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Stepehn Campbell

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Steve Campbell - Steve is a well-known freelance director with years of experience of communicating to children. He has directed commercials for clients such as Dairylea, Huggies, Childline and the British Dyslexia Association, as well as trailers for CBeebies He has recently completed several commercials for McDonalds helping children to curve obesity by trying to persuade them to eat 5 fruits a day. The programmes, based around simple songs, were repeated a number of times over a period of days to encourage children to learn the songs and respond to the messages conveyed. The Director Steve Campbell commented:

“We know that having fun is a number one motivator in getting kids to learn and therefore singing and dancing is a strong, and proven, method of educating children, particularly about topics which don’t carry as much immediate interest for them. Learning comes through interaction not lectures, creating the ‘YumChums’ and using them in conjunction with a character as popular as Ronald McDonald will help parents as they try to communicate these messages themselves in a relevant and fun way.”

Copyrighted material deleted


[edit] 11:05, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ronald Chow 'The livining Genious'

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Ronald Chow was born in Happy Valley Hong Kong island. He spent the early part of his life studying Da Vinci and other great renassaince artists. It was at the age of 12 that he turned his remarkable mind to maths. He has spent the past 4 years studing under the great master Lord, under whose guidence he has exelled and has proven himself to be one of the most phenominal mathmaticiens of his day.


[edit] 12:29, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Barocas, Barrocas, Barokas

Family of Sephardic Jews whose heritage is Babylonian then migrating to Spain. Most left Spain in 1492 and migrated to Portugal. At that time, they were forced to convert to the Catholic Faith. Many migrated to Turkey where they came back to Judaism. Some came to the new world (Brazil) where they totally accepted the Catholic Faith through the centuries.

The Jewish Encyclopedia ( cites the following article:

Copyrighted material deleted

Also, under the spelling with two r's (Barrocas) the following article appears in The Jewish Encyclopedia (

BARROCAS, MORDECAI: (print this article)

By : Richard Gottheil   Meyer Kayserling   

Copyrighted material deleted



Bibliography: Barrios, Relacion de los Poetas, p. 58; idem, Govierno Popular Judayco, p. 43; Cardoso, Excelencias, p. 363; Kayserling, Sephardim, pp. 211, 177; idem, Bibl. Esp.-Port.-Jud. p. 26.G. M. K. 13:02, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Attar Neyshaburi

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Copyrighted material deleted


[edit] 13:13, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Bradini Botner

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Bradini Botner He's a super genius. Bradini is a stud QB in football.He has an unbeaten record in Madden 07. Hes the little league best pitcher in PYO and hits the ball like crazy. He loves "The Nation". His favorite football team is the Texans.


[edit] 14:23, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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An erectometer is a device that transforms the circumference of the male penis into a documentable value. Often that value is documented as a graph, so that changes over the time are can be evidenced.

Today this is useful in urology, where findings about erectile dysfunction are of interest. In former days it was used in forensic psychiatry, where findings about improvement of pedophile symptoms were needed for prognosis, which has been proven to be a dysfunctional measure, that is furthermore inapplicable in females.


[edit] 15:03, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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The Forty-ninth Spirit is Crocell, or Crokel. He appeares in the Form of an Angel. He is a Duke Great and Strong, speaking something Mystically of Hidden Things. He teaches the Art of Geometry and the Liberal Sciences. He, at the Command of the Exorcist, will produce Great Noises like the Rushings of many Waters, although there be none. He warmes Waters, and discoveres Baths. He was of the Order of Potestates, or Powers, before his fall, as he declared unto the King Solomon. He governes 48 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid.



Goetia - S. L. MacGregor Mathers (1904) 15:26, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lab Rats

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A video cast by Andy Walker and Sean Carruthers about how to use advanced features of technology.



