link addition (White elephant - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  435. 09:26:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gregzsidisin - user talk:Gregzsidisin (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brootsweb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rootsjockey <->; diff) (O Dem Golden Slippers - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  436. 09:33:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:MrTaco - user talk:MrTaco (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bpwinsider\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Royal Rumble (2008) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  437. 09:34:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chicagofacts - User talk:Chicagofacts (contribs; 1/3) scores 68.17% (U->L) & 55.41% (L->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Chicagofacts <-> (Folk Nation - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  438. 09:34:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Chicagofacts - User talk:Chicagofacts (contribs; 2/4) scores 68.17% (U->L) & 55.41% (L->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Chicagofacts <-> (Folk Nation - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  439. 09:39:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Squash Racket - user talk:Squash Racket (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bmek\.oszk\.hu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Macskosz <->; diff) (József Asbóth - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  440. 09:44:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Mapo doufu - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  441. 09:48:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Shaomai - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  442. 09:51:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 3/3) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Cuisine of Thailand - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  443. 09:57:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 4/4) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Cuisine of Vietnam - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  444. 09:59:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 5/5) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Peranakan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  445. 10:00:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 6/6) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Yakitori - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  446. 10:01:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 7/7) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Miso soup - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  447. 10:01:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Thimphuclassifieds - User talk:Thimphuclassifieds (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 85.71% (L->U) (ratio: 85.7%) on calculated overlap Thimphuclassifieds <-> (Bhutan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  448. 10:03:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 8/8) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Japanese cuisine - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  449. 10:04:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: high spam risk link, earn money by creating pages on this site and llinking to it (Namitha Kapoor - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  450. 10:05:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 9/9) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Satay - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  451. 10:05:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 10/10) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Satay - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  452. 10:06:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 11/11) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Kebab - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  453. 10:07:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Special Anonymous - user talk:Special Anonymous (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bindiaglitz\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Indiatoday <->; diff) (Shilpa Shetty - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  454. 10:07:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: high spam risk link, earn money by creating pages on this site and llinking to it (Sonia Agarwal - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  455. 10:08:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bylow919 - user talk:Bylow919 (contribs; 12/12) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Lobster - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  456. 10:08:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Badagnani - user talk:Badagnani (contribs; 1/31) Monitored link - - rule: \brasamalaysia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Kung Pao chicken - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  457. 10:17:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Redthoreau - user talk:Redthoreau (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Che Guevara - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  458. 10:17:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Redthoreau - user talk:Redthoreau (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Che Guevara - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  459. 09:59:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:ZyklonBillyGraham (contribs; 2/2) scores 64.7% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 64.7%) on calculated overlap ZyklonBillyGraham <-> Billy Graham (Billy Graham - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  460. 10:00:45, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:ZyklonBillyGraham (contribs; 3/3) scores 64.7% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 64.7%) on calculated overlap ZyklonBillyGraham <-> Billy Graham (Billy Graham - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  461. 10:02:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:ZyklonBillyGraham (contribs; 4/4) scores 64.7% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 64.7%) on calculated overlap ZyklonBillyGraham <-> Billy Graham (Billy Graham - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  462. 10:07:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:ParkMonster (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap ParkMonster <-> Park monster (Park monster - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  463. 10:07:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:ParkMonster (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap ParkMonster <-> Park monster (Park monster - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  464. 10:15:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Peter charley (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Peter charley <-> Peter Charley (Peter Charley - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  465. 10:15:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rjwilmsi (contribs; 1/9) scores 61.25% (U->P) & 54.44% (P->U) (ratio: 33.3%) on calculated overlap Rjwilmsi <-> Filmstrip (Filmstrip - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  466. 10:16:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Peter charley (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Peter charley <-> Peter Charley (Peter Charley - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  467. 10:21:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Peter charley (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Peter charley <-> Peter Charley (Peter Charley - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  468. 10:30:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Outsider arrowhead (contribs; 1/1) scores 58.82% (U->P) & 90.9% (P->U) (ratio: 53.4%) on calculated overlap Outsider arrowhead <-> Outsider Art (Outsider Art - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  469. 10:38:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Indiainsurance (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.07% (U->P) & 45.98% (P->U) (ratio: 28.5%) on calculated overlap Indiainsurance <-> Micro Insurance Academy (Micro Insurance Academy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  470. 10:38:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Indiainsurance (contribs; 2/2) scores 62.07% (U->P) & 45.98% (P->U) (ratio: 28.5%) on calculated overlap Indiainsurance <-> Micro Insurance Academy (Micro Insurance Academy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  471. 10:57:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 1/1) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  472. 10:58:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 2/2) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  473. 11:01:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 1/186) scores 100% (U->P) & 66.66% (P->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Oxford rivers of life (Oxford rivers of life - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  474. 11:06:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 3/3) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  475. 11:06:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 2/187) scores 100% (U->P) & 63.15% (P->U) (ratio: 63.1%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life, Oxford (Rivers of Life, Oxford - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  476. 11:07:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 3/188) scores 100% (U->P) & 63.15% (P->U) (ratio: 63.1%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life, Oxford (Rivers of Life, Oxford - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  477. 11:08:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 4/4) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  478. 11:08:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 4/189) scores 100% (U->P) & 63.15% (P->U) (ratio: 63.1%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life, Oxford (Rivers of Life, Oxford - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  479. 11:09:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:JihwanSarang (contribs; 1/8) scores 50% (U->P) & 84.3% (P->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap JihwanSarang <-> Kang Ji Hwan (Kang Ji Hwan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  480. 11:09:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 5/5) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  481. 11:12:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Fkokotos (contribs; 1/2) scores 87.5% (U->P) & 53.84% (P->U) (ratio: 47.1%) on calculated overlap Fkokotos <-> Spyros Kokotos (Spyros Kokotos - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  482. 11:13:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 6/6) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  483. 11:14:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 7/7) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  484. 10:25:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Morten LJ - user talk:Morten LJ (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: resolves to -> Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Mein Kampf - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  485. 10:39:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brunescape\.com - reason: AntiSpamBot blacklist request on User talk:AntiSpamBot (Dungeon Runners - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  486. 10:55:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wikid77 - user talk:Wikid77 (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \benttwist\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Enttwist <->; diff) (Maurizio Giuliano - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  487. 10:59:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \blunarpages\.com - reason: Automonitor link \blunarpages\.com after report to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff (Hindemburg Melão Jr. - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  488. 10:59:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Michig - user talk:Michig (contribs; 1/19) Monitored link - - rule: \btimeout\.com - reason: Link is blacklisted on Shadowbot (rule added by Beetstra). (Discos Fuentes - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  489. 11:03:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: link is blacklisted on shadowbot (Tremors (film) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  490. 11:09:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:SeanMorleyRoxs - user talk:SeanMorleyRoxs (contribs; 1/6) Monitored link - - rule: \bpwmania\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? link addition (Royal Rumble (2008) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  491. 11:12:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Purpleempire - user talk:Purpleempire (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bfifa\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ffahm <->; diff) (La Paz F.C. - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  492. 