

※ 如能找到更多的官方電視播放頻道的翻譯,歡迎更改/補充,並儘量在description中註名來源,並將原來所使用的非官方譯名單向轉換至新譯名。另外,如果官方和電視臺翻譯有衝突,優先選用官方翻譯(例如孩之寶香港用的「小馬國」,但ViuTV用的「伊古莎」,則將選用「小馬國」並將「伊古莎」單向轉換至「小馬國」等)




※ 除特別註名外,主角名稱根據「名從主人」命名原則,所有翻譯取自孩之寶大陸香港台灣官網。














※ 中文標題取自4399er(简中)及Netflix(臺灣繁中頭三季)中華電信MOD(臺灣繁中)









※ 待補充


※ 待補充

※ 除特別註名外,名稱根據「名從主人」命名原則,台灣翻譯部分來自孩之寶台灣官網(雖然YOYOTV翻譯的是「魔法公主」,但孩之寶官方仍翻譯為小馬國女孩);香港翻譯來自nowTV網站;内地方面只有部分网站曾写过央视少儿频道播放过第一部,并译名为“小马宝莉:魔法公主”,而根據「CCTV-6」2017年7月1日節目單2017年7月2日節目單可找出「小马宝莉:友谊大赛」和「小马宝莉:彩虹摇滚」這些譯名。






※ 譯名翻譯模式可參考中文译名

return {

-- 填写下面的两个参数
name = 'My Little Pony',
description = '-{zh-cn:小马宝莉;zh-tw:彩虹小馬;zh-hk:小馬寶莉;}-',
content = {

