Andy Letchemy

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[edit] 00:18, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Isiah Carey

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Brian 22:55, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Emmy award winning broadcast journalist Isiah Carey was born in Baton Rouge, La. It was there that he got his first taste of broadcast news. He was a third-grade student at South Boulevard Elementary School when he realized he wanted to be a reporter. His teacher invited a television journalist to talk to his class. That reporter, Maxine Crump, provided Isiah the inspiration to pursue a career in TV journalism. After that reporter's visit, he wrote a letter to the news director, Carlton Cremeens, asking if he could work there in the summer. He was allowed to shadow for several years until he went away to college."

By the 10th grade, station personnel at WAFB TV were convinced he had a future in broadcast journalism when anchor Frank Hudson accepted his first script of a news story. After graduating from high school, Carey entered the University of Southwestern Louisiana in Lafayette in 1988 to study mass communications. In 1989, he enrolled at Southern University A&M College in Baton Rouge and before graduation he worked as one of the city's youngest radio news anchor and reporters for WXOK radio in Baton Rouge.

By 1990, he was also news director and anchor at KQXL-FM and WYCT-FM. That same year, Isiah got his first break in TV as a reporter and weekend public affairs talk show host at WVLA-TV (NBC). In 1991, he joined WAFB where he remained for four years as a fill in co-host of a morning news program and general assignment reporter. He was very proud when the news director Liz Combs named the nightside segment after him calling it "Isiah Carey's Nightside".

His dedication to his work is evident, as Carey conducts interviews and develops a story that often starts with a simple tip in the form of a phone call from individuals who have come to respect his assertive, no-nonsense style of reporting.

Currently, Isiah is a reporter at FOX News in Houston where he's been since 2001. He's also worked at BET News, FOX Memphis and the NBC affiliate in Little Rock, Arkansas. You can get the latest on Isiah by visiting his website Isiah covers various news stories from the trial of Enron founder Ken Lay to Rap Music.

Isiah appeared in the video the Women of Enron and rapper Pimp C's Pimpalation.

Segment of bio courtesy of: Little Rock Free Press 1998



IMDB.COM MYFOXHOUSTON.COM 00:23, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]



Isiah Carey

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Brian 22:57, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
See The International Sybase User Group


[edit] 00:25, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The International Sybase User Group

[edit] 00:31, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


[edit] 00:35, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Brian 23:01, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Kecojevići (17 k., sv. Jovan). Po predanju Kecojevići su sa Kosova od nekoga Tripka vojvode, pa se posle Kosovske bitke krenuli na zapad sa ostalim narodom da traže novu otadžbinu. Tako lutajući na kraju se nastane u Banjanima. Od ovoga Tripka vojvode, vele, da su i ovi pivski rodovi: Jokovići, Banovići i Pejovići.

Kecojevici su najstariji stanovnici sela Pirni Do, a doseljeni su iz Banjana nazad 250 godina. Vele, bila četiri brata i hajdukovali. Turci su ih gonili i oni su morali da beže iz Banjana. Jedan se otseli u Herceg Novi, krajem XVII veka a već 1726 g. pominje se u opštini Topla: seća Jovo Kecojević. Drugi pobegne u Pivu i nastani se u Pirnom Dolu. Ubrzo pogine i ostane mu žena Kanda sa četvoro dece. Treći brat pobegne u Nevesinje, tamo promeni prezime i zaturi trag, a s četvrtim šta je bilo ne zna se. Dubljevići (2 k.) od Dubljevića iz Dubljevića. Šipčići (3 k.) od Šipčića iz sela Crne Gore. Mićanovići (7 k.) od Mićanovića s Goranska. Jokovići (2 k.), rod s Jokovićima na Breznima. Cicmili (2 k.) od Cicmila iz Stoca.

Toma K. Popović: Hercegnovi, s. 139, navodi 1701 g. Nikolu Kecojevića kao doseljenika, a Kecojevići su Pivljani. 1701 godine - stoji među 6 potpisa i ime Nikola Kecoević (Kecović) Ivan Kecojević iz Pirnoga Dola, osamdesetih godina prošlog veka, bio je najviši čovek u Crnoj Gori: imao je oko 2.10 m.

text preuzet iz knjige Svetozara Tomića "Piva i Pivljani."

H. Khaled Al-Bustami

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Brian 23:06, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
H. Khaled Al-Bustami (born 1941) is a Graduated Civil Engineer from the University of Athens and a Jordanian politician. He also holds many honorary degrees, memberships and affiliations locally and internationally, as well as 11 Medals and decorations. He was the Ambassador of Jordan to Riyadh - Saudi Arabia from October 25, 1978 to November 28, 1983. He had been an advisor at the Royal Palace from January 1984 until October 1988, when he gained the post of Ambassador Minister to Ottawa - Canada. He retired as a diplomate and returned to public life on May 1998. He died in Montreal and was buried at the family tomb in Amman - Jordan.



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Brian 23:06, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply] 01:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Abodigital: A slang term used to describe a the indigenous culture of australia. The term was created in early 2006 by Gus Martinez. The term is used in deformation of the aboriginal culture. Similar terms are "abo, "abodiginal", "bodiginal", "borab", "rabodiginal", etc.