11:13:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bhiphopdx\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Hiphophead88 <->; diff) (Killer Mike - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  493. 11:39:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Ufosiana - User talk:Ufosiana (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 42.1% (L->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Ufosiana <-> (List of UFO organizations - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  494. 11:45:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Slakr - user talk:Slakr (contribs; 1/41) Monitored link - - rule: \bps2\.ign\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Psinu <->; diff) (WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  495. 11:46:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hqb - user talk:Hqb (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bmapsofindia\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Himachal Pradesh - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  496. 12:05:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Rembeatz - User talk:Rembeatz (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 66.66% (L->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Rembeatz <-> (Remergence - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  497. 12:08:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Rembeatz - User talk:Rembeatz (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 66.66% (L->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Rembeatz <-> (Remergence - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  498. 12:09:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Delhi University Helpline - User talk:Delhi University Helpline (contribs; 2/2) scores 73.91% (U->L) & 84% (L->U) (ratio: 62%) on calculated overlap Delhi University Helpline <-> (University of Delhi - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  499. 12:13:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Suedois - user talk:Suedois (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brootsweb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rootsjockey <->; diff) (Helena, Marchioness of Northampton - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  500. 12:23:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Omarabid - User talk:Omarabid (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 42.1% (L->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Omarabid <-> (Windows API - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  501. 12:23:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Omarabid - User talk:Omarabid (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 42.1% (L->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Omarabid <-> (Windows API - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  502. 12:26:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Omarabid - User talk:Omarabid (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->L) & 42.1% (L->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Omarabid <-> (Windows Vista - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  503. 12:28:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Omarabid - User talk:Omarabid (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->L) & 42.1% (L->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Omarabid <-> (Windows Registry - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  504. 12:31:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kollision - user talk:Kollision (contribs; 1/6) Monitored link - - rule: \bblender\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Former Arctic Monkeys members - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  505. 12:33:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Omarabid - User talk:Omarabid (contribs; 5/5) scores 100% (U->L) & 42.1% (L->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Omarabid <-> (Windows XP - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  506. 12:33:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \blowendmac\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Lowenddan <->; diff) (PowerBook 2400c - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  507. 12:35:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hégésippe Cormier - user talk:Hégésippe Cormier (contribs; 1/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bnacional - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Nacional.records <-> nacional; diff) (Xavier Chamorro Cardenal - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  508. 12:46:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Arcot - user talk:Arcot (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bfur\.ca - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Urban <->; diff) (Fur trade - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  509. 11:19:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 8/8) scores 63.93% (U->P) & 50.47% (P->U) (ratio: 32.2%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kulbhushan Kharbanda (Kulbhushan Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  510. 11:20:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 9/9) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  511. 11:21:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Fkokotos (contribs; 2/3) scores 87.5% (U->P) & 53.84% (P->U) (ratio: 47.1%) on calculated overlap Fkokotos <-> Spyros Kokotos (Spyros Kokotos - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  512. 11:23:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:JerryLint (contribs; 1/1) scores 52.54% (U->P) & 52.54% (P->U) (ratio: 27.6%) on calculated overlap JerryLint <-> Navel lint (Navel lint - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  513. 11:29:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dfarash (contribs; 1/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 58.33% (P->U) (ratio: 58.3%) on calculated overlap Dfarash <-> Daniel Farash (Daniel Farash - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  514. 11:30:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sumeetkharbanda (contribs; 10/10) scores 60% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Sumeetkharbanda <-> Kharbanda (Kharbanda - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  515. 11:47:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Delhi University Helpline (contribs; 1/1) scores 61.08% (U->P) & 61.1% (P->U) (ratio: 37.3%) on calculated overlap Delhi University Helpline <-> University of Delhi (University of Delhi - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  516. 12:04:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Alexsanderson83 (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.08% (U->P) & 66.51% (P->U) (ratio: 41.2%) on calculated overlap Alexsanderson83 <-> Fraser Anderson (Fraser Anderson - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  517. 12:06:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Famlanzeloti (contribs; 1/1) scores 81.75% (U->P) & 61.31% (P->U) (ratio: 50.1%) on calculated overlap Famlanzeloti <-> Arnaldo Lanzeloti (Arnaldo Lanzeloti - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  518. 12:08:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Famlanzeloti (contribs; 2/2) scores 81.75% (U->P) & 61.31% (P->U) (ratio: 50.1%) on calculated overlap Famlanzeloti <-> Arnaldo Lanzeloti (Arnaldo Lanzeloti - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  519. 12:09:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dejan16 (contribs; 1/36) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 45.45% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Dejan16 <-> Dejan Marić (Dejan Marić - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  520. 12:11:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dejan16 (contribs; 2/37) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 45.45% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Dejan16 <-> Dejan Marić (Dejan Marić - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  521. 12:15:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dejan16 (contribs; 3/38) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 45.45% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Dejan16 <-> Dejan Marić (Dejan Marić - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  522. 12:18:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dejan16 (contribs; 4/39) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 45.45% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Dejan16 <-> Dejan Marić (Dejan Marić - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  523. 12:18:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Famlanzeloti (contribs; 3/3) scores 81.75% (U->P) & 61.31% (P->U) (ratio: 50.1%) on calculated overlap Famlanzeloti <-> Arnaldo Lanzeloti (Arnaldo Lanzeloti - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  524. 12:20:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dejan16 (contribs; 5/40) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 45.45% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Dejan16 <-> Dejan Marić (Dejan Marić - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  525. 12:20:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dejan16 (contribs; 6/41) scores 71.42% (U->P) & 45.45% (P->U) (ratio: 32.4%) on calculated overlap Dejan16 <-> Dejan Marić (Dejan Marić - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  526. 12:22:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 1/190) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life (Rivers of Life - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  527. 12:23:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 2/191) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life (Rivers of Life - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  528. 12:23:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 3/192) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life (Rivers of Life - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  529. 12:25:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Riversoflife (contribs; 4/193) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Riversoflife <-> Rivers of Life (Rivers of Life - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  530. 13:09:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Giancarlo Mici (contribs; 1/10) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Giancarlo Mici <-> Giancarlo Mici (Giancarlo Mici - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  531. 13:09:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Giancarlo Mici (contribs; 2/11) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Giancarlo Mici <-> Giancarlo Mici (Giancarlo Mici - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  532. 13:17:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CBMIBM (contribs; 1/1) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap CBMIBM <-> IBM (IBM - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  533. 13:17:45, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Giancarlo Mici (contribs; 3/12) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Giancarlo Mici <-> Giancarlo Mici (Giancarlo Mici - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  534. 13:21:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Snowmanradio (contribs; 1/13) scores 58.33% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 58.3%) on calculated overlap Snowmanradio <-> Snowman (Snowman - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  535. 13:24:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cryptofblood (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 63.15% (P->U) (ratio: 63.1%) on calculated overlap Cryptofblood <-> Crypt of Blood records (Crypt of Blood records - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  536. 13:29:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lilshaun28 (contribs; 1/2) scores 56.56% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 28.2%) on calculated overlap Lilshaun28 <-> Shaun Cairo (Shaun Cairo - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  537. 13:36:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sukhdev Singh Minhas (contribs; 1/26) scores 33.33% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 33.3%) on calculated overlap Sukhdev Singh Minhas <-> Minhas (Minhas - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  538. 13:49:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sfiller (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 63.63% (P->U) (ratio: 63.6%) on calculated overlap Sfiller <-> Louis Filler (Louis Filler - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  539. 13:54:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sfiller (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 63.63% (P->U) (ratio: 63.6%) on calculated overlap Sfiller <-> Louis Filler (Louis Filler - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  540. 13:58:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Press olive, win oil (contribs; 1/1) scores 47.05% (U->P) & 70.16% (P->U) (ratio: 33%) on calculated overlap Press olive, win oil <-> Olive oil (Olive oil - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  541. 