{ type = 'text', text = [=[

※ 如能找到更多的'''官方'''或'''電視播放頻道'''的翻譯,歡迎更改/補充,並儘量在description中註名來源,並將原來所使用的非官方譯名單向轉換至新譯名。另外,如果官方和電視臺翻譯有衝突,優先選用官方翻譯(例如孩之寶香港用的「小馬國」,但ViuTV用的「伊古莎」,則將選用「小馬國」並將「伊古莎」單向轉換至「小馬國」等)
== 《[[彩虹小馬:友情就是魔法|友情就是魔法]]》电视剧集 ==
]=] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'My Little Pony', rule = 'zh-cn:小马宝莉;zh-tw:彩虹小馬;zh-hk:小馬寶莉;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Friendship is Magic', rule = 'zh-cn:友谊就是魔法;zh-hk:友情就是魔法;zh-tw:友情就是魔法;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [=[
=== 角色 ===
==== 主要角色 ====
※ 除特別註名外,主角名稱根據「[[Wikipedia:命名常规#名从主人|名從主人]]」命名原則,所有翻譯取自孩之寶[http://www.hasbro.cn/mylittlepony/ 大陸]、[https://www.hasbro.com/zh-hant-hk/brands/mylittlepony 香港]及[https://www.hasbro.com/zh-hant-tw/brands/mylittlepony 台灣]官網。
]=] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twilight Sparkle', rule = '暮光闪闪=>zh-cn:紫悦;暮光闪闪=>zh-tw:紫悦;暮光闪闪=>zh-hk:紫悦;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「紫悦」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twilight Sparkle', rule = '暮光閃閃=>zh-cn:紫悦;暮光閃閃=>zh-tw:紫悦;暮光閃閃=>zh-hk:紫悦;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「紫悦」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twilight Sparkle', rule = 'zh-cn:紫悦;zh-tw:紫悅;zh-hk:紫悅;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Twilight', rule = '闪闪公主=>zh-cn:紫悦公主;闪闪公主=>zh-tw:紫悦公主;闪闪公主=>zh-hk:紫悦公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Twilight', rule = '閃閃公主=>zh-cn:紫悦公主;閃閃公主=>zh-tw:紫悦公主;閃閃公主=>zh-hk:紫悦公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Twilight', rule = 'zh-cn:紫悦公主;zh-tw:紫悦公主;zh-hk:紫悦公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack', rule = '阿潔=>zh-cn:苹果嘉儿;阿潔=>zh-tw:蘋果嘉兒;阿潔=>zh-hk:蘋果嘉兒;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「蘋果嘉兒」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack', rule = '阿洁=>zh-cn:苹果嘉儿;阿洁=>zh-tw:蘋果嘉兒;阿洁=>zh-hk:蘋果嘉兒;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「蘋果嘉兒」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack', rule = '阿傑=>zh-cn:苹果嘉儿;阿傑=>zh-tw:蘋果嘉兒;阿傑=>zh-hk:蘋果嘉兒;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「蘋果嘉兒」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack', rule = '阿杰=>zh-cn:苹果嘉儿;阿杰=>zh-tw:蘋果嘉兒;阿杰=>zh-hk:蘋果嘉兒;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「蘋果嘉兒」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack', rule = '苹果杰克=>zh-cn:苹果嘉儿;蘋果傑克=>zh-tw:蘋果嘉兒;蘋果傑克=>zh-hk:蘋果嘉兒;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「蘋果嘉兒」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack', rule = 'zh-cn:苹果嘉儿;zh-tw:蘋果嘉兒;zh-hk:蘋果嘉兒;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rarity', rule = '瑞瑞=>zh-cn:珍奇;瑞瑞=>zh-tw:珍奇;瑞瑞=>zh-hk:珍奇;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「珍奇」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rarity', rule = 'zh-cn:珍奇;zh-tw:珍奇;zh-hk:珍奇;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pinkie Pie', rule = 'zh-cn:碧琪派;zh-tw:碧琪派;zh-hk:碧琪派;', description = '官方譯名均為「碧琪」,但考慮其英文為全稱,加上普遍接受的「派」' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pinkie (Pie)', rule = 'zh-cn:碧琪;zh-tw:碧琪;zh-hk:碧琪;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Rainbow) Dash', rule = '黛西=>zh-cn:黛茜;黛西=>zh-tw:黛茜;黛西=>zh-hk:黛茜;', description = '和下面兩行統一譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rainbow Dash', rule = 'zh-cn:云宝黛茜;zh-tw:雲寶黛茜;zh-hk:雲寶黛茜;', description = '官方譯名均為「雲寶」,但考慮其英文為全稱,加上普遍接受的「黛茜」' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rainbow Dash', rule = 'zh-cn:云宝·黛茜;zh-tw:雲寶·黛茜;zh-hk:雲寶·黛茜;', description = '官方譯名均為「雲寶」,但考慮其英文為全稱,加上普遍接受的「黛茜」' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rainbow (Dash)', rule = 'zh-cn:云宝;zh-tw:雲寶;zh-hk:雲寶;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Rainbow) Dash', rule = 'zh-cn:黛茜;zh-tw:黛茜;zh-hk:黛茜;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fluttershy', rule = '小蝶=>zh-cn:柔柔;小蝶=>zh-tw:柔柔;小蝶=>zh-hk:柔柔;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「柔柔」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fluttershy', rule = 'zh-cn:柔柔;zh-tw:柔柔;zh-hk:柔柔;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spike', rule = 'zh-hans:穗龙;zh-hant:穗龍;', description = '無法找到香港孩之寶官方Spike譯名' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 皇家角色 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Celastia', rule = '塞拉斯蒂娅公主=>zh-cn:宇宙公主;塞拉斯蒂娅公主=>zh-tw:宇宙公主;塞拉斯蒂娅公主=>zh-hk:宇宙公主;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「宇宙公主」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Celastia', rule = 'zh-hans:宇宙公主;zh-hant:宇宙公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Luna', rule = '露娜公主=>zh-cn:月亮公主;露娜公主=>zh-tw:月亮公主;露娜公主=>zh-hk:月亮公主;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「月亮公主」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Luna', rule = 'zh-hans:月亮公主;zh-hant:月亮公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Cadence', rule = 'zh-cn:音韵公主;zh-tw:卡丹絲公主;zh-hk:韻律公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza', rule = '米娅摩·凯登萨公主=>zh-cn:米阿默卡丹纱公主;米娅摩·凯登萨公主=>zh-tw:米阿默卡丹紗公主;米娅摩·凯登萨公主=>zh-hk:米阿默卡丹紗公主;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza', rule = '米婭摩·凱登薩公主=>zh-cn:米阿默卡丹纱公主;米婭摩·凱登薩公主=>zh-tw:米阿默卡丹紗公主;米婭摩·凱登薩公主=>zh-hk:米阿默卡丹紗公主;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Mi Amore Cadenza', rule = 'zh-hans:米阿默卡丹纱公主;zh-hant:米阿默卡丹紗公主;', description = 'Princess Cadence的全名,繁體來源未知' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shining Armor', rule = '银甲闪闪=>zh-cn:闪耀盔甲;银甲闪闪=>zh-tw:閃耀盔甲;银甲闪闪=>zh-hk:閃耀盔甲;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「閃耀盔甲」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shining Armor', rule = '銀甲閃閃=>zh-cn:闪耀盔甲;銀甲閃閃=>zh-tw:閃耀盔甲;銀甲閃閃=>zh-hk:閃耀盔甲;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「閃耀盔甲」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shining Armor', rule = 'zh-hans:闪耀盔甲;zh-hant:閃耀盔甲;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Prince Blueblood', rule = '白马王子=>zh-cn:蓝血王子;白马王子=>zh-tw:藍血王子;白马王子=>zh-hk:藍血王子;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Prince Blueblood', rule = '白馬王子=>zh-cn:蓝血王子;白馬王子=>zh-tw:藍血王子;白馬王子=>zh-hk:藍血王子;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Prince Blueblood', rule = 'zh-hans:蓝血王子;zh-hant:藍血王子;', description = '繁體來源未知' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flurry Heart', rule = '凝心雪儿=>zh-cn:风雪之心;凝心雪儿=>zh-tw:風雪之心;凝心雪儿=>zh-hk:風雪之心;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flurry Heart', rule = '凝心雪兒=>zh-cn:风雪之心;凝心雪兒=>zh-tw:風雪之心;凝心雪兒=>zh-hk:風雪之心;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flurry Heart', rule = 'zh-hans:风雪之心;zh-hant:風雪之心;', description = '繁體來源未知' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== -{zh-cn:可爱军团;zh-hk:可愛軍團;zh-tw:可愛兵團;}- ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', rule = '可爱标记童子军=>zh-cn:可爱军团;可爱标记童子军=>zh-hk:可愛軍團;可爱标记童子军=>zh-tw:可愛軍團;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', rule = '可愛標記童子軍=>zh-cn:可爱军团;可愛標記童子軍=>zh-hk:可愛軍團;可愛標記童子軍=>zh-tw:可愛軍團;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cutie Mark Crusaders', rule = 'zh-cn:可爱军团;zh-hk:可愛軍團;zh-tw:可愛軍團', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Apple Bloom', rule = '小苹花=>zh-cn:苹果丽丽;小苹花=>zh-hk:蘋果花;小苹花=>zh-tw:蘋果麗麗;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Apple Bloom', rule = '小蘋花=>zh-cn:苹果丽丽;小蘋花=>zh-hk:蘋果花;小蘋花=>zh-tw:蘋果麗麗;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Apple Bloom', rule = 'zh-cn:苹果丽丽;zh-hk:蘋果花;zh-tw:蘋果麗麗;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Scootaloo', rule = '飞板璐=>zh-cn:醒目露露;飞板璐=>zh-hk:醒目露露;飞板璐=>zh-tw:史卡特;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Scootaloo', rule = '飛車璐=>zh-cn:醒目露露;飛車璐=>zh-hk:醒目露露;飛車璐=>zh-tw:史卡特;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Scootaloo', rule = 'zh-cn:醒目露露;zh-hk:醒目露露;zh-tw:史卡特;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sweetie