[edit] 01:25, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Untitled Less Than Zero Sequel

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Brian 23:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

According to an interview with Bret Easton Ellis, the author of the 1985 novel Less Than Zero, he claims to have decided on making a sequel to the book featuring the main characters from the first novel in present day. He has quoted being hesitent about making a sequel: "It's a really dangerous thing to do. You've got to be super careful on how you're going to approach this. If I want to write it I'm going to have to write it. If it's going to mess up people's memories of the first one then so be it, there's really nothing I can do about that."[1]


[edit] 01:25, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Top Ten LArgest Troop Numbers

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Brian 23:10, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Below is a list of the top 10 countries with the largest number of active troops in the world (numbers are approx.) in 2005 and a couple that may be of interest;

1. India with 2,415,000 2. People’s Republic of China with 2,250,000 3. Iran with 1,755,000 4. USA with 1,425,000 5. Russia with 1,140,000 6. North Korea with 1,022,000 7. Pakistan with 712,000 8. South Korea with 686,000 9. Turkey with 515,000 10. Myanmar with 488,000

22. United Kingdom with 213,000

65. Australia with 54,000

Below is a list of the top 10 countries with the largest number of active troops in the world (numbers are approx.) in 2005 and a couple that may be of interest;

1. India with 2,415,000 2. People’s Republic of China with 2,250,000 3. Iran with 1,755,000 4. USA with 1,425,000 5. Russia with 1,140,000 6. North Korea with 1,022,000 7. Pakistan with 712,000 8. South Korea with 686,000 9. Turkey with 515,000 10. Myanmar with 488,000

22. United Kingdom with 213,000

65. Australia with 54,000



Internet 01:29, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Komazawa Park International School

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[edit] 01:40, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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HE IS VERY ANNOYING165.98.226.68 01:58, 14 August 2006 (UTC)ALBERTO[reply]


[edit] 02:22, 14 August 2006 (UTC) look for the guy with the rather large biceps, bulging 6-pack with the number 7 on the back.[reply]

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Unfamiliar Occurrence


Unfamiliar Occurrence is a Southern California underground independent experimental music band founded in 2003 by author, singer, guitarist, songwriter, and producer Sam Oak. Sam Oak is fully responsible for the artistic direction and content of Unfamiliar Occurrence as well as its recording production and sound engineering. A number of other musicians are sometimes assembled to play a variety of live shows extending from acoustic to fully electric ensembles. Sam Oak writes fairly uncomplicated songs composed of 1-4 chords and sometimes with no changes in the structure or form of the melody. Barrowing from various genres of electronic music, trip-hop, and hip-hop, Sam Oak layers FX on top of simple chord progressions which give the music variety and dynamics. Yet, his music does not sound minimalistic and manages to retain a rock and roll edge without sounding like electronic music, coining the term “glitch-rock.” The beats are produced as Sam Oak records himself on a Jazz/Hip-Hop hybrid drum set. The drums are then fed into various synthesizers, Midi-systems, looping stations, and computers to modernize the drum sound without loosing their organic quality. He records bass lines with an active electronics Standard Fender Jazz Bass and mixes them into the song without modifying them. He then records the guitar tracks using a Telecaster Guitar (painted and signed by renowned artist Aaron Kraten) using either clean or fuzz (using a DS-1 Boss Distortion Pedal) settings. Sam Oak produces the FX using the art of Circuit Bending, synthesizers, and ambient recordings. He then mixes the vocals live in a separate layer. During the live shows, he uses an iPod Nano which is connected to a mixing and looping station. The iPod has the drums and bass lines that he has produced. He then uses foot pedal FX and looping stations to create sound effects while playing the guitar and singing. All of these components have to be played in sync with the right volume mixing levels which is an art in and of itself. He calls his live performance “the Nano Seed Pod Project.” All of his equipment for live shows fit into two small briefcases and a guitar bag, giving it a compact ultra-modern utility while bringing the cutting edge of computer production into the world of live music for solo artists. He does not use a separate amplifier if there is PA system due the natural compression and mix of the single output source that comes out of his mixer. He also uses headphones as a monitor while playing live.



[edit] 02:23, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Stuart Hayes


STUART HAYES: just look for the guy on the field with the large biceps, bulging 6 pack with the number 7 on the back 02:24, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Michael Jarjura


Brian 23:19, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Michael Jarjura is the Mayor of Waterbury, Connecticut.

He was originally elected in 2001. In 2005 he was re-elected as a write-in candidate after losing the Democratic primary.

Prior to his election as Mayor, Jarjura served in the Connecticut House of Representatives representing the 74th District in the city's east end. He was employed by the Connecticut Attorney General's office prior to entering elective politics.

Jarjura is considered a conservative Democrat. In 2006 he endorsed the independent senate campaign of Joe Lieberman.


[edit] 02:38, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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[edit] 02:43, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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MuchAdrenaline is an action sports and music program on MuchMusic.

