Albert Stroni e "bate-papo"


Olá meu amigo, tudo bem (as nossas selecções já foram, quer dizer a tua, a minha nem por isso, sendo Portugal um Brasil B)?

Sobre a primeira parte do título da mensagem: fogo, que gajo mais obscuro, procurei em NATIONAL-FOOTBALL-TEAMS.COM, nada, procurei em FORADEJOGO.NET (pensava que continha todos os jogadores que já jogaram em Portugal, e ele jogou um jogo), nada, em BDFUTBOL.COM nada de estatísticas em Espanha (vê por exemplo o plantel do CD Ourense em 1994-95, não aparece - e pela história sabemos que não jogou oficialmente pelo SD Compostela).

Além disso, o "link" que puseste de um blog qualquer já "rebentou". Felizmente, arranjei, também em espanhol, um site oficial - El País - que contém a sua biografia, e lá diz - daí a minha alteração no artigo - que também não jogou pelo Ourense de maneira oficial. Vê as alterações e espero que gostes...

Na tua ausência, o amigo Zombie já teve direito a uma discussão no WP:FOOTY (ver aqui, e pensas que liga? Continua com o "overlinking", o seu "Inglês especial", criar categorias atrás de categorias, etc.

Sobre outro utilizador: não me quero armar em má-língua (e ainda bem que fizeste "as pazes" com o tipo), mas que tipo mais arrogante é o Matthew hk, 90% das mensagens são a ameaçar com bloqueios e etcs. Ao contrário do outro, ao menos reconhece que não domina nada da língua inglesa, mas não sabe ter uma palavra amiga, e é pena.

Para finalizar - só agora olhei como deve ser - os meus parabéns pela tua página de utilizador, muito fixe, e com muitos "prémios", aposto que todos merecidos. Se quiseres ver a minha, perdes três segundos :( Abraços amigos, bom fim-de-semana - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 17:27, 2 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

No entanto, se fores para a frente, e precisares de ajuda com alguma coisa, apita que eu faço o melhor que puder. Abraços, boa semana - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 15:56, 5 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Daniel Mojsov


Da siguran sam, navijac sam Vojvodine, stoga dosta pratim situaciju u i oko kluba. Mojsov je potpisao prethodne zime za klub, ali zbog nekih "problema", vezanih za njegov prethodni klub Makedoniju Gjorce Petrov, on je postao igrac Vardara, koji je preuzeo igrace iz Makedonije GJP(mislim da se Makedonija GJP, fuzionisala sa Vardarom i prestala da postoji). Uprava Vojvodine je iznela problem pred UEFA-u, i zbog cinjenice da je Mojsov vec potpisao za klub, UEFA je presudila u nasu korist. Od Vojvodine se zahtevalo da isplati novac koji je dugovala Makedoniji, na ime transfera Mojsova(tu je i nastao bio problem na pocetku). Znam da je ovo malo konfuzno napisano ali se nadam da si razumeo. Klub je to, koliko znam, uradio i sada je Mojsov i zvanicno igrac Vojvodine

Pozdrav —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:51, 5 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hvala ti za objasnjenje. Pratio sam situaciju prosle zime, ali sam mislio da je sve bilo propalo... Sto se mene tice super. Nisam imao nikad prilike da ga gledam, ali sama cinjenica da je Makedonski reprezentativac, i da ce da igra kod nas, je vec dobro. Zivim vec dugo u Portugalu, i gledam da pratim kolko mogu fudbal kod nas. Licno navijam za Partizan, ali to nema veze, cak mi je veoma drago sto Vojvodina u zadnje vreme "uvozi" najinteresantnije igrace u nas fudbal. Sto se Vose tice znam kolko mogu da procitam na raznim sajtovima, tako da je tvoja pomoc vrlo dobrodosla. Sto se ne registrujes ovde? FkpCascais (talk) 18:18, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
Ne znam, nije mi bas bitno da imam nalog, bitno mi je da mogu da dopunim ono sto pouzdano znam vezano za nase transfere. Dosta sam prisutan, uglavnom sa dve IP-adrese, jedna je sa ove mreze 212.200... a druga je sa 81. nesto ... Tako da mozes lako prepoznati koje sam izmene ja radio. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:30, 6 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
OK. Ako ti ikad nesto zatreba, slobodno kazi. :) FkpCascais (talk) 17:22, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Izvini sto te obrisah, Trajković iz Hajduka nije još potpisao sa Vojvodinom, verovatno zbog stečaja u koji je Hajduk dospeo, iako je već dugo sa klubom, i verovatno je pitanje vremena kad će potpisati, ali nije još. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:28, 11 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Pozdrav, da li mozes da napravis stranicu za zimske transfere u JSL? Svaka cast za prikupljene informacije koje si dodavao u poslednjih nekoliko dana, za covu koji zivi u Portugalu, imas dosta dobre informacije :) Nego. Zima. Transferi. Daj bre stranicu :) Pozdrav —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 09:49, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Pa i nisam bas nista narocito ovih dana radio... Uradicu je veceras, obecavam, moze? FkpCascais (talk) 19:05, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Oбeћaнo, уpaђeнo: List of Serbian football transfers winter 2010–11. FkpCascais (talk) 21:35, 7 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Milan Pršo


