
Isn't Dr. Know based in ventura?

Dr. Know began in Oxnard which is in Ventura County. They're now Los Angeles based. Maluka 06:04, 4 February 2006 (UTC)[reply]

My question is, does anybody thinks its relavant that Brandon Cruz apoligize for touring with the Dead Kennedys. I remember when his band, Dr. know, perform at TSP 9/11, He apoligize for going along with them. So should we add somewhere?-Starlightentity

Where did you get that information?[edit]

"My question is, does anybody thinks its relavant that Brandon Cruz apoligize for touring with the Dead Kennedys. I remember when his band, Dr. know, perform at TSP 9/11, He apoligize for going along with them. So should we add somewhere?-Starlightentity"

Did you see and hear that yourself or are you taking it from Team Spider's website? It's not worth adding. If you knew him, you'd know he isn't sorry for being the the DK's. Maluka 06:14, 22 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I was there at the TSP 9/11 show just before Dr Know peformed he tooked the mic and started talking.I really didn't understand what the hell he was talking about, until later my friend told me that he was one to replace Jello Biafra when the new DK's went on tour and he was apoligzing for it.

He has never apologized for his stint with the DK's. Your friend misheard him. I asked him about this and he said, "hell no". ~~

Tildes aren't working. Maluka.

They work fine if you use FOUR of them... Xinit 22:34, 7 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

A momentary loss of memory :) Maluka 16:38, 8 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Wow!!! Great name for a punk rock band.... "The Tildes Don't Work" 23:46, 14 October 2007 (UTC)"[reply]

Article revised[edit]

I undertook a large scale revision of the article today so that it would better conform to Wikipedia guidelines and style. Some info that was impossible to source -- i.e. the locations he has surfed -- have been removed. Previously this Wiki had no sources at all for any of its information. This is not allowed under WP:BLP guidelines. To those who may wish to add information or revert the article in the future please make sure you have reliable source(s) and include inline citations. Much thanks!! Sector001 (talk) 04:23, 17 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. -- if anyone has a free use (or can justify a fair use license) image of Brandon with any of his musical groups or otherwise from later in life it would make a nice addition to the article imho. Sector001 (talk) 04:25, 17 January 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Cruz and Bill Bixby[edit]

