Deaths and Recoveries are counted twice currently


The bar chart is cumulative, so deaths and recoveries are counted twice. The bar chart is currently literally incorrect. The numbers on the right are up to debate and could be interpreted in different ways (and changing the labels could fix that). The bar chart can't be fixed by changing the labels. It has also (I think) been pointed out that recoveries miss in the data source (as the data source only contains the total number of recoveries right now). An edit trying to (incorrectly, it ignored deaths) improve this was reverted as the numbers didn't match with the source and it could look like this page isn't up to date. Personally I don't think 'it could be misinterpreted' to be a good reason to present incorrect data.

5 deaths 5 recoveries 30 cases to 10 deaths 10 recoveries 30 cases looks now like (cases referring currently to total positive individual tests):


which in a bar chart will be understood to 'more individual were affected' rather than


where it's obvious that only the ratios changed and the same number of people were affected

David Mulder - GreatSlovakia (talk) 09:14, 1 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Opinion: The bar chart (orange part) represents only "active cases", so the "deaths and recoveries" are not included there, thus not counted twice. The numbers on the right are "# of cases" (meaning "Total number of cases"). Conclusion: I do not see anything wrong with the Template. Vlakovod (talk) 09:47, 1 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
What makes you think that the "orange part" represents only "active cases", so the "deaths and recoveries" are not included there, thus not counted twice."? I think the number of cases presented in the source ( as "Celkový počet osob s prokázaným onemocněním COVID-19" and "Celkový (kumulativní) počet osob s laboratorně prokázaným onemocněním COVID-19 dle hlášení krajských hygienických stanic a laboratoří" provides total, cumulative number of cases from the beginning of the infection. The number of cases represented by the orange chart corresponds with these numbers from the source, so they are not "active cases". The current number of cases (= "active cases") needs to be computed from these numbers in the source by subtracting the number of deaths and recoveries, as David Mulder - GreatSlovakia tried to do, albeit chaotically.
To WikiHannibal:
  1. A simple experiment (can try yourself, modify Template, show preview, do NOT publish changes): let us set the number of Recovered to some high value (close to Total), e.g. 3,500. The bar becomes (almost) blue, if the Recovered were counted twice the bar would be half blue half orange.
  2. "The expression for total cases has deaths and recoveries automatically subtracted from it." (c.f. Template:Medical cases chart/doc).
Is it correct? Vlakovod (talk) 09:41, 2 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
It is correct. Thanks for guiding me. ;-) So I guess the topic is closed... WikiHannibal (talk) 11:13, 2 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Death and recoveries historical numbers


On a separate but related problem, I checked the numbers of deaths for the respective days at "Přehled zemřelých na onemocnění COVID-19" at, and found out they do not correspond with the data in this template (the numbers in the table in the article also did not correpond to the source but I have already changed the table); I suppose data "Přehled zemřelých na onemocnění COVID-19" slightly changes in time, while the number of deaths and recoveries in the template is a result of several edits a day which are based on the "current" number in the white/green box at the top of the page. So before overhauling the tempalte per discussion above (whatever the result may be), the no. of deaths need to be checked and corrected. Historical data on recoveries can be found in archived versions of the page (green boxes) at*/, as I pointed out above. WikiHannibal (talk) 08:57, 2 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

You are right. There is a slight difference of "Death cases" between
  1. the 'daily updates' in the top box (actual approach here) and
  2. the table "Přehled zemřelých na onemocnění COVID-19". (proposed approach)
I agree with the proposed approach (2). The source for the "Recovery cases" should remain for now the top box of the mentioned page (and the archives). Vlakovod (talk) 10:26, 2 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]
Historical data need to be checked from time to time, as they change retroactively in the source (possibly bcs of how fast a specific death is attributed to covid-19). WikiHannibal (talk) 15:53, 2 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]

To Hajoda44: In fact, the numbers were Based on "Přehled zemřelých na onemocnění COVID-19" section from the Czech MoH page - where it lists the overview of dead people on each day by thei age group they belong to. E.g. the actual value of 56 Deaths (top box) includes the 6 cases from 3 March (the mentioned table). Please, read the paragraphs above and let me know if something is not clear. Thx. Vlakovod (talk) 10:14, 4 April 2020 (UTC)[reply]