Lab Rats TV:

Yahoo Video:

D-Link Canada Press Release:

Democracy Channel:

Google Video:


TechSmith: 15:27, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Emitex was a vinyl record preservation product designed for use on records to preserve the quality of the analog signal stamped into the vinyl. The system consists of two parts, a liquid and a soft fabric. To use the system, the liquid was sprayed onto a cloth and then the cloth was lightly hand rubbed onto the record. The bottom right hand side on the reverse side of some record covers from the 60's and 70's have an endorsement to "Use New Emitex to keep your record clean and dust free." This endorsement was absent from most record sleeves by the mid 70's.



just look at any old record and look on the back (Id Est: Ummagumma by Pink Floyd).

Ulsterbus Foyle

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Ulsterbus Foyle is the bus service that runs in Derry, Northern Ireland. It began on September 4th, 2006, and serves Derry City itself, as well as the outlying suburbs of Strathfoyle, New Buildings, and Culmore. In the same way Metro was used to modernize bus routes in Belfast, the Ulsterbus Foyle network now offers 13 set routes across the city, along with a simple to read route map. It is hoped that the new services will make transportation in Northern Ireland’s second city easier, in what is historically a blackspot for investment in Northern Ireland.


[edit] 17:20, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Southern University Bangladesh

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Govern approved Southern University Bangladesh is an ideal place to study for a undergraduate, graduate degree and diplomas boasting first class facilities and nationwide reputations for good quality teaching and research basis works and achievement and participations. Southern has the modern teaching staffs with Open credit systems following American education systems in true sense.

Located southern part of Bangladesh , Chittagong; the region with its lash green beauty that stands as the historic gateway to Bangla. It is the second largest city popularly known as commercial capital of Bangladesh. The port city has an international airport, extended sea beach and an export processing zone (EPZ) for direct foreign investments.

Academic programs started since 1998, but got approved by the Ministry of education in the year of 2002.

Academic Schools Faculty of Business Faculty of Science & Technology Faculty of Law , Arts & Social Science

For more information visit



From 17:36, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The worlds most annoying myspace page

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The worlds most annoying myspace page was created by Greg Leimbeck on September 29, 2006. The site was created while Greg was extremely bored at work, and seeks to annoy thousands. The site is intended to be a compilation of everything annoying, with a primary focus on myspace.



Greg Leimbeck 17:43, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Porygon3 is a new pokemon resently made. Little is known about it so far, and I do not have a picture, sorry. It is quite similar to Porygon2, and is a fourth generation pokemon.


[edit] 17:58, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Marriage Plot

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The marriage plot is a term used, often in academic circles, to categorize a storyline that recurs in novels most prominently and in films most recently. Until the expansion of marriage rights to same-sex couples, this plot centered exclusively on the courtship ritual between a man and a woman and the obstacles that faced the potential couple on its way to the nuptual payoff. The marriage plot became a popular source of entertainment in the 18th and 19th centuries with the rise of the bourgeois novel. The foremost practitioners of the form include some of the more illustrious names in English letters, among them Samuel Richardson, Jane Austen, George Eliot and the Bronte sisters.

Deconstructionist criticism of the last thirty years has highlighted how the plot was a profitable publishing and ideological production that served to ensure the ascendancy of the bourgeoisie. The marriage plot was the liberal age's reformulation of the medieval romance, which excluded all but aristocratic ladies and their chivalrous knights from its epics of love. The marriage plot promises to liberalize romance by making it available to greater sections of society: the bourgeoisie and to some extent, the working classes, who are relegated to comic relief in 16th- and 17th-century theater, suddenly become serious moral subjects. Today, few doubt the ennobling qualities of love, but giving that nobility of soul to anyone but nobles was an innovation to be found foundationally in the marriage plot, perhaps pioneered by Richardson's Pamela, wherein a lowly but virtuous maid is raised beyond her birth through her insistent chastity and her subsequent marriage to the lordly Mr. B.

Film, which supplanted the novel as the most popular narrative form in the 20th century, did not abandon this innovation of the novel. Rather, the marriage plot has enjoyed a continued efflorescence, visible to this day in the popular film form known as the "romantic comedy." At its most formulaic, critics have asserted, the conventions of the marriage plot, with the cathartic closure that its marriage ending delivers to its believers, ultimately renounces politics and engagement in the world in favor of privacy and domestic bliss. We may see this, for instance, in the film You've Got Mail, which resolves the political opposition between mega-bookstore boss Tom Hanks and bookshop-around-the-corner owner, Meg Ryan, by uniting its lead characters in a saccharine union that effaces the unequal distribution of capital that originally put them at odds.



