Request Edit[edit]

Please note that the Purchasing Management Association of Canada (PMAC 1919) merged with Supply Chain Logistics (SCL 1967) in Sept 2013 to become Supply Chain Management Association (SCMA), Canada's largest professional association for the supply chain field and the stewards of the SCMP designation. This article shows the following: Purchasing Management Association of Canada is the main certifying body for Canada with the designations having global recipricocity. The designation Supply Chain Management Professional (SCMP) is the main designation with several others that progress toward the SCMP.

I have highlighted in bold what needs to change. The name, and the end of the last sentence are incorrect. Also, there is a chart on this page which does not include the SCMP designation. I would like to provide an update for you. Please advise how I can do this. Regards, Rick Cleveland | Director, Education and Accreditation Supply Chain Management Association | 777 Bay Street, Suite 2701, P.O. Box 112 Toronto, ON M5G 2C8 (talk) 17:04, 24 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]