14:03:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Doczilla (contribs; 1/4) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Doczilla <-> Zilla (Zilla - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  542. 14:07:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:KamilaB (contribs; 1/13) scores 77.14% (U->P) & 40% (P->U) (ratio: 30.8%) on calculated overlap KamilaB <-> Camila Bordonaba (Camila Bordonaba - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  543. 14:07:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Doczilla (contribs; 2/5) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Doczilla <-> Zilla (Zilla - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  544. 14:07:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Doczilla (contribs; 3/6) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Doczilla <-> Zilla (Zilla - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  545. 14:10:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:KamilaB (contribs; 2/14) scores 77.14% (U->P) & 40% (P->U) (ratio: 30.8%) on calculated overlap KamilaB <-> Camila Bordonaba (Camila Bordonaba - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  546. 14:12:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:KamilaB (contribs; 3/15) scores 77.14% (U->P) & 40% (P->U) (ratio: 30.8%) on calculated overlap KamilaB <-> Camila Bordonaba (Camila Bordonaba - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  547. 14:23:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bj0rN (contribs; 1/1) scores 80% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 64%) on calculated overlap Bj0rN <-> Bjorn (Bjorn - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  548. 14:23:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bj0rN (contribs; 2/2) scores 80% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 64%) on calculated overlap Bj0rN <-> Bjorn (Bjorn - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  549. 14:26:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mjminhas (contribs; 1/11) scores 75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Mjminhas <-> Minhas (Minhas - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  550. 14:26:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Raywillz (contribs; 1/1) scores 87.5% (U->P) & 63.63% (P->U) (ratio: 55.6%) on calculated overlap Raywillz <-> Ray Williams (Ray Williams - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  551. 14:29:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Raywillz (contribs; 2/2) scores 87.5% (U->P) & 63.63% (P->U) (ratio: 55.6%) on calculated overlap Raywillz <-> Ray Williams (Ray Williams - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  552. 14:30:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:C Crawford CMG (contribs; 1/1) scores 59.1% (U->P) & 42.65% (P->U) (ratio: 25.2%) on calculated overlap C Crawford CMG <-> Charles Crawford (diplomat) (Charles Crawford (diplomat) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  553. 14:32:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lordbj (contribs; 1/2) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 44.44% (P->U) (ratio: 29.6%) on calculated overlap Lordbj <-> Overlord X (Overlord X - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  554. 14:35:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Yemenreform (contribs; 1/1) scores 45.45% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 45.4%) on calculated overlap Yemenreform <-> Yemen (Yemen - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  555. 14:36:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lordbj (contribs; 2/3) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 44.44% (P->U) (ratio: 29.6%) on calculated overlap Lordbj <-> Overlord X (Overlord X - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  556. 15:27:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:New Gwenson Freedom Fighter (contribs; 1/1) scores 41.66% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 41.6%) on calculated overlap New Gwenson Freedom Fighter <-> New Gwenson (New Gwenson - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  557. 15:32:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NicolasBruni (contribs; 1/1) scores 58.73% (U->P) & 63.43% (P->U) (ratio: 37.2%) on calculated overlap NicolasBruni <-> Carla Bruni (Carla Bruni - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  558. 15:34:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Teensofficial (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Teensofficial <-> Teensofficial (Teensofficial - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  559. 12:51:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wheeltapper - user talk:Wheeltapper (contribs; 1/48) Monitored link - - rule: \brailwaygazette\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (IP user ( in testrange ( = ; diff (Lemvigbanen - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  560. 12:56:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wheeltapper - user talk:Wheeltapper (contribs; 2/49) Monitored link - - rule: \brailwaygazette\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (IP user ( in testrange ( = ; diff (High-speed rail in Europe - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  561. 13:03:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hut 8.5 - user talk:Hut 8.5 (contribs; 1/6) Monitored link - - rule: \bmontclair\.edu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap MontclairEDU <->; diff) (Inquiry - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  562. 13:07:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \baetv\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (IP user ( in testrange ( = ; diff) (Hull House - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  563. 13:47:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Treerootinfo - User talk:Treerootinfo (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 100% (L->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Treerootinfo <-> (Arboriculture - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  564. 13:49:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Geofftech - User talk:Geofftech (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 69.23% (L->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Geofftech <-> (Tube Challenge - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  565. 13:50:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Geofftech - User talk:Geofftech (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 69.23% (L->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Geofftech <-> (Tube Challenge - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  566. 13:50:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Geofftech - User talk:Geofftech (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->L) & 69.23% (L->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Geofftech <-> (Tube Challenge - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  567. 13:52:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Geofftech - User talk:Geofftech (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->L) & 69.23% (L->U) (ratio: 69.2%) on calculated overlap Geofftech <-> (Tube Challenge - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  568. 14:10:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zeibura - user talk:Zeibura (contribs; 1/9) Monitored link - - rule: \bgeofftech\.co\.uk - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Geofftech <->; diff) (Tube Challenge - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  569. 14:17:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Vince Foster - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  570. 14:23:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Wafef - User talk:Wafef (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 55.55% (L->U) (ratio: 55.5%) on calculated overlap Wafef <-> (World Association of Friends of English Football - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  571. 14:25:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lacreta - user talk:Lacreta (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bdr1\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Robdr1 <->; diff) (Cibao International Airport - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  572. 14:39:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Vahrehvah - User talk:Vahrehvah (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Vahrehvah <-> (Sanjay Thumma - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  573. 14:39:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Don1962 - user talk:Don1962 (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bsptimes\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Pascotimes <->; diff) (WFLA (AM) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  574. 14:58:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bnepaltoursdestination\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Nepaltoursdestination <->; diff) (Nepal - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  575. 15:04:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Auawise - user talk:Auawise (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \borbit\.net - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Orbita <->; diff) (Super Comedy - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  576. 15:18:42, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bbaltimoresun\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap The G.H.O.S.T. in Baltimore <->; diff) (The Seldon Plan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  577. 15:30:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Blacklionss - User talk:Blacklionss (contribs; 1/1) scores 90.9% (U->L) & 71.42% (L->U) (ratio: 64.9%) on calculated overlap Blacklionss <-> (Kalkan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  578. 15:41:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:KjellG - user talk:KjellG (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bikea\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ilkhom <->; diff) (Hex key - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  579. 15:44:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Fractal-vortex - User talk:Fractal-vortex (contribs; 1/7) scores 100% (U->L) & 66.66% (L->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Fractal-vortex <-> (Hungarian Soviet Republic - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  580. 15:50:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bbetterworldlinks\.org - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:MediaWiki talk:Spam-blacklist (diff) (Gulf War syndrome - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  581. 15:56:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Vahrehvah - User talk:Vahrehvah (contribs; 1/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 60% (L->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Vahrehvah <-> (Sanjay Thumma - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  582. 15:56:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tanv91 - user talk:Tanv91 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bhiphopdx\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Hiphophead88 <->; diff) (Doctor's Advocate - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  583. 15:58:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Vahrehvah - User talk:Vahrehvah (contribs; 2/3) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Vahrehvah <-> (Sanjay Thumma - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  584. 15:37:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NicolasBruni (contribs; 2/2) scores 58.73% (U->P) & 63.43% (P->U) (ratio: 37.2%) on calculated overlap NicolasBruni <-> Carla Bruni (Carla Bruni - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  585. 15:59:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Handicapper (contribs; 1/264) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 62.92% (P->U) (ratio: 45.7%) on calculated overlap Handicapper <-> Orchid Handicap (Orchid Handicap - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  586. 16:00:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Viator slovenicus (contribs; 1/34) scores 50% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 39.3%) on calculated overlap Viator slovenicus <-> Slovenia (Slovenia - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  587. 16:02:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Drlowell (contribs; 1/69) scores 69.86% (U->P) & 38.33% (P->U) (ratio: 26.7%) on calculated overlap Drlowell <-> James Russell Lowell (James Russell Lowell - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  588. 16:04:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Drlowell (contribs; 2/70) scores 69.86% (U->P) & 38.33% (P->U) (ratio: 26.7%) on calculated overlap Drlowell <-> James Russell Lowell (James Russell Lowell - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  589. 16:05:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Partickfan (contribs; 1/17) scores 69.56% (U->P) & 48.81% (P->U) (ratio: 33.9%) on calculated overlap Partickfan <-> Partick Thistle F.C. (Partick Thistle F.C. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  590. 