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Local wikiAttached onMethodBlockedEdit countGroups
commons.wikimedia.org08:31, 21 August 2023created on login(?)1
en.wikipedia.org02:35, 14 April 2013home wiki(?)Blocked indefinitely.
Reason: Personal attacks or harassment, long history of showing lack of good faith.
  • editing (sitewide)
  • account creation disabled
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  • cannot edit own talk page
en.wiktionary.org08:43, 24 June 2021created on login(?)0
foundation.wikimedia.org02:28, 15 August 2023created on login(?)0
fr.wikipedia.org19:52, 7 July 2021created on login(?)0
login.wikimedia.org15:55, 2 July 2017created on login(?)0
meta.wikimedia.org18:51, 5 August 2023created on login(?)10
pt.wikipedia.org01:17, 4 September 2023created on login(?)0
simple.wikipedia.org16:49, 5 August 2023created on login(?)0
test.wikipedia.org20:33, 2 May 2024created on login(?)0
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