Belle', rule = '甜贝儿=>zh-cn:甜心宝宝;甜贝儿=>zh-tw:貝兒;甜贝儿=>zh-hk:貝兒;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sweetie Belle', rule = '甜貝兒=>zh-cn:甜心宝宝;甜貝兒=>zh-tw:貝兒;甜貝兒=>zh-hk:貝兒;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sweetie Belle', rule = 'zh-cn:甜心宝宝;zh-hk:貝兒;zh-tw:貝兒', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Babs Seed', rule = '芭布斯=>zh-cn:巴布西西;芭布斯=>zh-tw:巴布西西;芭布斯=>zh-hk:蓓西;', description = '名从主人' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Babs Seed', rule = 'zh-cn:巴布西西;zh-tw:巴布西西;zh-hk:蓓西;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gabby', rule = 'zh-cn:嘉贝瑞拉;zh-hk:嘉比;', description = '原名或為Gabriella;大陆翻译来自爱奇艺,香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 苹果家族 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Granny Smith', rule = 'zh-hans:史密夫婆婆;zh-hant:青蘋果奶奶;zh-tw:史密夫婆婆', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Big Macintosh', rule = 'zh-cn:麦托什;zh-hk:麥托什;zh-tw:麥托什;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 幼马 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Snips', rule = 'zh-hans:斯尼普;zh-hant:小淘氣;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Snails', rule = 'zh-hans:斯奈尔;zh-hant:蝸蝸;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Diamond Tiara', rule = 'zh-hans:珠玉冠冠;zh-hant:蒂亞拉;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Silver Spoon', rule = 'zh-hans:白银勺勺;zh-hant:銀湯匙;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twist', rule = 'zh-hans:翠丝;zh-hant:妞妞;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== -{zh-cn:闪电飞马队;zh-tw:神奇閃電隊;zh-hk:閃電飛馬隊;}- ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Wonderbolts', rule = 'zh-cn:闪电飞马;zh-tw:神奇閃電;zh-hk:閃電飛馬;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spitfire', rule = 'zh-cn:喷火;zh-tw:爆火;zh-hk:電光火;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Soarin', rule = 'zh-hans:高飞;zh-hant:飆風;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 反派角色 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nightmare Moon', rule = 'zh-hans:梦魇之月;zh-hant:噩夢之月;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Discord', rule = 'zh-hans:无序;zh-hant:無序;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Queen Chrysalis', rule = 'zh-hans:幻形族女王;zh-hant:幻形女王;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'King Sombra', rule = 'zh-hans:森布拉大王;zh-hant:水晶王;zh-tw:森布拉大王', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tirek', rule = 'zh-hans:提雷克;zh-hant:堤銳剋;zh-tw:地雷剋', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 其他角色 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Starlight Glimmer', rule = 'zh-cn:星光熠熠;zh-hk:星光爍爍;zh-tw:星光閃耀;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Star Swirl the Bearded', rule = 'zh-hans:白胡子星璇;zh-hant:星旋獨角獸;zh-tw:星璇白鬍智者', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Mayor', rule = 'zh-hans:村长;zh-hant:镇長;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Trixie', rule = 'zh-cn:特丽克西;zh-tw:崔西;zh-hk:彩斯;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Zecora', rule = 'zh-hans:可拉;zh-hant:可菈;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cheese Sandwich', rule = 'zh-hans:芝士三明治;zh-hant:乳酪三明治;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Daring Do', rule = 'zh-cn:无畏天马;zh-tw:天馬無畏;', description = '大陆翻译来自爱奇艺,臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Snowfall Frost', rule = '芙蘿絲=>zh-cn:霜冻;芙蘿絲=>zh-hk:雪霜;芙蘿絲=>zh-tw:芙蘿絲;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gilda', rule = 'zh-cn:吉尔达;zh-hk:基達;zh-tw:吉妲;', description = '大陆翻译来自爱奇艺,香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 友誼學院學生 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Silverstream', rule = 'zh-tw:絲葳;', description = '臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Smolder', rule = 'zh-tw:莫德;', description = '臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ocellus', rule = 'zh-tw:歐珊;', description = '臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gallus', rule = 'zh-tw:嘉樂斯;', description = '臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Yona', rule = 'zh-tw:尤娜;', description = '臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sandbar', rule = 'zh-tw:沙巴;', description = '臺灣翻譯來自東森幼幼台官方翻譯' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 宠物 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Winona', rule = 'zh-hans:薇诺娜;zh-hant:小溫;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Angel', rule = 'zh-hans:安吉尔;zh-hant:天使兔;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Opalescence', rule = 'zh-hans:欧泊;zh-hant:歐波;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gummy', rule = 'zh-hans:嘎米;zh-hant:米米;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Owlowiscious', rule = 'zh-hans:奥罗威;zh-hant:豪爾威斯;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tank', rule = 'zh-hans:坦克;zh-hant:坦克;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Boulder', rule = 'zh-hans:卵石;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 生物 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Griffon', rule = 'zh-cn:狮鹫;zh-hk:獅鷲;', description = '大陆翻译来自爱奇艺,香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 地名 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Equestria', rule = '伊古莎=>zh-cn:小马利亚;伊古莎=>zh-sg:小马利亚;伊古莎=>zh-tw:小馬國;伊古莎=>zh-hk:小馬國;伊古莎=>zh-mo:小馬國;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Equestria', rule = 'zh-hans:小马利亚;zh-hant:小馬國;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ponyville', rule = '小马村=>zh-cn:小马谷;小马村=>zh-tw:小馬鎮;小马村=>zh-hk:小馬鎮;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「小马谷/小馬鎮」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ponyville', rule = '小馬村=>zh-cn:小马谷;小馬村=>zh-tw:小馬鎮;小馬村=>zh-hk:小馬鎮;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,應統一使用「小马谷/小馬鎮」這一官方譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ponyville', rule = 'zh-cn:小马谷;zh-tw:小馬鎮;zh-hk:小馬鎮;', description = '來自孩之寶大陸/香港/台灣官網' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Canterlot', rule = 'zh-cn:坎特洛特;zh-hk:坎特拉城;zh-tw:坎特拉城;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cloudsdale', rule = 'zh-hans:天空之城;zh-hant:雲之都;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Phillydephia', rule = 'zh-hans:小马达菲亚;zh-hant:菲利達菲亞;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Manehatten', rule = 'zh-cn:马哈顿;zh-hk:馬哈頓;zh-tw:馬哈頓;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Las Pegasus', rule = 'zh-hans:天马维加斯;zh-hant:天馬維加斯;zh-tw:拉斯飛馬', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Saddle Arabia', rule = 'zh-hans:沙特马拉伯;zh-hant:沙特馬拉伯;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sweet Apple Acres', rule = 'zh-hans:甜苹果园;zh-tw:蜜蘋果園;zh-hk:香甜蘋果園;', description = '簡體譯名無法找到官方來源;其它譯名來自孩之寶香港/台灣官網' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sugar Cube Corner', rule = 'zh-hans:糖块屋;zh-hant:方糖角落;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Carousel Boutique', rule = 'zh-hans:旋转木马精品店;zh-hant:旋轉木馬精品屋;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Everfree Forest', rule = 'zh-hans:永恒自由森林;zh-hant:永久自由森林;zh-tw:永遠自由森林', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Crystal Empire', rule = 'zh-hans:水晶帝国;zh-hant:水晶帝國;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ponyville Day Spa', rule = 'zh-hk:小馬鎮按摩中心;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 节日 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Summer Sun Celebration', rule = 'zh-hans:夏日节庆典;zh-hant:夏日祭典;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Grand Galloping Gala', rule = 'zh-hans:万马奔腾庆典;zh-hant:大奔馳慶典;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Winter Wrap Up', rule = 'zh-hans:送冬迎春节;zh-hant:送冬日;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nightmare Night', rule = 'zh-hans:噩梦之夜;zh-hant:噩夢之夜;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sister Hooves Social', rule = 'zh-hans:姐妹连心联谊会;zh-hant:姐妹遊園會;zh-tw:姊妹趣味競賽', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hearth Warming', rule = 'zh-cn:暖炉节;zh-tw:暖心節;zh-hk:暖心節;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hearth Warming Eve', rule = 'zh-cn:暖炉夜;zh-tw:暖心夜;zh-hk:暖心夜;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cider Season', rule = 'zh-hans:果汁季;zh-hant:果汁季;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [=[