16:09:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Partickfan (contribs; 2/18) scores 69.56% (U->P) & 48.81% (P->U) (ratio: 33.9%) on calculated overlap Partickfan <-> Partick Thistle F.C. (Partick Thistle F.C. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  591. 16:12:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Alexsanderson83 (contribs; 1/2) scores 65.4% (U->P) & 81.75% (P->U) (ratio: 53.4%) on calculated overlap Alexsanderson83 <-> Pat Sanderson (Pat Sanderson - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  592. 16:12:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cappo306 (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 55.55% (P->U) (ratio: 34.7%) on calculated overlap Cappo306 <-> Joey CAPPO (Joey CAPPO - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  593. 16:15:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:A4bot (contribs; 1/4) scores 61.56% (U->P) & 42.22% (P->U) (ratio: 25.9%) on calculated overlap A4bot <-> Steamboat (Steamboat - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  594. 16:19:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Grahamhowie (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Grahamhowie <-> Graham Howie (Graham Howie - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  595. 16:21:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Homodachitheband (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Homodachitheband <-> Homodachi the band (Homodachi the band - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  596. 16:22:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Donegal92 (contribs; 1/9) scores 77.77% (U->P) & 46.66% (P->U) (ratio: 36.2%) on calculated overlap Donegal92 <-> Donegal on Sunday (Donegal on Sunday - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  597. 16:22:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Redan676 (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.5% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 62.5%) on calculated overlap Redan676 <-> Redan (Redan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  598. 16:23:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Homodachitheband (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Homodachitheband <-> Homodachi the band (Homodachi the band - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  599. 16:24:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Homodachitheband (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Homodachitheband <-> Homodachi the band (Homodachi the band - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  600. 16:26:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rainasolutions (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Rainasolutions <-> Rainasolutions (Rainasolutions - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  601. 16:30:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Homodachitheband (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Homodachitheband <-> Homodachi the band (Homodachi the band - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  602. 16:36:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Raytothetove (contribs; 1/3) scores 56.66% (U->P) & 74.47% (P->U) (ratio: 42.1%) on calculated overlap Raytothetove <-> Raytoven (Raytoven - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  603. 16:37:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Montco (contribs; 1/8) scores 64.93% (U->P) & 43.72% (P->U) (ratio: 28.3%) on calculated overlap Montco <-> Mind control (Mind control - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  604. 16:43:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cranwell gnome (contribs; 1/3) scores 71.63% (U->P) & 62.08% (P->U) (ratio: 44.4%) on calculated overlap Cranwell gnome <-> Cranwell village (Cranwell village - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  605. 16:44:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Viausounds (contribs; 1/6) scores 89.1% (U->P) & 31.25% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Viausounds <-> MR-Dj'x In The Groove and Viau Sound's (MR-Dj'x In The Groove and Viau Sound's - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  606. 16:45:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 1/11) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  607. 16:45:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 2/12) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  608. 16:48:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 3/13) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  609. 16:50:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Viator slovenicus (contribs; 2/35) scores 50% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 39.3%) on calculated overlap Viator slovenicus <-> Slovenia (Slovenia - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  610. 16:56:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Balloonman (contribs; 1/9) scores 88.1% (U->P) & 55.62% (P->U) (ratio: 49%) on calculated overlap Balloonman <-> Balloon modelling (Balloon modelling - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  611. 17:00:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ecpod (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ecpod <-> ECpod (ECpod - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  612. 17:01:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tokyorosebiz (contribs; 1/1) scores 75% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Tokyorosebiz <-> Tokyo Rose (Tokyo Rose - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  613. 17:03:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ecpod (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Ecpod <-> ECpod (ECpod - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  614. 17:19:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Viator slovenicus (contribs; 2/36) scores 50% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 39.3%) on calculated overlap Viator slovenicus <-> Slovenia (Slovenia - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  615. 17:20:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Lionel del Valle Jr. (contribs; 1/1) scores 93.12% (U->P) & 74.5% (P->U) (ratio: 69.3%) on calculated overlap Lionel del Valle Jr. <-> Lionel del Valle Durant (Lionel del Valle Durant - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  616. 17:22:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mickey Alam Khan (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Mickey Alam Khan <-> Mickey Alam Khan (Mickey Alam Khan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  617. 17:25:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Universal Studios Number 1 Fan (contribs; 1/102) scores 65.62% (U->P) & 74.18% (P->U) (ratio: 48.6%) on calculated overlap Universal Studios Number 1 Fan <-> Universal Studios Florida (Universal Studios Florida - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  618. 17:25:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Universal Studios Number 1 Fan (contribs; 2/103) scores 65.62% (U->P) & 74.18% (P->U) (ratio: 48.6%) on calculated overlap Universal Studios Number 1 Fan <-> Universal Studios Florida (Universal Studios Florida - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  619. 17:25:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Viator slovenicus (contribs; 3/37) scores 50% (U->P) & 78.75% (P->U) (ratio: 39.3%) on calculated overlap Viator slovenicus <-> Slovenia (Slovenia - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  620. 17:28:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:BOTarate (contribs; 11/56) scores 60.12% (U->P) & 61.84% (P->U) (ratio: 37.1%) on calculated overlap BOTarate <-> Baraize (Baraize - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  621. 17:29:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gisalara (contribs; 1/1) scores 59.11% (U->P) & 59.11% (P->U) (ratio: 34.9%) on calculated overlap Gisalara <-> Tito Lara (Tito Lara - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  622. 17:29:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mickey Alam Khan (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Mickey Alam Khan <-> Mickey Alam Khan (Mickey Alam Khan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  623. 17:30:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mickey Alam Khan (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Mickey Alam Khan <-> Mickey Alam Khan (Mickey Alam Khan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  624. 17:36:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mickey Alam Khan (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Mickey Alam Khan <-> Mickey Alam Khan (Mickey Alam Khan - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  625. 17:38:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wilsonbiggs (contribs; 1/1) scores 61.17% (U->P) & 67.29% (P->U) (ratio: 41.1%) on calculated overlap Wilsonbiggs <-> Brian Biggs (Brian Biggs - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  626. 17:46:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Thetreesonmars (contribs; 1/24) scores 28.57% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 28.5%) on calculated overlap Thetreesonmars <-> Mars (Mars - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  627. 17:47:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Thetreesonmars (contribs; 2/25) scores 48.06% (U->P) & 60.56% (P->U) (ratio: 29.1%) on calculated overlap Thetreesonmars <-> Life on Mars (Life on Mars - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  628. 17:51:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Okanaganlake (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Okanaganlake <-> Okanagan Lake (Okanagan Lake - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  629. 17:55:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Nukeathon (contribs; 1/1) scores 53.44% (U->P) & 60.12% (P->U) (ratio: 32.1%) on calculated overlap Nukeathon <-> Death Row (Death Row - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  630. 17:57:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Annekoplinka (contribs; 1/1) scores 32.5% (U->P) & 78.97% (P->U) (ratio: 25.6%) on calculated overlap Annekoplinka <-> Akon (Akon - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  631. 17:57:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 1/14) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  632. 17:58:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 2/15) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  633. 17:58:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 3/16) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  634. 16:03:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Pawyilee - user talk:Pawyilee (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bcsmonitor\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Montco <->; diff) (Anthropology - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  635. 16:04:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Vahrehvah - User talk:Vahrehvah (contribs; 3/4) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Vahrehvah <-> (Sanjay Thumma - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  636. 16:20:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Jan Zu - User talk:Jan Zu (contribs; 1/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 35.71% (L->U) (ratio: 35.7%) on calculated overlap Jan Zu <-> (Dionysius Exiguus' Easter table - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  637. 16:29:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Marilisa Lorusso - User talk:Marilisa Lorusso (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 57.69% (L->U) (ratio: 57.6%) on calculated overlap Marilisa Lorusso <-> (Caucasus - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  638. 16:32:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Homodachitheband - User talk:Homodachitheband (contribs; 5/5) scores 56.25% (U->L) & 88.88% (L->U) (ratio: 49.9%) on calculated overlap Homodachitheband <-> (Homodachi the band - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  639. 16:33:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Marilisa Lorusso - User talk:Marilisa Lorusso (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 57.69% (L->U) (ratio: 57.6%) on calculated overlap Marilisa Lorusso <-> (South Caucasus - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  640. 16:35:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Marilisa Lorusso - User talk:Marilisa Lorusso (contribs; 3/3) scores 100% (U->L) & 57.69% (L->U) (ratio: 57.6%) on calculated overlap Marilisa Lorusso <-> (Georgia (country) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  641. 16:40:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Marilisa Lorusso - User talk:Marilisa Lorusso (contribs; 4/4) scores 100% (U->L) & 57.69% (L->U) (ratio: 57.6%) on calculated overlap Marilisa Lorusso <-> (Azerbaijan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  642. 16:41:33, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:7spidah - user talk:7spidah (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvibereview\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Female genital cutting - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  643. 