New York City

Previous peer review

I've listed this article for peer review because New York City is an important city and because the article could use some fresh eyes to look it over.

Thanks, Attic Salt (talk) 20:48, 22 March 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Flejern (talk · contribs)

I've read through a good amount of the article, and I have a few ideas on how to improve it. There has doubtless been some discussion on some of these issues, but I haven't had the chance to look through the talk page and its archives. I've already seen one contentious conversation about the word "megacity" that I will reference below.

Generally, as earlier peer reviews have found, there is a lot of "capital of," "center of," "most," and "diverse," in this article. Many of these superlatives are warranted, but many are unwarranted. The opening line of the Culture and contemporary life subsection qualifies a superlative by attributing it to Baruch College:

New York City has been described as the cultural capital of the world by New York's Baruch College.

That this is a New York City university's opinion of the cultural prominence of New York City makes it a rhetorically weak opening sentence. More care should be taken to come to a consensus that New York City is singularly significant or superlative before saying generally that it is the "capital of" anything. An assertion that "so-and-so has said that New York is the capital of..." should be more effective than the example above.

Finally, there seems to have been a debate on the use of the word "megacity." I think that the word is too arbitrarily defined and should not be given much weight in the article. Moreover, what definition does exist of "megacity" tends to include the whole metropolitan area. In this case, it seems inappropriate to label New York City itself as a megacity.

I'll publish this on the article's talk page. This is my first peer review. Feedback is appreciated!

I am only planning on tackling a few of these issues, so feel free to work on any of them if you are so moved.

Version of the page that I was editing

Flejern (talk) 01:18, 23 May 2020 (UTC)[reply]