=== [[彩虹小馬:友情就是魔法集數列表|集数名称]] ===
※ 中文標題取自4399er(简中)及Netflix(臺灣繁中頭三季)中華電信MOD(臺灣繁中)
]=] },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 第一季 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Friendship Is Magic', rule = 'Friendship Is Magic=>zh-cn:友谊的魔力;Friendship Is Magic=>zh-tw:友誼是魔法;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Ticket Master', rule = 'The Ticket Master=>zh-cn:我为票狂;The Ticket Master=>zh-tw:門票該給誰;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applebuck Season', rule = 'Applebuck Season=>zh-cn:倔强嘉儿;Applebuck Season=>zh-tw:踢蘋果季;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Griffon the Brush-Off', rule = 'Griffon the Brush-Off=>zh-cn:狮鹫受冷落;Griffon the Brush-Off=>zh-tw:掃興的獅鷲獸;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Boast Busters', rule = 'Boast Busters=>zh-cn:牛皮戳穿;Boast Busters=>zh-tw:牛皮被戳破;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dragonshy', rule = 'Dragonshy=>zh-cn:害怕恐龙;Dragonshy=>zh-tw:害羞龍;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Look Before You Sleep', rule = 'Look Before You Sleep=>zh-cn:睡衣派对;Look Before You Sleep=>zh-tw:睡衣派對;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bridle Gossip', rule = 'Bridle Gossip=>zh-cn:流言蜚语;Bridle Gossip=>zh-tw:八卦謠言;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Swarm of the Century', rule = 'Swarm of the Century=>zh-cn:精灵飞蝇;Swarm of the Century=>zh-tw:搗蛋精;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Winter Wrap Up', rule = 'Winter Wrap Up=>zh-cn:送冬迎春;Winter Wrap Up=>zh-tw:送冬迎春;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Call of the Cutie', rule = 'Call of the Cutie=>zh-cn:可爱军团;Call of the Cutie=>zh-tw:可愛標誌的召喚;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fall Weather Friends', rule = 'Fall Weather Friends=>zh-cn:比赛第二;Fall Weather Friends=>zh-tw:秋季朋友;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Suited for Success', rule = 'Suited for Success=>zh-cn:时尚达人;Suited for Success=>zh-tw:時裝秀;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Feeling Pinkie Keen', rule = 'Feeling Pinkie Keen=>zh-cn:碧琪预感;Feeling Pinkie Keen=>zh-tw:碧琪預感;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sonic Rainboom', rule = 'Sonic Rainboom=>zh-cn:彩虹音爆;Sonic Rainboom=>zh-tw:彩虹音爆;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stare Master', rule = 'Stare Master=>zh-cn:凝视大师;Stare Master=>zh-tw:凝視大師;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Show Stoppers', rule = 'The Show Stoppers=>zh-cn:表演终结者;The Show Stoppers=>zh-tw:表演終結者;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'A Dog and Pony Show', rule = 'A Dog and Pony Show=>zh-cn:珍奇脱险;A Dog and Pony Show=>zh-tw:珍奇脫險;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Green Isn\'t Your Color', rule = 'Green Isn\'t Your Color=>zh-cn:模特柔柔;Green Isn\'t Your Color=>zh-tw:綠色不是你的顏色;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Over a Barrel', rule = 'Over a Barrel=>zh-cn:互不相让;Over a Barrel=>zh-tw:水牛和蘋果樹;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'A Bird in the Hoof', rule = 'A Bird in the Hoof=>zh-cn:菲拉美娜;A Bird in the Hoof=>zh-tw:在蹄鳥;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles', rule = 'The Cutie Mark Chronicles=>zh-cn:友谊因缘;The Cutie Mark Chronicles=>zh-tw:可愛標誌故事;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Owl\'s Well That Ends Well', rule = 'Owl\'s Well That Ends Well=>zh-cn:穗龙吃醋;Owl\'s Well That Ends Well=>zh-tw:穗龍吃醋;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Party of One', rule = 'Party of One=>zh-cn:惊喜派对;Party of One=>zh-tw:驚喜派對;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Best Night Ever', rule = 'The Best Night Ever=>zh-cn:欢乐庆典;The Best Night Ever=>zh-tw:最佳夜晚;', description = '' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 第二季 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Return of Harmony', rule = 'The Return of Harmony=>zh-cn:无序之灾;The Return of Harmony=>zh-tw:和諧的回歸;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Lesson Zero', rule = 'Lesson Zero=>zh-cn:没事找事;Lesson Zero=>zh-tw:沒事找事;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Luna Eclipsed', rule = 'Luna Eclipsed=>zh-cn:梦魇之夜;Luna Eclipsed=>zh-tw:夢魘之夜;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sisterhooves Social', rule = 'Sisterhooves Social=>zh-cn:姐妹连心;Sisterhooves Social=>zh-tw:姊妹連心;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Cutie Pox', rule = 'The Cutie Pox=>zh-cn:可爱痘;The Cutie Pox=>zh-tw:可愛痘;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'May the Best Pet Win!', rule = 'May the Best Pet Win!=>zh-cn:寻找最佳宠物!;May the Best Pet Win!=>zh-tw:寵物大賽;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well', rule = 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well=>zh-cn:神秘的义勇神驹;The Mysterious Mare Do Well=>zh-tw:神秘英雄馬;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sweet and Elite', rule = 'Sweet and Elite=>zh-cn:草根精英;Sweet and Elite=>zh-tw:好友和精英;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Secret of My Excess', rule = 'Secret of My Excess=>zh-cn:贪心不足;Secret of My Excess=>zh-tw:我的貪心秘密;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hearth\'s Warming Eve', rule = 'Hearth\'s Warming Eve=>zh-cn:暖炉夜;Hearth\'s Warming Eve=>zh-tw:暖爐夜;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Family Appreciation Day', rule = 'Family Appreciation Day=>zh-cn:魔虹苹果;Family Appreciation Day=>zh-tw:家庭感恩日;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Baby Cakes', rule = 'Baby Cakes=>zh-cn:蛋糕宝宝;Baby Cakes=>zh-tw:蛋糕寶寶;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Last Roundup', rule = 'The Last Roundup=>zh-cn:找回嘉儿;The Last Roundup=>zh-tw:圈地比賽;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000', rule = 'The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000=>zh-cn:超级快速苹果汁榨取机6000;The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000=>zh-tw:超速榨汁機 6000;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Read It and Weep', rule = 'Read It and Weep=>zh-cn:开卷有益;Read It and Weep=>zh-tw:開卷有益;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hearts and Hooves Day', rule = 'Hearts and Hooves Day=>zh-cn:情马节;Hearts and Hooves Day=>zh-tw:情馬節;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'A Friend in Deed', rule = 'A Friend in Deed=>zh-cn:真正的朋友;A Friend in Deed=>zh-tw:真正的朋友;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Putting Your Hoof Down', rule = 'Putting Your Hoof Down=>zh-cn:学会拒绝;Putting Your Hoof Down=>zh-tw:自信;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'It\'s About Time', rule = 'It\'s About Time=>zh-cn:时空穿越;It\'s About Time=>zh-tw:穿越時空;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dragon Quest', rule = 'Dragon Quest=>zh-cn:恐龙的追求;Dragon Quest=>zh-tw:龍的尋求;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hurricane Fluttershy', rule = 'Hurricane Fluttershy=>zh-cn:旋风柔柔;Hurricane Fluttershy=>zh-tw:龍捲風柔柔;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ponyville Confidential', rule = 'Ponyville Confidential=>zh-cn:小马谷秘闻;Ponyville Confidential=>zh-tw:小馬鎮秘聞;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'MMMystery on the Friendship Express', rule = 'MMMystery on the Friendship Express=>zh-cn:友谊快车神秘事件;MMMystery on the Friendship