No concerns, sounds good to me.   JJ (talk) 19:26, 5 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Zvonko Monsider


Ciao, ho trovato qui un riferimento a Monsideri (pagina 2, dove c'è l'articolo "Tre giocatori in prova allo stadio"), un portiere di una delle squadre di Zagabria: secondo te si tratta della stessa persona? Ci sono due notizie sulla sua permanenza in Italia, che fece il provino al Napoli e che era fuggito dalla Jugoslavia.. eventtualmente non è che mi potresti aiutare con la traduzione dalla voce di Monsider dalla wikipedia croata? (talk) 09:17, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, I beleave it probably is him. You want me to translate you his cro-wiki page? FkpCascais (talk) 17:20, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
yes, it would be an enormous help, thank you very much, you save my life ;)!! The link is it:Zvonko Monsider.. but in that page there is written he was born in Šibenik.. (talk) 18:19, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Cro-wiki says:

Born in Zagreb... is a Croatian international goalkeeper and manager. During WWII, he was a Croatian (NDH) Air Force pilot.


He started playing football as a 10 years old high school (high school? with 10 years old?) kid in Požega. In 1934 he returns to his birth city, Zagreb, continues his studies in the III high school, and plays with the less known NK Juventus Zagreb. Next, he playes with NK Mladost Zagreb, NK Trgovački Zagreb (1937-38) and HŠK Ferraria Zagreb (1938-39). In 1939 he moves to HŠK Concordia Zagreb where he plays until 1945 winning with them the 1942 Croatian First League. In 1945, with the end of the Second World War, he signs with NK Dinamo Zagreb playing with them until 1948. On 26 ozujak 1948 in Trieste, before the league (Yugoslav First League) match against Poziana Trieste, together with Josip Babić, he leaves his teamates and emigrates.


He signs with Lazio SS. Club direction, together with the Italian Football Federation officially asked from the Yugoslav Football Federation from Belgrade the necesary documents so he could start playing for Lazio. But the club and Monsider had to wait for the documents more than a year and a half. Because of this, Lazio loans him to Calcio Padova where he plays the second half of the 1949-50 season. After the end of that season, he returns to Rome and joins the newly formed Hungaria FbC that was formed by renamed footballers from the Eastern Block countries, such as Ladislao Kubala, György Sárosi, Gyula Zsengellér, Ferenc Nyers, Aleksandar Aranđelović and others that were representing Italian clubs in that period. Their coach was a Slovakian emigrant Ferdinad Daučik, who until the end of the World War II was the main coach of the Slovakian national team. In several tournaments held in Spain and Latin America they archived great results, and their goalkeeper Monsider was among the most distinguished. That was the main reason why Monsider signed with Colombian club Universidad Bogotá. He made excellent axhibitions during the one year he had a contract with them. After that season, Monsider returns (me saying: returns?) to Spain and installs himself in Barcelona. The decition of the Spanish Football Federation that forbitten domestic clubs of signing foreign players changed Monsider´s plans, since the law was made official only 24 hours prior to his signing with FC Barcelona.

National team career

In 1941, just before the start of the World War II, he plays one match in Budapest against Hungary for the Yugoslav B national team. For the Croatian national team he played 6 matches between 1942 and 1943, 3 of them against Slovakia, and one against Hungary, Switzerland and Romania, receving a total of 6 goals in those matches. He also played one match for the Croatian youth natioanl team (under-21), in 1943 in Padova against Italy, and he also played 4 matches for the Zagreb sub-association team. He played a total of 7 matches for the Yugoslav national team.

Coaching career

After the impossibility to sign with FC Barcelona, in 1952, he studied the national coaching school in Barcelona, and finished it as the 5th best among 30, becoming a licenced coach of the Spanish Football Federation. But, C.D. Sabadell from Barcelona offered him better conditions and a 2 years contract, having Monsidered accepted the offer staying with the club until 1955. Between 1955 and 1961 he coached several teams in the 2nd and 3th Spanish Leagues: Barakaldo CF, Terrassa FC, Unió Esportiva Sans, CE L´Hospitalet. After 2 years in Italy, 1 in Colombia, and 10 in Spain as a coach, in 1961 Monsider leaves Europe and moves to USA. Since football there was played mostly by European emmigrants of divesrse nationalities, Monsider coached some amater and semi-amater clubs such as Croatian club Toronto Croatia.

