Text Removed from article


These web links and text can be put back in the article when they are properly organized. Web links are not permitted within an article's text. But they can be incoprorated into Citations like this: [1]--KeithbobTalk 19:37, 30 October 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Who are you kidding? The level of deletions in this article is beyond satire. It is continually vandalised and even the most boring information is routinely deleted better than the Soviet Union could do. Downes own blog isn't a reliable source of information on Downes? Really? It isn't hard to find articles in the Croydon Advertiser on Downes yet any such information is routinely deleted. Even positive information about him such as the various awards he has won is expunged. Other articles are restructured when someone puts the links in the wrong place - this article is obliterated of valuable information on the flimsiest of pretexts? Why? Vandal. --AnthonyEMiller (talk) 15:55, 21 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Inside Croydon

Downes is also the author of an anti-council blog called Inside Croydon[1] . It has been criticised for knowingly publishing inaccurate information about a number of issues and for being constantly negative about Croydon[2] , where Downes now lives. It is also thought to be linked to the local Labour Party group[3]. Downes has been particularly critical of local media, sparking an online war of words with the editor of the Croydon Advertiser [4], Glenn Ebrey, whose newspaper he refers to as the 'Croydon Sadvertiser'. Another issue that is constantly misrepresented by Downes and his blog is a regeneration deal between Croydon Council and the developer John Laing. The sites that are part of that deal have a potential value of £450 million, a fact that was first published in 2008. Inside Croydon and Downes continue to misrepresent this as the council spending £450 million of taxpayers’ money building new offices [5]. Downes and Inside Croydon were also criticised for continuing to misrepresent Croydon Council’s council tax collection rates. [6] [7] [edit]References

^ http://jonslattery.blogspot.com/2011/02/round-three-croydon-editor-unmasks.html ^ name=http://croydon.thisisblogging.co.uk/2011/02/08/an-open-letter-to-the-insider ^ name=http://croydon.thisisblogging.co.uk/2011/02/08/an-open-letter-to-the-insider ^ http://insidecroydon.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/ooo-croydon-sadvertiser-editor-takes-offence/#more-1695 ^ https://croydongovuk.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/council-not-spending-450-million-building-new-offices/ ^ http://www.gavinbarwell.com/blog.asp?BlogID=398 ^ http://insidecroydon.wordpress.com/2011/04/02/mp-barwell-on-uncollected-council-tax-its-only-36m/


  1. ^ [XYZ.COM] London Times, Blah Blah, John Smith, June 7 2009

Possible Sources