Express=>zh-tw:友誼快車神秘事件;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'A Canterlot Wedding', rule = 'A Canterlot Wedding=>zh-cn:皇家婚礼;A Canterlot Wedding=>zh-tw:坎特拉城婚禮;', description = '' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 第三季 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Crystal Empire', rule = 'The Crystal Empire=>zh-cn:水晶帝国;The Crystal Empire=>zh-tw:水晶帝國;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Too Many Pinkie Pies', rule = 'Too Many Pinkie Pies=>zh-cn:碧琪成灾;Too Many Pinkie Pies=>zh-tw:碧琪的分身;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'One Bad Apple', rule = 'One Bad Apple=>zh-cn:巴布西西;One Bad Apple=>zh-tw:一顆壞蘋果;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magic Duel', rule = 'Magic Duel=>zh-cn:魔法决斗;Magic Duel=>zh-tw:魔法對決;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sleepless in Ponyville', rule = 'Sleepless in Ponyville=>zh-cn:不眠之夜;Sleepless in Ponyville=>zh-tw:小馬鎮夜未眠;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Wonderbolts Academy', rule = 'Wonderbolts Academy=>zh-cn:飞马学院;Wonderbolts Academy=>zh-tw:驚奇閃電學院;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Apple Family Reunion', rule = 'Apple Family Reunion=>zh-cn:家族团聚;Apple Family Reunion=>zh-tw:蘋果家的團聚;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spike at Your Service', rule = 'Spike at Your Service=>zh-cn:穗龙守则;Spike at Your Service=>zh-tw:穗龍任您差遣;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Keep Calm and Flutter On', rule = 'Keep Calm and Flutter On=>zh-cn:改邪归正;Keep Calm and Flutter On=>zh-tw:保持冷靜,振翅前進;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Just for Sidekicks', rule = 'Just for Sidekicks=>zh-cn:宠物保姆;Just for Sidekicks=>zh-tw:僅限跟班;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Games Ponies Play', rule = 'Games Ponies Play=>zh-cn:申办大赛;Games Ponies Play=>zh-tw:小馬的遊戲;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Magical Mystery Cure', rule = 'Magical Mystery Cure=>zh-cn:紫悦公主;Magical Mystery Cure=>zh-tw:神奇的秘密解藥;', description = '' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 第四季 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Twilight Sparkle', rule = 'Princess Twilight Sparkle=>zh-cn:公主紫悦;Princess Twilight Sparkle=>zh-tw:紫悅公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Castle Mane-ia', rule = 'Castle Mane-ia=>zh-cn:疯狂城堡;Castle Mane-ia=>zh-tw:古堡驚魂;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Daring Don\'t', rule = 'Daring Don\'t=>zh-cn:共度难关;Daring Don\'t=>zh-tw:天馬歷險;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flight to the Finish', rule = 'Flight to the Finish=>zh-cn:飞向终点;Flight to the Finish=>zh-tw:飛向終點;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Power Ponies', rule = 'Power Ponies=>zh-cn:超威小马;Power Ponies=>zh-tw:超能小馬;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bats!', rule = 'Bats!=>zh-cn:化茧成蝠;Bats!=>zh-tw:蝙蝠!;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rarity Takes Manehattan', rule = 'Rarity Takes Manehattan=>zh-cn:满城瑞气;Rarity Takes Manehattan=>zh-tw:前進大都會;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pinkie Apple Pie', rule = 'Pinkie Apple Pie=>zh-cn:家有碧琪;Pinkie Apple Pie=>zh-tw:半路認親;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rainbow Falls', rule = 'Rainbow Falls=>zh-cn:彩虹飞瀑;Rainbow Falls=>zh-tw:飛天接力隊;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Three\'s a Crowd', rule = 'Three\'s a Crowd=>zh-cn:派对争风;Three\'s a Crowd=>zh-tw:三人行,行不行?;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pinkie Pride', rule = 'Pinkie Pride=>zh-cn:不速之客;Pinkie Pride=>zh-tw:看誰來搞笑;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Simple Ways', rule = 'Simple Ways=>zh-cn:朴实无华;Simple Ways=>zh-tw:純樸小鎮風;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Filli Vanilli', rule = 'Filli Vanilli=>zh-cn:幕后歌声;Filli Vanilli=>zh-tw:美聲樂團;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twilight Time', rule = 'Twilight Time=>zh-cn:公主补课;Twilight Time=>zh-tw:紫悅時光;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'It Ain\'t Easy Being Breezies', rule = 'It Ain\'t Easy Being Breezies=>zh-cn:随风飘摇;It Ain\'t Easy Being Breezies=>zh-tw:蝴蝶小馬要回家;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Somepony to Watch Over Me', rule = 'Somepony to Watch Over Me=>zh-cn:呵护有加;Somepony to Watch Over Me=>zh-tw:黏答答的姊姊;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Maud Pie', rule = 'Maud Pie=>zh-cn:岩中情谊;Maud Pie=>zh-tw:酷酷姐駕到;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils', rule = 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils=>zh-cn:恩将仇报;For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils=>zh-tw:為誰辛苦為誰忙;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Leap of Faith', rule = 'Leap of Faith=>zh-cn:假戏真做;Leap of Faith=>zh-tw:返老還童;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Testing Testing 1, 2, 3', rule = 'Testing Testing 1, 2, 3=>zh-cn:因材施教;Testing Testing 1, 2, 3=>zh-tw:雲寶考歷史;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Trade Ya!', rule = 'Trade Ya!=>zh-cn:物有所值;Trade Ya!=>zh-tw:我要跟你換;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Inspiration Manifestation', rule = 'Inspiration Manifestation=>zh-cn:心想事成;Inspiration Manifestation=>zh-tw:靈感成真;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Equestria Games', rule = 'Equestria Games=>zh-cn:运动盛会;Equestria Games=>zh-tw:小馬國運動大賽;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Twilight\'s Kingdom', rule = 'Twilight\'s Kingdom=>zh-cn:紫悦之国;Twilight\'s Kingdom=>zh-tw:紫悅王國;', description = '' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 第五季 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Cutie Map', rule = 'The Cutie Map=>zh-cn:可爱标志地图;The Cutie Map=>zh-tw:可愛地圖;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Castle Sweet Castle', rule = 'Castle Sweet Castle=>zh-cn:温馨城堡;Castle Sweet Castle=>zh-tw:甜蜜的城堡;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Bloom & Gloom', rule = 'Bloom & Gloom=>zh-cn:苹果丽丽的焦虑;Bloom & Gloom=>zh-tw:蘋果的憂愁;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tanks for the Memories', rule = 'Tanks for the Memories=>zh-cn:记忆中的坦克;Tanks for the Memories=>zh-tw:坦克要冬眠;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Appleoosa\'s Most Wanted', rule = 'Appleoosa\'s Most Wanted=>zh-cn:苹果鲁萨极恶通缉令;Appleoosa\'s Most Wanted=>zh-tw:追捕通緝犯;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord', rule = 'Make New Friends but Keep Discord=>zh-cn:新朋友 老无序;Make New Friends but Keep Discord=>zh-tw:無序的嫉妒;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone', rule = 'The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone=>zh-cn:狮鹫王国失落的宝藏;The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone=>zh-tw:鷹獅石失落的寶藏;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Slice of Life', rule = 'Slice of Life=>zh-cn:点滴人生;Slice of Life=>zh-tw:這就是生活;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Spike', rule = 'Princess Spike=>zh-cn:穗龙当家;Princess Spike=>zh-tw:穗龍公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Party Pooped', rule = 'Party Pooped=>zh-cn:派对难办;Party Pooped=>zh-tw:筋疲力盡的派對;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Amending Fences', rule = 'Amending Fences=>zh-cn:修复友谊;Amending Fences=>zh-tw:修補友誼之籬;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?', rule = 'Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?=>zh-cn:梦翼杀手;Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?=>zh-tw:公主之夢;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Canterlot Boutique', rule = 'Canterlot Boutique=>zh-cn:坎特洛特精品屋;Canterlot Boutique=>zh-tw:坎特拉精品店;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rarity Investigates!', rule = 'Rarity Investigates!=>zh-cn:名侦探珍奇;Rarity Investigates!