[I have freely reformatted signed contribs, as to indentation and paragraphing only. Where i've removed part of a single contribution, i've retained the formal signature but marked the point of deletion with "[omission]" --- without otherwise interrupting the text if the omission is within a paragraph, and as a separate paragraph if one or more paragraphs are omitted. I have removed the formal sig in any other cases, and used strikethru of original material and bolding of its replacement, where it seemed worth giving my considered interpretation of the author's intent. --Jerzyt 04:10, 3 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

[This refactored portion of the discussion is intended to include undisputed conclusions about what WP (specifically en:) should do about

By that i mean to include conclusions about the actions we should take, and those about the principles that we agree should take us from facts to actions. And by the same wording i also mean to exclude conclusions about what the facts are, even though this is an important matter. I am suggesting that the facts we can agree on are many, and worth collecting, in at least two categories: facts that bear on Relative Prevalence of the Two Numberings, and the objective history of the numbering and naming schemes, which i don't expect we will have any disputes about, and which IMO are helpful in informing our reasoning about the relative-prevalence question.
--Jerzyt 04:10, 3 March 2006 (UTC)]

(not necessarily embodied in specific paragraphs:)

[A restatement of Sv's original plan, still not the object of consensus, moved from here to Talk:Pope Stephen/Naming (Potential Solutions). --Jerzyt 02:04, 18 March 2006 (UTC)][reply]