Close paraphrasing


The current text of the "20th Century" section is closely paraphrased from the individual year histories compiled at the cited source ([1]). For example, the paragraph beginning "The 1952-1953 school year" is a close paraphrase of the "The Chapel(s)" section at [2], and similar paragraphs describing specific years are also close paraphrases of text from the source site about specific years. Since such close paraphrasing may run afoul of the "substantial similarity" copyright criterion (see explanation in WP:PARAPHRASE), even if attributed, I am marking that section with a template to get more eyes on the issue and help determine whether or not there is a copyright issue that needs to be addressed. Bakazaka (talk) 01:00, 6 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

I disagree that "The 1952-1953 school year was notable for actions taken by Brandeis president Abram L. Sachar. During this school year, he announced the building of a Jewish chapel for the University's campus. Initially, an idea was sparked for a single interfaith space; however this idea was not accepted. This is because the University figured that Catholic Authorities would not be in favor of their services taking place in a single interfaith space. The Justice editorial board, along with the student council and several individual students, fought against the idea of only having a Jewish chapel at Brandeis. Instead, the students were in support of a solution that would maintain Brandeis’s Jewish identity, but would help the school remain inclusive to individuals of other faiths. As a result of various students’ concerns, the University announced the existing three-chapel complex that would separate Jewish, Protestant and Catholic services into these three buildings" sounds substantially like "President Sachar's announcement of plans for the construction of a Jewish chapel sparked the first real Brandeis brou-ha-ha. Working from an assumption that Catholic authorities would not approve of Catholic services held in an interfaith space, the administration had abandoned plans for a single structure with a revolving altar in favor of a structure explicitly dedicated to Jewish services. The student council, The Justice, and individual students, all committed to the ideal of a non-sectarian university, reacted strongly against the notion of a campus with only a Jewish chapel, even if it were to be made available to students of other faiths. Some challenged the assumption that Catholic students would be forbidden to hold services in the chapel, but when contacted, diocese authorities confirmed President Sachar's position. Nevertheless, students continued to press for a solution that would affirm Brandeis's Jewish identity as well as its inclusive ideals. Eventually they brought President Sachar around to their position, and the following fall he announced plans for a three-chapel complex, with separate buildings for Jewish, Protestant, and Catholic services." However, I am up for discussion on the matter and editing where ncessary. jengeller9, 20:18, 5 November 2018
The editing history of the page is visible, so it is clear that you've made some additional edits between my post above and your own reply quoting your recently updated text. Which is good! Hopefully that editing continues to increase the distance between the source material and the current text of the article. Bakazaka (talk) 01:26, 6 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for helping make the page better, I do appreciate it. I am willing to do whatever is possible to make this page a contribution to the Wikipedia community — im still working on the deletion vote at the same time which has been going on awhile. Thank you for your help again, i really appreciate it. I will continue to work to further differentiate fromt he original text. Jengeller9 (talk) 13:20, 6 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Times Referenced by Other News Outlets


As assembled by Jengeller9 (talk)

--tronvillain (talk) 21:44, 6 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]