=>zh-tw:珍奇探長;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Made in Manehattan', rule = 'Made in Manehattan=>zh-cn:马哈顿任务;Made in Manehattan=>zh-tw:梅哈頓地圖;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Brotherhooves Social', rule = 'Brotherhooves Social=>zh-cn:兄妹同心节;Brotherhooves Social=>zh-tw:兄弟趣味競賽;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crusaders of the Lost Mark', rule = 'Crusaders of the Lost Mark=>zh-cn:可爱标志远征记;Crusaders of the Lost Mark=>zh-tw:可愛標誌,任務成功;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows', rule = 'The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows=>zh-cn:碧琪与绝密惊喜;The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows=>zh-tw:碧琪與祕密驚喜;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Hearthbreakers', rule = 'Hearthbreakers=>zh-cn:共度暖心节;Hearthbreakers=>zh-tw:蘋果來過節;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Scare Master', rule = 'Scare Master=>zh-cn:吓人专家;Scare Master=>zh-tw:驚嚇大師;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'What About Discord?', rule = 'What About Discord?=>zh-cn:无序交友记;What About Discord?=>zh-tw:嫉妒的感覺;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Hooffields and McColts', rule = 'The Hooffields and McColts=>zh-cn:夙怨难解;The Hooffields and McColts=>zh-tw:世仇之戰;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Mane Attraction', rule = 'The Mane Attraction=>zh-cn:真心之歌;The Mane Attraction=>zh-tw:美聲天籟;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Cutie Re-Mark', rule = 'The Cutie Re-Mark=>zh-cn:时光回溯;The Cutie Re-Mark=>zh-tw:星光的復仇;', description = '' },
{ type = 'text', text = [[
==== 第六季 ====
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Crystalling', rule = 'The Crystalling=>zh-cn:水晶洗礼;The Crystalling=>zh-tw:水晶洗禮;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Gift of the Maud Pie', rule = 'The Gift of the Maud Pie=>zh-cn:灰琪的礼物;The Gift of the Maud Pie=>zh-tw:茉兒的禮物;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'On Your Marks', rule = 'On Your Marks=>zh-cn:可爱使命;On Your Marks=>zh-tw:各就各位;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Gauntlet of Fire', rule = 'Gauntlet of Fire=>zh-cn:烈焰试炼;Gauntlet of Fire=>zh-tw:烈燄競賽;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'No Second Prances', rule = 'No Second Prances=>zh-cn:恶名难洗;No Second Prances=>zh-tw:第一個好朋友;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Newbie Dash', rule = 'Newbie Dash=>zh-cn:新人云宝;Newbie Dash=>zh-tw:小菜鳥雲寶;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'A Hearth\'s Warming Tail', rule = 'A Hearth\'s Warming Tail=>zh-cn:暖心节传说;A Hearth\'s Warming Tail=>zh-tw:暖爐節傳說;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Saddle Row Review', rule = 'The Saddle Row Review=>zh-cn:开张幕后;The Saddle Row Review=>zh-tw:精品店開幕了;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Applejack\'s "Day" Off', rule = 'Applejack\'s "Day" Off=>zh-cn:一日闲暇;Applejack\'s "Day" Off=>zh-tw:瞎忙一整天;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flutter Brutter', rule = 'Flutter Brutter=>zh-cn:严师益姐;Flutter Brutter=>zh-tw:柔柔是大姊姊;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Spice Up Your Life', rule = 'Spice Up Your Life=>zh-cn:有滋有味;Spice Up Your Life=>zh-tw:美食人生;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Stranger Than Fan Fiction', rule = 'Stranger Than Fan Fiction=>zh-cn:秘境探险记;Stranger Than Fan Fiction=>zh-tw:神廟歷險;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Cart Before the Ponies', rule = 'The Cart Before the Ponies=>zh-cn:喧宾夺主;The Cart Before the Ponies=>zh-tw:小馬賽車;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = '28 Pranks Later', rule = '28 Pranks Later=>zh-cn:恶作剧惊变;28 Pranks Later=>zh-tw:惡作劇的代價;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Times They Are a Changeling', rule = 'The Times They Are a Changeling=>zh-cn:幻形灵时光;The Times They Are a Changeling=>zh-tw:幻形好友;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dungeons & Discords', rule = 'Dungeons & Discords=>zh-cn:无序与地下城;Dungeons & Discords=>zh-tw:桌遊歷險;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Buckball Season', rule = 'Buckball Season=>zh-cn:巴克球大赛;Buckball Season=>zh-tw:踢球比賽;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Fault in Our Cutie Marks', rule = 'The Fault in Our Cutie Marks=>zh-cn:可爱标志难题;The Fault in Our Cutie Marks=>zh-tw:尋找使命;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Viva Las Pegasus', rule = 'Viva Las Pegasus=>zh-cn:欲擒故纵;Viva Las Pegasus=>zh-tw:拉斯飛馬,萬歲;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Every Little Thing She Does', rule = 'Every Little Thing She Does=>zh-cn:不得要领;Every Little Thing She Does=>zh-tw:星光的友誼功課;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)', rule = 'P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)=>zh-cn:小马访谈;P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)=>zh-tw:各說各話;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Where the Apple Lies', rule = 'Where the Apple Lies=>zh-cn:一错再错;Where the Apple Lies=>zh-tw:撒不完的謊;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Top Bolt', rule = 'Top Bolt=>zh-cn:比翼凌云;Top Bolt=>zh-tw:菜鳥考驗;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'To Where and Back Again', rule = 'To Where and Back Again=>zh-cn:阴影再临;To Where and Back Again=>zh-tw:幻形族的反擊;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 其它 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Earth ponies', rule = 'zh-hans:陆马;zh-hant:陸馬;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Unicorns', rule = 'zh-hans:独角兽;zh-hant:獨角獸;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Pegasi', rule = 'zh-cn:飞马;zh-tw:飛馬;zh-hk:天馬;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Alicorns', rule = 'zh-hans:空角兽;zh-hant:神駒族;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Cutie Mark', rule = 'zh-cn:可爱标志;zh-hk:可愛標記;zh-tw:可愛標誌;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Elements of Harmony', rule = 'zh-cn:和谐之元;zh-tw:和諧水晶;zh-hk:和諧元素;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tree of Harmony', rule = 'zh-hans:和谐之树;zh-hant:和諧聖樹;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Pony Tones', rule = 'zh-hans:小马之声;zh-hant:夢之聲;zh-tw:美聲樂團', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Windigo', rule = 'zh-hans:风之魔;zh-hant:冬之靈;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = '\'\'A Hearth\'s Warming Tale\'\'', rule = 'zh-cn:《暖炉节颂歌》;zh-tw:《暖爐節傳說》;zh-hk:《暖心夜故事》;', description = '香港翻譯來自ViuTV' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Brony', rule = 'zh-cn:小马哥;zh-tw:小馬迷;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [=[
== 《[[彩虹小馬大電影]]》电影 ==
※ 待補充
]=] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'My Little Pony: The Movie', rule = 'zh-cn:小马宝莉大电影;zh-tw:彩虹小馬大電影;zh-hk:小馬寶莉大電影; zh-sg:彩虹小马大电影;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Seaquestria', rule = 'zh-cn:海马利亚;zh-tw:海底國;zh-hk:海馬國;', description = '港台均來自孩之寶官網' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Songbird Serenade', rule = 'zh-cn:莺歌夜曲;zh-hk:妙音希雅;zh-tw:妙音希雅;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tempest Shadow', rule = 'zh-cn:狂风将军;zh-hk:狂風指揮官;zh-tw:幻影;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Grubber', rule = 'zh-cn:格鲁伯;zh-hk:古霸;zh-tw:古霸;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Storm King', rule = 'zh-cn:风暴大王;zh-hk:風暴王;zh-tw:風暴王;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Capper', rule = 'zh-cn:卡普尔;zh-hk:卡珀;zh-tw:卡柏;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Captain Celaeno', rule = 'zh-cn:西拉诺船长;zh-hk:西林諾船長;zh-tw:西林諾船長;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Queen Novo', rule = 'zh-cn:诺沃女王;zh-hk:初心皇后;zh-tw:初心皇后;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Princess Skystar', rule = 'zh-cn:天星公主;zh-hk:天星公主;zh-tw:天星公主;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [=[
== 《[[彩虹小馬:小馬國女孩系列|小马国女孩]]》衍生电影系列 ==
※ 待補充