It is a one-hour show devoted to the action sports lifestyle. Covering sports such as skateboarding, surfing, wakeboarding, BMX, mountain biking, and snowboarding it also aims to introduce new and emerging sports such as ropeboarding, parkour, and wakeskating, among others. It also plays music videos by current artists often associated with the action sports lifestyle.

It can be seen on MuchMusic Mondays at 7:00 PM EST.

MuchAdrenaline was created by by producer, Billy Hussey and developed by Billy Hussey and Travis Formosa. The show is produced by Billy Hussey, Travis Formosa and Colin McRae. It is currently hosted by VJs Leah Miller and Tim Deegan.


[edit] 02:51, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Attack deleted

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Brian 23:22, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Aqua Shift

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Brian 23:24, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Aqua Shift is a technical racing suit designed by Tyr Sports, Inc. It is manufactured under lisence from Spyder Active Sports, Inc. The suits range from $130-$380. Aqua Shift uses the theoretical application of tripwires to reduce wave and pressure drag.



Aqua Shift suits are manufactured in jammers, tights, zipperback short johns, zipperback full bodies, aerobacks, aeroback and zipperback short johns, and aeroback and zipperback full bodies.




Dustin Craig Javorsky

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Brian 23:28, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Dustin Craig Javorsky was born in 1985 in Findlay, Ohio to Carolyn And Craig Durnwald residents then of Mount Blanchard, Ohio. About a year after his birth Dustin was taken by his mother along with his two siblings Stacey and Travis to Tuscon, Arizona, from there his mother divorced his father. Dustin was then enrolled in elementary school and lived with his mother and her boyfriend in a middle-class home in West Tuscon. At the age of four Dustin's mother again moved to Wellington, Colorado where he lived in a rural farming community North of Ft. Collins, Colorado. It was here Dustin attended school until the age of six. At the age of six Dustin's mother again moved from Colorado to Toledo, Ohio where she was to marry John J Javorsky. While living with John J Javorsky in an upper middle-class neighborhood he attended school until the age of eight, at age eight Dustin's family moved yet again to Boyington Beach, Florida because of an employment opportunity for his step father. Dustin was enrolled in a Magnet program school and was required to ride the public transit system from school every day, with his older sister. After a year or two in Boyington Beach, Florida; Dustin's step-father again relocated the family to Pueblo, Colorado where he began working with another company. Dustin was Thirteen years old, he was enrolled at Pueblo West High School. In the last year or so, Dustin had developed a strong interest in computers and was quite proficient in the finer points of using computers. While attending High School Dustin was asked to work for the school district when problems with the school's computers would occur. As luck would have it, the school's computers were having problems quite often, and for the next three years Dustin was rarely in class, he flew through High school and graduated with a average GPA. In Dustin's senior year at High School his mother and step father seperated, his step father moved to Salt Lake City, Utah where he had been working for the past two years, commuting back and forth every weekend. His mother moved into a older neighborhood in downtown Pueblo, Colorado. After a few months, Dustin moved with his family to Salt Lake City, Utah where they purchased a home in Draper, Utah. Dustin became employed by a Las Vegas, Nevada based company known as Knight Systems, where he worked for nine months while also working as a full-time security officer and attending night school at I.T.T. Technical Institute in Murray, Utah; before leaving for Hong Kong. Dustin arrived in Hong Kong to meet an aquaintence who was seeking crew to take a fifty-three foot steel ketch around the world, after spending a month in the company of Tom Blancarte and his ketch "Karaka" he departed seeking employment to Bangkok, Thailand; it was here that he was employed at the Islamic College of Thailand, he became a teacher of English for students ranging in age from 10-21. While in Thailand Dustin learned to speak the Thai language to a very advanced level, with no formal lessons he learned to speak the language from the inhabitants of his apartment building. While living in Thailand Dustin became romantically involved with a young Thai super model, Piraporn Tacheswaddin was attending a university where Dustin had been working temporarily. Dustin met Piraporn while interviewing Thai college students to assess their level of English. He was known to describe his first meeting with her as remarkable and life altering. He spent the next few months teaching and enjoying himself in Thailand. Around December of 2004 Piraporn's father was involved in an accident in his home and later died due to medical complications, Piraporn was devastated and Dustin's relationship with her never fully recovered. Depressed and seeking a change Dustin left for Seoul, South Korea; once in Korea Dustin was employed by Songang Language Program, a subsiderary of Songang University in Pusan, Korea. Dustin began his teaching in Korea as a kindergarten instructor, but found this to be quite difficult, he quickly changed to teaching students aged 8 to 14 years old. While living in Korea his employed provided him with everything he needed, from a four bedroom apartment on the fifteenth floor of a Seoul high rise to clothing and meals. While living in Korea Dustin struggled with the depression of his break-up with Piraporn, it was reported that he spent hours sitting in a large leather swivel chair where he could overlook the city below. After three short months in Korea, Dustin could not get his focus and his performance at his place of work was heavily affected. In March of 2005 he returned to Draper, Utah unsure of what he was to do. When he returned to Salt Lake City, Utah he became employed with several temporary staffing agencies, needing a constant change of pace Dustin struggled in positions that kept him in any form of routine. After working in Salt Lake City, Utah for a number of companies, some for only two or three days he quit and returned to Thailand in July of that year. While in Thailand he reunited with his former co-worker Paul Merrick an Australian native who had been working at the Islamic College at the same time as Dustin. Dustin spent a month in Northern Thailand in a small village known as Ban-Moo-Mon near the small town of Somdet near the border with Laos. Dustin took this time to travel Thailand and try to get a handle on what he wanted to do with his life; sadly he was unable to find his purpose here either. Dustin left Thailand shortly after and arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal. He was known to stay in Kathmandu, Nepal for only a few days before he departed for the Mount Everest base camp trail, Dustin departed Jiri in September 2005 and arrived in Everest base camp on October eighth, reaching a final altitude of 20,481ft above sea level. When Dustin returned to Kathmandu he travelled to Chitwan in Southern Nepal where he stayed with the family of a friend he met in the mountains, after a few weeks in Chitwan he departed for Nepalganj a town riding the border of India. There Dustin spent his time working as a volunteer teacher in a rural elementary school, while staying in the community Dustin donated over five thousand dollars to the local population who were without electricity or running water to purchase the equipment needed to make a smooth transition into modern life. After nearly two months in Nepal Dustin departed for Qatar, when he arrived in Qatar he faced a financial crisis of sorts, he had nearly no money left and was very far from home, he made a decision that would forever change the way he was to travel. He started walking everywhere, everywhere he went he walked or would wait until he was offered a ride. He was able to travel extremely cheap and he befriended an amazing assortment of people. Dustin walked from Qatar around the Arabian Penninsula via United Arab Emirates and Oman to the port city of Aden, Yemen. Once in Aden Dustin was at a deadlock, the continent of Africa laid out before him, he was able to hitch hike on a commercial freighter to Dijibouti where he travelled to Cairo, Egypt. When he arrived in Cairo, Egpyt he faced a deciscion that would make or break his travel, to return to Salt Lake City, Utah or to press on and drive his last few dollars into the ground. He chose to return home, and with his last dollars made it to his door step in Draper, Utah with less then ten dollars to spare. Once back in Utah he began to repay his student loans accumulated from I.T.T. Technical Institute of Murray, Utah. Dustin worked for a number of employers yet again unable to find a job that was fitting, his longest position was with Bridgestone Firestone of America for three months where he was able to save enough money to return to Africa. In 2006 Dustin returned to Africa via Paris, France and walked from Morocco to Cairo in nine months, almost all of which he spent in the Sahara desert living among the native tribal nomads. Dustin is currently in Salt Lake City, again repaying his student loans and preparing for a grand adventure to South America, not yet twenty-one years old he has accomplished a great deal and should be recognized as one of America's youngest adventurers, being only seventeen years old when he began to explore the world around him.