Shaffer, Julie A. “The Ideological Intervention of Ambiguities in the Marriage Plot: Who Fails Marianne in Austen’s Sense and Sensibility?” A Dialogue of Voices: Feminist Literary Theory and Bakhtin. Eds. Karen Hohne and Helen Wussow. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1994. 128-51.

"Foiling the Marriage Plot," Review of Tradition Counter Tradition: Love and the Form of Fiction, Joseph Allen Boone, NOVEL: A Forum on Fiction, Vol. 24, No. 1. (Autumn, 1990), pp. 111-114. 19:28, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Zayn Welfare Sorority

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Zayn Welfare sorority is a high school sorority founded in 1957 by students at Long Beach Polytechnic High School in Long Beach California. Its color is blue and its mascot is the lamb. Famous Alumni include Billie Jean King and Andrea Lowell


[edit] 19:35, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Michael Clayman

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Michael Clayman is the lead singer of the ska group Ill Humour. The main writer for the group, their songs focus mostly around corruption, and government (commonly found relating to each other). Born in 1989 he grew up in Southeast D.C. Michael was forced to learn about life the hard way. After becoming notorious for his song writing, helping his friends in the rap group Duck Butter write songs for their Black Panther Movement album. After working with the ska group Reel Big Fish in the movie Baseketball, Michael devolped an infatuation with ska music. After moving to the town of middletown, MD (also known as "the bubble" for its close-mindedness and rascism)

Michael created a band with his friends Andrew Gumas, Merrick Smith, and Eric Norris. Michael on guitar and vocals, Merrick on bass, Andrew on trumpet, and Eric on drums. They soon become town legend under the name Ill humour. After becoming famous for their use of trumpets in their music they were asked to play for the prime minister of New Zeland, Tyrone Jones. Soon Michael converted to Buddism and became infatuated with the monkey god. Along with Michael's change, the band went to a socialist retreat in the city of Munich. During the retreat the KGB took over and held every one hostage, brain washing them into insanity. After the event, in 1999, Ill Humour came out with their first album Time's End. Later in 2001 their 2nd album, Meow, came out smashingly. In 2005 the prime minister of New Zeland came to the US and hosted a ska/indie concert featuring Ill Humour, and Interpol.



The Rise of Ill Humour 20:40, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Mr India 2

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A sequel of the blockbuster from the late 80's comes 20 years after the release of the prequel. Starring the original Mr India Anil Kapoor and bringing back to the screen the siren of the nineties Sridevi, who was last seen in Boney Kapoor's 1997 film Judaai.


[edit] 21:13, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Danellandia Foundation

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Danellandia Foundation was set up to foster peace and happiness in the world. It aims at making this world a better place for everybody. It develops projects to tackle peace among religion, poverty, education for the poor, fair trade. It needs to spread a message that will change the face of the earth. But before that the projects need to meet with the support of world leaders both political and relgious, as well as of companies. The message can only be spread after leaders and other people ponder the thoughts of the week.



Prejudices are a man's worst ennemy. They kill trust and create distrust. Many people have the wrong idea about other people because of prejudices that are false.

We want the world to be multicultural.

The more cultures you know, the richer you are. Make an effort to understand other peoples and cultures.



More information on danellandia foundation can be found on [3]

Dudu Danelli 21:19, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Dr. Beni Tori - ד"ר בנימין תורי

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(ד"ר בנימין תורי- רופא שיניים מוסמך בעל תואר מומחה ביישור שיניים (אורתודונט
חבר באגודה הישראלית לאורתודונטיה
בעל מוניטין רב כבר יותר מ 30 שנה בטיפול בילדים באזור חולון וראשון לציון
כתובת: חנקין 20, חולון
טלפון: 5047511-03


Diane Woodruff

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An american artist who gained minor fame for her presidential painting and her work during the 1996 olympics. lived in Collinsville,Oklahoma where her art studio was located.