There are some grammar and logical inconsistences, as the "return to Spain" sentence, but I translated to you the most precise as possible to the version found there. FkpCascais (talk) 23:15, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

The Random Acts of Kindness Barnstar
Barnstar strameritata, per aver fatto a me e ad un enorme favore!! (talk) 12:06, 8 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hehe, wasn´t necessary but feels good! Molte grazie. FkpCascais (talk) 16:33, 8 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

List of Serbian flags


A Serbian and Serb are technically one and the same, even if they are not from Serbia itself. The two versions of the word are interchangeable, with Serbian being more formal in the English speaking world.

As for my most recent edit concerning the List of... page, I'm not sure which flag you believe I removed/changed apart from the flag of the Republic of Serbian Krajina, which in fact did not have any emblem on it (you may check the article itself) the remainder however I left untouched. There are several flags which are unsourced not to mention unofficial, for instants the flag of Serbian Vojvodina, first Serbian uprising (no official flag) and archaic flags. (Buttons (talk) 23:07, 10 July 2010 (UTC))[reply]

Yes I am Serbian... or a Serb if you like :) and yes I do speak/understand Serbian. Don't get me wrong I understand (and respect) your point of view. Now personally I am from Serbia and to be honest I have never heard Srbijanci being applied in everyday use instead of Srbi. I don't know if you are from Serbia or a country nearby where Srbijanci might be more commonly used, but in my personal experience, I never heard Srbijanci used in Serbia. But anyways its not a big deal, we'll leave it as Serbs.

Moving on to more important matters concerning the flags. My main intention in editing was grammar correction and making the page more aesthetically appealing. In future edits I might just move some stuff around or change the way something is written to make the page more simple and organized. Like this page for example: List of German flags. Unfortunately Serbian related articles have a tendency to be a little messy and disorganized, know what I'm saying? Cheers (Buttons (talk) 00:28, 11 July 2010 (UTC))[reply]

No need to apologize. I know that many Serbian related articles are vandalized and you have every right to be suspicious of certain edits. I've had more than my fair share of trouble makers. Here's what I've managed to find out about the flag of Serbian Vojvodina source (bottom of the page) there doesn't appear to be any other credible source concerning the flag. I am all for keeping the historical flags of Montenegro since they are clearly related. (Buttons (talk) 01:49, 11 July 2010 (UTC))[reply]

Notícias - Pedido


Então amigo que tal vai isso (pelo que vejo, WIKI-bem, mais uma estrelinha, eu nem cheirá-las...não não, não estou com ciúmes, descansa :))

As notícias: o User:Matthew hk foi bloqueado, após continuar com as dele (ameaçar com bloqueios por erros de nada! Pediram-lhe para pedir desculpa, respondeu "nada disso, estavas a pedi-las", assim mesmo!). Continuou a editar anónimo, eu "topei" e relatei, e já lhe pediram para se identificar, continuam à espera. Enfim...

O pedido: um utilizador Croata anónimo insultou-me no sumário do Tomislav Ivković, depois de eu me esfalfar a tentar melhorar o artigo (eu não insultei, posso ter sido um pouco brusco): tenho esta abordagem de, sempre e quando os jogadores tenham carreiras suficientemente grandes em clube e selecção, de só por CLUB CAREER e INTERNATIONAL CAREER, o COACHING não é preciso, se treinar um clube vai na secção #1, se for na selecção vai na #2, só se for uma carreira de jogador muito pequena (Óscar Tabárez por exemplo) é que opto por PLAYING CAREER e COACHING C. Se quiseres dar uma olhadela, não me parece assim tão horrível como ele chama (já lhe deixei uma mensagem, mas se o IP dele for dinâmico, nem sequer a vai ver).

Tudo de bom, abraços - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 01:55, 13 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Abraços (e pois é, é uma questão de negociação isto tudo...), ótima semana - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 12:38, 13 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Recent remarks


Recently you made a number of statements directed at me on the mediation case page [1], [2]. I consider this disruptive to the progress of the mediation. I may not have been clear in some of the things I said, or you may have have misunderstood something. It seems to me important to resolve this. To move in that direction, I have two requests: 1) Would you be willing to remove those statements from the mediation case page? and, 2) If you have questions about anything I have said or done, would you be willing to ask them on my talk page? Please bear in mind that you and I are not in dispute—and I would like to keep it that way. I am on the road right now, so it may be several hours or even a day or two until I will be able to respond. Sunray (talk) 17:05, 14 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

:( FkpCascais (talk) 19:02, 14 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I have momentary access to the Internet and noticed you hadn't done anything about those remarks, so I moved them to my talk page. You would be most welcome to continue there if you wish. I intend to review what you have said and respond to you, but will have only sporadic access for the next few days. Once I've responded and heard your further thoughts, I will summarize our discussion for the other participants. Fair enough? Sunray (talk) 18:58, 15 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

