I will add on more later. Also, other songs have less information than this, and are still on, like The Sharpest Lives.

MCR Website


How do you finish the quest? =] I went all the way to the plane and the shooting thing. Are you suppose to get to a certain number of points to advance??? o_O CustardToast 00:53, 29 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I know, I can't get past the plane part either. I don't really see what you have to do there- I've tried everything... :( Ss112 04:18, 19 November 2006 (UTC)

the quest


I've gone as far to the game thing. I don't know if it is the right way.. you get to this page with this newspaper thing and you put your mouse on the photo and this code thing appears... it says rememberwhatthenurssaid.

Yes...when I get to the giant gas mask and it says to type in my strongest memory, I do. But there's no floating paper. There's nothing to click at all.

Wow... that's never happened to me... there should be a floating piece of paper... it floats around the screen, and it's pretty hard to click sometimes... Ss112 04:22, 19 November 2006 (UTC)

I'm pretty sure that the strongest memory bit refers to the start of "Welcome to the Black Parade"



not jazz, not jazz at all. the genre is called Ragtime.-- 09:42, 28 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Quest


Does anyone know how to get pass the first part. I am unable to find any twezzers as wikipedia says

Yes. They aren't tweezers, it is actually a scalpel. You click the scalpel that says "Don't be Afraid". It should lead you to a screen with a nurse. Click on her and you will see a picture come up, and then a mask will appear, and lead you to a screen with four options. Click the heart, type anything in the box and then it will say "I thought it was your father taking you to the parade." Then click the floating paper, then click the photo of MCR, and it should lead you to two people. Click the man, and then click "y" (for yes). Then click the picture of the man again, and it will lead you to a screen of a plane. Click the blades and it will lead you to some game which I don't know how to complete... someone who has properly completed the game needs to fix the article.. :S Ss112 04:27, 19 November 2006 (UTC)



When you get to the shooting game, you must get 20,000 points. Once you get that many, you click on the picture of the girl on the dashboard of the plane.

It took me FOREVER to get that many points, but the marching skeleton with the song Blood playing in the background is pretty cool wehn you get to it.

ow do you play the game? like what do you use to shoot and move and stuff?

what you need to do is use the space button to shot and use the arrow keys to move the square and for some reason up is down and down is up... i dunno why

cause it's a plane. Dizzydark 20:38, 19 December 2006 (UTC)[reply]



why delete something connected to an album? please leave it.