The following is a list of the National Basketball League player articles that do not presently have tables representing their career statistics. Feel free to remove names upon addition of statistics.

My mission for creating this list is to see to it that all NBL player pages have a stats table attached, and that anyone who is looking up such articles can take for granted that they can see the player stats at a glance. I have the same goals in mind for the NBA, WNBA, and ABA. This list does not concern the NBA stats of men who played in the NBL, then later played in the NBA. Such NBA stats are covered at the equivalent NBA player list.

Players are listed according to their rookie season, and listed alphabetically within their section.

With the NBL being one of the first professional basketball leagues ever, it was therefore a league that existed while professional basketball was "just starting to figure things out". This is absolutely reflected in the statistics. The statistics that were recorded, and survive to this day, exclusively pertained to scoring points. No rebounds, no assists, no fouls, no turnovers, and it was way before steals and blocks started being tallied in the 1973-74 NBA season. The entirety of the NBL's stats recorded, from an individual player standpoint; were games played, field goals made, free throws made, free throws attempted (intermittently), and points. Not even field goals attempted. This is why I made a table template and legend unique to that of NBL players. While NBA stat tables do not conventionally detail field goals attempted, free throws made, or free throws attempted; I decided that NBL stat tables can, due to the need to have any stats at all in the tables if the tables are to exist.

For anyone who would suggest that putting NBL stats on player pages could be undue weight due to the stats being a fringe interest, and that parlaying the stats of a league that has not existed since the 1940s does not have translatable relevance to the present day; I respectfully disagree. I would like the stats to be there, verified, for anyone who would be interested in them. The NBL was an extremely important league in shaping how the NBA is today, even having MVP and Rookie of the Year awards. I believe it would be more unfair to keep the stats off of NBL player pages, especially the likes of Leroy Edwards or Bobby McDermott: great basketball players who never had a playing role in the NBA. I think that putting these stats on Wikipedia is a great way to showcase the output of individual players, while also revealing how statistical trends and trajectories are different from that of any given era of the NBA. Such comparison would especially apply to NBL players who then played in the NBA, and the side-by-side element would be very useful for analysis and research.

It is worth appreciating how long ago in which this era of professional basketball transpired. So long ago, that it is exceptionally rare for an NBL player to be living in the present day. The youngest members of this crowd are aged in their 90s, and who knows how long it will be before they are all gone. As for the few who do remain, including centenarian Johnny Macknowski, I think it is very important to remember and respect the history of these players while they are still with us, and to continue to do so when they are not.

Optional edit summaries:

Do you, fellow editor, want to help bring stats to Wikipedia's NBL player articles? [[User:Mungo Kitsch/Guides/List of NBL (United States) player articles without statistics tables|Click here to see all the articles you can add stat tables to]].

Do you, fellow editor, want to help bring stats to Wikipedia's NBA and/or NBL player articles? Click [[User:Mungo Kitsch/Guides/List of NBA player articles without statistics tables|here]] or [[User:Mungo Kitsch/Guides/List of NBL (United States) player articles without statistics tables|here]] to see all the articles you can add stat tables to.




