Emmeline Pankhurst


I have worked on this article for the past two months, with the ultimate goal of certifying it as a Featured Article. I feel that the research and structure are solid, and I welcome all comments about what can be improved. Thanks in advance for your feedback. Scartol • Tok 18:32, 2 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from Awadewit


Yet another fascinating biography of a radical! :) Here are my comments:

Prose and whatnot:

  • Me too. I'm always unsure of how to handle this, since she obviously wasn't "Pankhurst" at that time. Do you think it's still fair to use "Pankhurst" even though she was Emmeline Goulden? Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Could we at least refer to her as "Goulden" or "Emmeline Goulden"? It is the informality of calling her by her first name that bothers me so much - especially in a feminist article! :) Awadewit (talk) 22:06, 9 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I added "Goulden" after most of the "Emmeline"s, but I must say it feels awkward to me. I would point out for the sake of consistency that I used the earlier pattern – first names only when discussing childhood – with Chinua Achebe and .. well, okay, I didn't do it with Balzac. Point taken. Scartol • Tok 18:32, 10 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Yeah, that was messy. Changed to: "Her daughters worked closely with her in the suffrage movement, but over time a series of ideological disagreements drove the women apart." Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I considered each of those, and found "all-women" to be the least unsightly (though still plenty unsightly, agreed) wording. "Female organisation" sounds like the organisation itself is female. "Women's only" sounds like a sign on a clubhouse in a tree. Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • The logic is: I'm a moron. I guess I wanted to indicate that her wartime activity was ending (thus her ability to focus on other things), but I agree that it's awkward. I just took out the first part. Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Some of it (the examples I cite in the article) was activism, but some of it (which I didn't include, for purposes of length) was more activity: running for office, aiding political campaigns, etc. I felt like "activity" could incorporate both of them. I suppose we could use "activism", since I don't mention the non-activism activity, but it also seems more fair to the history to use "activity". Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • That is what the sources imply, but it's never a direct statement; just that she had a flair for appealing to public perception. Is it something that should be added here, do you think, or later on during the descriptions of WSPU activities? Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • If the sources don't make the connection, we can't, unfortunately. Perhaps you could make it a little clearer (if you have the sources) that she had a flair for public relations at other points in the article? Awadewit (talk) 22:06, 9 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Yeah, I apparently tried to stick two different things together. I think one of the sources did this well, and I tried to do the same but failed to pull it off. Changed to: "Their mutual affection was powerful, but the couple's happiness was diminished by the death of his mother the following year." Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I'll need to check my sources, but I remember it being a rather complicated affair that I didn't want to get into in the article. Perhaps I was hoping no one would ask questions. =) Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Wow, what a mess. I feel bad for asking you to look at this article when there were obviously a number of glaring errors. I guess I hadn't looked at it with enough distance of my own. Sorry for that. I'll need to go back to the sources and reconstruct this paragraph. Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Changed to: "Pankhurst's shop never succeeded, and Richard had trouble attracting business in London. With the family's finances in jeopardy, Richard travelled regularly to northwest England..." Better? Scartol • Tok 17:46, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Really? The earlier sentence reads: "They moved to London the following year, where Richard pursued his political aspirations – unsuccessfully – and Pankhurst opened a small fabric shop called Emerson and Company." Should I clarify this earlier sentence? Or was it maybe a case of rapid reading? Scartol • Tok 18:14, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Still looking for this. I can't find names in the biographies, but there may be something specific in her autobiography (which I don't have with me at the moment) or in one of the books of speeches. I'll keep hunting and let you know what I find. Scartol • Tok 18:14, 10 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Mary is one of those people whose importance was a little hard to judge. She's in and out of the story, and I felt like it was just outside the ring of what made sense to include. I removed the reference to her death. Scartol • Tok 18:14, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Heh, agreed. One of the sources made a point (a rather extended point, if I recall) about exactly how the officers were grabbing women. But it makes sense to just drop that phrase. Scartol • Tok 18:14, 8 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • Yeah, reworded. I tend to get obtusely poetic as I reach the end of these things. I believe it's because my brain knows I'll be getting back to Balzac soon. =) I also tend to believe that people kind enough to review my Wikipedia work are also interested to hear random babbling about my state of mind while writing. It's a personal problem of mine; I'm working on it. Scartol • Tok 18:13, 9 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]


  • She came from a politically-involved family
  • Unequal childhood education
  • He also supported her activities outside the home, and she quickly became involved with the Women's Franchise League - this sentence needs a phrase explaining what the WFL was
  • When that organisation broke apart, she joined the Independent Labour Party through her friendship with socialist Keir Hardie. - this sentence needs a phrase explaining what the ILP was
  • It might be worth repeating that the focus of the WSPU was suffrage in the third paragraph of the lead.
  • A sentence on her work with the poor
  • Perhaps a slight expansion on her switch to Conservatism


Like always, this was a pleasure! Awadewit (talk) 13:30, 6 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Comments from Ealdgyth (talk · contribs)

Hope this helps. Please note that I don't watchlist Peer Reviews I've done. If you have a question about something, you'll have to drop a note on my talk page to get my attention. (My watchlist is already WAY too long, adding peer reviews would make things much worse.) 13:20, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
Comments from Yllosubmarine

Embarrassingly, I have very little to nitpick about this article. It's well written and entirely engaging, so forgive my briefness.

Not at all. I suppose it's a good thing that relatively few things stood out as needing attention. =) Scartol • Tok 19:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I actually prefer the original wording, since it continues the emphasis on Mrs. Pankhurst's relationship to Christabel. I worry that the alternative puts a sudden emphasis on Roper and Gore-Booth. Scartol • Tok 19:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I assume this should be "...without it"? =) If so, I agree; I suppose it was a case where I was trying to insert all the tiny tidbits lest I be accused of leaving something out. Fixed. Scartol • Tok 19:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]
  • I agree that it's something of a tangent, but I wanted to keep track of where the kids were at various stages of EP's life. I suppose it'll just have to stick out a bit. =) Scartol • Tok 19:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Overall very good work; I was worried that areas may be too lengthy and/or descriptive, but I was glad to find it to be a rather engrossing read. A biography and a history lesson, all in one! It's a shame there aren't more images of her available, but I understand the difficulty in hunting such things down. Thanks for inviting me to read this in full, it made my lunch break a lot more interesting. :) María (habla conmigo) 17:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you kindly for your attention to detail. Much appreciated! Scartol • Tok 19:58, 13 October 2008 (UTC)[reply]