Adhemar of Le Puy

Had ecclesiastical authority on the crusades.

Was an earthquake during siege of Antioch. Following this earthquake he Announced three days of fasting, along side ordering priests and clergy to preform mass and prayers.[1] Needs to be rewritten in own words.

Due to the danger that Christians would attack one another after the fall of Antioch, Adhemar ordered the Crusaders to shave and wear a cross.[1] Rewrite latter in own words.

Was in charge of Leading services such as the burial rites of knight roger Barneville. Was also responsible for distributions of alms and tithes of captured loot to the poor.[1] Rewrite in own word.

Was respected by a large majority of the Crusaders[1]

Was the brother of William Hugh[1]

Stephen of Valence claimed to have had visions featuring Adhemar, in which he spoke to Stephen of several relics. Adhemar told Stepehen great reverence should be given to the cross Adhemar had taken with him on the crusade. He also told Stephen how the holy lance should be treated and told Stephen to give Stephens ring to Count Raymond. He told Stepehen through this ring Count Raymond would be able to call upon the power of Mary.[2]

At the siege of Jerusalem Peter Desiderius claimed to have received instructions from Adhemar in a vision to who instructed him to have the Crusaders fast and have the army walk barefoot around the city. It was decided that the Crusaders would follow Adhemars instructions and they did just that.[2]

In June 1098 Adhemar became sick, and his condition continued to deteriorate over the next few months.[3]

Following his death Adhemar was buried in Antioch within the basilica of St Peter[3]


Kostick, Conor. “THE LEADERSHIP OF THE FIRST CRUSADE.” The Social Structure of the First Crusade, Brill, LEIDEN; BOSTON, 2008, pp. 243–270. JSTOR,

Derbes, Anne. “A Crusading Fresco Cycle at the Cathedral of Le Puy.” The Art Bulletin, vol. 73, no. 4, 1991, pp. 561–576. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Brundage, James A. “Adhemar of Puy: The Bishop and His Critics.” Speculum, vol. 34, no. 2, 1959, pp. 201–212. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Porges, Walter. “The Clergy, the Poor, and the Non-Combatants on the First Crusade.” Speculum, vol. 21, no. 1, 1946, pp. 1–23. JSTOR, JSTOR,

Nonbold is unaltered parts from the original page. Bold parts have been altered or are additions.

Born around 1045 into the family of the Counts of Valentinois and elected Bishop of Le Puy around 1080, he was an advocate of the Gregorian Reform, and among his supporters were the future Pope Urban II and Raymond of Saint-Gilles, Count of Toulouse and the richest, most powerful nobleman in France. He was also said to have gone on pilgrimage to Jerusalem around 1086.

At the Council of Clermont in 1095, Adhemar showed great zeal for the crusade (there is evidence that Urban II had conferred with Adhemar before the council).[1] Adhemar was named apostolic legate and appointed to lead the crusade by Pope Urban II on 27 November 1095.[2] In part, Adhemar was selected to lead because he had already undertaken a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in 1086 and 1087.[2] Departing on 15 August 1096,[2] he accompanied Raymond IV, Count of Toulouse, in his army to the east.[1] Whilst Raymond and the other leaders often quarrelled with each other over the leadership of the crusade, Adhemar was always recognized as the spiritual leader of the crusade and was widely respected by the majority of the Crusaders.

Adhemar negotiated with Alexius I Comnenus at Constantinople, reestablished some discipline among the crusaders at Nicaea, fought a crucial role at the Battle of Dorylaeum and was largely responsible for sustaining morale during the siege of Antioch through various religious rites including fasting and special observances of holy days. After the capture of the city in June 1098 and the subsequent siege led by Kerbogha, Adhemar organized a procession through the streets and had the gates locked so that the Crusaders, many of whom had begun to panic, would be unable to leave the city. He was extremely skeptical of Peter Bartholomew's discovery in Antioch of the Holy Lance, especially because he knew such a relic already existed in Constantinople; however, he was willing to let the Crusader army believe it was real if it raised their morale. Adhemar was protected by a band of Crusaders led by Henry of Esch to preserve the (albeit suspect) relic. In June 1098 Adhemar fell prey to sickness and in the following months his condition would deteriorate.

When Kerbogha was defeated, Adhemar organized a council in an attempt to settle the leadership disputes, but he died on 1 August 1098,[1] probably of typhus. Following his death, Adhemar was buried in Antioch within the Basilica of St Peter. The disputes among the higher nobles went unsolved and the march to Jerusalem was delayed for months. However, the lower-class soldiers continued to think of Adhemar as a leader. At the Siege of Jerusalem Peter Desiderius claimed to have received a vision from Adhemar, himself. It was in this vision, that Peter claimed that Adhemar had instructed him to have the Crusaders fast and lead a procession around the Walls of the Jerusalem. This was done and Jerusalem was taken by the Crusaders in 1099

  1. ^ a b c d e Kostick, Conor (2008). The Social Structure of the First Crusade. Brill. pp. 243–270. doi:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1gw.13#page_scan_tab_contents. ISBN null. ((cite book)): Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help)
  2. ^ a b Kostick, Conor (2008). The Social Structure of the First Crusade. Brill. pp. 131–158. doi:10.1163/j.ctt1w8h1gw.9#page_scan_tab_contents. ISBN null. ((cite book)): Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help)
  3. ^ a b Brundage, James A. (1959). "Adhemar of Puy: The Bishop and His Critics". Speculum. 34 (2): 201–212. doi:10.2307/2853164.