  1. Ray Adams
  2. Willie Adams
  3. Clyde Anton
  4. Gerry Archibald
  5. Scott Armstrong
  6. Stan Arnzen
  7. Carl Austing
  8. Frank Baird
  9. Beanie Berens
  10. Don Betourne
  11. Chuck Bloedorn
  12. Herb Bonn
  13. Al Bonniwell
  14. Harold Bower
  15. Ed Campion
  16. Dan Carnevale
  17. Al Cervi
  18. George Chestnut
  19. Bobby Colburn
  20. Paul Coleman
  21. Robert Cope
  22. Leo Crowe
  23. Cookie Cunningham
  24. Bob DeWeese
  25. Beryl Drummond
  26. Denny Elliot
  27. Byron Evard
  28. Fred Fechtman
  29. Wilson Fitts
  30. Fred Grafft
  31. Ken Gunning
  32. Bill Haarlow
  33. Warren Hair
  34. Ray Hamann
  35. Johnny Hoekstra
  36. Bill Holland
  37. Ife Holmes
  38. Bill Hosket Sr.
  39. Stan Jackson
  40. Mally Johnson
  41. Ken Jordan
  42. Robert Kessler
  43. Joe Kruse
  44. Ed Kweller
  45. Buck Lamme
  46. Tim Lawry
  47. Sew Leeka
  48. Johnny Lenhart
  49. Bud Lindenberg
  50. Leroy Lins
  51. Frank Linskey
  52. Sam Loucks
  53. Bob Lytle
  54. Red Malackany
  55. Eddie Malanowicz
  56. Frank Maury
  57. Johnny McAdams
  58. Bob McConnell
  59. Vince McGowan
  60. Curt McMahon
  61. Dean Mealy
  62. Gene Mechling
  63. Miller
  64. Walt Miller
  65. Bud Moodler
  66. Dudey Moore
  67. Emmett Morrison
  68. Ray Morstadt
  69. Ed Mullen
  70. Russ Ochsenhirt
  71. Jack Ozburn
  72. Johnny Pawk
  73. Steve Pawk
  74. William Perigo
  75. Woody Pitzer
  76. Pete Preboske
  77. Cy Proffitt
  78. Bart Quinn
  79. Marty Reiter
  80. Ted Rigg
  81. Glenn Roberts
  82. Wyman Roberts
  83. Mal Rush
  84. Lou Rutter
  85. Leo Sack
  86. Junior Saffer
  87. Louie Sauer
  88. Glenn Schlechty
  89. Gene Scholz
  90. Bill Schrader
  91. Jack Shaffer
  92. Charley Shipp
  93. Slim Shoun
  94. Pres Slack
  95. Don Smith
  96. Bello Snyder
  97. Joe Sotak
  98. Joe Stack
  99. Howard Stammler
  100. Walt Stanky
  101. Clovis Stark
  102. Ed Stege
  103. Jack Stirling
  104. Jack Sullivan
  105. George Svendsen
  106. Everett Swank
  107. Earl Thomas
  108. Paul Tobin
  109. Augie Vander Meulen
  110. Norm Wagner
  111. Don Walsh
  112. Warren Whitlinger
  113. John Wiethe
  114. Harlan Wilson
  115. Eddie Wisbar
  116. Herm Witasek
  117. John Wooden
  118. Loren Wright


  1. Sparky Adams
  2. Merle Alexander
  3. Carl Anderson
  4. Byron Bell
  5. Emmet Birk
  6. Jim Birr
  7. Boris
  8. Lou Boudreau
  9. Brown
  10. Jerry Bush
  11. Kieran Crowley
  12. Ed Dancker
  13. Pick Dehner
  14. Glynn Downey
  15. Dave Dupee
  16. Floyd Ebaugh
  17. Joe Fabel
  18. Ernie Fortney
  19. Steve Fowdy
  20. Nick Frascella
  21. Erwin Graf
  22. Walter Grauman
  23. Nick Hashu
  24. George Hesik
  25. Vern Huffman
  26. Art Hyatt
  27. James
  28. Buddy Jeannette
  29. Joe Kinney
  30. Eddie Kolar
  31. Otto Kolar
  32. Les Kuplic
  33. Bill Laughlin
  34. Rube Lautenschlager
  35. Joe Leson
  36. Slim Lonsdorf
  37. William McElligott
  38. Mike McMichael
  39. Ted Migdal
  40. John Moir
  41. Tommy Nisbet
  42. Paul Nowak
  43. Vince Oliver
  44. Bob Parsons
  45. Squint Phares
  46. Bob Phillips
  47. Johnny Posewitz
  48. Scoop Posewitz
  49. Lowis Proctor
  50. Dave Quabius
  51. Gene Rosenthal
  52. Carl Roth
  53. Rex Rudicel
  54. Herm Schuessler
  55. Sicky
  56. John Sines
  57. Paul Sokody
  58. Edward Spotovich
  59. Reno Strand
  60. Ken Suesens
  61. Irving Terjesen
  62. Jack Thornton
  63. Chub Watson
  64. Bob Weigandt
  65. Bill Wendt
  66. Willett
  67. Dave Williams
  68. Nick Yost
  69. Jewell Young
  70. Stan Zadel


