==actual history of brass beds= =

Brass beds have a special place in history, people have an un explainable affinity for brass beds, they appear in; songs, poems, books etc. many claims about brass have appeared in wikipedia over the last few years only to be deleted bt those who are obviously unaware of anything about brass beds other than they exist so in their limited frame of reference have placed the subject under bed frames, even that is misinformed. Over the few years of the effective internet searching for data may compel some people to search wikipedia for identifing the object or subject of their search. In the beginning I was enthusiastic about wikipedia because of all the inadequacies of all the others ,but, alas i have seen it descend to a place of documentation audited by editors who make decisions without access to the variables allowing lots of erroneous data while deleting some real truths. Ignorance is no excuse.--------------------the real history of brass beds holds a significant place in history, on the level of vaccinations which has eliminated diseases like polio, lockjaw colera etc. Brass beds were invented as a result of 19th century scientists searching for a material that if used as a head and footboard which are the only two items that are in contact and rest above the bedding---which is where the human worm infestation layed their eggs,hatched out ,fell onto the bedding and reentered the person in bed. Brass /copper was selected as the material of use because the worms layed their eggs on the material but did not hatch, thus ending this indespicable scourge enabling this species of phylum which had coexisted with mankind since only time knows. all this went down in france around 1850. By the beginning of WW1 almost everyone had a brass bed and this species of phylum became history. I have more data about this, the who what when where but hey since you don't actually print so many truths that are presented to you I won't include them , hey good luck, hope you grow up and abandon academic ventures as primary criteria and learn to use the internet for something besides your own personal toy before you disappear into the insignificance which is where I place you but hey, The spirit of truth is my master

Brass beds. Need. An. Article. (talk) 20:57, 1 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]