※ 除特別註名外,名稱根據「[[Wikipedia:命名常规#名从主人|名從主人]]」命名原則,台灣翻譯部分來自[https://www.hasbro.com/zh-hant-tw/brands/mylittlepony 孩之寶台灣]官網(雖然YOYOTV翻譯的是「魔法公主」,但孩之寶官方仍翻譯為小馬國女孩);香港翻譯來自[http://nowtv.now.com/now-select/C201009020000169/S201511240021644?lang=zh nowTV網站];内地方面只有[http://www.4399er.com/zixun/20141017-105530.html 部分网站]曾写过央视少儿频道播放过第一部,并译名为“小马宝莉:魔法公主”,而根據「CCTV-6」[http://tv.cctv.com/epg/index.shtml?date=2017-07-01 2017年7月1日節目單]和[http://tv.cctv.com/epg/index.shtml?date=2017-07-02 2017年7月2日節目單]可找出「小马宝莉:友谊大赛」和「小马宝莉:彩虹摇滚」這些譯名。
]=] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Equestria Girls', rule = '坎特拉女孩=>zh-cn:魔法公主;坎特拉女孩=>zh-tw:小馬國女孩;坎特拉女孩=>zh-hk:小馬國少女;', description = '根據「名從主人」命名原則,並未在任何官方網站/電視網站見過「坎特拉女孩」這一譯名' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Equestria Girls', rule = 'zh-cn:魔法公主;zh-tw:小馬國女孩;zh-hk:小馬國少女;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rainbow Rocks', rule = 'zh-hans:彩虹摇滚;zh-hant:彩虹搖滾;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'The Friendship Games', rule = 'zh-hans:友谊大赛;zh-hant:友誼競賽;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 角色 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sunset Shimmer', rule = 'zh-hans:余晖烁烁;zh-hant:落日霞光;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flash Sentry', rule = 'zh-hans:阿坤;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Flash (Sentry)', rule = 'zh-hans:阿坤;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Adagio', rule = 'zh-hans:艾达琪;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Sonata', rule = 'zh-hans:索娜塔;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dazzlings', rule = 'zh-hans:闪耀;', description = '在繁体版本出现后记得调为单向转换以避免过度转换' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Principal Celestia', rule = 'zh-hans:宇宙公主校长;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Vice Principal Luna', rule = 'zh-hans:月亮公主副校长;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Dean Cadance', rule = 'zh-hans:音韵主任;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Principal Cinch', rule = 'zh-hans:十拿九稳校长;', description = '简体版本虽然很奇怪,但就是这样翻译的' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 地名 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Canterlot High', rule = 'zh-hans:坎特洛特高中;zh-hant:坎特拉高中;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Crystal Prep Academy', rule = 'zh-hans:水晶预科学院;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [[
=== 其它 ===
]] },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Portal', rule = 'zh-hans:穿越门;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Fall Formal Princess', rule = 'zh-hans:秋礼服公主;zh-hant:秋之舞公主;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Siren', rule = 'zh-hans:海妖;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Canterlot High School Musical Showcase', rule = 'zh-hans:坎特洛特高中校园音乐节;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Battle of the Bands', rule = 'zh-hans:乐队之战;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rainbooms', rule = 'zh-hans:彩虹音爆;', description = '可能需要单向转换(避免和Sonic Rainboom重复)' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Illusions', rule = 'zh-hans:迷幻乐队;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Wondercolts', rule = 'zh-hans:闪电天马;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Shadowbolts', rule = 'zh-hans:暗影天马;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Everton Independent Study Program', rule = 'zh-hans:埃弗顿独立研究计划;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Everton (Independent Study Program)', rule = 'zh-hans:埃弗顿;', description = '' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Academic Decathlon', rule = 'zh-hans:学术十项全能;', description = '' },