  1. Gene Anderson
  2. Ernie Andres
  3. Lou Barle
  4. Buck Batterman
  5. Connie Mack Berry
  6. Tony Carp
  7. Chuck Chuckovits
  8. Marv Colen
  9. Gene Cramer
  10. Jim Currie
  11. Harold Dembo
  12. Wilbur Fox
  13. Nat Frankel
  14. Laddie Gale
  15. James Goff
  16. Dale Hamilton
  17. Al Hanisko
  18. Bob Hassmiller
  19. Ray Hayes
  20. Joel Hitt
  21. George Hogan
  22. Dar Hutchins
  23. Lou Jagnow
  24. Elmer Johnson
  25. Wibs Kautz
  26. Buzz Knoblauch
  27. Garland Lewis
  28. Karl Lillge
  29. Bill Lloyd
  30. Bob MacLeod
  31. Gordon McComb
  32. Ward Meyers
  33. Jim Montgomery
  34. Tex Mueller
  35. Jake Nagode
  36. Bobby Neu
  37. Mike Novak
  38. Tommy O'Brien
  39. Oscar Olson
  40. Bernard Opper
  41. Eddie Oram
  42. Eddie Parry
  43. Pete Pederson
  44. Willie Phillips
  45. Scoop Putnam
  46. Rube Reiswerg
  47. Riskind
  48. Eddie Sadowski
  49. Harry Sorensen
  50. Joe Spudic
  51. Ben Stephens
  52. Marvin Stout
  53. Sally Suddith
  54. Duane Swanson
  55. Hale Swanson
  56. Homer Thompson
  57. Irv Torgoff
  58. Howard Vocke
  59. George Wilson
  60. Slim Wintermute
  61. Tom Wukovits




  1. Jake Ahearn
  2. Ralph Amsden
  3. Art Anderson
  4. Herb Ball
  5. Emil Benko
  6. Al Benson
  7. Fred Beretta
  8. Art Bowman
  9. Jim Brown
  10. Bob Calihan
  11. Bob Carpenter
  12. Bob Dille
  13. Paul DuCharme
  14. Dick Evans
  15. Teddy Falda
  16. Adam Filipczak
  17. Bill Hapac (expansion and translation)
  18. Pete Hecomovich
  19. Jim Higgins
  20. Marv Huffman
  21. Jack Jennings
  22. Splinter Johnson
  23. Bill Lane
  24. Bill McDonald
  25. Bill O'Brien
  26. Tom O'Toole
  27. Page
  28. Jake Pelkington
  29. Jack Piana
  30. Erv Prasse
  31. Paul Price
  32. Jule Rivlin
  33. Clem Ruh
  34. Ed Sadowski
  35. Rusty Saunders
  36. Steve Sitko
  37. Bill Sumerix
  38. Stan Szukala
  39. Chet Tollstam
  40. Ralph Vaughn
  41. John Wiggers