New York Times article 22:11, 30 September 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Virginia Piper

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Virginia Piper, a Minneapolis socialite, was kidnapped from her Orono, Minnesota home on July 27, 1972. She was found unharmed and chained to a tree in Jay Cooke State Park on July 29, 1972 after her husband, Minneapolis investment banker Harry Piper paid a million dollar ransom in marked $20 bills. Some of the ranson money was passed in the fall of 1972, but the individuals who passed the bills were not apprehended. In 1977 the United States Attorney charged Donald Floyd Larson and Kenneth James Callahan with kidnapping Ms. Piper and briefly taking her across state lines into Wisconsin. Callahan and Larson were convicted in federal court of kidnapping Ms. Piper, and they were sentenced to life imprison by Federal Judge Edward Devitt. However, their conviction was overturned and a new trial was ordered by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. At the retrial in 1979 Callahan and Larson were acquitted. Kenneth Callahan lived in Wisconsin until his death last year. Donald Larson is incarcerated in a Minnesota State Prison for the murder of his wife, his wife's lover, and for one or more of his children. He was convicted of murder in the middle 1970's, after being acquitted of kidnapping Ms. Piper. He is one of the oldest inmates alive in a Minnesota Correctional Facility. Virginia Piper died of pancreatic cancer in 1988 and Harry Piper died of prostrate cancer in 1990. Harry Piper,Jr., Virginia Piper's oldest son is writing a book about his mother; he lives in Oregon. Ms. Piper's other two children, David and Addison, live in Minnesota. The Piper kidnapping is considered one of the nation's most famous unsolved kidnapping. The Virginia Piper Cancer Institute in Minneapolis is in honor of Virginia Piper. Ms. Piper was the first female chair of the Board of Directors at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, now affiliated with the Allina corporation.



Numerous newspaper articles, particularly in the Star Tribune (Minneapolis) have been written about the famous 1972 Virginia Piper kidnapping. It is referenced in "All the President's Men," by Woodward and Bernstein. The reason it is referenced is because Kenneth Dahlberg, a republican fundraiser for the Nixon 1972 re-election campaign from Minnesota, was contacted by Woodward or Bernstein, but said he was too upset to talk because of the Virginia Piper kidnapping. It is also referenced in the book "Along Came a Spider," as a famous unsolved kidnapping. 02:08, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jordan Pruitt

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Jordan Pruitt, 15, is a new up and coming singer from Loganville, GA. Her first song, "Outside Looking In", is currently on Radio Disney. The music video for that song was on Disney Channel & was made for the Disney Original Movie, "Read It & Weep."


[edit] 02:22, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Description Maraq is a small Middle-Eastern state that borders Iran, Pakistan, and the Gulf of Oman.

Maraq is currently ruled by King Zafar Akbar III who has ruled since 1990, his brother Feroz is next inline for the thrown and is currently the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

History of Maraq Modern History of Maraq (1900-2006)

Zafar Akbar II (1912-1999) was crowned King in 1926 at the age of 14. Like his father before him, Zafar II was a deeply religious man. The country of Maraq prospered under his rule (1926-1992).

Maraq joined the United Nations in 1957 and established diplomatic relations with the United States in 1981. It was at this meeting in 1981 with President Carter that Akbar II rejected the idea of a military alliance with the United States. The King explained that while diplomatic relations were considered within the nation’s interest, a military alliance might destabilize the Maraqan efforts to remain at peace with neighboring countries.

The United States asked again in 1983 to build a military base in exchange for weapons and an economic package. Zafar II refused, stating that while the country of Maraq wanted the United States as a friend, he did not want to be beholden to Western powers.

In 1992, Zafar II relinquished his throne and was succeeded by his son, Zafar Akbar III.

Akbar III is crowned in an era of continuous strife within the Middle East. In an effort to maintain stability within Maraq, he asks his father’s advisors to remain.

