Filter parameters
Filter ID:1,300


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:611 hits
Statistics:Of the last 211,231 actions, this filter has matched 5 (0%). On average, its run time is 0.12 ms, and it consumes 1.3 conditions of the condition limit.
!("confirmed" in user_groups) & page_namespace === 0 & ( toolbar := "(?x) '''Bold[ ]text''' |''Italic[ ]text'' |\[\[\|thumb\]\] |<gallery>[\n]Example\.jpg |<ref></ref> |==[ ]Heading[ ]text[ ]== |\*[ ]Bulleted[ ]list[ ]item |\#[ ]Numbered[ ]list[ ]item |<big>Big[ ]text |<small>Small[ ]text |<sup>Superscript[ ]text |<sub>Subscript[ ]text |<nowiki>Insert[ ]non-formatted[ ]text[ ]here |![ ]Header[ ]text |[#]REDIRECT[ ]\[\[Target[ ]page[ ]name\]\] "; /* When people stab the buttons repeatedly, the results can end up nested, e.g. <ref><small>Small text</small></ref> */ trim := toolbar + " |</?sub> |</?sup> |</?small> |</?ref> |</?nowiki> |[#]REDIRECT "; added_lines rlike toolbar & !(removed_lines rlike toolbar) & rmwhitespace(rmspecials(str_replace_regexp(added_lines, trim, ""))) == rmwhitespace(rmspecials(str_replace_regexp(removed_lines, trim, ""))) )
Filter last modified:19:56, 24 April 2024 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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