  1. Al Alvarez
  2. Curly Armstrong
  3. Don Beery
  4. Bill Behr
  5. Thermon Blacklidge
  6. Bill Brownell
  7. Rudy Debnar
  8. Bob Dietz
  9. John Drish (expand)
  10. Bob Dro
  11. Gran Edwards
  12. Tommy Edwards
  13. Harry Eich
  14. Don Elser
  15. Bud Engdahl
  16. Gene Englund
  17. Charlie Epperson
  18. Eddie Erban
  19. Mark Ertel
  20. Elmer Gainer
  21. George Glamath
  22. Ken Griffith
  23. Pat Hintz
  24. Lee Huber
  25. Harold Hull
  26. Jack Keller
  27. Bill Komenich
  28. Paul Maki
  29. Bobby McDermott
  30. Morris
  31. George Morse
  32. George Nelmark
  33. Woody Norris
  34. John O'Brien
  35. Red Oberbruner
  36. Lou Possner
  37. Jim Rae
  38. George Ratkovicz
  39. Eddie Riska
  40. Ed Sachs
  41. Herm Schefer
  42. Bennie Schall
  43. Ted Strain
  44. Bill Thompson
  45. Carlisle Towery
  46. Paul Wallace
  47. Abe Yourist
  48. Babe Ziegenhorn


  1. O'Neal Adams
  2. Bob Alwin
  3. Shannie Barnett
  4. Sonny Boswell
  5. Hillery Brown
  6. Ken Buehler
  7. Duke Cumberland
  8. Gus Doerner
  9. Bob Gerber
  10. Cortez Gray
  11. Roosie Hudson
  12. George Jablonski
  13. Al Johnson
  14. Casey Jones
  15. Bill Jones
  16. Bob Kramer
  17. Ray Krzoska
  18. Pete Lalich
  19. Gene Lorendo
  20. Joel Mason
  21. Fred Nimz
  22. Johnny Orr
  23. Tony Peyton
  24. Al Price
  25. Bernie Price
  26. Bob Regh
  27. Warren Schrage
  28. Dick Schulz
  29. Bob Schwartz
  30. Don Smith
  31. Ted Strong
  32. Zano Wast


  1. Hal Cihlar
  2. Harold Dahl
  3. Ned Endress
  4. Gordon Flick
  5. Frank Garcia
  6. Ed Glancy
  7. Kleggie Harmsen
  8. Tony Kelly
  9. Vito Kubilus
  10. Leo Osiewalski
  11. Eric Plahn
  12. John Poncar
  13. Chick Reiser
  14. Bill Riebe
  15. Mel Riebe
  16. Frank Sachse
  17. Ed Scheiwe
  18. Wee Willie Smith
  19. Bob Sullivan
  20. Willard Swihart
  21. Ray Terzynski
  22. Clint Wager


  1. Bill Ash
  2. Tom Becker
  3. Irv Brenner
  4. Mike Bytzura
  5. Ralph Churchfield
  6. Freddie Crum
  7. Bill Durkin
  8. Hank Evans
  9. Ted Fritsch
  10. Homer Fuller
  11. Jim Glass
  12. George Haines
  13. Huck Hartman
  14. Howie Hoffman
  15. Bobby Holm
  16. Paul Kessy
  17. Sid Levine
  18. Al Lucas
  19. Johnny Malokas
  20. John Mills
  21. Al Moschetti
  22. John Novotny
  23. Frank Otway
  24. Pete Pasko
  25. Stan Patrick
  26. Joe Proksa
  27. Swede Roos
  28. Ted Scarry
  29. Al Schrecker
  30. Chuck Shanklin
  31. Joseph Stampf
  32. John Stevenson
  33. Chet Strumillo
  34. John Styler
  35. Bob Synnott
  36. Hal Tidrick
  37. Dick Triptow
  38. Joe Urso
  39. Matt Vaniel
  40. Frank Vukosic
  41. Don Warnke
  42. Herm Weiss