[edit] 03:15, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Hogwarts: A History

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Brian 23:38, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Hogwarts: A History is a book often referred back to by Hermione Granger of Gryffindor to show Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley the "obvious" rules of the school. Such as: No apparition on or off of Hogwarts' grounds and the ceiling of the Great Hall that shows the night sky.



Harry Potter and the Sorceror's/Philosopher's Stone- by: J.K. Rowling. 03:33, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Brian 23:38, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
straight gangster baby


[edit] 03:44, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science

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Brian 23:39, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Located in Pittsburgh, PA, PIMS is an institute designed for the training of funeral directors and embalmers.


[edit] 03:52, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Robert Sowell



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Brian 23:47, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Washin-Ryu is a form of traditional Japanese Karate brought to the United States by Sensei Hidy Ochiai. It's headquarters is located in Vestal, NY just outside of Binghamton. Washin-Ryu also has many branch schools all over New York State with a few in Massachussettes, Connecticut, Pennslyvania and Ohio.

Washin-Ryu Karate is taught by Hidy Ochiai 04:37, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Howard Roughan

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Brian 23:48, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Howard Roughan is an American author. He currently has two novels in print: The Up and Comer (2001) and The Promise of a Lie (2004). Roughan also co-wrote the novel Honeymoon with best-selling author James Patterson.

Roughan is a graduate of Dartmouth College. He rose through the ranks of the advertising industry in New York City before publishing his first novel, The Up and Comer, with Warner Books. Roughan credits his keen writing skills to his years of work in advertising. On his web site, Roughan writes, "I wouldn't have been able to write a single chapter, let alone a whole book, without my advertising background."

Howard Roughan lives in Ridgefield, Connecticut with his wife and son.


[edit] 04:44, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Message Plant

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Brian 23:50, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Plant you can grow. As the plant grows, your secret message appears on the bud.


[edit] 05:15, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Type-P is a highly contagious diasese that contacts the P reigion of your type. It has currently come into attatchment to Jen, Matteo, and Andrea. Do not go near these people, or you too will have it. This diagonsis is a very serious illness and should not be the bud of any joke.


Symptoms include: Staying awake until late hours Typing errors Extensive laughter Insane remarks

Call a doctor if you experience any of this, so it can be treated before it becomes any more serious!

