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Article chosen will be Languages of the United States

Various U.S. Languages:

In the article "Languages of the United States", it talks about the various languagages that are spoken there. Even though the english language is the primary language spoken, there are many many more as well as various dialects that correspond with these languages. The second popular language spoken in the United States would be spanish but only barely. According to the article's statistics, "English is spoken by nearly 237.8 million people and Spanish is at 40.5 million" (American Community Survey). The other languages like Chinese barely make 3.4 million (American Community Survey). Even though the english language is the most popular language in the United States, there is no "official" language. All American legislation, executive orders, etc. is written in English but on ballots they are required to have multiple languages on them in areas where languages other than English are prominent.

English Only Movement:

For awhile now there has been a movement sprouting up to make English the primary langauge in the United States. Since English is the most spoken langauge in the United States with roughly 237.8 million people speaking it. Most other countries around the world have an official langauge. France for instance has an official langauge but only has one which is French. There are still other counties around the world that do not have an offical language as well. Australia for instance does not have an offical language. Most countries will consider a language for a candidate of the offical language title if the majority of the citizens speak that language. "The Philippines and parts of Africa live with a peculiar cultural paradox. Although the official languages may be French or English, these are not the languages most widely spoken by those countries' residents" (

Language Popularity Within the United States:

Since the United States is made up of many many different cultures there are bound to be different langauges associated within those communities. In the United States, the German ethnic group makes up the largest single ethnic group and the German Language is ranked fifth in the United States for most spoken langauge (American Community Survey). This was according to the 2000 American census.

Sources: “American Community Survey.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 12 Mar. 2018, “Languages of the United States.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Mar. 2018,

Improvement Notes:

Add more about official languages. look for difference sources about the various official languages around the world. Make sure to move edited article material over to the wikipedia page chosen. Keep adding little modifications. Finalize all article edits tomorrow.

Peer Review

Hi Jeremy, I am peer-reviewing your draft for the Languages of the US Article. I have given my feedback in the talk page.