  1. Bob Armstrong
  2. Carl Baer
  3. Bob Baker
  4. Frankie Baumholtz
  5. Moe Becker
  6. Ray Bellingham
  7. Bruce Boehler
  8. Bob Brown
  9. Marshall Brown
  10. Charlie Butler
  11. Chuck Connors
  12. Bob Davies
  13. Bob Feerick
  14. George Fields
  15. Bob Fitzgerald
  16. Chet Francis
  17. Herm Fuetsch
  18. Jack Garfinkel
  19. Pop Goodwin
  20. Otto Graham
  21. Al Grenert
  22. Don Harvey
  23. Bob Henshaw
  24. Red Holzman
  25. Roy Hurley
  26. Larry Kenney
  27. Bob Kinney
  28. Dick Klein
  29. John Kotz
  30. Nick Lalich
  31. Dick Lange
  32. Andrew Levane
  33. Ed Lewinski
  34. John Mahnken
  35. Press Maravich
  36. Paul McCall
  37. Howie McCarty
  38. Leo Mogus
  39. Al Negratti
  40. Oren Nichols
  41. Stan Noszka
  42. Buddy O'Grady
  43. Bud O'Rourke
  44. Jack Oberst
  45. Jim Olsen
  46. Fred Rehm
  47. Bob Rensberger
  48. Del Rice
  49. Tommy Rich
  50. Arnie Risen
  51. Mickey Rottner
  52. Malcolm Rung
  53. Wilbur Schumacher
  54. Joe Scott
  55. Steve Sharkey
  56. Bob Shaw
  57. Chips Sobek
  58. Jerry Steiner
  59. Dave Strack
  60. Bob Tough
  61. Bernie Voorheis
  62. Jake Weber
  63. Paul Widowitz
  64. John Wright


  1. Paul Anthony
  2. Frank Beaty
  3. Johnny Bianco
  4. Bob Bolyard
  5. John Bosak
  6. Price Brookfield
  7. Fred Campbell
  8. John Chaney
  9. Bill Closs
  10. Jim Cominsky
  11. Ed Costain
  12. Bob Cotton
  13. Bill Coven
  14. Walt Czarnecki
  15. Jamie Dawson
  16. Whitey Dienelt
  17. Jack Dugger
  18. Bob Dykstra
  19. Ken Exel
  20. Bill Farrow
  21. Dick Furey
  22. Lowell Galloway
  23. Ben Gardner
  24. Frank Gates
  25. Pop Gates
  26. Bob Gauchat
  27. Johnny Gee
  28. Jim Gibbs
  29. Frankie Gilhooley
  30. Nick Grunzweig
  31. Bruce Hale
  32. Luther Harris
  33. Billy Hassett
  34. Chuck Hawley
  35. Curt Henderson
  36. Paul Herman
  37. Mort Hill
  38. Charlie Joachim
  39. Arnie Johnson
  40. Paul Juntunen
  41. Dolly King
  42. Wilbert King
  43. Leo Klier
  44. Milo Komenich
  45. Dave Latter
  46. Fred Lewis
  47. Sam Lieberman
  48. Del Loranger
  49. Jack Maddox
  50. Bill McCahan
  51. Chick Meehan
  52. Bernie Mehen
  53. Frank Mekules
  54. Tom Meyer
  55. Red Mihalik
  56. Jack Mills
  57. Ed Moeller
  58. John Moiseichik
  59. Dale Morey
  60. Max Morris
  61. Pete Mount
  62. Lyle Neat
  63. Richie Niemiera
  64. Irv Noren
  65. Bob Nugent
  66. Connie O'Connor
  67. Don Otten
  68. Joe Patanelli
  69. Charles Perry
  70. Jim Quinlan
  71. Howie Rader
  72. Len Rader
  73. Billy Reed
  74. Jerry Rizzo
  75. Pat Rooney
  76. Les Rothman
  77. Frank Sabo
  78. Bill Sattler
  79. Herb Scheffler
  80. Johnny Schick
  81. Bill Schroeder
  82. Wilbur Schu
  83. Howie Schultz
  84. Rollie Seltz
  85. Paul Seymour
  86. Bob Shaddock
  87. Frank Shannon
  88. Vic Siegel
  89. Bob Sims
  90. Emil Sotnyk
  91. Ed Stanczak
  92. Dick Starzyk
  93. Art Stoefen
  94. Mel Thurston
  95. Milt Ticco
  96. Vaughn Waddell
  97. Stan Waxman
  98. Dean White
  99. Russ Wilkins
  100. Jim Zeravich