Kanan Bhatt

This request for creation has been reviewed. The result is below.
If your request was declined and you want to make changes and try again, copy and paste your article into a new submission and make your changes there., an innovative genre in business publishing is the brainchild of the young, charismatic and vivacious Ms. Kanan Bhatt. Kanan's romance with the corporate world dates back to her childhood. With her gorgeous looks, Kanan could have opted for a glamorous career as a model or an actress but she wanted to pursue a more cerebral profession that would add value to the industry and the society. Instead of Hollywood or Bollywood, she headed for the Corporate Woods.

For Kanan Bhatt corporate world is the most fascinating of all places According to Kanan, "The corporate world is the most fascinating of all places - the largest structured congregation in society where people from different backgrounds, upbringing, nationalities, cultures, races, religions, genders, habits & temperaments come together to seemingly fulfill a common corporate mission; each with his or her own individual agenda, at times harmonious and at other times disjoint. While we try to term the time we spend here as the professional work life and many of us try to keep it separate from our personal lives, little do we realize that this is just a myth to fool our own minds. It is humanly impossible to compartmentalize the two. Majority of us carry forward our personal idiosyncrasies into our professional worlds and our professional baggage into our personal space, making each more challenging than the other, sometimes exhilarating and exasperating at other times. is a realty and fiction series that gives a voice to this plethora of emotions."

After Bachelors in Engineering and an MBA from premier institutes, Kanan went on to manage complex technology businesses across the globe. For someone so young and spirited, she displays a much versatile and wiser disposition on life, achievement and values.

Despite her successful and illustrious career and her global exposure across Europe, the US and India, Kanan seems to exude a down to earth personality with an ebullient and bright charm.

"As an active and passive participant of the corporate world, it has been interesting to observe, analyze, experience and understand the vagaries of this world that make and mar destinies, where companies bloom and wither; icons are built and busted and products are taken from cradle to grave," says Kanan

Kanan's book "The Mist" drives home the age old theory of the power of purpose. Amidst sensational success and glittering glory, it awakens the corporate conscience to create heroes with social responsibility and emphasizes the importance of ethics in business and in life.

Her other fictional masterpiece "The Power of Weakness" exposes us to the negative powers lurking in corporate corridors that if left unchecked, can shake the very foundations of Business and the fabric of society.

The series of books will appeal to all stakeholders and spectators of this corporate world -Senior management, operational managers, functional specialists, legal counselors, auditors and financiers, stock market analysts, vendors and the engineering, management and other graduating student population who will be spending majority of their adult life in the concrete, corporate jungle.



Media information please refer Media section in their website -COVER STORY ON MS KANAN BHATT 05:17, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Brian 23:54, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Cooperative breeding

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Cooperative breeding is a social system in which individuals help care for young that are not their own. The non-parental care givers (alloparents) may be other reproducing adults, as in the case of lionesses who litter at the same time nursing and caring for their cubs in communally, reproductively mature but non-reproducing adults, as in subordinate wolves helping to feed and protect the pups of the alpha female, sub-fertile or infertile adults, such as the worker castes in social insects species, post-reproductive adults, as in human grandmothers caring for their grandchildren, or sub-adults, as in young Florida scrub jays who stay with their parents a year or two as helpers at the nest before leaving to mate. Bi-parental care, in which a male forgoes pursuit of additional mating opportunities to help care for youngsters that are likely his offspring, shares many characteristics with cooperative breeding and could be considered a subset of it.

Related terms: co-operative breeding, cooperative breeder, cooperatively breeding, communal breeding, breeding collective, bi-parental care, alloparent, allomother

See also: Helpers at the nest, Mating system, Alloparenting



The Past, Present, and Future of the Human Family, by Sarah Blaffer Hrdy The Tanner Lectures on Human Values Delivered at University of Utah February 27 and 28, 2001

BIO 555/755 Behavioral Ecology, Instructor: Gary Ritchison Lecture Notes 8: Cooperation & Helping - Cooperative Breeding in Vertebrates Lecture Notes 8b: Insect Sociality

Cooperative Breeding in Mammals, by Nancy G. Solomon (Editor), Jeffrey A. French (Editor) Cambridge University Press (November 28, 1996), ISBN: 0521454913 05:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Open ePolicy Group

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The Open ePolicy Group is a global network of technology experts, currently based at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, a policy center at Harvard Law School. Created in September 2005, the Open ePolicy Group provides policymakers and managers with thought leadership and tools related to leading technology issues. The Open ePolicy Group's first product, the Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems, is a meta-level framework of best practices, case studies and tools aimed at sensitizing policymakers, CIOs, industry and other stakeholders to the benefits of open information and communication technologies (ICT) ecosystems.

Who is the Open ePolicy Group?


In its original formulation, the Open ePolicy Group, founded by Jeffrey A. Kaplan, an Affiliate at the Berkman Center, represented an unprecedented global collaboration among twenty-five individuals, including senior officials from thirteen nations, thought leaders from five global organizations including the World Bank and European Commission, experts from two leading technology companies and academics from one of the world’s most respected universities.

