This is a user sandbox of BARTCAT. A user sandbox is a subpage of the user's user page. It serves as a testing spot and page development space for the user and is not an encyclopedia article. This user's sandboxes: BARTCAT/sandbox BARTCAT/sandbox-curated-page

◆ Stack Of Interesting Templates (Etc.)

Portal:Current eventsCategory:Main topic classificationsCategory:Lists

Timelines of world historyCategory:Historical timelines

Dark Ages (historiography)

Scale + OOM

Computer performance by orders of magnitude

AI Artificial Intelligence

List of companies involved in quantum computing or communication

Noisy intermediate-scale quantum era

Emerging (Split#1 Split#2)



Distributed Decentralized

List of blockchains

[add] Blockchain History/Evolution/Timeline [add]

FOS Free + Open Source


PrivEq + VenCap

Real Estate

WWW World Wide Web

Lists of websitesList of most-visited websites

Humanities (Anthro Archaeo ..)


Category:Philosophy and thinking templatesCategory:Philosophy and thinking navigational boxes

Why there is anything at allA Universe from Nothing

Consciousness ▶A Universe of Consciousness


Fractal cosmology






PSR▶Psychiatric rehabilitation
Clubhouse model of psychosocial rehabilitation
HypnotherapyNeuro-linguistic programming


–  (aged 0)

Time Measurement

Data Font



The term "wikitext" refers to Wikipedia's wp:wiki markup language. Formats:

  • [[hyperlink]] or [[hyperlink|link here]] or [[expert]]ly    → hyperlink or link here or expertly
  • [ external link]      → external link   (to an outside webpage)
  • [[File:Example.jpg|thumb|55px|Caption]]      →   (shows image, see below)
  • ==Header== → Header        ===Subheader=== → Subheader
  • ''italic''   '''bold'''   '''''bold-italic'''''italic   bold   bold-italic
  • * bullet → • bullet       (or ":*" or "::*" to indent)
  • : indent →     indent   (or "::" or "::::::" to indent more)
  • # numbered →   1.  numbered   ("#:" indents under numbered lines)
  • #* bullet under number →   °  bullet under number
  • [[Category:xx]] → (internal wp:category link).
  • ((templt|aa|bb)) → (run "Template:Templt" with parameters "aa" & "bb")
  • ((#expr: (5*10 + 3^2 +8)/2 )) → calculate expression: (5×10 + 32+8)/2 = 33.5
  • ~~~~ → signature     ~~~~~ → date/time (UTC)

A related page is Help:Table.

see template {Expand wikitext}

Wikitext Cheatsheet All wikitext Sound files Visual files Tables Templates (quick guide) Using HTML codes within wikitext Pipe trick vte

Wikipedia:TemplatesWikipedia:Template index

Special:ExpandTemplatesWikipedia: Navigation_template

Wikipedia:Contents #invoke:NavboxWikipedia:List of controversial issues Emerging (Full) Template:Emerging technologies

User:BARTCAT/sandbox-curated-page ◆ END