  1. John Abramovic
  2. Warren Ajax
  3. Charles B. Black
  4. Ed Bogdanski
  5. Wally Borrevik
  6. Harry Boykoff
  7. Frank Brian
  8. Bill Calhoun
  9. Joe Camic
  10. Keith Carey
  11. Don Carlson
  12. Frank Carswell
  13. Paul Cloyd
  14. Ted Cook
  15. Fran Curran
  16. Les Deaton
  17. Bill DeVenzio
  18. Andy Duncan
  19. Bill Durkee
  20. Jack Dwan
  21. Johnny Ezersky
  22. Jack Forestieri
  23. Fred Gantt
  24. Hal Gensichen
  25. John Gibbs
  26. Jackie Goldsmith
  27. Don Grate
  28. Wyndol Gray
  29. Ralph Hamilton
  30. Cecil Hankins
  31. John Hargis
  32. Jim Homer
  33. Bob Hubbard
  34. John Janisch
  35. Tony Jaros
  36. Boag Johnson
  37. Johnny Jorgensen
  38. Jimmy Joyce
  39. Leroy King
  40. Walt Kirk
  41. Bob Kitterman
  42. Hal Korovin
  43. Walt Lautenbach
  44. Joe Lord
  45. John Mandic
  46. Dick Mehen
  47. Ken Menke
  48. Fritz Nagy
  49. Paul Napolitano
  50. Bob O'Shaughnessy
  51. Garland O'Shields
  52. Ray Patterson
  53. Jim Pollard
  54. Roy Pugh
  55. Ray Ramsey (cleanup; separate NBA from NBL stats)
  56. Ocie Richie
  57. Jack Rocker
  58. Abel Rodrigues
  59. Ted Scalissi
  60. Milt Schoon
  61. Johnny Sebastian
  62. Glen Selbo
  63. Bob Skarda
  64. Danny Smick
  65. Jack Smiley
  66. Jim Springer
  67. Mike Todorovich
  68. Virgil Vaughn
  69. Floyd Volker
  70. Danny Wagner
  71. Ken Walters
  72. Bobby Wanzer
  73. Matt Zunic


  1. Leonard Alterman
  2. Art Bakeraitis
  3. Gene Berce
  4. Ralph Bishop
  5. Bob Brannum
  6. Bill Brown
  7. Rookie Brown
  8. Jack Burmaster
  9. Ken Campbell
  10. Jake Carter
  11. Doyle Cofer
  12. Bobby Cook
  13. Jack Cotton
  14. Dillard Crocker
  15. George Crowe
  16. Jimmy Darden
  17. Aubrey Davis
  18. Hal Devoll
  19. Hank DeZonie
  20. Bob Doll
  21. Ray Ellefson
  22. Len Ford
  23. Billy Gabor
  24. Dee Gibson
  25. Hoot Gibson
  26. Boody Gilbertson
  27. Art Grove
  28. Ace Gruenig
  29. Al Guokas
  30. Alex Hannum
  31. Earl Hawkins
  32. Marshall Hawkins
  33. Herb Hutchinson
  34. John Isaacs
  35. Noble Jorgensen
  36. Tony Kaseta
  37. Vic Krafft
  38. Leo Kubiak
  39. Gene Lalley
  40. Bobby Lowther
  41. Carl Loyd
  42. Murray Mendenhall Jr.
  43. Ed Mills
  44. Guy Mitchell
  45. Ward Myers
  46. Hank O'Keeffe
  47. Ed Peterson
  48. Longie Powell
  49. Red Pryor
  50. Don Ray
  51. Ben Schadler
  52. Dolph Schayes
  53. Tom Sealy
  54. Ollie Shoaff
  55. Dick Shrider
  56. Jack Spencer
  57. Jim Usry
  58. Jack Walton
  59. Dave Wareham
  60. Jack Watkins
  61. Murray Wier
  62. Kayo Wnorowski
  63. Eddie Wollen
  64. Sonny Wood
  65. Paul Yesawich