Flag of Hong Kong


After some weeks of collaboration by many wikipedians from Hong Kong, this article had gone through the Peer Review and lots of minor edits, which finally made it qualifying all the FAS criteria. Now as one of the editors of the page, I'll nominate this article as a Featured Article. Deryck C. 07:20, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

*Weak support Great article, but looks terrible on an 800x600 screen (thin strips of text between two pictures = ugly). Amend it so there's no side-by-side pictures, and it'd be a near-perfect article. Proto t c 21:37, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  • The meeting should be held in May 2002, gotta double check. The typo is fixed. — Instantnood 17:24, August 12, 2005 (UTC)
  • Yes, please check and add if you find anything useful. I did some searching myself and couldn't find anything authoritative. It seemed to me that the 58th meeting was actually a set of meetings spread out over a long period, so it is a very minor point and probably not worthwhile adding to the article. After some thought, its absence does not take away from the article's content. --HappyCamper 07:00, 13 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

Follow up to copyright issue

To my slight amusement, the HKSAR govt finally replied to me with an email today which goes:

Thank you for your email message dated 11 Aug 2005. The content of your message has been noted and we shall reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible.
Administration Wing
HKSAR Government

In other words, I waited a entire week just to get an acknowledgement email and no answers...yet. --Huaiwei 05:04, 18 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I have finally received a reply from the authorities, and yes, its a green light! ;) I reproduce the entire email conversation here for posterity:

To: flags&emblems@cso.gov.hk
Date: 11/08/2005

To whom who may be of assistance,

This was writen on behalf of members from the website http://en.wikipedia.org, an online encyclopedia aimed towards providing original or public domain information for the general public in an entirely non-commercial arrangement between viewer and content contributor.

We at wikipedia would like to enquire on the issue of copyright on content available through your website accessable at http://www.info.gov.hk/protocol/eng/index.htm. For the purpose of writing up an article in wikipedia entitled "Flag of Hong Kong" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Hong_Kong), we are concerned over the infringement of copyright, and hence would like your clarifications over this matter. If the content is indeed copyrighted, may we also request on behalf of wikipedia at this juncture for your kind permission in allowing us to reproduce the textual information in your site for the purpose of public education on a non-commercial basis.

Should it turn out that we have indeed violated any copyright laws, we apologies profusely for the oversight, and we will adhere to your requests to remove the content as soon as we can.

We look forward to your favourable reply, and we thank you in advance for your help.

To: protocol@cso.gov.hk
Date: 12/08/2005

To whom it may concern,

In light of the lack of a response for the email as attached below, I forward the enquiry to your email address in the hope of getting a prompt response.

From: flags&emblems@cso.gov.hk
Date: 18/08/2005

Thank you for your email message dated 11 Aug 2005. The content of your message has been noted and we shall reply to you, where appropriate, as soon as possible.

From: flags&emblems@cso.gov.hk
Date: 22/08/2005

Thank you for your email of 11 August 2005.

We have no objection for the Wikipedia to make the information on the Regional Flag contained within our website

(http://www.info.gov.hk/protocol/eng/index.htm) available in Wikipedia's website (http://en.wikipedia.org), on the provision that such reproduction and redessemination will not involve commercial interests or bring adverse effect to the public image of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. We shall not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage arising from such use, re-dissemination or reproduction of the information.

To: flags&emblems@cso.gov.hk
Date: 22/08/2005

I refer to your reply dated 22 August, 2005.

I, on behalf of editors in Wikipedia, would like to thank you profusely for your understanding in our singular efforts to deliver information to the world on a purely non-commercial basis, and your willingness to allow us to utilise information provided in your website for this purpose. We will strive to the greatest of our capacity in adhering to your requests and conditions, and we accept all legal responsibility for the use of all materials from our site.

Once again, I thank you.

Cheers! :D --Huaiwei 14:25, 22 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

That's great! --Mintchocicecream 17:54, 22 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]