Evaluation on Women employed


Evaluation of gender expression article



Citation for "Gender expression, body–gender identity incongruence, thin ideal internalization, and lesbian body dissatisfaction."


Henrichs-Beck, C., & Szymanski, D. M. (2017). Gender expression, body–gender identity incongruence, thin ideal internalization, and lesbian body dissatisfaction. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 4(1), 23-33. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/sgd0000214

Short summarized result


The research hypothesis is to examine how gender express impact lesbian body dissatisfaction. The studies had found that gender expression affecting most on feminism with who are having greater stereotypical traits. They tend to express more emotional and unsatisfied of how their body look, while those who experience masculine stereotypical trait are less likely to express emotional and are at lower risk.[1]

Gender ranking is the process through which masculine behaviors and expressions are valued over feminine ones.[2]

Citation for "Do Adolescents’ Evaluations of Exclusion Differ Based on Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation?"


Heinze, J. E., & Horn, S. S. (2014). Do Adolescents’ Evaluations of Exclusion Differ Based on Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation? Journal of Social Issues, 70(1), 63–80. https://doi.org/10.1111/josi.12047

First draft 10/22/18


Header: Risk factors; abuse among transgender generation

Being different can be danger and hurtful either emotional or physical. People who consider themselves as transgender or other gender than the gender binary, are experience some emotional or physical abuse and some kind of violence from today society. People tend to misunderstand their identity and not accept other identity than what society has been have understand about gender and sex. Throughout the United States, problem like bias-motivated aggression are affecting many people because people identify their identity differently and a lot of people are experience their true identity than the one assigned at birth.

According to Sloan, el at.. [3] research on bias-motivated aggression found that most aggression behavior are toward gay, feminine opponent, but most aggression was reveal in feminine heterosexual opponent. Regardless to the psychology of aggression[4] , aggression are defined as "a response that delivers noxious stimuli to another organism", based on some reasons. According to Buss, the first reason is to pursued certain goal. In this case, gay, feminine opponent, and feminine heterosexual are being target because they are different from what society expected. Second reason is that at certain event if aggressive response as flight, it give the person who created the aggression to be powerful and will be more likely to create aggression toward the victim more. Again, because gender in society define as male and female only, people who identify themselves different have less recognition tend to have less power so they are being target by aggression in society.

note: The way people expression themselves is by their gender identity. People who are consider themselves either heterosexual, homosexual, agender, bigender, ect.. are express in different way, but still are human beings is just that their gender at birth does not alignment with their prefer identities.

Peer Reviews


For this first draft, I decided to add a section about Cultural Feminism and its belief on Male and Female Sexuality, since I the ideas to be interesting as I was reading my sources:

When it comes to differences in male and female masculinity, cultural feminists have many ideas. in In her article, Cultural Feminism: Feminist Capitalism and the Anti-Pornography Movement, Alice Echols states that, "Cultural Feminists define male and female sexuality as though they were polar opposites. Male sexuality is driven, irresponsibly, genitally oriented, and potentially lethal. Female sexuality is muted, diffused, and interpersonally oriented" (1983,47). [1]When it comes to male and female sexuality, cultural feminists have also created many writings that are identified by "their denigration of masculinity rather than male roles or practices, by their valorization of female traits, and by their commitment to preserve rather than diminish gender differences" (Alcoff, 1988,411). [2] Therefore, cultural feminists believe that that instead of criticizing male roles and practices, they denote the idea of masculinity and try to empower women and praise femininity.

Final Article


Gender Expression: Risk factors; abuse among transgender generation


Being different can be dangerous and hurtful either emotional or physical. People who consider themselves as transgender or another gender's identity than the gender binary would experience some emotional or physical abuse and some kind of harassment from today society. Throughout the United States, a problem like bias-motivated aggression, violence and bully is affecting many people because they identify or expressed their identities differently than their true identity that was assigned at birth.

According to Sloan, el at..(2014) [3] research on bias-motivated aggression found that most aggression behaviors are toward gay people, feminine opponent, but most aggression was reveal in the feminine heterosexual opponent. Regardless to the psychology of aggression[4] , aggression is defined as "a response that delivers noxious stimuli to another organism", based on some reasons. In this case, gay, feminine opponent, and feminine heterosexual are being targeted because they are different from what society expected. The second reason is that at a certain event if aggressive response as flight, it gives the person who created the aggression to be powerful and will be more likely to create aggression toward the victim more.

However, there is another study has done by Gordon et al. (2018) called “Gender Expression, Violence, and bullying Victimization: Findings from Probability samples of High School Students in 4 US School Districts”. [5]The research found that “bullying and violence directed at adolescents who do not conform to societal expectations for masculine or feminine appearance and behavior” and was highly toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender because those victims are conformity and nonconformity to the gender norms. Victims are also facing mental and physical health issues affect the harassment at school. The result supports the fact that no matter who you are and what is your race if your gender expression is different from the gender binary in society, you will be facing some kind of threats and judgment.

Again, because gender in a society defines only as male and female, people who identify or express themselves differently, has less recognition and tend to have less power, that's what makes them target by aggression and violence in society.

What I've changed?


Some the points I made in my first draft was kind of confused and unclear, so I re-read my first draft then figure out what should I add or delete. I end up deleted some stuff and tried to make it clear and concise. I went back re-wrote my thesis because I want to add another main idea. I did more research and found a recently studies on high school kids who are the victim of violence because of their gender expression.

  1. ^ Henrichs-Beck, Christine L.; Szymanski, Dawn M. (2017). "Gender expression, body–gender identity incongruence, thin ideal internalization, and lesbian body dissatisfaction". Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. 4 (1): 23–33. doi:10.1037/sgd0000214. ISSN 2329-0390.
  2. ^ Launius; Hassel, Christie; Holly (2018). Threshold Concepts in Women's and Gender Studies. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-30432-1.((cite book)): CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  3. ^ a b Sloan, Colleen A.; Berke, Danielle S.; Zeichner, Amos (2014-12-23). "Bias-motivated Aggression against Men: Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation as Risk Factors for Victimization". Sex Roles. 72 (3–4): 140–149. doi:10.1007/s11199-014-0443-z. ISSN 0360-0025.
  4. ^ a b Buss, A. H.; Fischer, H.; Simmons, A. J. (1962). "Aggression and hostility in psychiatric patients". Journal of Consulting Psychology. 26 (1): 84–89. doi:10.1037/h0048268. ISSN 0095-8891.
  5. ^ Gordon, Allegra R.; Conron, Kerith J.; Calzo, Jerel P.; White, Matthew T.; Reisner, Sari L.; Austin, S. Bryn (2018-03-02). "Gender Expression, Violence, and Bullying Victimization: Findings From Probability Samples of High School Students in 4 US School Districts". Journal of School Health. 88 (4): 306–314. doi:10.1111/josh.12606. ISSN 0022-4391.