This special page shows all files uploaded to the English Wikipedia. (See also the list for Wikimedia Commons.) By default, the last uploaded files are shown at top of the list, but clicking on a column header will change the sorting.

Deleted files are not shown here but are included in the upload log.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
02:08, 2 February 2007 Killsadie3.jpg (file) 941 KB took the pic live, I got permission from knol later on he is happy to have it posted wherever.
02:06, 2 February 2007 Killsadie2.jpg (file) 797 KB Took this at a show and tweaked it in fireowrks, the band gave permission to post it wherever.
02:04, 2 February 2007 Killsadie4.jpg (file) 978 KB taken at a live show i got their permission to post it wherever.
04:10, 19 August 2006 Killsadiehouseshow.jpg (file) 154 KB A picture of Kill Sadie in an early house show in 1998
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