{ type = 'text', text = [=[
== 相關人士譯名 ==

※ 譯名翻譯模式可參考[[中文译名]]
]=] },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Ashleigh Adele Ball', rule = 'zh-cn:阿什莉·阿黛·鲍尔; zh-tw:艾希莉·愛黛兒·波爾;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ashleigh (Adele) Ball', rule = 'zh-cn:阿什莉·鲍尔; zh-tw:艾希莉·波爾;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Ashleigh (Adele Ball)', rule = 'zh-cn:阿什莉; zh-tw:艾希莉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Ashleigh) Adele (Ball)', rule = 'zh-cn:阿黛; zh-tw:愛黛兒;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Ashleigh Adele) Ball', rule = 'zh-cn:鲍尔; zh-tw:波爾;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Andrea Libman', rule = 'zh-cn:安德烈娅·利布曼; zh-tw:安卓亞·李柏曼;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Andrea (Libman)', rule = 'zh-cn:安德烈娅; zh-tw:安卓亞;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Andrea) Libman', rule = 'zh-cn:利布曼; zh-tw:李柏曼;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Brian Goldner', rule = 'zh-cn:布赖恩·戈德纳; zh-tw:布萊恩·戈德納;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Brian (Goldner)', rule = 'zh-cn:布赖恩;zh-tw:布萊恩;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Brian) Goldner', rule = 'zh-cn:戈德纳;zh-tw:戈德納;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Daniel Ingram', rule = 'zh-cn:丹尼尔·英格拉姆;zh-tw:丹尼爾·英格蘭;zh-hk:丹尼爾·恩格林;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Daniel (Ingram)', rule = 'zh-cn:丹尼尔;zh-tw:丹尼爾;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Daniel) Ingram', rule = '英格拉姆=>zh-hk:恩格林;英格拉姆=>zh-tw:英格蘭;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Daniel) Ingram', rule = '恩格林=>zh-cn:英格拉姆;恩格林=>zh-tw:英格蘭;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Jayson Thiessen', rule = 'zh-cn:杰森·蒂森; zh-tw:傑森·提森;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Jayson (Thiessen)', rule = 'zh-cn:杰森;zh-hk:傑森;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Jayson) Thiessen', rule = 'zh-cn:蒂森;zh-hk:提森;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Kelly Sheridan', rule = 'zh-cn:凯莉·谢里登;zh-tw:凱莉·謝里丹;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Kelly (Sheridan)', rule = 'zh-cn:凯莉;zh-tw:凱莉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Kelly) Sheridan', rule = 'zh-cn:谢里登;zh-tw:謝里丹;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Meghan McCarthy', rule = 'zh-cn:梅根·麦卡锡; zh-tw:梅根·麥卡西;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Meghan (McCarthy)', rule = 'zh-cn:梅根;zh-hk:梅根;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Meghan) McCarthy', rule = 'zh-cn:麦卡锡;zh-hk:麥卡西;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Michael P. Fox', rule = 'zh-cn:迈克尔·P·福克斯; zh-tw:麥可·P·福克斯; zh-hk:米高·P·霍士; zh-sg:麦克·P·福克斯;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Nicole Oliver', rule = 'zh-cn:妮科尔·奥利弗; zh-tw:妮可·奧利佛;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Nicole (Oliver)', rule = 'zh-cn:妮科尔;zh-tw:妮可;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Nicole) Oliver', rule = 'zh-cn:奥利弗;zh-tw:奧利佛;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Rebecca Shoichet', rule = 'zh-cn:丽贝卡·萧伊凯特;zh-tw:蕾貝卡·蕭伊凱特;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Rebecca (Shoichet)', rule = 'zh-cn:丽贝卡;zh-tw:蕾貝卡;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Rebecca) Shoichet', rule = 'zh-cn:萧伊凯特;zh-tw:蕭伊凱特;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Tabitha (St.) Germain', rule = 'zh-cn:塔比莎·杰曼;zh-tw:塔碧莎·卓曼;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tabitha (St. Germain)', rule = 'zh-cn:塔比莎;zh-tw:塔碧莎;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Tabitha St.) Germain', rule = 'zh-cn:杰曼;zh-tw:卓曼;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Tara Strong', rule = 'zh-cn:塔拉·斯特朗;zh-tw:塔拉·史壯;' },
{ type = 'item', original = 'Tara (Strong)', rule = 'zh-cn:塔拉;zh-tw:塔拉;' },
{ type = 'item', original = '(Tara) Strong', rule = 'zh-cn:斯特朗;zh-tw:史壯;' },

{ type = 'item', original = 'Wil Fox', rule = 'zh-cn:维尔·福克斯; zh-tw:維爾·福克斯; zh-hk:維爾·霍士;' },

{ type = 'text', text = [=[
[[Category:ACG公共转换组模板|My Little Pony]]
]=] },