You will be compiling your bibliography and creating an outline of the changes you will make in this sandbox.


Edit this section to compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.

A North American River Otter can have a territory as large as 30 Square Miles (78 Square Kilometers). However, their usual territory is about 3 to 15 square miles (4.8 to 24 square kilometers). This can change during mating seasons, but that is a topic up for debate.

Although North American River Otters are known to be sociable animals, they can also survive by themselves. Their bodies allow them to avoid predators quite effectively since they can dive, burrow, twist, and turn their bodies for evasive techniques, enabling them to survive independently. North American River Otters famously love to play together, which creates strong social bonds, improves hunting skills, and marks territory. However, not territorial North American River otters frequently scent-mark certain spots inside their territory.



  1. ^ "North American river otter". Smithsonian's National Zoo. 2016-04-25. Retrieved 2023-10-18.

Outline of proposed changes

Click on the edit button to draft your outline.