In 1993, the foreign policy of Maraq and Akbar III changes from isolationism to globalization. A new U.S. President (Clinton) approaches Akbar III to again propose a US-Maraqan military alliance. Akbar III, considered to be less conservative and religious than his ancestors is welcome to westernization and begins to discuss a U.S. military base along the north-eastern border of Maraq, near Pakistan and Iran.

In April of 1994, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aleser al Coman, resigns his position. A long-time friend of the royal family, it was a surprising move by the Foreign Affairs Minister. Local press reported that the Minister’s resignation came after his vocal disagreement with the King and was meant to shown his disapproval of U.S. involvement in Maraq. A month later, the United States is granted the right to build a military base along the Iranian border. The King’s brother, Prince Feroz Akbar is named the new Minister of Foreign Affairs.

To further United States-Maraqan relations the King sends his son, Prince Qadir Akbar (1979-) to school within the United States.

In November of 1994, a portion of Aleser al Coman’s memoirs are leaked to the local press. In his writings, the former official spoke of his close relationship with Akbar.

“…the king spoke before his ministers today. Declaring that Maraq must steer clear of western alliances and that the sword of religion, and not the weapon of a U.S. dollar, should dictate Maraq’s future.” (1973)

“…the king was again approached by the western super-power. Zafar did not hesitate to refuse what he deemed would be the beginning of the end. The westernization of Maraq. I remember the talks and honor them still.” (1983)

“…and today I watched the son ignore the father’s advice. Never in my day did I expect to see a King of Maraq kowtow to the West. I have advised Akbar against this military base and made it clear my intentions to leave my position if he continues what I deem an injustice to the people. Many agree with me but are afraid to lose all they hold dear. But I am prepared to resign.” (1993)

Zafar Akbar II, while in the United States visiting his grandson, Prince Qadir Akbar, at Philips Exeter Academy, was questioned by the foreign press, about Coman’s memoirs. Zafar II responded to questions from the American press with the following statement: “I hold the former Minister of Foreign Affairs’ opinion in high regard and would hope that my son would listen to someone of similar persuasion.” After this, a few protests of U.S. involvement begins in Maraq and opposition to the King grows in the north-western provinces of the country, but most protests are quickly quelled.

In August of 1999, the beloved King Zafar Akbar II dies at the age of 87.

On September 1 1999, two weeks after his father’s death, Akbar III replaces all the remaining Ministers from his father’s government. In an effort to create a more secular government he abolishes the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, instead choosing to create a Division of Islamic Affairs within Ministry of Culture. This was a drastic move for the King that destabilized the government. Many of the former Ministers, appalled by the King’s lack of tradition, join the growing opposition to his rule.

In February of 2000, a bomb explodes outside the U.S. military base. There are no casualties and no one accepts responsibility for the crime. The King dispatches the Maraqan military to the northern provinces to quash any rising tensions. Maraqan intelligence agents begin to suspect that it is the former Minister Aleser al Coman’s son Tariq, who is stirring the rebels. There is no further intelligence to substantiate these claims at this time.

In March of 2000, Prince Qadir Akbar graduates from Saud Islamic University. The royal family and friends travel to Saudi Arabia. There, Tariq, a long time friend of Qadir’s and former graduate of Saud Islamic University, makes a toast at an event sponsored by the Islamic Culture Group on campus (in which Qadir was an active member.) In the toast Tariq condemns his King’s relationship with the United States and congratulates Qadir on his loyalty to his grandfather’s [Zafar II] memory.

In late July 2002, Tariq moves to Zàhedan, Iran accompanied by members of a Maraqan resistances group known as “Al Seif,” which promotes and follows the anti-western beliefs of Zafar II. In June of 2003, reports begin to circulate of Tariq’s movements and regular meetings with other members of “Al Seif” and well-known Middle Eastern terrorist groups. In early December of 2003, phone calls between Tariq and Prince Qadir are intercepted.

When questioned by his father about his involvement with the resistance group in April 2004, Qadir abdicates from the throne and moves to Zàhedan with Tariq. His uncle Prince Feroz Akbar replaces Prince Qadir in the order of succession.