No problem. I already told you that other than keeping it together I wouldn´t mind if we move it from there. I was honest about all I said to you, and I hope you reflect about some issues I exposed to you. Anyway, I hope you have a pleasent journey. I am still on hollydays, so I may also be abscent in some days... All best, FkpCascais (talk) 19:20, 15 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
[edit] in pratica potresti trovare molti dati sul calcio dalmata, magari ti può essere utile.. (talk) 22:21, 16 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Molte grazie ma adeso non poi vere il link perque il downlowding manager non mi funciona, e espetto soluzionare questo problema nelle proximi giorni. Que periodo historico il link parla? Adeso io estato interesato principalmente nello periodo monarquico dalla Yugoslavia (pre-1945) e le anni 1990. E curioso que in el periodo pre-1945, hano estato giocando nelle equipe Yugoslave giocatori estranieri, principalmente Hungari, Romani, Czecoslovaqui, Austriachi, e alguni Argentini, Tedesqui, Italiani, principalmente Italiani dalla Dalmazia, e altri. Tutti li site delle scuadre dalla regione dalla ex-Yugoslavia parliano sempre nelli buoni giocatori domestichi, e questa e la razone perque e molto difficile trovare informazione delle giocatori extranieri que normalmente sonno ignorati. Espeto que tu capisci le cose que io ti parlo qui, que hanno estato molto mal escritte, certamente, perque io escribo dalla forma como io parlo, exceptuando quando ocasionalmente sei come le parole sonno escrite. Per me, e buono practicare, e qualcosa tu non capisce, me pregunta e io ti explico. Tu necesita aiuta? Io vore fare una lista di tutti le link que io uso per el futbol nella Yugoslavia, e doppo lo coloco qui. Grazie e saluti, FkpCascais (talk) 22:42, 16 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
quel sito parla esattamente del calcio antecedente al 1945.. non ti preoccupare che si capisce davvero benissimo quello che vuoi dire.. e la lista con tutti i link sul calcio nella ex yugoslavia servirebbe come l'aria per respirare!! (talk) 07:22, 17 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Ma le link que io uso non ce niente de specialli. Sonno tutti quelli que estati segnalati nelle liste e pagine que io fazzo qui:
questi link servono, non preoccuparti.. hai visto sul sito dell'emeroteca del CONI? Sul Littoriale (il nome che il Corriere dello Sport prese sotto la dittatura fascista) ci sarà sicuramente qualcosa sulla Fiumana degli anni 30, forse si può salvare la pagina su un documento di Word e leggerlo quando non si è su internet.. (talk) 11:02, 17 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Si, lo he visto, grazie. Nello sitio oficialle dallo Hajduk Split tu poi vedere tutti le epoque con le giocatori e allegnatori... Si tu no lo encontra doppo quando ritorno io ti trovare il link. FkpCascais (talk) 11:07, 27 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

FK Sloboda Point Sevojno


Hi and thank You for discussing the article. I was also not shure what to do with the new merger of clubs from Sevojno and Uzice, but the article "FK Sevojno" states:

The terms of the merger were such that the newly merged entity gets Sevojno's leadership and league standing as well as Sloboda's infrastructure (24th November Stadium in Užice being the most important) and assumes historical continuity with FK Sloboda's heritage.

So, because of this last thing I thought that the new club is actually the successor to FK Sloboda Uzice, so I made a redirect to "FK Sloboda Uzice" article. Do You agree or do You think we need new article "FK Sloboda Point Sevojno"? Vanjagenije (talk) 23:00, 16 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Well, I don't know. I think the best solution is to rename the article "FK Sloboda Užice" to "FK Sloboda Point Sevojno" and continue to write about the club there. Vanjagenije (talk) 23:14, 16 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]



FYI I moved your message about the Mk V bot to it's talk page. Still awaiting respone from task sponsor. –xenotalk 18:41, 18 July 2010 (UTC) P.S. Might I reccomend WP:ARCHIVING your talk page? It is quite large![reply]

In general I understand your concern in this edit [3], and I have nothing against putting banners from the WP that has the nationality of the player. As a matter of fact we have had long disputes with the Greek side on this. However I have changed my mind as user:Future Perfect at Sunrise has made a very good point on this saying that the banners in general improve the article because more wikiprojects follow vandalisms. I actually am very involved in that. Furthermore, in general good players are followed by WikiProjects of all the countries where they have played. Look at Andrij Shevchenko: He is both covered by England and Italy (besides Ukraine). --Sulmues (talk) 18:44, 20 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]
OK. No problem then. Thank you all for the clarifications. :) FkpCascais (talk) 10:54, 27 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Articolo su Petar Borota