16:42:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:7spidah - user talk:7spidah (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bvibereview\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Female genital cutting - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  644. 16:52:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Tapsearcher - User talk:Tapsearcher (contribs; 1/1) scores 81.81% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 61.3%) on calculated overlap Tapsearcher <-> (Globalization - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  645. 16:56:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jordannoah - user talk:Jordannoah (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bblender\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Cad569 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  646. 17:04:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Tokyorosebiz - User talk:Tokyorosebiz (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->L) & 100% (L->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Tokyorosebiz <-> (Tokyo Rose - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  647. 17:05:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Peter Schiff - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  648. 17:05:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Whispering - user talk:Whispering (contribs; 1/9) Monitored link - - rule: \bailsacraigengines\.co\.uk - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ailsacraigengines <->; diff) (Ailsa Craig Engines - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  649. 17:06:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Bgks - user talk:Bgks (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link -''' - rule: \bec\.europa\.eu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Europaeer11 <->; diff) (Martenitsa - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  650. 17:15:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cretien - user talk:Cretien (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Synesthesia - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  651. 17:18:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cretien - user talk:Cretien (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Synesthesia - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  652. 17:22:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/17) Monitored link - - rule: \btelugucinemastills\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:WT:WPSPAM (diff) (Ninna Nedu Repu - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  653. 17:26:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Runewiki777 - user talk:Runewiki777 (contribs; 1/9) Monitored link - - rule: \bforbes\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Cesco <->; diff) (David Copperfield (illusionist) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  654. 17:35:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Cretien - user talk:Cretien (contribs; 3/3) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Visual music - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  655. 17:35:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Douglas Milnes - user talk:Douglas Milnes (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bec\.europa\.eu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Europaeer11 <->; diff) (British English - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  656. 17:43:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mandeep 619 - user talk:Mandeep 619 (contribs; 1/5) Monitored link - - rule: \bultimatecarpage\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ultimatum <->; diff) (Al Araba 1 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  657. 17:46:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \btheinquirer\.net - reason: see Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam/2007 Archive Apr (Electoral fraud - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  658. 18:01:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \banandgholap\.net - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Theosophical Society - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  659. 18:05:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Samasnookerfan (contribs; 4/17) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Samasnookerfan <-> Snooker (Snooker - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  660. 18:12:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Stingray77 (contribs; 1/1) scores 80% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 40%) on calculated overlap Stingray77 <-> Music Man StingRay (Music Man StingRay - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  661. 18:15:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Stingray77 (contribs; 2/2) scores 80% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 40%) on calculated overlap Stingray77 <-> Music Man StingRay (Music Man StingRay - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  662. 18:21:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Aleksandr Grigoryev (contribs; 1/2) scores 58.85% (U->P) & 59.23% (P->U) (ratio: 34.8%) on calculated overlap Aleksandr Grigoryev <-> Aleksandr Zavarov (Aleksandr Zavarov - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  663. 18:23:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Robertneilhardwick (contribs; 1/3) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 66.6%) on calculated overlap Robertneilhardwick <-> Neil Hardwick (Neil Hardwick - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  664. 18:24:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 1/20) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  665. 18:25:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 2/21) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  666. 18:26:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 3/22) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  667. 18:27:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 4/23) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  668. 18:28:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 5/24) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  669. 18:28:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 6/25) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  670. 18:31:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 7/26) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  671. 18:33:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 8/27) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  672. 18:34:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 9/28) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  673. 18:34:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 10/29) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  674. 18:35:18, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 11/30) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  675. 18:35:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 12/31) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  676. 18:39:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 13/32) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  677. 18:40:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 14/33) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  678. 18:41:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 15/34) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  679. 18:41:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Constancemary (contribs; 1/12) scores 80.44% (U->P) & 74.7% (P->U) (ratio: 60%) on calculated overlap Constancemary <-> Constance Demby (Constance Demby - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  680. 18:42:43, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Martingarbus (contribs; 16/35) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Martingarbus <-> Martin Garbus (Martin Garbus - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  681. 18:45:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dark Heretic (contribs; 1/2) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 58.1%) on calculated overlap Dark Heretic <-> Dark Heresy (Dark Heresy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  682. 18:53:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dark Heretic (contribs; 2/3) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 58.1%) on calculated overlap Dark Heretic <-> Dark Heresy (Dark Heresy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  683. 18:56:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rsword080 (contribs; 1/1) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 54.54% (P->U) (ratio: 36.3%) on calculated overlap Rsword080 <-> Robert Sword (Robert Sword - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  684. 18:58:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Yogibearkumar (contribs; 1/1) scores 69.23% (U->P) & 90% (P->U) (ratio: 62.3%) on calculated overlap Yogibearkumar <-> Yogi Kumar (Yogi Kumar - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  685. 18:59:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Yogibearkumar (contribs; 2/2) scores 69.23% (U->P) & 90% (P->U) (ratio: 62.3%) on calculated overlap Yogibearkumar <-> Yogi Kumar (Yogi Kumar - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  686. 19:00:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tractorhead (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Tractorhead <-> Tractorhead (Tractorhead - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  687. 19:01:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dark Heretic (contribs; 3/4) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 58.1%) on calculated overlap Dark Heretic <-> Dark Heresy (Dark Heresy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  688. 19:02:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Asocall (contribs; 1/1) scores 41.42% (U->P) & 65.25% (P->U) (ratio: 27%) on calculated overlap Asocall <-> AZCA (AZCA - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  689. 19:03:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rsword080 (contribs; 2/2) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 54.54% (P->U) (ratio: 36.3%) on calculated overlap Rsword080 <-> Robert Sword (Robert Sword - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  690. 19:03:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Asocall (contribs; 2/2) scores 41.42% (U->P) & 65.25% (P->U) (ratio: 27%) on calculated overlap Asocall <-> AZCA (AZCA - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  691. 19:03:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Yogibearkumar (contribs; 3/3) scores 69.23% (U->P) & 90% (P->U) (ratio: 62.3%) on calculated overlap Yogibearkumar <-> Yogi Kumar (Yogi Kumar - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  692. 19:04:38, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Staka (contribs; 1/17) scores 60% (U->P) & 60% (P->U) (ratio: 36%) on calculated overlap Staka <-> Ayaka (Ayaka - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  693. 19:04:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wlmsears (contribs; 1/1) scores 47.5% (U->P) & 58.64% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Wlmsears <-> METAR (METAR - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  694. 19:06:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hauschild (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 64.28% (P->U) (ratio: 64.2%) on calculated overlap Hauschild <-> David Hauschild (David Hauschild - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  695. 19:06:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Asnyder1 (contribs; 1/1) scores 87.5% (U->P) & 63.63% (P->U) (ratio: 55.6%) on calculated overlap Asnyder1 <-> Neal A. Snyder (Neal A. Snyder - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  696. 19:07:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sandytrevor (contribs; 1/2) scores 61.17% (U->P) & 67.29% (P->U) (ratio: 41.1%) on calculated overlap Sandytrevor <-> John Trevor (John Trevor - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  697. 19:08:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wlmsears (contribs; 2/2) scores 47.5% (U->P) & 58.64% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Wlmsears <-> METAR (METAR - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  698. 19:12:58, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wlmsears (contribs; 3/3) scores 47.5% (U->P) & 58.64% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Wlmsears <-> METAR (METAR - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  699. 19:13:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rob.sabel (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 72.72% (P->U) (ratio: 72.7%) on calculated overlap Rob.sabel <-> Robert sabel (Robert sabel - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  700. 19:14:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Wlmsears (contribs; 4/4) scores 47.5% (U->P) & 58.64% (P->U) (ratio: 27.8%) on calculated overlap Wlmsears <-> METAR (METAR - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  701. 19:19:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Rezbiz (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 42.85% (P->U) (ratio: 42.8%) on calculated overlap Rezbiz <-> REZ BIZ magazine (REZ BIZ magazine - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  702. 