Beginning in January of 2005, the country of Maraq suffers a significant recession. Angst against the government grows and a few skirmishes take place around the country. In June, the King lays off 10% of the military forces due to the recession. By the end of the year, the parq [Maraqan currency] has fallen from 2 parqs to the dollar to 16 parqs to the dollar. In August, the King forces two high ranking and well respected generals into early retirement after they speak out against the forced reductions.

In January 2006, the U.S. Secretary of State travels to Maraq to offer economic aid. Throughout his visit, the Secretary is met with protests and violence. The Secretary of State and King Akbar III begin discussing plans for a long-term loan from the United States to revive the Maraqan economy. The Secretary of State further vows to help secure an IMF loan for Maraq in April. A meeting of the IMF is to be held in Washington DC in March and the King agrees to send his Minister of Economics and Trade to give a speech on international development.

News of a potential western loan has spread through the country. The political arm of Al Seif, led by Prince Qadir, has been holding demonstrations in Fajar, Denat, Dubaly and Kasheram.

On September 15, 2006 three U.S. marines were accused of beating and raping two women in Kasharem. Two days later, Maraqan officials placed U.S. Majors Jason McDonald and Daniel Brown under arrest after capturing the soldiers at a local café. The soldiers are currently being held in a Maraqan prison in Kasheram. U.S. Ambassador Franers has been negotiating their release. Local and foreign press have covered this story continuously for the last week. Protests have escalated outside the prison, the military base in Kasheram and the U.S. Embassy in Fajar.

Sky Vineyards

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Sky Vineyards is a fourteen-acre vineyard and small family winery nestled between the crown of Mt. Veeder and the expansive sky. Planted at an elevation of 2100 feet and on the eastern-facing hillside, the Zinfandel and Syrah grapevines ripen under full sun and fog-cooled evenings into intense berries. The reddish volcanic soil and unique physical characteristics of Sky produce a unique wine that reflects where it was grown and the care and attention it receives at every step of the process.

Sky Vineyards strives to incorporate sustainable practices into the cultivation of the vines and operation of the winery. Responsible practices include use of permanent cover crops, dry farming, promotion of bird and beneficial insects, and use of organic or low impact pesticides and fertilizers.

The resulting intensely flavored fruit is then hand-harvested and fermented in open top one-ton bins. Punch down is performed by hand three times per day. After fermentation, it is pressed in a traditional basket press and aged in French oak barrels. Lore Olds designs artwork for each new vintage.

This church & monastery was established by late Mar Yulius Elias Qoro, Patriarchal delegate to Malankara(Kerala) and is located atop a hillock in Manjanikkara, near Omallur, Pathanamthitta District in South Kerala, On February 13th, 1932, the late Patriarch Mar Ignatius Elias III passed away and his remains are interred at the monastery.

The remains of late Mar Yulius Elias Qoro and Mar Yulius Yacoub, former Patriarchal delegates to Malankara are also interred in this church.

The Manjanikkara Dayro(monastery) is the seat of the Patriarchal Delegate to Malankara (Kerala) and the metropolitan of the Simhasana churches (churches administered directly by the Patriarchate).



Partial information 05:15, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Daniel Whitehead Hicky

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Daniel Whitehead Hicky was an American poet of the 20th Century. He seems to have lived in Georgia. Amongst others he was friends with Margaret Mitchell (author of the enormously popular novel GONE WITH WIND (1936)). A letter between them is available online. Various sources quote his works, but there does not seem to be a coherent biography about him anywhere.

Amongst others he wrote the following poem:

Who pilots ships knows all a heart can know of beauty. and his eyes can close in death and be content.

Who pilots ships, when life's last heartbeats stop, has drained the cup of beauty drop by drop.

This poem appears in the closing scenes of a documentary about the 2002-2003 Around Alone Ocean Yacht Race. The longest solo race in any sport. One of the competitors, Simone Bianchetti, died shortly after finishing 2nd overall in this race. As a tribute to him (and other yachtsmen) this poem appears in the closing scenes of the documentary.