[edit] magari può servirti, anche se è di un calciatore del recente passato.. (talk) 20:44, 20 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Just to inform you and everyone else that I have been on hollydays again (lucky me) so I´ll be here only occasionally until 31/7 when I return home and I hope to continue then my heavy wiki addiction...
Italian:Io estato en vacanze nuovamente, e ritorno nello 31 de Julio. Grandi salutti! :) FkpCascais (talk) 10:58, 27 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Luigi Ossoinach


visto che t'interessi anche del calcio yugoslavo tra le due guerre ti passo quest'indizio un po' fumoso :)), io ho ampliato la sua voce in italiano di un pochino però vagando sulla rete ho trovato che c'era un Ossoinak tra i primi giocatori di Fiume e forse tra i fondatori di una delle squadre cittadine.. vagando poi su ho visto che c'è un Luigi Ossoinack e ho il vago sospetto che possa essere stato suo parente e quindi ci sarebbe la possibilità di ricostruire il calcio in quella città, se si riuscisse a dimostrare un legame tra queste persone.. ed in questo caso la voce su Ossoinach in inglese dovrebbe essere ampliata di un bel po': tu che dici, si può trovare qualcuno in quella città (magari sulla wikipedia croata c'è un italofono) che possa fare delle ricerche in materia o c'è il rischio che i fatti della seconda guerra mondiale abbiano distrutto fonti relative? Per quanto riguarda le differenze tra le lettere finali del cognome: noi italiani siamo davvero imbranati con le lingue, quando ci cimentiamo con le altre lingue facciamo solo disastri e facciamo solo ridere, per cui capitava regolarmente che i cognomi di origine dalmata o istriana venissero (magari anche nello stesso articolo) scritti in maniera diversa e questo capitò sinchè mussolini (per altri motivi) ordinò che tutti i cognomi che non "suonavano" italiano dovevano per leggere essere italianizzati, creando altri pasticci.. per cui imho se si cerca notizie su una persona di quella zona vissuta in quel periodo bisogna cercare con ogni possibile diversa combinazione finale.. (talk) 08:02, 31 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Me escusa ma io hano estato molto occupato questi giorni perque finalmente he terminato la List of foreign footballers in top leagues of former Yugoslavia. Questa list e molto lavorosa e colecciona tutti gli giocatori extranieri dalla Yugoslavia e le nuovi paesi... Ufff... Non capisco tutto que tu mi hano escrito. Penso que il Ossoinak e Ossoinach sono la mesma persona. Problema de escritta? Probabile. Io estato acostumbrato a questo problema, le nome de molti giocatori sono escriti de forma differente nelle differente regione. E similare como Arangelovic/Aranđelović, certo? FkpCascais (talk) 05:31, 3 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

FK Novi Sad


Fkp, could you take a look at FK Novi Sad? It's pretty badly written and I believe this is an area of interest to you. --Nuujinn (talk) 21:25, 1 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanx. I think someone is already taking care of it. I´ll wait them to finish this intensive editing of the article today, and then see how can I contribute. FkpCascais (talk) 23:13, 1 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Excellent, many thanks! --Nuujinn (talk) 23:30, 1 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]



You welcome, buddy. :) I did some slight changes. The only problem is with interwar footballers. There aren't many records about them, and even some national team members have unknown dates and places of death. Another problem are their names. These interwar footballers were all born before the fall of European empires. Most of them were thus born in Austria-Hungary. As a result, many of them could have misspelled names or surnames. It was a part of popular folklore back then. Since the 1918 independence, many of such people changed their names and surnames to purer versions as part of Czechization, which was going on back then. German surnames became suddenly Czech, like Schubert -> Šubrt. Same with Polish surnames, like Piątkiewicz -> Piatkevič. Also formerly misspelled or Germanized surnames turned back to their Slavic form, like Stiastny -> Šťastný or Schmeykal -> Šmejkal. It was a wild era, and also that's why it is so hard to determine now if names of some people from that period are misspelled in literature or are actually correct. - Darwinek (talk) 21:13, 3 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Yes, they weren't Austrian internationals, so their Czech/Slovak name should be used. The Czechoslovak internationals are clearly notable and I hope articles about them will slowly appear on WP. - Darwinek (talk) 22:47, 3 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Olá Filipe, Vasco "por aqui",

a sério que não percebi a tua "cena" no Pablo Coira, e por muito que o meu sumário tenha sido um pouco exagerado. O CANYSP não fez só actualizar as estatísticas do jogador, também voltou a pôr os nomes todos no box - por exemplo, achas que Budapest Honvéd FC deve estar todo na caixinha? Ou este clube? Ou este? Eu acho que não, e para quem gosta do nome todo, tem sempre a história, o artigo em si, realmente não percebo a confusão...

Assim que vi que tinha "desactualizado" as estatísticas, pu-las lá logo, só não actualizei o PC. E não, eu não tenho sempre razão, longe disso, não sei como assumiste isso. Abraços, bom fim-de-semana - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 17:39, 4 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Parece-me bem mais "tolerante" que alguns tipos que comprimem quer o "box" quer a história/artigo. Já propus a discussão e não houve consenso de nenhuma das vezes, apenas me disseram que os únicos clubes que tem que ser totalmente "piped" são os Ingleses/Britânicos, nada mais...

