Disclaimer: This is the first version of a course page on Digital Humanities at the University of Deusto (inspired by a course on Translation Studies at the University_of_Edinburgh as part of the GLAM initiative). It is intended to serve as a compilation of basic documentation for the exercises that will take place as part of the course scheduled in WMFlabs.

Another inspiring example is eu:Wikiproiektu:EHU-Wikipedia_2017

About the course

An introduction to Wikipedia

On the week of 29 of April - 03 of May 2019 we will have a quick explanation on how to cooperate with Wikipedia. Documentation for full Wikipedia editing training can be found in this page (see resources below). There will be assistance on the various possibilities that may be chosen, eg. fixing errors, adding citations, translating fragments across languages, enriching infoboxes, etc.

We will provide training on how to edit and participate in an open knowledge community. One the most interesting aspects may involve translingual editing, for which participants may consider (Video) Introduction to the Content Translation tool (1 minute).

We Can Edit

How do I prepare?


Further reading


The main policies and guidelines can be found at the following pages:



Video guides to editing Wikipedia


Tutorials on Wikipedia editing


One page handouts


Video guides to editing Wikipedia
