Created the article, trying to follow all the guidelines. I've been active on Swedish Wikipedia for many years, on genealogy, history, historiography, and Latin. (Also in a large number of printed works on these topics since 1979.) I'm not a customer of or affiliated with Arkiv Digital, but the company has certainly changed Swedish genealogical research during the last decade. Houtos (talk) 17:29, 4 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

This article was declined on 5 June 2024 by user Lovkal with the following motivation: “Most references appear to be self-published. Needs more third-party reliable sources.” I think that judgement was a bit hasty. Some comments:

(Edit, July 1, 2024: I asked Bing's AI Copilot how reliable an annual report is. It replied: "An annual report is generally a reliable source for assessing a company’s financial position and performance. It is prepared according to legal requirements and accounting principles, and is often audited by external auditors to ensure it provides a true and fair view of the company’s finances.
Here are some factors that contribute to its credibility:
– Audit: An independent auditor reviews the annual report and issues an audit report. This increases credibility as the auditor certifies that the report is accurate and complies with relevant regulations.
– Regulations: Annual reports must adhere to national and international accounting standards, ensuring a certain level of comparability and transparency.
– Public Access: Annual reports are public documents, meaning they are available to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders. This creates an incentive for companies to be honest and thorough in their reporting.")