I haven't followed this page closely, but I guess I have sort of a question/suggestion. As best as I can tell, the "drama" on this article seems to have surfaced over a dispute as to whether Cruz and Bixby had "lost" contact or "remained" in contact after Eddie's Father. I'm not saying the objecting editor is Cruz (I honestly have no idea), but I don't see any verifiable source cited stating that they'd lost contact either. Unless there's a source I've missed (there is no inline citation after the claim that they'd "lost" contact), may I suggest that the wording with regards to whether they kept/lost contact simply be reworded? Again, I'm not saying this editor is Cruz, but just for the sake of objectivity - if I was someone famous (which I'm not) and a Wikipedia article about me stated a falsehood (without any source cited to back it up) and I was repeatedly disallowed from correcting it - it would probably irk me too.. As far as I'm concerned - we need a source one way or the other (stating definitively that they'd either "lost" or "kept in" contact), or else we should just remove the reference to any "contact" (or lack thereof) altogether, stating simply "Cruz and Bixby appeared together on an episode of The Arsenio Hall Show". I know talk pages don't get a lot of traffic, so I'll leave this here for a week or two. If I don't get any replies, then I'll just edit the passage myself. I'd normally just go in and do it, but this page seems to be inciting a lot of strong reactions, so I wanted to give people an opportunity to show me a source before I add/remove anything. --- Crakkerjakk (talk) 06:51, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I've removed the "contact" sentence about Cruz and Bixby. We don't even have a source that they appeared on the Hall show (or when). At the same time, I removed the preceding paragraph, which was also unsourced. Thanks for opening up a topic here.--Bbb23 (talk) 15:22, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yeah, I think that's for the best. Again, I can't verify any given editor's identity, but one thing all sources seem to agree upon is that Cruz loved Bill Bixby dearly, so I can see how a claim that they'd somehow "lost" contact could have the potential to stir up strong emotions. I felt bad that my suggestion got the other content removed, so I've restored it and slapped a couple of sources onto it. There appears to be quite a lot of sources about him now (due to the DVD release of Season 1 of Eddie's Father last year), so this page could probably be expanded further, but I just have too much on my plate right now. --- Crakkerjakk (talk) 18:52, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I moved the rehab counselor sentence to a more appropriate spot in the chronology and reworded it (some of the sentence wasn't supported by the source). I had to remove the Minor Consideration material. Atlhough Cruz is mentioned in the article, it doesn't say anything about him being active in the organization - just tells a story about his problems.--Bbb23 (talk) 19:04, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
My mistake. I tried to cite a source that could be viewed free-of-charge. I thought the article was pretty clear that the former child stars assembled were affiliated with "A Minor Consideration", but I've added The Boston Globe as an additional source. Unfortunately, the reader would need a ProQuest Archiver subscription to view the text, but the direct quote is "Cruz is also active in a group called Minor Considerations, which helps other former child actors continue their careers after they outgrow juvenile parts." if you would like to conduct a google news archive search (using quotes) to verify it that way. I don't have the time or inclination to move/rewrite the text within the article, so I've simply reverted the paragraph back to add the sources easily (The Star-Ledger source confirms he's in Malibu, California), so feel free to "move" things around - the page could certainly use improvements. --- Crakkerjakk (talk) 20:12, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
You're right, I can't see the Globe article. I'm not 100% happy with the wording vis-a-vis source compliance, but it's good enough for me to leave alone (just did a few minor copy edits). Thanks for your efforts - you make it easy to work together.--Bbb23 (talk) 20:35, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I'm the one who did the originla rewrite/expansion back in January that seems to have started all this mess. At the time the Wiki had no sources at all. I assure you I did have a source for the Arsenio Hall show statement, but that website now comes back as closed, so perhaps it was a bit dubious. Anyhoo, it was just some added "human interest" and not meant to cause any drama until the alleged Mr. Cruz got involved. The article looks good to me now. I've stumbled on some more good source materiel online but may leave it to someone else to do any further expansion. This whole situation has rather soured my taste for improving this particular Wiki and dealing with the egos of former child stars. Sector001 (talk) 20:49, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Bbb23 - Yeah, I usually spend my time writing articles, so I have a ProQuest subscription. I don't usually have any reservations about citing news articles archived on ProQuest (since it's really no different than citing a book that the reader would need to purchase), but, given the contentious editing to this page in recent weeks, I wanted to avoid using it for this article, which is why I didn't cite it in the first place. However, you (or anyone else) can verify it by conducting a Google "News" search by going to Google, clicking "News" from the toolbar (on the left), and then clicking "Archives" (lower left). Put the exact quote (above) in "quotes" and Google will verify the Boston Globe article as the source. I only reverted the paragraph so I could add the sources quickly, so don't feel like you can't reword things or move things around for style and flow - the article could use it. I found quite a few recent sources about Cruz (due to the release of the show's DVDs late last year), so I may come back and expand the article when I get some time (I have too many other pages I need to tend to right now), but if anyone else wants to rewrite for style and flow (without removing any sourced information) - go for it.
Sector001 - Don't take it personally. The page appears to me to have been written in good faith, so we're not blaming you. It's just that once a passage within a Wikipedia article is contested, we need a source one way or another. Whether or not they may have lost contact didn't appear to me to be particularly contentious or libelous, but I can see a scenario where it could incite a strong reaction if not true (emotions can be particularly strong in cases where we're talking about someone's relationship with a deceased loved-one). Just one note regarding sources - "blogs" or "fan" sites aren't considered reliable sources (with the exception of an "official" website, such as if Cruz had a verified "official" website of his own), so it's best to stick with formal "news" sources to avoid editing conflicts (others may still object, but it's simply easier for third party editors to determine what goes and what stays when we have a reliable source). Again, I can't vouch for any recent editor's identity, but the original objection appeared as though it could (theoretically) be consistent with the sentiments of the subject himself, and didn't appear to be outright vandalism (at least not when it began). --- Crakkerjakk (talk) 21:32, 7 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Spanish naming customs?[edit]

I see no evidence that the name does in fact use Spanish naming conventions. There is no maternal family name listed anywhere that I can see. Therefore, I propose that the template be removed as not applicable. Unless there are any objections, I will do so. Thanks! 1980fast (talk) 21:48, 26 January 2019 (UTC)[reply]

Motorcycle Diaries Credit[edit]

IMDB credits Cruz as "Brandon Cruz ... Miner (Chile)" with a link to his profile. The character appears to be this Brandon Cruz, so I am going to add the credit. If there any evidence that would lead us to believe that the IMDB credit is in error, bring it forth and revert. (I am aware that some credits in IMDB list the wrong person with the same name.)