Unorginized comments


I believe the note about "strong one" is wrong because:

1) According to my dictionary, the character "kei" in Keiichi's name means "firefly". There are characters read "kei" which mean strong but they're written differently.

2) I'm not sure but in most languages one means just "number one". Using one as an unspecified noun (as in "strong one") is probably not common outside of English.

-- 09:58, 27 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Strictly speaking, it does not make sense in English either. If you wrote `strong 1' it has a different meaning to `strong one'. The number one and the indirect pronoun have different meanings, different etymology: they are only homonynms (like witch and which). There is no language, let alone Japanese, where that would actually make sense, therefore it is clearly wrong. Elric of Grans 21:58, 29 March 2006 (UTC)[reply]

The most idiotic anime character that ever existed


I surely could not imagine a most idiotic, hopeless, stupid, pathetic anime character not even in my wildest dreams +_+

It's so obvious that Keiichi Morisato is homosexual. He's a very deeply closeted gay. He's from a very strict, old-fashioned traditional background. He attends a very tough, conservative high tech school. He's so repressed that Keiichi himself is probably unaware of his true feelings. His "wish" for a "goddess like Belldandy" to stay by his side is more of a wish like E.M. Forster's Maurice Hall's wish that he could just turn "straight" all of a sudden like his lover Clive Durham did. Keiichi's discomfort around women is far beyond shyness. He's supposed to be romantically in love with Belldandy but starts dry-heaving and shuffling away whenever she touches him. He's far more comfortable around his burly ex-roommates from school. He really needs to just come out of the closet, he'll be much happier even if he does lose the respect of his traditional background and conservative university. Yanqui9 (talk) 03:20, 1 October 2011 (UTC) hello this is a ah my goddess fan but if you didn't know the almighty one put a seal on keiichi when the wish was granted so that keichii would not have any sexual feelings toward belldandy so men and gods would not make a hybrid of both species. And hild (urd's mother) tells belldandy this.[reply]