What is the Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems?


The Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems helps people understand what open ICT ecosystems are, why they are embraced and how to evolve them. It also demonstrates how introducing “openness” across an ICT ecosystem provides new ways to drive efficiency, innovation and growth to meet the needs of our high-speed, on-demand world.

The Roadmap focuses on ICT ecosystems, which is another way of saying the technology environment of a country, a locality, a government or an organization. In the view of the Open ePolicy Group, ICT ecosystems are: interoperable, user-centric, collaborative, sustainable and flexible

The Roadmap for Open ICT Ecosystems provides specific policy recommendations, tools and case studies related to ICT issues such as open standards, interoperability frameworks, open-source software and technology procurement.

To assist governments and enterprises, the Roadmap offers a new tool -- the Openness Maturity Model (OMM) -- to assess where an ICT ecosystem is and where it should be headed. Many capability maturity models exist to guide change management in an ICT environment, especially wit respect to software. The Open ePolicy Group, however, created the OMM gauge openness across an entire ICT ecosystem. The Openness Maturity Model is a first attempt to provide such a tool.

The model does not precisely measure openness, but instead organizes baseline data into a broader framework. It describes a pathway to open ICT ecosystems by examining certain basic features including interoperability, open technology usage, business process linkages, procurement strategies and collaborative development.

The Roadmap is currently available in five languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish.


OeG in the News



[edit] (website for the Berkman Center for Internet & Society) (Development Gateway website of World Bank) (website of Asia Pacific Development Information Programme of the United Nations Development Programme) 06:35, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Brian 23:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Love-Bheits is the seventh episode of the seconds season of the Venture Brothers

((start box)) ((succession box)) ((end box))

((VentureBrosEps)) 06:44, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Kamikaze (comics)





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 [[Template:(({1))}|v]]  Brian 23:58, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Subscriber and bandwidth management solution for internet service provider


[edit] 06:56, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Brian 23:58, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball Name AUSTRALIAN RED CEDAR Toona austalia (Cedrela toona) Distribution Once found from Sydney to North Queensland. The Tree One of the largest trees of the Australian rainforests, reported to reach a height of about 60 m and a trunk diameter of 3 m, although trees of this size would be exceptional. One of Australia's few deciduous trees. Bark prominently cracked giving a tesselated appearance. New leaves are pinkish so that early timber getters were able to spot trees in the rain forest. Has long sprays of small white flowers followed by dry fruits up to 2.5cm long. Rapid growing. Trees heavily buttressed The Timber A handsome dark red although some specimens are pink or even yellowish. Darkens with age. Growth rings are very prominent on back sawn boards. Buttress and crutch timber can be very heavily figured. Has a very distinctive pleasant smell. Seasoning Seasons fairly quickly but occasionally can be subject to collapse. Durability Exceptionally durable. Pale sapwood prone to borer attack Uses Top quality cabinet and furniture work, interior panelling, veneers, turning and carving, boat building, cigar boxes. Was used in railway carriages in early days of plenty. Availability Now a rare timber. A good tree can be seen growing in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens Working Qualities Easy to work and takes a high polish. Bends well. Fairly soft and bruises easily Availability Now a rare timber. A good tree can be seen growing in the Adelaide Botanical Gardens[reply]


[edit] 07:30, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Callum Murdoch

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Brian 23:59, 14 August 2006 (UTC)btball Callum Murdoch is 15 and attends Hale School in Perth, Western Australia.[reply]

He plays for the Western Australian State Australian Rules Football team, playing in a competition in Darwin in 2006.


[edit] 09:07, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Stargazey Pie

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Brian 00:01, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Fish pie mad in such a way as to leave the fish heads poking out of the crust as if the fish are staring at the sky.

Rodi Bircan-Australian Model

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Brian 00:06, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]


[edit] 09:23, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Deer Shelter

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Brian 00:12, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
This is the latest installation by James Turrell and as his previous work has been in climates with far more light, one might have feared that it would fall flat. It does not. The installation is within the Yorkshire Sculpture Park which is the modern use of Bretton Park, an 18th and 19th century stately home and deer park. The buildings are in use by Leeds University and the parkland given over to the YSP. Within the park is the old deer shelter - a bad weather shelter typical of such estates - and in the hill behind the shelter Jamues Turrell has created another of his sky-scapes (2006) as a permanent feature. In the ceiling of a high room, whose walls are lined with austere concrete benches (with a nod, it seemed to me, to Egyptian funerary architecture) is a square aperture. It has no reveals, so there is no depth in what one looks up at, and this has the effect of collapsing the whole sky to just two dimensions and presenting it as a moving picture. The sky was perfectly grey when I lay on the floor of the installation (not sure if one is supposed to!) and the effect remarkable. The more so when I threw a coin up through the hole and gasped as it crossed into the apparently flat space before descending. Do go and see it. It has to be worth a 200 mile round trip (or in my case 400)


[edit] 09:33, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Brian 00:13, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

OOtapally is small village, Actually it came from oota(Spring) and pally(is a village). Majority of the people are farmers, For our farming we will get water from Nagarjuna sagar. we fall under Nargarjuna sagar left Canal. We also one government school near the bus stop. For higher studies , the we need to come Miryalaguda / Suryapet or Hyderabad. There are 2 main road in this village, one will take you to the Miryalaguda and another one will take you suryapet. Though it is a small village, we have so many Engineers and doctors from this village.


