This could be your way to your new-found life and freedom.

Pseudocide is the act of faking a person's death in order to start a new life and/or escape in his/her responsibilities. Pseudocide in itself is not a crime but depending on the reasons and circumstances, e.g. faking death in order to avoid paying debts can send the person in a jail but a pseudocide committed in order to start a new life and not by avoiding any debts or crime is completely legal.



Several things must be done before "kicking the bucket."

Faking death is not an easy task and therefore careful planning is needed in order to "die." Once the jig is up, depending on the reason of faking death, the person can either be jailed or even executed.



There are several methods in which a person can fake his/her death. The most popular methods include suicide, accident and staged death.

There are many popular methods of death which can be used to fake a death. All of these methods must qualify the following criteria:



Suicide is the method of taking a person's own life. However, not all suicide ends up in death and not all suicide begins with the intention taking one's own life.

For every suicide method, it is important for the person to leave a suicide note with reasons of "committing" suicide in order to convince everyone that the person is really going to "commit" suicide.

Jumping off a high bridge is a popular option. However, there are also some methods that are available in order to make "kicking the bucket" more realistic. The best time to commit these "suicides" is nighttime wherein it will be easy to witness the "death" but it will also be difficult for them to search and spot for the "body."





An accident is a very convincing method of faking death especially if blended with special effects such as explosions and thus, the authorities will not suspect the death and they won't even bother to conduct a manhunt for a body. However, careless execution would not only mean death but also an ugly face in the funeral depending on the method used.



Staged Death


Staged death is a way of "dying" by other people - either death by being stabbed or by being kidnapped. However, this method is the least convincing since there will still be a chance that the people will not believe in the "death" of the person. It also the easiest as one will only need money and contract, depending on the method to be used. (e.g. being kidnapped then not ransomed will result in the victim being "killed.")





It is not enough to just "die," there are several things that you do first before "pulling the trigger."



A new life is completely worthless if there will be no cash with it. It is important you will pile up a stash of cash in order to survive in the first few months of being "dead." After the first few months, looking for a job is essential, preferably a job that won't require a person to file taxes as this could reveal the your real identity.

If you have a bank account, it is important to take out the money little by little to avoid suspicion.

New Image


A "dead" person should not show up anymore and therefore a new look is needed in order for the "dead" person to "really" die. A new mustache style or shaving would do as well as a new hairdo.

New Identity


A new look is incomplete without a new identity, it would be necessary to file new birth certificates, new taxes and other proof-of-identification. If these methods would be difficult, then a black market forger should do the job although it could be expensive, and that's also one of the reason why you were required to have cash piled up. What did you think, you would enjoy holidays with that money?



Once you have your new looks and identity, it is important that you remove your mannerisms to avoid being caught and/or add a different mannerism to make it more difficult to recognize you. Practicing a new foreign accent can do the job.

Suicide Letter


If you prefer to "kick the bucket" by taking your own life, writing a suicide letter is a must in order to vent you frustrations including your complains and your insecurities. This will also prevent the police from taking any person in the streets as a suspect in your "death."

Getaway Vehicle


Do not ever try to walk with your face shown up when you "die," get a car and presumably a car which has a tinted glass in order to conceal your identity while you drive into your "new" life. Also, be careful in driving and whatever you do, do not violate a traffic rule until you change your identity as it can actually spill the beans. Giving the police a chase is not a good idea either.

Do not Blab


Making noise can literally kick up the jig so be careful not to reveal your plans even to your most trusted loved ones and friends.

Plan Ahead


When you have found your new life, what company are you going to apply to for a job? Where are you going to live? Better plan and try to go there once before you "die" to familiarize yourself. Also, once you "die," do not live in the very same city where you once "lived."



The night before you "die," do not take your clothes or anything. Leave everything behind and bring only money and wear clothes that you will need on your "new" life. A dead person doesn't need material things and neither do you. Also, don't forget to leave your suicide note if you need one.

It is advisable to die at night since it will be easy for everyone to see you "die" but also it will be easy for you to run away when they begin to look for you. If there are only a few in the place of your "death," better find a new one instead of calling a friend and then saying you are going to "commit" suicide or bringing him/her to watch you "die."



It is important to remember these pointers before you "die:"

Transformation Kit


A transformation kit is a box wherein all the things you need to change your appearance are located. These can include:

The transformation kit is not limited to these objects and you can actually try cross-dressing so that the people won't even suspect you.

Important: The transformation kit should not include items similar to those that you wore during your "death."

After Death


Once you "die," get out fast of the scene and run away from your old life to your "new" life. Be careful of the police that will hunt evidence for your death. As soon as you "die," change your appearance by putting a wig and/or a fake mustache and change your clothes in order to conceal your identity. After eluding the police, go out and enjoy your new life.



Once you are "dead," you can use these pointers for a happier and better "new" life:



Once you "die," do not try to resurface again since your relatives would be disappointed to find out they paid $10,000 for funeral expenses just to fall for a prank. However, nothing is stopping you from paying a visit to your funeral as long as the people will not recognize you. This is also a perfect time for you to find out if they liked you through all of your life and if they will cry at your funeral.



This article is not intended for promoting pseudocide for avoiding responsibilities and this article should be taken only as an entertainment and parody and not as a serious guide. The author is not responsible for any damage that this page will create including, but not limited to lost families, lost friends, lost possessions, criminal records and being jailed. Barrera marquez (talk) 13:15, 1 June 2009 (UTC)