Tenho a certeza que o compadre Canysp é um gajo porreiro, e só quer é ajudar, espero que ele não leve a mal (aliás mandei-lhe uma mensagem a explicar a "cena"). Jogadores Húngaros? Editei muito poucos em 4 anos sabe-se lá porquê, hoje estou numa onda de velhitos Jugoslavos (podes ir vendo as minhas contribuições e vê se está tudo bem). Abraços amigo(s) - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 01:58, 5 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Bom, eu meto SEMPRE "National team data", nos Sérvios e em qualquer outro país. Eu não pesco nada de Sérvio, mas parece-me que esse site versa mais sobre os jogadores enquanto internacionais não é (e já agora o que quer dizer "REPREZENTACIJA"?). Se reparares, o mítico site "" é sobre os internacionais dos diversos países, e também tem estatísticas dos clubes. No entanto, fica descansado, não vou reverter. Boa "sesta" - --Vasco Amaral (talk) 02:14, 5 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Can you show me where was this decision made? And also if it is important to every biography or the consensus is only for infoboxes of athletes? --Sulmues (talk) 21:41, 6 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, FkpCascais. You have new messages at Timbouctou's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the ((Talkback)) or ((Tb)) template.




I haven't been doing much of anything, to be honest (at least not on wikipedia). I've been on holyday myself, and haven't even visited wikipedia for several weeks, for lack of time and enthusiasm. I just saw your message by chance, really. I think I'll take some time to return later this week. cheers, Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 12:53, 9 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

RE: Diego Santa Cruz


Are you sure that we can trust Playerhistory (that Diego is Roque's brother)? Here in BBC Roque's profile [4] only 2 brothers: Julio and Oscar (killed in car accident) were mentioned. WTM (talk) 08:50, 16 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your kind reply. Could you take a look [5] and translate - it's in Spanish. WTM (talk) 14:24, 16 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Birth countries and stuff


Hi FkpCascais, I hope all is well. I noticed you reverted my edits to Srečko Katanec, Darko Pančev, Slaven Bilić, Vahid Halilhodžić articles in which I've updated the infobox template and introduced a somewhat different format for their birth countries. I thought I would change it in a few articles to see what it would look like. To be honest, I'm tired of reverting edits from anonymous editors amost every single day who replace SFR Yugoslavia with Croatia/Bosnia and Hezegovina and so forth, so I think some kind of compromise solution might be in order. I ran into Edgar Davids article the other day, which I though had a nice compromise about his situation (being born in Suriname which was at the time part of the Neherlands). I was never entirely happy with putting in "SFR Yugoslavia (present-day Croatia/Serbia/etc)" (ascan be seen in some biography infoboxes of Yugoslav artists) as this might be interpreted to mean that the whole country is just differently called today. I was going to ask you what you thought about this and I changed these articles to illustrate my proposal. I'm just sick and tired of reverting vandalism on ex-Yugoslav player articles and I think some sort of compromise is in order to reduce the number of reverts needed on a daily basis. As for the "SFR" prefix, I simply don't think it's necessary (if that's so important, we should probably rename the national team's article "SFR Yugoslavia national football team", which is currently a redirect). You can imagine the sort of complications this would lead to. Also, while I was editing Katanec and Pančev's infoboxes, I noticed they were two of the large number of players whose careers were interrupted with the compulsory JNA service (for example, Katanec didn't really play anywhere in the 1984-85 season, and Pančev skipped the 1988-89 season for the same reason). I was planning to ask your opinion about whether we should put JNA in their infoboxes (and all other such players) to indicate this (as it is already the case with Pančev's entry at Although players such as these effectively stopped playing league football for a season, some of them were still somewhat active as army garrisons competed in the preliminary rounds of the Yugoslav Cup every year. Best regards. Timbouctou 09:00, 22 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I know, I understand you well about the issue of loosing time reverting birthplace edits... However, remember when we discused the issue on footy? I tryied to get some kind of compromise by proposing to use the republics in the middle (ex: Zadar, SR Croatia, SFR Yugoslavia.) but was also rejected. If I remember well, even you said that was not very practical because of the lenght when we use "SR Bosnia and Herzegovina" and I agreed. Regarding others, all I remember is that some guy started the discussion by saying that using old countries was not usefull, I tryied this unfruitfull "middle" solution, and everyone else oposed pritty much everything that was not the simple formula of city+country at time of birth. I honestly don´t have a favourite solution, and I don´t defend the current formula for nothing else but because it is consistent with most of other exemples of biographies and because it ends up to be simple and unpolemic (Yugoslavia was the country, and no other solution can be less polemic). If you wish, I wan´t mind at all if we opened a new thread on this issue in the footy or biographies project, do you wan´t to? Just to tell you right away some issues that I predict that may certainly come up there: the issue about "currently" is polemical for Kosovo case, and I beleave the sort of formula the other way round that you dislike more (as the exemple of artists you gave) would be more easily accepted by other editors.
Regarding the "SFR" case, I just can´t agree with your exemple because we couldn´t rename the Yugoslav NT to SFRY NT because the KY NT is also covered by it. I just defend it because of consistency with the sequence Kingdom, SFR and FR for Yugoslavia. I am aso affraid that if we leave simply "Yugoslavia", the other editors will start removing the "Kingdom and FR" from the other Yugoslavia´s and by using SFR we are somehow showing the difference and identifying what Yugoslavia is in each case. The problem really is the FR Yugoslavia, and if it wasn´t for her, I wouldn´t mind doing it your way, or even removing the Kingdom, as well. But the FR one changes everything...
Regarding JNA, I see your point. The only problem is that would the non-Yu editors understand it if we put JNA in the infobox? They may not understand what is all that about...
The most important think is to have a rule about the bithplace. It is very important that among us, the regular editors, we come to some agreement, because if not, this can easily become anarchical... FkpCascais (talk) 18:55, 22 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]
P.S.:Bobek... :( FkpCascais (talk) 19:06, 22 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]