[edit] 10:01, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ajax and Flower

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Brian 00:14, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Ajax and Flower are two male and female cavies, owned by Joshua and Daniel Coxon.

call number

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a womans vagina

Standby Letter of Credit

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Brian 00:17, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

A letter of credit normally issued by a bank to a beneficiary (say an exporter), to be used only when the applicant (say the importer) defaults on another agreed method of payment.

Typically, an exporter and an importer come to an agreement that on presentation of invoice and bill by the exporter, the importer will make payment from his own sources (or from a credit account that he may be enjoying). But the importer gives a 'standby letter of credit' from a bank which can be used by the exporter only if the importer fails to make payment as promised.

How it is different from a normal 'letter of credit'?

An issuing bank undertakes to directly pay the proceeds of a bill to the beneficiary (the exporter) on presentation of prescribed documents. After paying the beneficiary, the bank recovers the amount from the importer. Thus, the bank is under direct obligation here. In case of standby letter of credit, the bank's liability is secondary and takes effect only if the first obligant fails.



Fortunately, reliable sources are available for this term. Only I am surprised wikipedia did not have this information. For the record, I would recommend Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) site which is a treasure house of knowledge in terms of banking and finance. The specific URL I would recommend is:

As for the definition, I could find the following web-definitions:

A letter of credit designed to be used only when the applicant defaults on another agreed method of payment.

Issued by Johnson Bank at the request of our customer and is used on both a domestic and international basis . Generally, this Letter of Credit is a guarantee of a customer's obligation pursuant to an agreement or contract between two parties

an obligation issued by a bank on behalf of a customer to a third party, states that the bank will pay the latter upon presentation of a statement signed by the beneficiary stating that the bank's customer has not fulfilled the terms of the contract 11:39, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Brian 00:19, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

drumlane are the greatest gaa club in cavan. there most reknowned player is barry corrigan many people say he is the mythical king of milltown!!


[edit] 12:25, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Jon Regen

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Brian 00:21, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Jon Regen is a New York City-based singer, songwriter and pianist.

After apprenticing world-renowned pianist Kenny Barron at the Mason Gross School of The Arts, Regen moved to NYC, where he made a name for himself leading his own trios, as well as anchoring the bands of Kyle Eastwood and Jimmy Scott.

Regen was named Runner Up in The Great American Jazz Piano Competition, and was also named to the Steinway Artist Roster.

His three CDs as a leader, (Live at The Blue Note, Tel Aviv, and Almost Home), have received critical acclaim.


[edit] 13:03, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Bablu is a common nickname in India.


[edit] 13:26, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

mogdad coffee

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Brian 00:27, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Mogdad coffee is a very leafy malodorous(having bad odour) tropical weedy shrub whose seeds are used as an adulterant for coffee. It is sometimes classified in genus Cassia

Synonyms: [coffee senna, styptic weed, stinking weed, Senna occidentalis, Cassia occidentalis ]

External link []


[edit] 13:33, 14 August 2006 (UTC) Bold text[reply]

Purple Banana

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Purple Bananas come in rocket ships shaped like grocery stores. Purple bananas eat green cows and thats why you've never seen a green cow.

for more info, go to and search purple bananas.

PURPLE BANANAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 10:17, August 14, 2006


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Hemmeres is a district of Winterspelt, a community in Germany. It is located in the federal state Rhineland-Palatinate and in the rural district Bitburg-Prüm. The village is situated at the Our, a river which marks the border between Germany and Belgium. About 35 habitants are living in Hemmeres. Its landmark is a typical styled farmhouse of this region from the 18th century.

FC Corvinul Hunedoara

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Brian 00:30, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
Romanian football club, founded in 1921.
Early period. The team has been competing in lower leagues (other names: U.F.H., I.M.S or Metalul), until it finally promotes in 1953 for the first time in the First National League (Divizia A, Liga 1).
Golden age. Corvinul became a top club in Romania with the arrival of Mircea Lucescu as coach-player in 1979. The team has been relegated in the first season, but came back in the next season. The best season was 1980-81, when Corvinul reached the 3rd place and qualified for the UEFA Cup. It played against Grazer AK (1-1, 3-0) and FK Sarajevo (4-4, 4-0). In the following years, Corvinul has been one of the most admired teams in the Romanian championship, being especially strong on the home games ("norma hunedoreana" or the Hunedoara Plan, which meant that Corvinul scored at least 3 goals in each home game for the whole season, is still a legendary performance).
During this period, it had provided numerous players to the Romania National Team: Michael Klein, Ioan Petcu, Ioan Andone, Mircea Rednic, Dorin Mateut, Romulus Gabor (1981 - best youth player in the world), Florea Vaetus.
Current period. In 1992, Corvinul has relegated from the First League and it has never come back.



