Regarding fan-made content such as netbooks, etc.[edit]

I'm a big fan of Ravenloft and I love a lot of the fan-made content out there, particularly the stuff found on the Fraternity of Shadows, but as this is an official wikipedia entry, we should strive for accuracy and stick with published information about the domains. Fan-made content, no matter how interesting, can (and often does) conflict with the extant published material, and could make for an inaccurate or confusing entry.Bluebomber4evr 19:54, 12 May 2007 (UTC)[reply]


I believe the actual reasons for the gender-swap between Thakok-An and Kalid-Ma is due to an initial error on the part of the Ravenloft authors in not communicating with the authors of the Dark Sun line. Apparently the authors of the Dark Sun line always intended Kalid-Ma to be male.Bluebomber4evr 20:55, 15 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]


If Demise is not truly a domain nor Althea a darklord, should this even be included in the entry?Bluebomber4evr 19:56, 17 October 2007 (UTC)[reply]