This does not concern the relations of you and me. But, you were involved in in the mediation dispute involving direktor's insistence that DM was a nazi. Well, he has gone about insisting that the chetniks were nazi - check the Yugoslav Front page. I have tried to do some stuff but it's in vain. He keeps changing it back. Perhaps you could do something there. (LAz17 (talk) 21:52, 3 September 2010 (UTC)). And on a side note... hopefully we'll get gold o'er in Turkey soon. :) (LAz17 (talk) 21:54, 3 September 2010 (UTC)).[reply]

The situation has blown up in the Yugoslav Partisans topic. It's beyond control now. Therefore I beg you to give me detailed instructions on how to go about going about mediation. There is no other way to deal with the one sided direktor. So please help. (LAz17 (talk) 03:47, 4 September 2010 (UTC)).[reply]
Please feel free to do whatever you feel adequate and right having allways in mind the WP policies. Perhaps this can help you. FkpCascais (talk) 03:59, 4 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Aww thanks buddy! Anyways, things are starting to get hot in the yugoslav partisans talk page. Hm, hot... now lets see um... hot... hot... hmm... ah yeah... I'll get him hot, show him what I've got... can't stand the slut gaga, it's so hard being surrounded by so much b.s. like her and other such weirdos.
So tell me, what are our chances of beating spain? I think pretty good. too bad we don't have Milicic. We really could use that mass... his hunk of meat can really help for inside penetration of the hoops and defense. Tell me, what's going on with rekocevic and radmanovic? Pavlovic? (LAz17 (talk) 03:08, 5 September 2010 (UTC)).[reply]

Player infoboxes


Hey Fkp I hope all is well and that you haven't stopped editing (I know myself how Wikipedia tests one's patience all too often). I've noticed that the FR Yugoslavia article (about the country) redirects to Serbia and Montenegro and I was wondering wouldn't it be an elegant solution once and for all for players' infoboxes to adopt a policy to drop the "SFR" and "FR" prefixes and simply go with "Kingdom of Yugoslavia", "Yugoslavia" and "Serbia and Montenegro" as countries of birth? Sure, Serbia & Montenegro was known as FR Yugoslavia 1992-2003, but it was essentially the same country when it was renamed for the last 3 years of its existence and since we already agreed that the Kingdom of Yugoslavia should be used for the period 1918-1940 (ignoring the SHS official name used for the first 11 years of its existence) this shouldn't be a precedent. What do you think? Timbouctou 15:50, 24 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Timbu, no I haven´t abandoned wiki but I have been very bussy and I did needed some break. I know that if I restart editing I´ll do it viciously again, so I´ll better finish some off-wiki things first before returning. Regarding your proposition, I don´t mind to do that change. Anyway, this issue (using allways Serbia and Montenegro instead of FR Yugoslavia) should be discussed in a much wider scale than just football, and if it has been donne (I haven´t followed wiki lately) and if that was agreed I see no problem. Anyway, I hope all is fine with you and that you are enjoying Tonel. I hope I´ll return soon, all the best Timbu! FkpCascais (talk) 15:55, 5 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed deletion of Slobodan Mazić


The article Slobodan Mazić has been proposed for deletion because of the following concern:

Article about a footballer who fails WP:GNG and who has not played in a fully pro league.

While all contributions to Wikipedia are appreciated, content or articles may be deleted for any of several reasons.

You may prevent the proposed deletion by removing the ((proposed deletion/dated)) notice, but please explain why in your edit summary or on the article's talk page.