Fan site [5] 14:34, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Brian 00:32, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
"Siddis" is the word used for a person, man or woman, inhabiting, or coming from, the city of Stavanger, Norway. The origin of the word is unknown, though it is believed to come from the English word citizen, or the Norwegian word "iddis", a word used for the labels of brisling cans.


[edit] 14:45, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


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Eeshit Vaishnav

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Brian 00:37, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Eeshit Vaishnav, who is the greatest person who will ever be born.His great brain is considered to be the place where all the existing inventions were thought!



Eeshit Vaishnav 14:50, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

City of Films

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Brian 00:39, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

The City of Films is an entertainment website created and maintained by Graham McMorrow in Edmonton Alberta Canada.

At the moment the site is being relaunched to better filmmakers and for the "citizens" to better understand the film industry. Sometimes sourced as: cityoffilms,



Reelclerk 14:54, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]


[edit] 15:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

T-1 Terminator



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Oceangram is a fun and free version of the childhood game of putting a message in a bottle and casting it into the ocean. The choice is yours to either write a message or wait for one to come to you. Once a bottle appears either add on to the message or reject it and toss it back. Its a great way to share opinions and thoughs, or just ask, "Where are you from?".


[edit] 15:23, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Tommy Tycho

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Brian 00:44, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Maestro Tommy Tycho is Australia's number one maestro. Composer, Orchestrator, Arranger, Conductor and Concert Pianist. He has conducted the orchestras for Sammy Davis Jr, Mel Torme, Jerry Lewis, Peter Allen, Johnny O' Keefe, Jack Benny, Peggy Lee, Kylie Minogue, Anthony Warlow, Shirley Bassey and almost every Royal Command Performance for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth in Australia since 1965.

(copy of snipped. --Geniac 17:36, 30 August 2006 (UTC))[reply]

An excellent television interview with Tommy was on Channel 2 in 2005. The transcript of the interview can be read at A quote from this excellent interview; PETER THOMPSON: How would you like to be remembered? TOMMY TYCHO: I guess somebody who has been able to bring some valuable musical...presence to the Australian culture. PETER THOMPSON: You've stirred millions of us. Tommy, thank you very much for joining us. TOMMY TYCHO: Thank you, Peter. Thank you. SUMMARY OF MAESTRO TYCHO'S FILM CREDITS

(copy of snipped. --Geniac 17:36, 30 August 2006 (UTC))[reply]




Tommy Tycho's autobiography was published in 1995. (Published by Brolga Publishing PTY LTD. - ISBN 0-909608-31-8. PRINTED BY GRIFFIN PAPERBACKS, AUSTRALIA. COPYRIGHT - TOMMY TYCHO.) 15:55, 14 August 2006 (UTC) ROBERT TEICHER[reply]

List of Lakes of Puerto Rico


See Also


List of Resovoirs of Puerto Rico

List of Swamps of Puerto Rico




Puerto Rico Guide from Satellite

I used this site as reference, but I created the list alphabetically by the municipalities of Puerto Rico. I may have added or made corrections to the list. 16:02, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Lists of Swamps of Puerto Rico


See Also


List of Lakes of Puerto Rico

List of Resovoirs of Puerto Rico




Puerto Rico Guide from Satellite

I used this site as reference, but I created the list alphabetically by the municipalities of Puerto Rico. I may have added or made corrections to the list. 16:05, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

List of Resovoirs of Puerto Rico


See Also


List of Lakes of Puerto Rico

List of Swamps of Puerto Rico




Puerto Rico Guide from Satellite

I used this site as reference, but I created the list alphabetically by the municipalities of Puerto Rico. I may have added or made corrections to the list. 16:08, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

2006 Pan Pacific Swimming Championships


List of Mountain Ranges of Puerto Rico


See Also


List of Mountain Ridges of Puerto Rico

List of Puerto Rico state forests




Puerto Rico Guide from Satellite

I used this site as reference, but I created the list alphabetically by the municipalities of Puerto Rico. I may have added or made corrections to the list. 16:11, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

List of Mountain Ridges of Puerto Rico


See Also


List of Mountain Ranges of Puerto Rico

List of Puerto Rico state forests




Puerto Rico Guide from Satellite

I used this site as reference, but I created the list alphabetically by the municipalities of Puerto Rico. I may have added or made corrections to the list. 16:12, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

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Brian 00:48, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]

Cavenger combines the world's most popular media and news content and delivers it to users free of charge. Content ranges from popular television shows such as Seinfield and ranges all the way to respected news progams such as CNN. was founded in Febrary 2006 and is a division of Chicago-based Cavenger Corporation.



About Cavenger Cavenger CorporationBelkin704 16:26, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Sheila Crump

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[edit] and washington Post 16:41, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Shree Parola Balaji


Cyberworld 3D (2000)


Kevin Honold

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Brian 00:55, 15 August 2006 (UTC)btball[reply]
An amazing person ( 18:07, 14 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

1989 British Touring Car Championship

  1. ^ interview with Ellis featuring information about the book