By the way, you are not true about the Brigid Monastery, since the Monastery was destroyed in 1575 during the Livonian War by the troops of Ivan the Terrible. From the complex, only the western facade of the monastery church, 35 m high, as well as fragments of the side walls, has been preserved. In Soviet times, a comprehensive restoration of the building was carried out using the anastylosis method, and the cultural layer around was removed. Genuine parts found during excavations have been returned to their original places. The bases of the lost walls were cleared, strengthened and opened for viewing. Plantings of small shrubs appeared, fixing the masonry and creating the necessary effect of picturesqueness. As a result of the work, an open-air architectural and archaeological museum was created. Цйфыву (talk) 09:24, 12 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]