19:19:48, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Asnyder1 (contribs; 2/2) scores 87.5% (U->P) & 63.63% (P->U) (ratio: 55.6%) on calculated overlap Asnyder1 <-> Neal A. Snyder (Neal A. Snyder - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  703. 19:21:00, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dark Heretic (contribs; 4/5) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 58.1%) on calculated overlap Dark Heretic <-> Dark Heresy (Dark Heresy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  704. 19:21:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DignitasMepH (contribs; 1/43) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 72.74% (P->U) (ratio: 48.4%) on calculated overlap DignitasMepH <-> Team Dignitas (Team Dignitas - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  705. 19:22:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DignitasMepH (contribs; 2/44) scores 66.66% (U->P) & 72.74% (P->U) (ratio: 48.4%) on calculated overlap DignitasMepH <-> Team Dignitas (Team Dignitas - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  706. 19:23:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dark Heretic (contribs; 5/6) scores 72.72% (U->P) & 80% (P->U) (ratio: 58.1%) on calculated overlap Dark Heretic <-> Dark Heresy (Dark Heresy - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  707. 19:25:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sandcounty (contribs; 1/20) scores 100% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Sandcounty <-> Sand County Foundation (Sand County Foundation - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  708. 19:25:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Sandcounty (contribs; 2/21) scores 100% (U->P) & 50% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Sandcounty <-> Sand County Foundation (Sand County Foundation - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  709. 18:06:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Alaivani - User talk:Alaivani (contribs; 1/5) scores 100% (U->L) & 72.72% (L->U) (ratio: 72.7%) on calculated overlap Alaivani <-> (Varadharaja Perumal Temple - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  710. 18:07:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Alaivani - User talk:Alaivani (contribs; 2/6) scores 100% (U->L) & 72.72% (L->U) (ratio: 72.7%) on calculated overlap Alaivani <-> (Kamakshi Amman Temple - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  711. 18:09:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Alaivani - User talk:Alaivani (contribs; 3/7) scores 100% (U->L) & 72.72% (L->U) (ratio: 72.7%) on calculated overlap Alaivani <-> (Ekambareswarar Temple - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  712. 18:10:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gilesbennett - user talk:Gilesbennett (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Protestantism - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  713. 18:22:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Audit - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  714. 18:26:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/3) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Accounting software - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  715. 18:31:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:CultureDrone - user talk:CultureDrone (contribs; 1/7) Monitored link - - rule: \bgfdb\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Axel Bellinghausen - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  716. 18:35:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Comte0 - User talk:Comte0 (contribs; 1/1) scores 50% (U->L) & 76.2% (L->U) (ratio: 38.1%) on calculated overlap Comte0 <-> (The Otago MBA - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  717. 18:35:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 3/4) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Management accounting - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  718. 18:41:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \btruebones\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Truebones <->; diff) (Computer animation - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  719. 19:13:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Canadian Paul - user talk:Canadian Paul (contribs; 1/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bnacional - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Nacional.records <-> nacional; diff) (Deaths in 2008 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  720. 19:19:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Garypalmer - User talk:Garypalmer (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 45.45% (L->U) (ratio: 45.4%) on calculated overlap Garypalmer <-> (Street painting - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  721. 19:19:45, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mimigee83 - user talk:Mimigee83 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bamericajr\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Americajr <->; diff) (Kina Grannis - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  722. 19:20:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Natuu - user talk:Natuu (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  723. 19:25:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Texink - user talk:Texink (contribs; 1/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bauburntigers\.cstv\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Autiger <->; diff) (Reggie Herring - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  724. 19:26:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (History of Christianity and homosexuality - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  725. 19:28:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Salamurai - user talk:Salamurai (contribs; 1/7) Monitored link - - rule: \bexclaim\.ca - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Exclaimmag <->; diff) (Ramones - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  726. 19:28:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mtiedemann - user talk:Mtiedemann (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bclarin\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ca in <->; diff) (Jorge Antonio (Argentina) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  727. 19:33:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \barmy-guide\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Challenger 2 tank - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  728. 19:36:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Silencedmajority - User talk:Silencedmajority (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->L) & 84.21% (L->U) (ratio: 84.2%) on calculated overlap Silencedmajority <-> (Borat - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  729. 19:55:24, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:GoldFlower - user talk:GoldFlower (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bhiphopdx\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Hiphophead88 <->; diff) (Before I Self Destruct - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  730. 20:02:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tjnelso1 - user talk:Tjnelso1 (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \basu\.edu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Asurite <->; diff) (Arizona State University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  731. 20:02:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tjnelso1 - user talk:Tjnelso1 (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \basu\.edu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Asurite <->; diff) (Arizona State University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  732. 20:02:34, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:HLNET - User talk:HLNET (contribs; 1/1) scores 81% (U->L) & 35.71% (L->U) (ratio: 28.9%) on calculated overlap HLNET <-> (Heath Ledger - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  733. 20:04:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Roguephoenix - user talk:Roguephoenix (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bcalsouthern\.edu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap CalSouthern <->; diff) (California Southern University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  734. 20:49:51, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:MishaPan (contribs; 2/20) scores 47.62% (U->P) & 57.15% (P->U) (ratio: 27.2%) on calculated overlap MishaPan <-> Bishop (Bishop - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  735. 20:59:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 1/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  736. 21:01:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Michiganotaku (contribs; 1/1) scores 43.15% (U->P) & 58.42% (P->U) (ratio: 25.2%) on calculated overlap Michiganotaku <-> Chi (kana) (Chi (kana) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  737. 21:01:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Degosivo (contribs; 1/1) scores 50% (U->P) & 81% (P->U) (ratio: 40.5%) on calculated overlap Degosivo <-> Devo (Devo - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  738. 21:02:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 2/5) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  739. 21:02:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Degosivo (contribs; 2/2) scores 50% (U->P) & 81% (P->U) (ratio: 40.5%) on calculated overlap Degosivo <-> Devo (Devo - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  740. 21:03:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Degosivo (contribs; 3/3) scores 50% (U->P) & 81% (P->U) (ratio: 40.5%) on calculated overlap Degosivo <-> Devo (Devo - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  741. 21:08:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 3/6) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  742. 21:10:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 4/7) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  743. 21:14:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 5/8) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  744. 21:15:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 6/9) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  745. 21:15:52, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:WolfmanSF (contribs; 1/6) scores 33.33% (U->P) & 87% (P->U) (ratio: 28.9%) on calculated overlap WolfmanSF <-> Olm (Olm - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  746. 21:17:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:DavidShallcross (contribs; 7/10) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap DavidShallcross <-> David Shallcross (David Shallcross - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  747. 21:21:56, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Worden Sports College (contribs; 1/114) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Worden Sports College <-> Worden Sports College (Worden Sports College - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  748. 21:29:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mauls (contribs; 1/7) scores 58% (U->P) & 58% (P->U) (ratio: 33.6%) on calculated overlap Mauls <-> Malew (Malew - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  749. 21:29:20, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mauls (contribs; 2/8) scores 58% (U->P) & 58% (P->U) (ratio: 33.6%) on calculated overlap Mauls <-> Malew (Malew - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  750. 21:30:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NicolasBruni (contribs; 1/3) scores 58.73% (U->P) & 63.43% (P->U) (ratio: 37.2%) on calculated overlap NicolasBruni <-> Carla Bruni (Carla Bruni - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  751. 21:31:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:North wales cestrian (contribs; 1/1) scores 47.72% (U->P) & 55.08% (P->U) (ratio: 26.2%) on calculated overlap North wales cestrian <-> List of Cestrians (List of Cestrians - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  752. 21:32:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:North wales cestrian (contribs; 2/2) scores 47.72% (U->P) & 55.08% (P->U) (ratio: 26.2%) on calculated overlap North wales cestrian <-> List of Cestrians (List of Cestrians - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  753. 21:33:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:North wales cestrian (contribs; 3/3) scores 47.72% (U->P) & 55.08% (P->U) (ratio: 26.2%) on calculated overlap North wales cestrian <-> List of Cestrians (List of Cestrians - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  754. 21:33:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Romelab (contribs; 1/4) scores 69.77% (U->P) & 38.88% (P->U) (ratio: 27.1%) on calculated overlap Romelab <-> IBM Rome Software Lab (IBM Rome Software Lab - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  755. 21:34:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Orchi (contribs; 1/26) scores 100% (U->P) & 38.46% (P->U) (ratio: 38.4%) on calculated overlap Orchi <-> Aspasia (orchid) (Aspasia (orchid) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  756. 