Please consider improving the article to address the issues raised. Removing ((proposed deletion/dated)) will stop the proposed deletion process, but other deletion processes exist. The speedy deletion process can result in deletion without discussion, and articles for deletion allows discussion to reach consensus for deletion. Sir Sputnik (talk) 23:01, 16 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Draza Mihailovic mediation


Hi. I'm fed up with this and I have proposed here that the mediation should just end, so the article can be rewritten and improved. What do you think ? cheers, Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 21:17, 24 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I don't mean to butt in, but I think that it's important for everyone to think about the purpose of mediation. If the mediation ends, and we do not come to consensus about how to edit the article, the next step would be I think arbcom. Not a good place to go. The whole purpose of mediation is to figure out how to work together. I sincerely doubt that DIREKTOR is going anywhere, and I certainly will be watching the page regardless of the outcome of the mediation. So in short, I think it would be helpful if everyone renewed participation in the mediation. --Nuujinn (talk) 01:35, 25 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
As I said, its not that the mediation failed - it just never really took place. Not to diminish in the slightest Nuujin's or Sunray's efforts in expanding and improving the article - but the mediation is about solving issues, not article improvement. So far, I must say, Sunray has not facilitated a move in that direction, content with article expansion. I have written to the fellow months ago asking him to help us solve the issue itself, not to write sections. Rather than ARBCOM we need a proper mediation - either a new one or this one reformed along problem-solving lines. --DIREKTOR (TALK) 01:44, 25 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Hi everyone. I apologise for my abscence. I haven´t seen anything regarding the mediation yet and I decided to answer here first just to say that I will gradually return. I´ll take a look at the progress done latelly and I hope to give some sugestions soon. Best regards to all. FkpCascais (talk) 19:36, 27 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
As I said, the mediation should be put to death right now, so we can kill the current POV piece of shit, and try building a remotely decent article (and that must be only the beginning, since the insane POV-pushing campaign that took place on quite everything Balkan-related has to be erased entirely). If Nuujin wants to work honestly on the DM article, and I tend to think he does, then I have absolutely no problem with that. There's no need for a mediation for this. Jean-Jacques Georges (talk) 10:39, 28 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
But JJG, are you sure that by ending the mediation now we will have a stable editing of this and other related articles? I doubt... WP doesn´t have a policy of "selecting" the non controversial editors over the more neutral ones, so everybody will be allowed then to freely edit. What if some ditors decide to enforce a less neutral rethoric on the article? We´ll end up in a edit war inevitable... The mediation was/is the only solution for that. I did however initially expected something else from this mediation: I touth that we were going to clarify the 5 or 6 points where Direktor and I initially strongly disagreed. But instead of dealing with those precise questions, I beleave that Sunray had touth that by making an entire new text on the article could solve the issues by itself, but it doesn´t. We could however have a perfectly uncontroversial article only containing accepted facts (similar to your draft), but Director, supported by Nujinn, do however insist in having the very controversial acusational tone included. And there is where the real problem lies. Some editors have the purpose in obtaining the acusation on collaboration for Mihailovic so they can use it as ground for all other related articles, and that enters in direct conflict with any sort of neutral editing on the subject. The mediators should observe and stop this, that I do consider a sort of clear "nazification", in oposition to your very objective editing. Instead, I was the one that has had absolutelly all objections and proposals ignored, and I even ended up being insulted troughout the process. So, that is why I don´t see neither understand clearly what to do regarding this issue. FkpCascais (talk) 11:12, 28 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

JJG should understand that he'll not be able to "kill the piece of shit" on his own terms (I really ought to copy-paste that on ANI). He should realize that he'll not simply be allowed to have his way once the mediation is over, and that he may count on his "killing of the piece of shit" will likely be reverted almost immediately. --DIREKTOR (TALK) 11:58, 28 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

But it is not him, JJG, that is pushing "some way" here... He is the one trying to keep the articles free of any exagerations or descontextualizations. Anyway, don´t feel bitter, JJG didn´t knew that the article was mostly edited by you when he was refering to it in that way back than, so you don´t need to be offended by his words. However, it is sad that your words here only express threats of reports and edit-warring by your side. You should be much cooler... after all, it is your favourite version that is in place now, and even protected troughout this entire process (more than a year by now). FkpCascais (talk) 12:22, 28 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]
It is exactly "him, JJG" that is "pushing some way here", this is why the article was restored to the version before he and you started "pushing the way" (of which I wrote only a few parts, if you look carefully). When a debate arises the article is always restored to the version before the conflict arose.
Also his edits are anything but "trying to keep the articles free of any exagerations or descontextualizations", the very claim is quite laughable :). I don't see the point of your post... there's no need whatsoever to express your support for User:Jean-Jacques Georges yet again, we've all heard it repeated time and time again, after all - you are, and always were, on the same side of the debate.
My point is that "killing the piece of shit" will NOT do anything. Notice that it is actually JJG who is trying to removing any restrictions so he may start an edit war on the article. I however am the guy that tells you how stupid that would be since we would then need - mediation xD --DIREKTOR (TALK) 12:41, 28 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]