1) Documentary containing the Poem:,,12345,00.html (The poem appears in minute 52 of the documentary).

2) References to the Daniel Whitehead Hicky:

2.1) Margaret Mitchell wrote a letter to Hicky, which is listed verbatim on the web: - Mitchel is the author of the enormously popular novel GONE WITH WIND (1936), story about the Civil War and Reconstruction as seen from the Southern point of view. - Letter from Margaret Mitchell to Daniel Whitehead Hicky, September 11, 1944 - The letter is listed in full on the following website: [4]

2.2) He seems to be from Georgia "Poetry by a Georgia poet praised by Joseph Auslander, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings & Archibald Rutledge." Source:

2.3) He seems to have been publishing from 1928 through to 1950: Source:

2.4) Several books by him are listed on Amazon: [5]

2.5) Other people have also been searching for him: Dear Burning Questions, A favorite author is Daniel Whitehead Hicky. He wrote a book of poems entitled Bright Harbor, copyrighted 1932 and 1960. As a poet, he wrote "A Ship for Singapore," "Polo Player," "To an Aviator," and "Who Pilots Ships." His poem about the polo player was published in Polo magazine. That and other poems were published in an anthology called All the Silver Pennies. It was edited by Blanche Jennings Thompson and copyrighted in 1967. Have you ever heard of him?

Sandra A. Merlini Marlborough, MA

Atheneum did publish the children's collection of poetry in 1967, but it is now out of print. Cherokee Publications published Poems of Daniel Whitehead Hicky in 1975, but I'm afraid that, too, is out of print. Has anyone seen or heard of this guy? Come on, there has to be a chapbook or obscure anthology out there somewhere with his name on it.


2.6) Reference to a book of poems by Daniel Whitehead Hicky:

Book of Poems: Poems of Daniel Whitehead Hicky.

by Daniel Whitehead Hicky

3) Thank you it would be great to get an entry on this person! 05:38, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Joe Taylor

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Joe Taylor, Jr. (born December 8, 1944 on the Isle of Wight, England, to Jenny Rose Taylor and Joseph Taylor).

Mr. Taylor is the subject of a Canadian federal court decision regarding citizenship of offspring of Canadian soldiers serving overseas.

His father and mother met during World War Two. He was born out of wedlock but his parents married in England on May 5, 1945. Jenny and Joe, Jr., were patriated to Canada during the great war-bride migration in 1946.

After the marriage failed, Jenny returned to England with her son in the late 1940s. They returned to England on a Canadian passport which Mr. Taylor continues to have in his possession.

Assuming that he was a Canadian citizen, Joe years later returned to Canada to retire, residing in Victoria, British Columbia. In 2002 Canadian officials informed Taylor that he has lost his citizenship on his 24th birthday by failing to fill in form requesting retention of his status. Immigration officials forced him to leave Canada.

On September 1, 2006, Mr. Justice J. Martineau of the Canadian Federal Court ordered that the Canadian government reinstate Joe Taylor as a Canadian citizen.

On September 29, 2006, the Canadian government appealed Justice Martineau's order to the Supreme Court of Canada.


[edit] 05:45, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

This seems barely notable.... — Twisted86 - Talk - at 09:58, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I'm declining on the fact that it being barely notable would mean it would be likely speedy deleted. Harryboyles 14:06, 4 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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doghorse (n.) dôghôrs Another name for the hungarian dog, Kuvasz.

"you see a guy my family knows was once very drunk and decided to go kidnap a doghorse, however he got too scared as he thought the doghorses were attacking him, which they weren't." (Masters, 2006)





Tizzybag 06:17, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Matthew Evangelista

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Matthew Evangelista is the 4 year old child that inspried the matthew evanglista foundation inc. The Mattew evanglista foundation inc. or MEFI ( created by his famialy to fund the development of sly syndrome cures. Matthew Evangelista was born on October 14, 2001 at Flushing Hospital and suffered from many problems once born. he was anemic and under extreme respirotry distress. Doctors didn't believe matthew would survive. In march 2002 doctor joyce fox diagnoised matthew with sly syndrome. Sly syndrome. a list of the effects of sly dyndrome