21:34:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kenlewisis (contribs; 1/1) scores 79.38% (U->P) & 47.61% (P->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Kenlewisis <-> Ken Lewis (percussionist) (Ken Lewis (percussionist) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  757. 21:35:04, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Ashfordbaptistpaul (contribs; 1/1) scores 77.77% (U->P) & 82.35% (P->U) (ratio: 64%) on calculated overlap Ashfordbaptistpaul <-> The ashford baptist (The ashford baptist - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  758. 21:35:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 1/1) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  759. 20:54:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:1ForTheMoney - user talk:1ForTheMoney (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brunescape\.com - reason: AntiSpamBot blacklist request on User talk:AntiSpamBot (RuneScape - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  760. 20:57:45, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bnndb\.com - reason: see Village pump item (rule added by Beetstra) (Heath Ledger - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  761. 20:57:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/2) Monitored link - - rule: \bnndb\.com - reason: see Village pump item (rule added by Beetstra) (Heath Ledger - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  762. 20:58:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Orlady - user talk:Orlady (contribs; 1/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bcalsouthern\.edu - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap CalSouthern <->; diff) (California Southern University - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  763. 20:59:11, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Street20 - user talk:Street20 (contribs; 1/7) Monitored link - - rule: \bmlb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Web comic <->; diff) (Template:Florida Marlins roster - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  764. 20:59:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Street20 - user talk:Street20 (contribs; 2/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bmlb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Web comic <->; diff) (Template:Florida Marlins roster - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  765. 20:59:13, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Street20 - user talk:Street20 (contribs; 3/9) Monitored link - - rule: \bmlb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Web comic <->; diff) (Template:Florida Marlins roster - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  766. 21:01:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Reboot - user talk:Reboot (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bup240\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Up240 <->; diff) (Snow - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  767. 21:01:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Alinblack - user talk:Alinblack (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bsoundofmetal\.se - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap SoundOfMetal <->; diff) (Helden (Apocalyptica song) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  768. 21:04:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bamren\.com - reason: automonitor: coi? link addition (Howard Coble - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  769. 21:07:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mujinga - user talk:Mujinga (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bmontrealmirror\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Shawn in Montreal <->; diff) (Breakcore - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  770. 21:12:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Evolauxia - user talk:Evolauxia (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bagu\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Umagurui <->; diff) (Daisyworld - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  771. 21:14:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Dave Cohoe - user talk:Dave Cohoe (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Prelude to War - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  772. 21:14:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Pointingandlaughing - user talk:Pointingandlaughing (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bexclaim\.ca - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Exclaimmag <->; diff) (Die Mannequin - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  773. 21:14:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tyrenius - user talk:Tyrenius (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \btimeout\.com - reason: Link is blacklisted on Shadowbot (rule added by Beetstra). (!WOWOW! - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  774. 21:14:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Asyndeton - user talk:Asyndeton (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bfox\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Kooma <->; diff) (Jack Bauer - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  775. 21:16:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Fschoenm - user talk:Fschoenm (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bbravotv\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap JDBravo <->; diff) (Pierce Brosnan - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  776. 21:19:15, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bcsmonitor\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Montco <->; diff) (Snickers - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  777. 21:19:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: special-forces-adventure-training\.co\.uk - reason: wt:wpspam (General purpose machine gun - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  778. 21:21:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Frjohnwhiteford - user talk:Frjohnwhiteford (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \borthodoxwiki\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Gr.orthodox <->; diff) (Patriarch Alexius II - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  779. 21:23:55, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Ringlitz9825 - User talk:Ringlitz9825 (contribs; 1/1) scores 66.66% (U->L) & 72.72% (L->U) (ratio: 48.4%) on calculated overlap Ringlitz9825 <-> (Designer Headbands - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  780. 21:27:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Serpent's Choice - user talk:Serpent's Choice (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bgoliath\.ecnext\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap deaksarm - DaKa; -> deaksarm (WT:WPSPAM Serious Adsense Spamming); diff) (Prasco Laboratories - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  781. 21:35:25, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Charitwo - user talk:Charitwo (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bphilly\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Chilliam <->; diff) (Travian - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  782. 21:40:50, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \btruebones\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Truebones <->; diff) (3ds Max - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  783. 21:41:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Belzub - user talk:Belzub (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: - reason: wt:wpspam & user:sodomator (Ecofascism - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  784. 21:36:47, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NicolasBruni (contribs; 2/4) scores 58.73% (U->P) & 63.43% (P->U) (ratio: 37.2%) on calculated overlap NicolasBruni <-> Carla Bruni (Carla Bruni - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  785. 21:37:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kennjhall (contribs; 1/1) scores 61.14% (U->P) & 63.49% (P->U) (ratio: 38.8%) on calculated overlap Kennjhall <-> Kevin D. Hall (Kevin D. Hall - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  786. 21:39:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kenlewisis (contribs; 2/2) scores 79.38% (U->P) & 47.61% (P->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Kenlewisis <-> Ken Lewis (percussionist) (Ken Lewis (percussionist) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  787. 21:41:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Titanium Dragon (contribs; 1/3) scores 57.14% (U->P) & 61.36% (P->U) (ratio: 35%) on calculated overlap Titanium Dragon <-> Nickel titanium (Nickel titanium - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  788. 21:41:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kenlewisis (contribs; 3/3) scores 79.38% (U->P) & 47.61% (P->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Kenlewisis <-> Ken Lewis (percussionist) (Ken Lewis (percussionist) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  789. 21:41:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NicolasBruni (contribs; 3/5) scores 58.73% (U->P) & 63.43% (P->U) (ratio: 37.2%) on calculated overlap NicolasBruni <-> Carla Bruni (Carla Bruni - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  790. 21:42:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Titanium Dragon (contribs; 2/4) scores 57.14% (U->P) & 61.36% (P->U) (ratio: 35%) on calculated overlap Titanium Dragon <-> Nickel titanium (Nickel titanium - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  791. 21:42:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:NicolasBruni (contribs; 4/6) scores 58.73% (U->P) & 63.43% (P->U) (ratio: 37.2%) on calculated overlap NicolasBruni <-> Carla Bruni (Carla Bruni - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  792. 21:43:03, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Titanium Dragon (contribs; 3/5) scores 57.14% (U->P) & 61.36% (P->U) (ratio: 35%) on calculated overlap Titanium Dragon <-> Nickel titanium (Nickel titanium - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  793. 21:47:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kenlewisis (contribs; 4/4) scores 79.38% (U->P) & 47.61% (P->U) (ratio: 37.7%) on calculated overlap Kenlewisis <-> Ken Lewis (percussionist) (Ken Lewis (percussionist) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  794. 21:48:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 2/2) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  795. 21:49:07, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Aecis (contribs; 1/18) scores 78% (U->P) & 55.71% (P->U) (ratio: 43.4%) on calculated overlap Aecis <-> Fascism (Fascism - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  796. 21:50:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Tjasairis (contribs; 1/8) scores 85.55% (U->P) & 77% (P->U) (ratio: 65.8%) on calculated overlap Tjasairis <-> Tjaša Iris (Tjaša Iris - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  797. 21:51:09, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 3/3) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  798. 21:55:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Toilet Flusher (contribs; 1/1) scores 46.15% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 46.1%) on calculated overlap Toilet Flusher <-> Toilet (Toilet - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  799. 21:57:32, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gpowersjr (contribs; 1/1) scores 90% (U->P) & 47.36% (P->U) (ratio: 42.6%) on calculated overlap Gpowersjr <-> Francis Gary Powers Jr. (Francis Gary Powers Jr. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  800. 21:59:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gpowersjr (contribs; 2/2) scores 90% (U->P) & 47.36% (P->U) (ratio: 42.6%) on calculated overlap Gpowersjr <-> Francis Gary Powers Jr. (Francis Gary Powers Jr. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  801. 21:59:39, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gpowersjr (contribs; 3/3) scores 90% (U->P) & 47.36% (P->U) (ratio: 42.6%) on calculated overlap Gpowersjr <-> Francis Gary Powers Jr. (Francis Gary Powers Jr. - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  802. 22:00:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mauls (contribs; 3/9) scores 74.84% (U->P) & 34.28% (P->U) (ratio: 25.6%) on calculated overlap Mauls <-> Maughold (parish) (Maughold (parish) - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  803. 22:00:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 4/4) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  804. 22:05:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Buffalocreeksteam (contribs; 1/1) scores 69.78% (U->P) & 46.87% (P->U) (ratio: 32.7%) on calculated overlap Buffalocreeksteam <-> Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad (Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  805. 22:06:06, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Buffalocreeksteam (contribs; 2/2) scores 69.78% (U->P) & 46.87% (P->U) (ratio: 32.7%) on calculated overlap Buffalocreeksteam <-> Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad (Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  806. 