
I feel it has degraded a little. The first sentence offers very little now. How do we say rugby league is a popular sport, with out meaning in Canada? That's what the previous sentences where trying to say... perhaps:

rugby league is a popular international team sport that is played in Canada

Something a long those lines? Has been played in Canada? Is played by a hand full of people in Canada? Is a small amature sport in Canada? It would be good to let others know when reading it that it does in fact have a large international presence (no, not as large as union or soccer, but still quite large). If we can do this, readers may be intrigued to read on and maybe go to the main rugby league page and others, if this was their first point of contact with rugby league. POds 15:32, 5 December 2005 (UTC)[reply]

I always though the "popular" bit was rather vague - I have tended removed when re-writing the pages myself. Know nothing at all about Candian rugby makes me loath to do a re-write on this page, which I think would be the best way of grabbing the interest of any passing Canadian. Grinner

Deletion Proposal[edit]

I'd oppose. Its a sport with 13 teams in two conferences...similar to the CFL in structure. Rugby league is a sport with an international presence. Mattlore 22:36, 3 November 2006 (UTC)[reply]