本頁面為 fixing broken anchor 用之設定頁面。每次執行作業前,機器人都會從本頁面讀入設定。本設定頁面將影響機器人作業,應受適當保護以免受破壞。且應謹慎編輯,以防機器人無法讀取。移動本頁面必須留下重定向。

I don't want the bot to modify my archives!
Please using ((bots|optout=anchor-fixing)), the bot will skip this page.

General settings

Variable name (unchangeable) Value Note
archive_template_list 修復連結到存檔頁面的斷掉的網頁錨點時,只會將包含這些模板的頁面當成存檔頁面,並且搜尋其子頁面、紀錄子頁面的章節標題。
insert_notification_template Template:Broken anchor Insert notification template ((Broken anchor)) after broken anchors.
add_note_to_talk_page_for_broken_anchors false also notify broken anchors in the talk page via ((Broken anchors)).
skip_comments skip comments section
delay 2m e.g., "10 s", "2m", "2 minutes", "3h", "3 hours", "7d", "7 days", "1w", "1 week". Will take effect after the bot restarting. default: 2m



煩請移步 CeJS@translatewikiCeJS@translatewiki 以翻譯訊息。