Matthew has undergone many surgies during his early life. his spine was repaired. Matthew can not speak and uses sign language to communicate. he needs a respirator and has a full body brace. against all his problems he usually is seen smiling. He is the spokesman for the foundation and attends the walk-a-thons they hold every summer. matthew currently lives at st.mary's Hospital for Children. Matthew's familay are always speaking to doctors and other specialists about cures. it should be noted that the charity is not seeking money to cure matthew but to fund researh so cures could be made available. Matthew has appeared on tv, most notable cbs and the bayside times did a story about him during the time of the walk-a-thon



  *[7]bayside times article
       06:53, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Q69K was born in November 2006 and is one of Nicaraguas first punk bands in the entire country. By their 4th year they began to expand their horizons outside of their countries border and headed south to Costa Rica. Since then the band has managed to share the spotlight with bands such as Evergreen Terrace and Strung Out from the US and also Outbreak Hate from Costa Rica. The band has also managed to tour Panama headlining a show there. As stated on their website, they are currently recording their debut album and have plans to tour the rest of Central America promoting their album and then touring Mexico.

Sources: 07:45, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

St. Michael's Abbey

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St. Michael's Abbey is a Norbertine Abbey in Silverado, California. Besides being an abbey, St. Michael's is also a private Catholic College Prep school for young men. The Abbey is headed by Abbot Eugene Hayes.


[edit] 07:51, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]


List of Carbon Neutral companies and products

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HSBC The New Zealand Wine Company



Grove Mill Wines



Greenbiz - 09:04, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

List of villains from The Venture Bros

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The Guild of Calamitous Intent


Minor villains


Imprisoned supervillians




Note: "The Characters from the Venture Bros" article is already too big, that's why I suggest to split it with an article about villains. This info already exists on a wikipedia article I'm only sugesting to split it in villains and non-villains to keep it short!! 09:23, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

List of Bratz products

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This is the list of products of the wildly popular Bratz fashion doll line made by MGA Entertainment.

Bratz Doll Collections



Not Yet Released











Bratz 1st Edition/ Yasmin, Cloe, Sasha, Jade

Special Collector's Edition Bratz Dolls (2001-Present)


List of cancelled dolls (2006-present)


Playsets and Cars (2002-present)



[edit] 12:17, 1 October 2006 (UTC) This reads too much like an Ad.--Soonerman the I[reply]

Monty Halls

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only made another one cause i didn't see the 1st one

Monty Halls is the new face of adventure. A former Royal Marines Officer and trained marine biologist, Monty has led teams through some of the most demanding environments on land and at sea. His adventures include discovering a lost Atlantis in the Indian Ocean, exploring pre-historic underwater cave systems off the Cape of Good Hope amid great white sharks, avoiding the bullets of poachers in Africa, and photographing a dangerous and rare crocodile underwater for the first time. His recent TV series ‘Great Ocean Adventures’ on Channel 5 received rave reviews.

Monty excels at entertaining his audience. He has an engaging personality and it is no surprise that the man who has been called ‘the new Cousteau’ and ‘a cross between Indiana Jones and a male model’ is increasingly in demand for TV presenting work.

Monty has presented several television programmes including Great Ocean Adventures (C5, 2005) Journey to the Centre of the Earth (C4, 2004). He also won Superhumans - Channel 4’s competition to find the ultimate human performer in Britain in 2004!

Halls, Monty Halls, Monty

[edit] 13:11, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The Little White Horse

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The Little White Horse is a fantasy book for children written by Elizabeth Goudge in 1946. It won the award for the best Children literary work in 1947.

This book is about an orphan named Mary Merryweather and this book also happens to be the inspiration for the popular JK Rowling's Harry Potter.


[edit] 13:23, 1 October 2006 (UTC)[reply]

ACDC live

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[edit] 13:49, 1 October 2006 (UTC) For all ACDC lovers you can buy at WALMART for 10.00$ AND BLACK IN BLACK is N.O 3[reply]

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