Heat transfer


I've requested a peer review because I think that this article meets several of the Wikipedia criteria for becoming a featured article. I believe that this article is consise, covers the topic completely, is stable, and contains minimal point-of-view influence. I believe that this article describes a very complicated topic elegantly, and may be useful for both engineers and people with no engineering knowledge. If you agree that this article is a good candidate for becoming a featured article, please let me know. Otherwise, all of use who have worked on this article would appreciate your comments and edits.

(see later entry for reason for strike out)

Specifically, I would ask that you look at the following:

  1. The length of the article: Does it consisely describe the topic? Is it too short anywhere, or too verbose?
  2. The content of the article: Is it easy to understand? Is it useful both to laypeople and to those with some engineering knowledge? Is anything missing?
  3. Grammar and tone: Does the article read like an encyclopedia article? Are there any mistakes?

Thank you, and if you have any questions feel free to leave a message on my user page.

-Âme Errante 10:15, 29 July 2006 (UTC)

Opabinia regalis 02:12, 31 July 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you, regalis. You certainly make some excellent points. In regards to what you've said, and what I've seen these past couple days as I've glanced at some of the engineering featured articles, I am going to withdraw my request, at least temporarily, for this article to be peer reviewed in the context of becoming a featured article. However, I still would encourage anyone who wants to peer review the article to do so, as I believe it has a good possiblity of later being featured.
Also, would anyone reject the idea of including a note about education in the main article and a link to an article on 'Heat transfer in education'? I believe that information on education is warranted here because the line between heat transfer and other thermo-sciences is necessarily fuzzy, and the general limit of the thermodynamics topics covered in this article is drawn where lines would typically be drawn in the classroom to separate heat transfer from energy conversion, thermofluids, and other subjects.
Âme Errante 13:57, 1 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]
I'm not sure the education-related material really needs its own article, but maybe there's more information about it than I expect. Since the subject is an important part of engineering curricula, I'd suggest mentioning how it is taught (any notable teaching methods? controversies? etc) and why (what do practicing engineers use it for?) rather than a description of the prerequisites and the material for which it is a prerequisite, since that varies to some extent between schools and curricula. Opabinia regalis 06:33, 2 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]