Filter parameters
Filter ID:1,233


(publicly viewable)
Filter hits:15,383 hits
Statistics:Of the last 207,087 actions, this filter has matched 11 (0.01%). On average, its run time is 0.13 ms, and it consumes 1.2 conditions of the condition limit.
!("confirmed" in user_groups) & ( sus := "[\w\s]{500}"; added_lines rlike sus & ( page_namespace == 0 | added_lines irlike "[\w ]{500}|\w{15}" ) & !(removed_lines rlike sus) & !(added_links rlike sus) & !(page_prefixedtitle irlike ("sandbox|^Draft:|^User(?: talk)?:" + rescape(user_name) + "(?:/|$)")) & !(added_lines irlike "poem|lyric") )
Filter last modified:02:57, 28 January 2023 by Suffusion of Yellow (talk | contribs)
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