22:06:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 5/5) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  807. 22:07:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mytonaca (contribs; 1/1) scores 75% (U->P) & 46.15% (P->U) (ratio: 34.6%) on calculated overlap Mytonaca <-> Tonacatepeque (Tonacatepeque - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  808. 22:08:21, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 6/6) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  809. 21:42:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 2/5) Monitored link - - rule: \btruebones\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Truebones <->; diff) (Blender (software) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  810. 21:45:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 3/6) Monitored link - - rule: \btruebones\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Truebones <->; diff) (Cinema 4D - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  811. 21:45:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:AngelaRosenthal - user talk:AngelaRosenthal (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \btjasairis\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Tjasairis <->; diff) (Tjaša Iris - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  812. 21:54:40, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Abemadi - User talk:Abemadi (contribs; 1/18) scores 100% (U->L) & 31.81% (L->U) (ratio: 31.8%) on calculated overlap Abemadi <-> (Apicius (disambiguation) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  813. 21:56:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \brootsweb\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Rootsjockey <->; diff) (John Fries's Rebellion - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  814. 22:02:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 1/8) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Day of the Dead - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  815. 22:02:08, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 2/9) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Day of the Dead - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  816. 22:03:16, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Abemadi - User talk:Abemadi (contribs; 2/19) scores 100% (U->L) & 41.17% (L->U) (ratio: 41.1%) on calculated overlap Abemadi <-> (Alain Passard - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  817. 22:04:59, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Tjasairis - User talk:Tjasairis (contribs; 2/9) scores 100% (U->L) & 75% (L->U) (ratio: 75%) on calculated overlap Tjasairis <-> (Tjaša Iris - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  818. 22:05:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Steve Pastor - user talk:Steve Pastor (contribs; 1/5) Monitored link - - rule: mp3fiesta\.com - reason: Link is blacklisted on Shadowbot (rule added by Shadow42). (Rhythm and blues - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  819. 22:05:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 3/10) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Day of the Dead - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  820. 22:05:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 4/11) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Day of the Dead - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  821. 22:07:05, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Jerry - user talk:Jerry (contribs; 1/8) Monitored link - - rule: \bwikipatents\.com - reason: Automonitor: reported to en:Wikipedia talk:WikiProject Spam (diff) (Bocce - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  822. 22:09:31, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Icestorm815 - user talk:Icestorm815 (contribs; 1/17) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Thomas Paine - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  823. 22:12:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:DamageMachine - User talk:DamageMachine (contribs; 1/1) scores 62.02% (U->L) & 46.66% (L->U) (ratio: 28.9%) on calculated overlap DamageMachine <-> (Robert Flynn - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  824. 22:14:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 5/12) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Bats Day in the Fun Park - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  825. 22:14:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 6/13) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Bats Day in the Fun Park - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  826. 22:14:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 7/14) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Bats Day in the Fun Park - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  827. 22:14:17, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - User:Drunkrockers - User talk:Drunkrockers (contribs; 8/15) scores 100% (U->L) & 80% (L->U) (ratio: 80%) on calculated overlap Drunkrockers <-> (Bats Day in the Fun Park - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain: )
  828. 22:14:28, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Btyner - user talk:Btyner (contribs; 1/3) Monitored link - - rule: \bamstat\.org - reason: Automonitor: COI? (calculated overlap Statone <->; diff) (President of the American Statistical Association - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  829. 22:14:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user: - user talk: (contribs; 1/1) Monitored link - - rule: \bundertheradarmag\.com - reason: Automonitor: COI? link addition (Heatmiser - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  830. 22:16:57, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Kukini - user talk:Kukini (contribs; 1/39) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Constantine, Algeria - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  831. 22:17:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chetblong - user talk:Chetblong (contribs; 1/4) Monitored link - - rule: \bvideo\.google\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap ->; Rludlow -> (WT:WPSPAM possible spamming - user mainly adds links); ; diff) (Thomas Paine - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  832. 22:27:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:MishaPan - user talk:MishaPan (contribs; 1/21) Monitored link - - rule: \bnewadvent\.org - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Wento <->; diff) (Faculty (instrument) - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  833. 22:55:26, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mandeep 619 - user talk:Mandeep 619 (contribs; 1/6) Monitored link - - rule: \bultimatecarpage\.com - reason: Automonitor: conflict of interest? (calculated overlap Ultimatum <->; diff) (Al Araba 1 - diff - COIBot UserReport - Linksearch en (insource) - meta - de - fr - simple - wikt:en - wikt:frSpamcheckMER-C X-wikigs • Reports: Links on en - COIBot - COIBot-Local • Discussions: tracked - advanced - RSN • COIBot-Link, Local, & XWiki Reports - Wikipedia: en - fr - de • Google: searchmeta • Domain:
  834. 22:09:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mytonaca (contribs; 2/2) scores 75% (U->P) & 46.15% (P->U) (ratio: 34.6%) on calculated overlap Mytonaca <-> Tonacatepeque (Tonacatepeque - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  835. 22:09:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Chaushi (contribs; 1/4) scores 85.71% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 85.7%) on calculated overlap Chaushi <-> Chaush (Chaush - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  836. 22:10:27, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mytonaca (contribs; 3/3) scores 75% (U->P) & 46.15% (P->U) (ratio: 34.6%) on calculated overlap Mytonaca <-> Tonacatepeque (Tonacatepeque - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  837. 22:10:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Paddy More (contribs; 1/1) scores 52.54% (U->P) & 52.54% (P->U) (ratio: 27.6%) on calculated overlap Paddy More <-> Arranmore (Arranmore - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  838. 22:12:41, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Mytonaca (contribs; 4/4) scores 75% (U->P) & 46.15% (P->U) (ratio: 34.6%) on calculated overlap Mytonaca <-> Tonacatepeque (Tonacatepeque - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  839. 22:12:44, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Paddy More (contribs; 2/2) scores 52.54% (U->P) & 52.54% (P->U) (ratio: 27.6%) on calculated overlap Paddy More <-> Arranmore (Arranmore - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  840. 22:12:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Paddy More (contribs; 3/3) scores 52.54% (U->P) & 52.54% (P->U) (ratio: 27.6%) on calculated overlap Paddy More <-> Arranmore (Arranmore - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  841. 22:12:46, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 7/7) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  842. 22:15:02, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Buffalocreeksteam (contribs; 3/3) scores 69.78% (U->P) & 46.87% (P->U) (ratio: 32.7%) on calculated overlap Buffalocreeksteam <-> Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad (Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  843. 22:16:35, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 8/8) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  844. 22:16:37, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Buffalocreeksteam (contribs; 4/4) scores 69.78% (U->P) & 46.87% (P->U) (ratio: 32.7%) on calculated overlap Buffalocreeksteam <-> Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad (Buffalo Creek & Gauley Railroad - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  845. 22:23:22, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Paddy More (contribs; 4/4) scores 52.54% (U->P) & 52.54% (P->U) (ratio: 27.6%) on calculated overlap Paddy More <-> Aghla More (Aghla More - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  846. 22:26:36, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Peter charley (contribs; 1/4) scores 100% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 100%) on calculated overlap Peter charley <-> Peter Charley (Peter Charley - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  847. 22:28:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 9/9) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  848. 22:29:53, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 10/10) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  849. 22:30:23, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Littlecoreyj (contribs; 1/1) scores 50% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 50%) on calculated overlap Littlecoreyj <-> Corey J (Corey J - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  850. 22:30:29, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Zanainternational (contribs; 11/11) scores 94.11% (U->P) & 94.11% (P->U) (ratio: 88.5%) on calculated overlap Zanainternational <-> Dana International (Dana International - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  851. 22:33:54, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:TwixtKaitou (contribs; 1/1) scores 45.45% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 45.4%) on calculated overlap TwixtKaitou <-> TwixT (TwixT - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  852. 22:35:01, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Gigiatbigwhite (contribs; 1/1) scores 64.73% (U->P) & 47.05% (P->U) (ratio: 30.4%) on calculated overlap Gigiatbigwhite <-> Big White Ski Resort (Big White Ski Resort - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  853. 22:40:12, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Conny (contribs; 1/19) scores 68.58% (U->P) & 43.33% (P->U) (ratio: 29.7%) on calculated overlap Conny <-> Continent (Continent - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  854. 22:40:30, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Matharu1000 (contribs; 1/1) scores 63.63% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 63.6%) on calculated overlap Matharu1000 <-> Matharu (Matharu - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  855. 22:41:19, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Khokhani (contribs; 1/1) scores 100% (U->P) & 57.14% (P->U) (ratio: 57.1%) on calculated overlap Khokhani <-> Bharat Khokhani (Bharat Khokhani - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  856. 22:44:49, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:TwixtKaitou (contribs; 2/2) scores 45.45% (U->P) & 100% (P->U) (ratio: 45.4%) on calculated overlap TwixtKaitou <-> TwixT (TwixT - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  857. 22:50:10, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Hmains (contribs; 1/38) scores 59.53% (U->P) & 44.1% (P->U) (ratio: 26.2%) on calculated overlap Hmains <-> Marina Dias (Marina Dias - diff - COIBot UserReport)
  858. 23:02:14, Sat Jan 05, 2008 - user:Khokhani (contribs; 2/2) scores 100% (U->P) & 57.14% (P->U) (ratio: 57.1%) on calculated overlap Khokhani <-> Bharat Khokhani (Bharat Khokhani - diff - COIBot UserReport)